Ascension of the Silent Guardian

Chapter 13 – Magma Core

Tian Ling sat in a lotus position, focused on the instructions his master had given him about the elemental mystical realms. He needed to deeply understand the elements before he could start cultivating their Qi. His first goal: the Magma Mystical Realm.

"If I can master magma Qi, it will strengthen my foundation. But I have to be careful; this kind of Qi can be unstable."

As he prepared for the journey to the mystical realm, he sensed a familiar presence approaching. Jin Yu, one of his sect companions, drew near, her expression curious.

"Are you about to start cultivating the elements, Tian Ling?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with interest.

Tian Ling nodded, a slight smile on his face.

"Yes, I'm starting with magma Qi. I think it will be the most challenging."

Jin Yu smiled as she stepped closer. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking.

"Be careful. Magma Qi isn't something to play with. It's dangerous... but I believe you’ll be able to handle it." Her eyes met Tian Ling's for a brief moment, and he could feel the sincerity in her words.

"Thank you, Jin Yu," Tian Ling replied, appreciating her concern. "Maybe when I get back, we can train together. I'd like to test my new skills."

Jin Yu smirked, crossing her arms.

"Sure. But don’t think you’ll surpass me that easily!"

They both laughed briefly, the tension fading away. The connection between them was clear, but Tian Ling knew he still had much to learn before truly understanding his own feelings. However, he did feel something different when he was with Jin Yu, and that feeling motivated him even more.

After their brief conversation, Tian Ling refocused on his task. He needed to enter the Magma Mystical Realm, where magma Qi was abundant. The realm was known for its harsh conditions: rivers of lava, molten mountains, and explosive energy dominating the landscape. If he wasn't careful, he could easily be consumed by its destructive energy.

"[Entering the Magma Mystical Realm...]" the system informed him in its usual tone. Tian Ling found it strange. Why hadn't the system warned him when he entered the mystical realm to transcend the tribulation?

As soon as he entered, he was instantly enveloped by oppressive heat. Around him, the ground was littered with volcanic rocks, and the air shimmered with the intensity of the heat. In the distance, rivers of lava cut through the landscape, and occasional explosions echoed from the distant mountains.

"So this is the Magma Realm..." he thought, feeling the raw power of the place. He knew his strength would be tested here. The magma burned everywhere, and he needed to start absorbing the Qi without losing control.

Closing his eyes, Tian Ling began to focus. He visualized the flow of Qi around him, trying to feel it, and slowly, the heat began to seep into his body. The scorching energy was difficult to control, but he had expected that.

Every drop of magma Qi he absorbed felt like it was igniting a flame inside him. The pain was intense, but Tian Ling remained steady. He knew that to master this power, he had to endure the searing heat and make it part of himself.

After hours of intense concentration, he opened his eyes and realized he had absorbed a small amount of Qi. His body was still adjusting to the fiery energy, but he could feel the power beginning to stabilize within him.

He decided to test his abilities. With a swift movement, Tian Ling concentrated the magma Qi in his hands, forming an intense flame around his palm. The flame burned with tremendous force, and he could feel the energy ready to explode, but he managed to keep it under control.

"I still need more practice, but I’m on the right track." He smiled, feeling that this was only the first step of his long training with the elements.

"[Magma Qi absorbed: 4%. Initial progress made.]"

Tian Ling was amazed again. "Can the system monitor my progress? Is this because I’ve reached the Spiritual Core Realm?" He was full of unanswered questions, but he was satisfied. Now, he could track his progress.

Back at the sect, Jin Yu watched from a distance, looking at the spot where Tian Ling used to train. She couldn't help but think about him and how quickly he was progressing. A part of her felt motivated to keep up with his growth, but another part wondered how far he would go. Does he even know how strong he could become?

She clenched her fists, determined. I can’t fall behind either.

Tian Ling remained in his lotus position in the Magma Mystical Realm. The oppressive heat around him seemed to have become an extension of his own breathing as he continued slowly absorbing the magma Qi. His progress was steady, but there was no rush. He knew this process would not be quick and that his strength would only consolidate with time and patience.

Days turned into weeks, and soon the weeks gave way to months. Tian Ling realized that magma Qi, with its volatile and explosive nature, required more than just sheer willpower. Every new drop of Qi he absorbed had to be tamed and harmonized with his spiritual core. The magma energy tried to escape, and with each failure to control it, he felt his body burning from within.

"[Magma Qi absorbed: 15%. Progress continuing.]"

The system's voice interrupted his thoughts from time to time, updating him on his progress. Despite the slow pace, Tian Ling remained focused. He knew this journey would take years, and there was no shortcut. The Magma Realm, with its flaming mountains and rivers of lava, was not just a landscape; it was a reflection of the inner challenge he faced.

Three years had passed, and Tian Ling remained immersed in the Magma Realm. His senses were sharper than ever, and his body, now more resistant to the extreme heat, bore the burden of the magma Qi with more ease. However, the absorption process was still a test of patience.

He had learned that magma Qi moved in bursts, and controlling these internal explosions was key to his progress. Each advance seemed to come with a new burst of power that he had to tame before continuing. It was a slow but necessary cycle.

"[Magma Qi absorbed: 60%. Significant progress.]"

Tian Ling slowly opened his eyes, feeling the difference in his own energy. Although he was still far from 100%, the magma Qi now flowed through his body with less resistance, almost as if it were an extension of himself. I haven't mastered it completely, but the control is improving, he reflected as he observed the fiery environment around him.

The magma bubbled in the depths of the nearby craters, as if reacting to his growth. Tian Ling knew he couldn’t underestimate the power he had yet to conquer, and the constant reminder of the challenge kept him humble and focused.

Another year passed...

Tian Ling had become an integral part of the environment around him. The heat that once threatened to consume him now flowed through him like a calm river. The magma Qi had become part of his body, his essence. Four years had passed since he began cultivating the element, and now, he was on the verge of completing the process.

"[Magma Qi absorbed: 90%. Almost there...]"

The system’s message was clear, and Tian Ling could feel that the decisive moment was approaching. He knew that the final step would be the hardest. Absorbing the last 10% of magma Qi would not only test his strength but also his endurance and control.

Closing his eyes, he focused once more. The energy around him was intense, almost wild. Even after years, the magma Qi retained its explosive and volatile nature, trying to escape his control with every new flow he absorbed.

Tian Ling took a deep breath, controlling the pain that came with each internal explosion. His body burned from within, but he remained steadfast, remembering everything he had learned. Magma wasn’t just destructive; it was also a symbol of transformation. Just like molten rock that becomes stronger as it cools, Tian Ling knew he had to endure this process to emerge more powerful.

Hours passed, and then, finally, he felt the change. The magma Qi flowed perfectly through his body. The intense heat had transformed into a stable, controlled energy.

"[Magma Qi absorbed: 100%. Magma element cultivation complete.]"

Tian Ling slowly opened his eyes. He could feel the difference. The power of magma was fully integrated into his spiritual core, and his foundation was now much stronger. He stood up, surveying the environment around him. The Magma Mystical Realm seemed calmer now, as if it recognized that he had mastered the element that ruled this place. He also realized that cultivating an elemental core had only elevated his realm to the third level of the Spiritual Core Realm; the True Soul Realm was still distant, but not unreachable.

Without looking back, Tian Ling prepared to leave the realm. His next challenge would be to cultivate the other elements, but he knew he was ready.

When Tian Ling returned to the Serene Mist Sect, almost four years had passed. The sect's environment seemed unchanged, but he knew that inside, he had changed drastically. As he walked through the courtyard, he saw Jin Yu training alone, as usual.

She quickly noticed him, but instead of stopping her training, she exaggerated her movements as if she were showing off. When she finished, she turned with a playful smile.

"Look who’s back!" Jin Yu exclaimed, her voice light and full of energy as she casually sheathed her sword. "So, how was playing with lava for four years? Are you going to tell me you can melt rocks just by looking at them now?"

Tian Ling chuckled softly. Jin Yu always managed to break any tension, and he appreciated that after so much time focused and isolated in the Magma Realm.

"Not quite at that level yet, but it was quite the test," he replied, feeling the weight of the difference in their levels. He was still at the third level of the Spiritual Core Realm, while Jin Yu hadn’t even broken into that realm. The disparity was evident, but it never bothered him, and he knew Jin Yu didn’t mind either.

Jin Yu stepped closer, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"I have to admit, I thought you’d come back covered in ash or something." She observed him with that same playful look. "So, mighty magma cultivator, how about we spar a little? Maybe I’ll manage to give you a beating... even with all that new power of yours."

Tian Ling smiled, shaking his head. He appreciated her easygoing attitude, but he knew well the difference between them.

Jin Yu might be joking, but the truth is, we’re in completely different leagues now. Even though I haven't advanced much in the Spiritual Core Realm, the distance between us has only grown over these years, he thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. Their relationship was lighthearted, and there was no need to bring up power levels now.

"Maybe one day, but it wouldn’t be fair right now. I’m still getting used to all this." He smiled calmly, avoiding an unnecessary competition.

Jin Yu pulled a playful face, lightly pushing his arm.

"Oh, come on! You know I’d love to test all that power of yours. Who knows, I might even surprise you."

Tian Ling laughed, enjoying the lightness of the moment. Even though he knew Jin Yu wasn’t a match for him now, she had something he respected: the determination to keep pushing forward, no matter the difficulties.

"I’ll remember that, but I’ll make sure to train hard for when that day comes." He gave her a calm smile as he started to walk away.

Jin Yu grinned widely, placing her hands on her hips.

"You better train a lot then! Who knows, I might beat you next time."

As he walked away, Tian Ling reflected for a moment. Even with all this new power, it’s funny how small moments like this can bring a sense of normality...

He knew cultivation was a solitary journey, but moments like these reminded him that there was more to life than the pursuit of power. The connection with Jin Yu, even if subtle, was something that kept him grounded in reality.

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