Arcane Innovator

Chapter 67: The Game had Changed

'Ugh, what a crazy night!' I thought incredulously as I woke up the next morning. In my head, I could still smell the Baroness's overwhelming perfume. Luckily, I managed to slip away from her before things could get dangerous.

The one to save me was none other than Jenny. By now, I was starting to think that she must be my guardian angel. She came over at the exact moment when the Baroness became a little bit too touchy for my liking.

Jenny being the naive girl that she was, when presented with Elisa's forwardness, her cheeks instantly turned deep crimson, and she stuttered awkwardly, prompting the Baroness to turn her head toward her in displeasure.

I promptly used this wonderful opportunity to slip out of her reach and quickly grabbed Jenny's small hand while hurriedly apologizing to Elisa that I had something important that I needed to talk with Jenny about, and before the naughty Baroness had a chance to retort, I quickly bolted away while pulling Jenny away with me.

When things calmed down somewhat, Jenny shyly told me she wanted to thank me for keeping her company when everyone else was shunning her back at the Measuring. I simply smiled at her, telling her that it was not a big deal, before quickly slipping away from the party altogether to avoid any further encounters with either Sir Roderick or the naughty Baroness...

I was fairly certain that the old wizard wouldn't get dissuaded so easily and would keep pestering me. Thus, I needed to act quickly. Right after a small breakfast, I started heading out toward the Merchant's Guild to place an order for a magic tutor.

The process was pretty straightforward. I added a note that I would prefer a graduate of the Grand Tower, and after paying a small fee, it was done. Now there is nothing but to wait and see if someone is available...

'I also need to deal with that other invitation I got...' I reluctantly realized.


A few days have passed, and I am now standing in front of Myra's family residence once again wearing my best clothes. After I accepted the Vogt's dinner invitation, we very quickly settled on a date that worked for both of us.

I noticed with amusement how respectfully he now addressed me, although he didn't want to do anything with me just a few weeks ago.

I knocked on the wooden doors of the residence, and the familiar head of Sebastian greeted me. His previously haughty demeanor toward me seemed to have also completely changed as he smiled at me politely and offered a slight bow as he gestured for me to come in.

I was led to a large dining room where I had never been before, and I saw the whole family already seated and apparently waiting for me. Myra happily smiled at me as I entered the room. Her parents beckoned to me, and I greeted them politely. Lady Joana, Myra's mother, offered me a radiant smile, clearly pleased with my manners.

"Welcome, Darian." Joana greeted me with a gracious nod.

"Ah, there you are!" Myra's father exclaimed, rising from his seat at the head of the table. His name is Elmar, but I still keep thinking about him by his title of Vogt most of the time, as it is easier to remember.

"Thank you for inviting me," I replied with a smile. "It is an honor to be here."

I approached the table, conscious of the weight of my newfound status and the expectations that came with it. I settled at one end of the table opposite Master Elmar, feeling the weight of the ornate chair against my back.

Soon, dinner was being served. The conversation flowed with the usual polite small talk. The dinner was quite a sumptuous feast, with many exotic dishes being served. I raised my eyebrows a few times, imagining how much this must have cost them...

Although it couldn't compare to the grandeur of Sir Roderick's party, it was still outside of what most commoners could easily afford. I smirked amusingly in my head at such an obvious attempt to win my favor after the recent events, but I didn't let anything show on my face.

We chatted during the dinner, and I shared with them my intent of buying a house in the Western Quarter so that we will probably be neighbors very soon.

"You want to buy a house, and in the Western District no less...?" Joana inquired.

"Yes, that is true. My current accommodation is becoming quite inadequate for my needs as of late..." I replied.

I could see Myra's eyes sparkling with interest. She is probably imagining that we would be able to spend a lot more time together if I moved to the same quarter.

We continued the conversation. Lady Joana wanted to know everything I was up to lately. I gave her mostly generic answers because I wanted to keep most of what I was doing a secret.

After dinner, Elmar invited me to join him in his office for a private conversation. I already knew what to expect, as we had the same kind of conversation in the past. However, now it seems the roles have reversed. It was Master Elmar who seemed nervous and unsure.

As we settled into the elegant armchairs, Elmar regarded me thoughtfully. "Myra speaks highly of you, and your recent exploits do not go unnoticed."

"I'm sure she does." I smiled brightly at him. I was kind of enjoying this.

The sudden and unfortunate demise of Chubby and his family hit Elmar especially hard. It turned out that Chubby's father was, in fact, Elmar's most important business partner, so the aftermath of the whole situation hit his own business quite hard.

And now that I am rich and important thanks to my recently discovered magical talent, Elmar's attitude toward me seems to flip completely. 'He is probably thinking of using our friendship with Myra to bind me to his family and help him elevate his own status...' I thought with amusement.

But tough luck for him. I'm not the little, naive kid I was back in the village, oblivious to the way this society works. If he wants me to forget how he treated me like some trash not worthy of seeing his daughter, then it will take a lot more than a fancy dinner for me to forgive him...

I leaned back in the armchair, crossing one leg over the other, exuding an air of confidence. Elmar cleared his throat, his eyes darting nervously between me and the papers on his desk.

"Darian," he began, his voice slightly strained, "I must admit that I have underestimated you in the past. Your recent rise in status and your excellent talent for investing... have made me reconsider my previous judgments."

I arched an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Oh, really? And what judgments might those be, Master Elmar?"

He sighed heavily, his gaze finally meeting mine. "I admit, I saw you as nothing more than a hindrance to Myra's future. But seeing the way you've grown and the influence you now hold... I now understand the potential you possess."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Elmar's attempts at flattery were transparent, but I played along. "Should I take it that I'm now allowed to see Myra once again?"

"Oh, of course! You can see her as much as you like." Elmar replied, clearly pleased by the course of the conversation.

From the expectant look on his face, it almost seems like he wants something more than a simple visit to happen. I guess it would be quite advantageous if he could bind me to his family.

"Darian," he continued, his voice growing more earnest, "I have a proposition for you. My business suffered greatly after that unfortunate incident..."

'Ah, here we go...' I leaned forward, a hint of curiosity entering my expression. "Go on," I urged, pretending to be intrigued.

Elmar hesitated for a moment before continuing, choosing his words carefully. "You see, with your newfound magical talent and your rising position, I believe we could form a mutually beneficial partnership. If you were to align yourself with our family and use your position to aid our business ventures..."

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Elmar's desperation had led him to reveal his true intentions. He sought to exploit my powers for his personal gain. Myra's presence in his proposition was merely a facade, a means to an end.

I leaned back, allowing a silence to settle between us. Elmar squirmed in his chair, clearly uncomfortable with my attitude. After a while, I said mockingly, "Master Elmar, I find your proposition rather intriguing," deliberately drawing out each word.

"But I must be clear about one thing. My loyalty lies with myself and my ambitions alone. If I were to consider this partnership, it would be on my terms, with my interests at the forefront."

Elmar's face fell, his desperation now evident. He stammered, searching for the right words to regain control of the conversation. "Darian, I assure you, I only wish what is best for you and my family... With your talents and my resources, we could achieve anything we set our sights on."

I raised a hand, cutting him off. "Save your desperate pleas, Master Elmar. I have no interest in binding myself to your family. I want to forge my own path. If you wish to enter into a partnership with me, it will be under my terms and with my goals in mind. Is that understood?"

Elmar's face contorted. "You... you arrogant fool! How dare you speak to me in such a manner? You were nothing before the magic found you!"

I looked at him with a grin, amusement dancing in my eyes. "Ah, Master Elmar, you were such an imposing figure to me back in the village, but look at you now..."

I rose from the chair, striking a confident pose. "Thank you for the invitation and the dinner, Master Elmar. But I'm afraid our conversation ends here. I have no interest in being your pawn, no matter how dire your situation may be."

As I made my way back to my apartment, I couldn't help but relish in the power I now held over those who had once looked down on me. The game had changed, and I was determined to play it by my own rules.

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