Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 111. Level 8 and Future City Handling.

Liu Shu felt that everything was going nicely. It had been around two years since she had become a World Tree, and from the small little thing that she had been, she was now a much taller and robust tree.

Her height had reached 18 meters, and she was already starting to be considered tall even among other nearby trees. 

Thanks to her height and the level of her <Willow Strike> and <Willow Strike Barrage>, her attack range had increased to an astounding 54 meters. 

Of course, if we counted the range of her root manipulation, her attack range could reach a distance similar to the further distance her wall trees could reach, which was 160 meters or so.

While it was no match for some siege tools, it was good enough not to be helpless.

Other than that, reaching Level 8 brought a qualitative change to her attributes as well.

During the last months, she had also made use of many skills, bringing big upgrades in general to her overall strength.


Name: Tianlian Liu Shu



<World Tree>


<Wonder Tree Building>

Hidden titles: [9]

Race: World Tree.

Energy Method: Basic World Energy Gathering (Gathers experience points*Level per day.)

Level: 8 [0/6980]

Aether Mana Shards: 12,480/12,480 (+450/Hour)

Phoer Body Shards: 18,310/18,310 (+650/Hour)

Anima Energy Shards: 12,640/12,640 (+456/Hour)

Attributes: Aether 124 (56+68), Physique 168 (72+96), Anima 131 (64+67), Willpower 150 (80+70), Destiny 800 (800)

Affinity Percentage: Aether Resonance (25), Physique Refinement (35), Anima Affinity (20)

Resistance Percentage: Aether Resistance (42), Physique Resistance (48), Spiritual Resistance (42), Mental Resistance (47)


<Enchanted Growth (E+ Rank level 4 [254,000/486,000])>

<Living Wood City (D- Rank Level 3 [11,500/839,900)>

<Nature's Gift (E Rank level 4 [112,000/248,900])>

<Willow Strike (F+ Rank level MAX)>

<Willow Strike Barrage (F+ Rank level MAX)>

<Land Modifying (E- Rank Level 4 [61,950/248,900])>

Passive Skills:

<World Tree Heart (A Rank Level 1 [0/589900])>

<World Tree Eye (C Rank level 2 [21,000/1,152,000])>

<World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank Level Max)>

<Charm of the Seedling (E- Rank Level 3 [30,750/105,000])>

<Root Manipulation (E+ Rank Level 3 [12,470/486,000])>

<Seedling World Builder Aura (E+ Rank Level 2 [14,800/144,000])>

<Mind Call (F+ Rank Level MAX)>

Accumulated Experience: 2890

Currency: Sylvanium Shards [250], Etherium Shards [0], Ascendium Shards [50], Celestium Shards [380], Cognium Shards [480].


Seeing the improvement in all her skills and stats, Liu Shu's branches danced around in glee. She couldn't believe that she could advance so much in such a short time.

For her, two years were nothing. So, reaching this far in such a short time was a blessing. Moreover, the shape of her trunk was much more noticeable than ever. By now, even the start of her womanly figure had started showing while her trunk was slightly twisting to make her look like a woman sitting and dipping her legs into the ground.

Somehow, Liu Shu was confident that her shape would become completely discernible at a glance by Level 10. Speaking of levels, if she gained around 15,000 more Experience points, leveling up to Level 10 wouldn't be a problem.

'But… How can I earn that many Experience Points? It is not like a quest will appear from nowhere and reward Experience Points, right?' 

Liu Shu paused after that statement, looking at the system page with an expectant face. '...Right?'

[System Hint: That will indeed not happen.]

The World Tree gazed at that message for a few seconds and answered with a flat tone. 'Oh.'

She sighed and closed the system page to look at her surroundings. The fairies were flying around the place as always, tending to the flowers and other vegetation. Even the houses and such needed tending since they were proper living beings with roots. 

The one reason they didn't need sewers or something similar was the ability of trees to absorb nutrients and decompose everything into energy and sustenance. 

Liu Shu's mindset was different from that of humans or other living beings, so she didn't find being able to digest waste as something nasty or unpleasant. For her, the important thing was the amount of nutrients in the food, as taste receptors were not really a thing.

When Liu Shu said that something was delicious, the meaning was closer to saying that it was nutritious. 

'Hm? What are these Myconids doing?'

Her gaze went into one of the houses, and she saw a few Myconids digging a hole, making her look on in a puzzled manner. 'I wonder what this tunnel is for.'

She didn't interrupt and continued observing with interest as the hole got deeper. Of course, there were plenty of roots in the way. Some were hers, others were from the Tree Houses. 

However, the Myconids would move them aside without damaging them. 'Hm… Are they now digging horizontally? For what?'

Flor's voice reached her, interrupting her observation. "Liu Shu, can you do something about this?"

'Hm?' The World tree was confused and asked. 'Do something about what?'

Flor asked, surprised. "You weren't looking?"

Liu Shu giggled. 'I was seeing how Myconids dig! Very interesting.'

Flor blinked twice. "Dig? Where are they digging?" 

Liu Shu explained what she saw, and Flor frowned. 'I'll need to check that out. Well, before that…' Flor pointed to her right in the direction of the Town Hall and said. "Please, stop the Sylvans before they enter a full blown brawl." 

While Flor managed to reach Level 14, she was not that confident in defeating these monstrous Level 9 Sylvans.

Liu Shu focused on her surroundings and quickly focused on the place Flor pointed at. 

Inside, Verdantia and Tempestria were looking at each other with cold faces while Cinderielle sat at the side eating some seeds. Tempestria spoke. "What sense does that make? We need to make this town profitable. You can't manage a charitable city as if the costs will be magically covered!!"

Verdantia argued. "I am not creating a charitable city! It's just that the residents are monsters for now. Do you think that creating an economic system is of any priority whatsoever? They are forest creatures that have difficulty conversing, not to mention managing riches! Moreover, it is not logical to use economic incentives instead of community-motivated labor because of the size of this small town."

Tempestria argued back. "It is because this place is small and only has monsters that you should start with economics and teach the monsters about it! If they don't learn now that the environment is 'protected,' when the real merchants arrive, they will be eaten alive! These monsters are somewhat intelligent, but only to the point of being able to maintain a conversation. Their planning abilities are grossly lacking, and I don't even know if they can learn to rationalize and plot! If they don't learn, in the future, they will just become third-class citizens while the town becomes 'another one' of the hundreds of towns surrounded by a World Tree."

Verdantia frowned. "While that's a fair point, you are being too pessimistic. Liu Shu's influence is much stronger than what you think, so with the monsters being privileged-."

Tempestria interrupted her. "You can't create a privileged monster class unless you want the entire world to look at you like a pest to be exterminated! Instead of us protecting the monsters, we need to make the monsters under us seem capable of living together with the current intelligent races. If you don't manage to do that, then they will think of us like barbarians who rely on a World Tree to prosper."

Tempestria's hair was blown by the wind, and her anger started appearing in her voice. "Do you think that such riches will go unnoticed for a long time? Eventually, they will come to light. Just this breakthrough berry alone is enough to cause a war, Miss Liferoot! A fruit that increases tiers? That's literally unheard of! Only very rare fruits that grow once every tens of years and are found in the wild have ever had similar effects. However, Shu'er can provide one of them every TWELVE DAYS. I won't speak about the <Mental Palace> berry and the others, which are as absurd."

Verdantia was silent and sighed. "Miss Tempestria, I know. I know everything you said. However, the intelligence of the Rose Fairies, Myconids, and Fire Ants is just lacking. Rose Fairies are suitable in several areas, but once they are out of those specialties, they are basically useless besides military value. At this pace, the second we open our borders to outside people, whatever economy that was ongoing in this area will be instantly swallowed by large organizations that have spare capital to invest."

Tempestria sighed and sat on a chair. "Then, what are your plans?"

Verdantia commented. "Centralizing."

Tempestria blinked. "Centralizing?"

Verdantia nodded. "I want to make Liu Shu the virtual leader of the town. Her ability to spy on anything that happens inside her domain is incredible. Her ability to process information and conversations is also superb. I wouldn't be surprised if she had been listening since the beginning. Even if she is focused on something else, the second she pays attention, her subconscious and conscious mind connect, making her understand the general gist of what has happened." 

Tempestria touched her chin. "So, you want to govern… wrong. You want to make the World Tree actually govern the city and be her assistant?"

Verdantia nodded. "Not only me. You, Cinderielle, Flor, Ignatia, Thallus, and the people who join us in the future will create a council that will help Liu Shu with decisions. However, in the end, all decisions lie on her."

Tempestria raised her eyebrow. "What if one day Liu Shu deems it appropriate to destroy the entire city and bury everyone she disliked?"

Verdantia's green eyes flashed with a dark light and spat. "Then, everyone dies. If they've made a World Tree as pure as Liu'er be disgusted enough to want to kill them, death is just a consequence." 

Tempestria smiled. "What if one day the people in the council rise against her?"

Cinderielle, who had not spoken until then, answered. "Kill. Whoever goes against Tiantian only deserves death. We are living in her territory out of her kindness, not the other way around. If someone doesn't like that, they can either leave the town or leave their life." 

Liu Shu, who had heard everything, answered. 'But governing looks like such a hassle. I don't want to do it!'

The three girls and Flor almost fell down even though they were seated. 

Tempestria coughed. "Well, she is quite young still… I wonder, how much do World Trees take to mature?"

All the people present suddenly blinked, becoming thoughtful. Cinderielle commented. "You know, I don't mind waiting and all, but… I don't want to be a few centuries old when I start. What if some of my beauty starts fading away at those ages?"

Verdantia commented. "I think that their mentality ages with levels, so… Level 18?"

The others deadpanned and looked at Verdantia with disbelief written all over their faces. Flor stated. "You've just invented that."

Verdantia smiled. "I did, but I don't want to wait that long, so I think it is good enough."

Flor sighed. "How about allowing her female-shaped-trunk to gain a mature form? Right now, she looks childish, right?"

Cinderielle nodded. "Childish but with a pair and curves that make her look mature." 

Verdantia spat. "Pervert."

Tempestria snorted. "Pollen head."

Flor sighed. "Seedling lover."

Cinderielle's eyebrows twitched several times, and she slammed the table, pointing at the grey-haired and green-haired Sylvans. "Don't tell me that you two didn't think about it!"

They both looked sideways, acting stupid, leaving Flor with several face spasms. 

Liu Shu giggled. 'I am glad you like my trunk's shape!'

Such a pure answer made all four clench their heart. 'My impure thoughts are too dirty to be directed at such a cute little thing!'


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