Apocalyptic Return To Famine

Chapter 102: The strength of the Tang Dynasty

   Chapter 102 The strength of the late Tang Dynasty

   The sound of footsteps in the dark forest was getting closer and closer, and there was no need to look at it any more, and there was a sound of heavy stepping on the ground.

   This loud noise seems to have stepped on everyone's heart, and the pressured person can't breathe.

  A dozen women, children, and elderly people hugged tightly together. Everyone didn't say a word, and their bodies were still trembling slightly.

Maotou's mother, Lin Wan, was one of the three supernatural beings. At this time, there was no way to stay by Maotou's side for the sake of the collective. She could only put her son into the arms of the woman next to her, and stood in front of everyone with clenched teeth. .

   Although the little Maotou didn't know what was going on, the child was the one who could perceive the atmosphere the most, and he could clearly sense the danger coming.

   At this moment, Maotou's little hand, which was not beside her mother, tightly grasped the dress of the woman who was holding her, and her eyes were fixed on Lin Wan, for fear that she would disappear.

   Tang Mo walked in front of Mao Tou and pinched his fleshless little face.

   "Don't be afraid, Aunt Tang Mo will protect you."

   As soon as Tang's words fell, Zhou Jian and his second uncle Wang Er all looked at her.

   It is now No. 18 on the list in the late Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, after the surprise, everyone's eyes flooded with regret.

   What's the point of being number 18? It's a pity that he's just a space psychic.

   At this time, if they are 38th and 48th, maybe they will be saved.

What is the use of    space-based power users at this critical juncture?

   "You see what is that?"

   A behemoth stepped out of the jungle, and someone with sharp eyes could clearly see what it was. nan nan

   As the terrifying thing got closer and closer, a three-meter-tall black bear appeared in front of everyone.

  The fighting power of the bear is unknown, especially when the bear is still an exotic beast.

   "It's over, it's over."

  Wang Er's eyes are straight, not to mention the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, even when he was in the squad at that time, he could only run away when he encountered such a mid-level alien beast.

   "I can't run, this time I really have to explain it here."

   At the end of Tang Dynasty, the dagger was poisoned. At this time, Wang Er's entire arm was already black, let alone fleeing. He lost too much blood and now it is difficult for him to stand up.


  The only ones who can escape here are Tang Mo and Zhou Jian.

   Tang Mo didn't run because she didn't think it was necessary.

   And Zhou Jian didn't run, I don't know why.

  Tang Mo probably recalled the people who were at the top of the ranking list. She didn't seem to have seen the name Zhou Jian.

   "Have you fought?" Tang Mo touched Zhou Jian's shoulder.

   "I can't beat it." Zhou Jian answered honestly with a serious face.

   "Then, why don't you go back a little?"

   Tang Mo took Po Feng out. She should also move her legs and feet. She hadn't encountered such a big challenge for a long time.

   She occasionally encounters intermediate-level exotic beasts, but there are also strong and weak intermediate-level exotic beasts. This bear is obviously the top king among intermediate-level exotic beasts.

   "You...Aren't you a space power user?"

   Zhou Jian originally planned to fight this life for a while, and he was the most committed soldier in the military.

   Besides, he has some special feelings for Yunshui Town.

   It's not clear what attributes others have on the leaderboard, but at the end of the Tang Dynasty, this dark horse was from the Space Department, and it was posted on the Alliance Daily for a whole day, and everyone knew it.

   "You can't beat it anyway, why don't you let me try it? What if the blind cat meets the dead mouse and wins?"

   At the end of Tang Dynasty, the sleeves have been rolled up.

  Blind cat meets dead mouse...

   Zhou Jian looked at Tang Mo as if he was looking at a monster. Why did he feel that the girl looked at the bear with eager anticipation?

   silently took a step back and handed over the stage to Tang Mo.

   The bear was no more than 200 meters away from everyone at this time, and Tang Mo held Po Feng in his hand.

   Although this middle-level alien beast looks like a bear, neither the power nor the brains can be possessed by a bear as an ordinary mammal.

  People have become stronger through mutation, and so have bears.

  This time the target was a bear, Tang Mo didn't do the first attack.

  She is waiting for the bear's move, and then finds a flaw in its move, so that she has the highest winning rate.

   Soon, the bear rushed over, raised its big bear paw and swiped towards Tang Mo.

   After the mutation, the bear's nails are black and long, and when they touch a person's face, they can shave a person's face to shreds.

   This palm was very powerful, and it brought a gust of wind.

   At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the spiritual power at this time was more than enough to strengthen several places.

  Eyes, arms and legs Tang Mo strengthened with mental power one after another, and it was almost easy to dodge the bear's palm with a single dodge.

  The bear's palm fell in the air, and Tang Mo had turned to the bear's back.

   When the bear turned around again, Tang Mo's knife had already slashed towards the bear's eyes.

  Bear's weaknesses are poor eyesight and slow movements. As for the body, Tang Mo really doesn't seem to know which is more vulnerable.

   "She won't really be able to beat this..."

   Uncle He stared straight behind the superhuman at the front of the crowd. He originally thought that Zhou Jianhui was their life-saving straw this time.

   Never expected, but it was the one who gave him five crystal cores to partner with them.

  This knife at the end of Tang Dynasty was blocked by Xiong's raised arm, and this powerful knife actually slashed on Xiong's arm.

  No bloodshed…

  At the end of Tang Dynasty, he looked carefully, and the knife didn't even go into the depths of the bear's flesh.

  Xiong's defense is too strong, and at the end of the Tang Dynasty, his strength was weak, and it was difficult to even break through the Xiong's defense.

   While Tang was still thinking about the next step, another attack from the bear arrived.

   stunned, Tang Mo was swept away and his entire back landed heavily on the ground.

  It hurts, it hurts so much, I'm going to break my ribs.

  Xiong walked step by step towards the end of Tang Dynasty...

   "Let's go, we can hold on for a while!"

  Lin Wan rushed up with a loud roar, and the other two abilities followed without any hesitation.

   They didn't run away because they had family here.

   And Tang Mo didn't run away because of them, they must not die now.

  The people of Yunshui Town are simple and honest here, and they have their own philosophy of life.

   But the reason why Tang Mo stayed here was really not because he wanted to save them, or that was not the main reason.

  The main reason why Tang Mo stayed here is because this bear is also the strongest guy she has ever met so far, and she can't wait to use it to try her skills.

   It’s just a pity that it failed.

   But a fall is nothing to Tang Mo, after all, she paid a lot of money for her vitality.

   patted his **** and stood up, Tang Mo had already figured out how to deal with the bear-shaped tank in front of him.

   (end of this chapter)

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