Arcane: Begging for Help in a Parallel Universe!

Chapter 104: Money Talks, and I’ve Got Plenty!

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"You want me?"

Lucian sat back down at the table, his brow furrowed.

"What can I do for you? I'm just a Sentinel wandering between the living and the dead, a hunter of vengeance."

"I'm not asking you to pick cotton," Link chuckled, then waved over a scantily clad waitress.

The waitress sauntered over, her voice husky as she asked, "What can I get you, handsome?"

"Cheesecake!" Neeko immediately raised her hand.

Any time, any place, cheesecake was Neeko's top choice!

"Sorry, sweetie, we don't have anything that fancy here," the waitress said with an apologetic shrug. "We've got some cheese bread, though. It's not great, but it's something."

"I'll take it!" Neeko insisted. The waitress glanced at Link, who nodded.

"Get her some cheese bread. If you have jam or icing, add some on top."

"Also, get my friend here a strong drink and some local snacks."

"As for me, just a glass of water will do."

Link casually flicked a gold coin toward the waitress, who whistled in appreciation.

"Coming right up, sir."

The waitress gave Link a slight bow, her ample cleavage threatening to spill out of her flimsy top.

Link averted his gaze. Waitresses in places like this often doubled as prostitutes.

He simply waved her off.

Sensing Link's disinterest, the waitress shrugged and headed back to the counter to place the order.

"The knowledge, skills, and identity you possess as a Sentinel of Light are incredibly valuable to me. But most importantly, it's your understanding of the Black Mist that I need," Link explained. "You're often in Bilgewater, so you must know Gangplank."

"A despicable pirate," Lucian nodded. Though he hadn't crossed paths with Gangplank, he'd heard of the man's infamy.

"I killed him," Link said casually, causing Lucian's eyes to widen.

"After the Pirate King's death, he left behind a lot of things—territory, treasure, ships, and more."

"But what I want is this city," Link tapped the table. Lucian frowned.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"A lot, actually," Link said. "You're a Sentinel of Light, an expert on the Black Mist and the Harrowing. If I want Bilgewater, I need to demonstrate the power to resist the Harrowing and earn the city's trust."

"And you can help me with that."

"How?" Lucian asked, already guessing Link's intentions.

"I need you to train my agents so they're not completely helpless during the Harrowing," Link explained. "I also need relic weapons for research."

"Research?" Lucian's frown deepened.

"I told you, I'm a scientist. I'm dedicated to research and the pursuit of truth," Link said. "Relic weapons are a fascinating subject, and they're exclusively used by the Sentinels of Light. So—" Link tilted his head toward Lucian.

"Relic weapons are the Sentinels' lifeline. I can't just hand them over," Lucian said firmly.

"How about an annual sponsorship of one million gold coins?" Link raised a finger, leaving Lucian speechless.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Lucian asked, his voice tinged with anger.

"No, no, I'm offering to sponsor the entire Sentinel organization," Link clarified. "The Sentinels may be a secret society, but you still need food, shelter, and supplies, right?"

Link leaned forward. "I'll sponsor your organization, and in return, you share your knowledge and technology with me. Relic weapons would be a bonus."

"I can't make that decision," Lucian shook his head.

"Then find someone who can," Link said. "If you're unsure about me, we can start with a preliminary collaboration. You can judge my sincerity through my actions."

"After the Harrowing, we can discuss this further."

Lucian fell silent, and Link didn't push him.

When the waitress returned with their orders, Link picked up his glass of water, sniffed it, and set it back down without drinking.

"I can collaborate with you, in a personal capacity," Lucian finally said after a long silence. "I'll help you train your agents and fight the Harrowing. But—"

"I get it, I get it," Link nodded. "Your beloved, right?"

Lucian's lips tightened, and Link smiled. "The easiest way to bring Senna back is to destroy Thresh's lantern."

"But..." Lucian's eyes filled with doubt. "If the lantern is destroyed, wouldn't Senna..."

"I told you, Senna is a special existence pursued by the Black Mist. But have you ever wondered why?" Link wiped the syrup from Neeko's mouth with a handkerchief and asked Lucian, "What is it about Senna that makes the Black Mist chase her?"

Lucian was stunned. He shook his head.

"It's simple," Link said, tucking the handkerchief back into his pocket. "Senna has something inside her that the Black Mist desires."

"That thing is what makes the Black Mist chase her eternally. But it's also what gives her a portion of the Black Mist's power."

"So," Link tilted his head toward Lucian, who murmured, "If I destroy Thresh's lantern, Senna might return."

"Exactly, you've got it," Link nodded.

Lucian fell into deep thought. Knowing the answer didn't mean he could achieve it. Thresh's cunning and cruelty were beyond mortal comprehension.

"You can't destroy the lantern, can you?" Link voiced Lucian's concern.

Lucian nodded, clenching his fists. "I don't have the confidence to do it."

"What if I told you I could?" Link asked. "What would you offer in return?"

Lucian looked up, his eyes burning with determination.

"If you can help me, I'll give you everything."

"Then—" Link snapped his fingers, and Pride materialized from his attachments, landing on the ground and causing chaos in the tavern. "Let me show you the power of science!"

Lucian was visibly shocked by the sudden appearance of Pride.

"What... what is this?"

"My creation, my firstborn, my power," Link said calmly.

Lucian swallowed hard, while Neeko looked up at Pride, her face smeared with syrup, her eyes filled with curiosity.

So big, so cool, I want to be friends!

"Pride," Link called, and the construct bowed. "Father."

"Stop time and bring me his guns."

"As you wish, Father."

A dial appeared above Pride's head, and time froze. Everything came to a standstill as Pride retrieved Lucian's guns and handed them to Link.

Link examined the relic weapons as time resumed.

Lucian blinked, only to find his guns in Link's hands. He instinctively reached for his waist, only to find them missing.

Link tightened his grip on the relic weapons, feeling his will resonate with them. His conviction became crystal clear, and energy surged through the guns, gathering at the barrels before firing.


A beam of silver light pierced through the tavern wall, leaving Link deep in thought.

Weapons that used conviction and will as ammunition? Fascinating.

If he could master this technology, he'd have an endless supply of ammunition.

This is worth looking into.

Lucian stared at Link, then at Pride, his shock evident. Relic weapons were notoriously difficult to master. It usually took months of training to wield them effectively.

Yet Link had used them flawlessly on his first try.

This young man was a natural Sentinel.

Link handed the guns back to Lucian.

"How's that for sincerity?"

Lucian looked at his weapons, then at Link. "What do you need me to do?"

"First, help me train my agents. Then, assist me during the Harrowing. After that, introduce me to the Sentinels' leadership. I want to sponsor and collaborate with your organization."

"In return, I'll give you generous rewards," Link smiled. "Custom-made equipment, a personal team of craftsmen, and an annual sponsorship of 100,000 gold coins."

"I can't speak for the other Sentinels," Lucian said hesitantly.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Link replied.

"Alright, I'll help you make the connection."

"Good," Link nodded. Everyone had desires, and he doubted the Sentinels were all saints.

Where there was desire, there was vulnerability. And where there was vulnerability, money could solve the problem.

This was the unique solution of a man from the twin cities.

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Note: So far this story is published up to chapter 156 on my patreon, go check it out and remember that if we reach the goal of 310 power stones I will publish the next chapter.

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