Archon of Danmachi

Hunt For Evilus XIII

Tiona's temper was also quite fiery and being Tione's twin sister, she knew exactly how to cause maximum damage.

"I was just trying to save you from the harsh truth that I've successfully got the man I love in such a short time after I truly fell for him while did not make a single itty bit of progress in years!"

The entire place immediately fell into total and utter silence.

'Ice cold.' Nox internally cringed.

'Ruthless.' Aisha thought.

'Savage." Lili pitied Tione.

And the others' thoughts ran much along that line as well, Tiona had truly hit her sister where it hurt the most, her failed prospects in love.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-" Tione could not even get any words out due to sheer shock at the words out of her sister's mouth.

The reason however, was not the insult in the words but the truth in them, that was why they were so effective and why Tiona now had an infinitely smug look on her face as if she was immensely satisfied over finally being able to brag to her sister about her own success in love.

"You've already gone that far!?" Tione finally got her words out with a critical question.

"All that is missing is the very last step." Tiona kept bragging. There was no such thing as marriage in Amazoness culture so sex was the last step in a relationship and the only one left for she to go through with Nox.

Tione felt like fainting from shock. Her innocent sister, ignorant of the ways of love, had actually beat her when it came to getting a man. Even if she was obviously sharing which was a minus in Tione's heart, the truth did not change. Tiona had gotten a man before she had.

Nox and his girls were quite amused at the sudden turn of the conversation, all that was missing was some nice snacks and some drinks to go along with the show.

Finn on the other hand, was not that amused with the sudden change of topicas the previous one was of far greater importance in his mind at least.

"Can we get back to more important matters?" He interjected with satisfaction clear in his voice.

If it was someone else speaking those words, Tione would have already complained sand fired back but as it was finn she just bottled up her discontent though displeased she was. Tiona just snickered at her sister's dilemma but Nox changed the matter of the conversation back like Finn requested.

"I believe there is nothing more to discuss on that end." Or at least he moved back to the matter long enough to say there was nothing else to talk about in regards to it.

"You said there is an Evilus connection so I have a stake in this, many other adventurers do in fact." Finn argued.

"This is my operation and I don't need anyone else mucking it up. I have the people and the resources to make it work without any uncertain elements making it harder to manage." Nox countered.

"You can't underestimate Evilus, not their strength nor their methods, how far they are willing to go." Finn cautioned.

"I'm well aware but I'm also very well informed, more so than you so there is no need for you to worry." Nox allayed his concerns or tried to at least. Finn however was not quite so easily convinced.

He seemed like he wanted to pose some other counter argument but Nox was already tired of arguing a pointless point if such a thing even existed.

"Look. If my team can't pull it off, specially with the information i possess, than no one else in Orario can and adding more people will only make a mess of things especially If I can not trust them to follow my orders to the letter." Nox explained things in greater detail.

Finn might not like such an explanation but it was one even he could not easily refute, after all, Nox's group was one composed of several extremely powerful adventurers, the highest leveled in orario in fact.

"Fine but I want to know if anything goes wrong after things go down." Finn compromised.

"That's only fair, I need to give all a heads up in that case but I assure you it won't happen." Nox agreed.

"Now that that is dealt with, let us get back to our normal routines. Ais, make sure you stick to more frequented areas in the dungeon so that that Fells character can easily reach you okay?" He added.

Ais nodded in understanding and so did the others who had no special assignments..

"Ryuu, stay behind please. I've got something to talk to you about." Nox called out.

Since he had been unable to figure out just what was up with Revis, only that it was somehow related to Ryuu, Nox decided to go straight to the elf, project his memories through a spell he cooked up once while he was bored and try to see if she picked up on anything.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was about to get far more than he bargained for and Ryuu in particular was about to get one of the most trauma reviving images of her life projected straight into her mind making sure she would relive them over and over.

Alas, neither Nox nor Ryuu knew what exactly was about to go down as he pulled her to the side and let her know what was up.

"What is it?" Ryuu inquired with a curious gaze.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is:  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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