Arcane Innovator

Chapter 91: Silent Observation

After we returned to the mansion, it was already too late to go hunting, so I put it off for tomorrow, but that didn't mean I would be idling for the rest of the day. On the contrary, I had a crucial task in mind, a task that I didn't dare to delegate to anyone but myself.

In light of the previous events and the heat that will undoubtedly come our way after our latest scheme comes to light, I desperately needed some guards to protect our secrets and, most importantly, my sister from any harm that could come our way.

For a moment, I considered going through the same agency where I got all my servants, as that would be the easiest solution. But I quickly discarded that idea as that would mean putting our safety in the hands of the Baroness de Fleur.

And I didn't trust that woman one bit, especially in such a sensitive matter. Thus, the only option was to take things into my own hands and look for someone myself.

However, that was easier said than done. I had no idea where to start. Where does one go to look for suitable guards? Particularly those who I could trust. Finding someone like that seemed all but an impossible endeavor.

Still, it needed to be done, so I had to figure it out somehow. The most common approach seems to be hiring mercenaries, as I saw many merchants do so in the past.

But that was also something I was reluctant to do since mercenaries cared only about money, so I couldn't count on them to put their lives on the line for me, not to mention there was a risk of someone overpaying them to double cross me.

Now that I think about it, the best option would probably be to approach some beast hunters who had bad luck recently and were currently without means and desperate for a job.

Not that I would trust them more, but they at least had some sense of honor and duty, so they would be less likely to betray me.

'Alright, but how to go about it?' I thought somberly. It was not like I could just go and approach someone randomly on the street, as that would be seen as extremely rude.

But then I remembered a particular large inn close to the southern gates, which I knew was frequented by beast hunters. 'Hmm. I guess it's worth a try...' I thought with a slight reluctance.

I looked out of the window of my room, and I could see plenty of daylight left. Since I had already decided, I promptly informed my servants that I had some dealings outside and would probably be late for dinner, so they shouldn't wait for me.

I then donned modest clothes to not draw attention and headed toward the Southern Quarter to try and see if I could find someone who would fit the bill of a competent guard.

I trudged down the cobblestone path with purposeful steps. Before long, I found myself standing in front of a sizable building.

Drawing a deep breath, I steadied myself and pushed open the creaking door. The air inside was heavy with the smell of booze and smoke, and it momentarily overwhelmed my sensitive senses.

A few people threw me guarded looks, and I quickly broke out of my stupor. While clearing my throat from all that smoke, I quickly made my way toward the counter.

All around me, the roars of laughter loudly echoed across the hall, and lively conversation could be heard around various tables.

The mead flowed freely, and I smiled pleasantly as I knew this inn was one of the places my new meadery was delivering. I watched as the innkeeper filled several mugs with the golden liquid to the brim before providing them to the eager patrons.

A subtle smile appeared on my lips as I was delighted to see the business booming - all the more profit for me.

I sat at a corner table and, too, ordered a pint of mead to avoid appearing suspicious, although I didn't plan on drinking as I wanted to keep my head clear. Instead, I carefully observed the hall and paid close attention to the people present.

My gaze swept across the hall, taking in every detail. The local patrons were a rough bunch. Most of them were hulking brutes, their muscles straining against tight-fitting clothes. Some of them could be found in the embrace of women of questionable character while making lewd gestures.

I didn't flinch from what I saw; after all, those were quite common sights in this part of the town, and I was not one to judge how people spend their time.

I could also see multiple people with worn-out clothes who were gloomily staring at the bottom of their mugs, looking miserable.

Still, I didn't approach anyone yet as I wanted to avoid any simple muscle-head. I needed someone who could also think for himself and wouldn't be easily deceived.

It was already close to the evening before I narrowed my selection to several people who looked promising.

One of them, a man with a bushy beard and a scar running down his cheek, caught my eye. He looked like he'd seen his fair share of battles, but there's a certain glint in his eye that suggests he's more than just a mindless brute.

I watch as he downs his mug of ale and slams it down on the table, grinning at his companions.

"Don't worry, Brunhilde. I know we had a streak of bad luck recently, but with your tracking skills, I'm sure we will make a good catch soon..."

"I'm always astonished by your boundless optimism, Jorn, but I'm afraid that won't pay our bills..." A young woman sitting beside him replied with a raised eyebrow.

I looked at the scene with interest. Just the fact that they had a woman in their party must mean that she is a very capable one, as only a very few women could ever hope to push through such a harsh environment as the Beast Hunter's Guild.

And the fact that the man Jorn picked her up must mean he has a keen eye for choosing his subordinates. But then I chuckled to myself. Unless... She employed her womanly assets to secure the spot in their party.

But the way they talked and the fact that the woman Brunhilde was far from a feminine beauty spoke against this theory.

A few other people, who were presumably other party members, also sat around their table. They all looked like competent fighters, so I simply smiled and stood up from my seat, heading toward them... before promptly passing them up and leaving the place altogether.

I, of course, wouldn't take a first impression as a certainty. Before I approach them with my offer, for real, I'm going to run a much more thorough background check on them. Today, I was simply gathering information.

I already remembered their names and faces. That was enough, as this was something I couldn't mess up by acting rashly. Thus, I tightened the edge of my coat closer to my neck as it was getting cold this late in autumn, and headed back home.


Early in the morning the next day, I sent a message to my good friend Alaric asking for a meeting on a certain private matter. Then, I ordered my driver to prepare the horses.

Soon, we were on our way to the city's forest as I wanted to make a real feast for my father, who was scheduled to arrive in the city by tomorrow.

I also sent a word to Aunt Ingrid informing her I was planning a dinner and that they were invited too.

Still, they turned down my invitation, probably thanks to Konrad, who bears quite heavily my recent accomplishments and my sudden rise in status. He heartily avoids me at every opportunity while slandering me at every turn.

Seeing such petty behavior from him, I only smiled, as that was just how he was. My aunt probably didn't want to add fuel to the fire by accepting my invitation, so it would be just Helga, me, our father, and also Theo, who ended up staying with me permanently for now as his family bears especially heavily his expulsion from the Guild.

His father particularly was very angry with him. He kicked him out of the house until he begged Chancellor Leopold for forgiveness and his reinstatement into the Guild.

Something Theo didn't want to do thanks to his pride and also the fact that only a few weeks with me already broadened his horizons regarding Alchemy more than all the previous years studying under his master from the Guild so he didn't have any regrets.

This early in the morning, the traffic was light, so we very soon arrived at the edge of the forest, and I ordered the driver to stop and wait for me there. This close to the city was still pretty safe, so I wasn't worried he would be attacked or anything.

I quickly disappeared into the underbrush, and immediately, I could feel the soft moss spring under my feet, and the sounds of birds chirping filled me with familiarity and peace. 'Ah, it's good to be back...'

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