Apocalypse Summoner

aChapter 43 - Devil May Cry Fire Bull... Heart Stops


If it is the Queen of Steel Needle, then everything will be said, just need to talk to her again, and then make a few false promises to her, probably will temporarily call her, let her help to kill the female Roto?


Li Jiayu has not had time to rejoice, the change of the battlefield once again made him stunned! [.z

Seeing the female rosy dying struggle, the already dilapidated white eye agitated a few times, issued a faint soul storm!

This mind storm is far less than the previous two, but when it spreads to Rong’s head, Rong Yan’s hands clasped his head, screaming, his expression mixed with pain, and his anger and anger, it’s like a fate. Female ghost!

“Ah! Ziwei, you are a little monk, I will let you die if you are alive, and you will not let go of you!”

At the end of the day, Rong Rong has been soft on the ground, painfully rolling, and finally in the eyes of Li Jiayu’s horror, “砰” disappeared into the magic array!


What exactly is going on?

The second-order high-order steel needle queen, before she could show her peerless style, was it killed by the weak mental storm and kicked back to her position?

How can there be such a weak steel needle queen, know that the faint psychic storm is already the end of the strong, I am afraid that even the ordinary strong man can come over?

Li Jiayu scalp numb!

It’s hard to make a mistake. It’s not a steel needle queen. It’s just an ordinary old woman with a weak body and a aging body. The fighting power is better than the ordinary A-cat!

Uh… what is going on here, why is it that after every birth, every random call will have such a strange accident, and that he clearly has the soul of the Dark Summoner, and it is reasonable to say that there should be no too fatal error. ……

Damn, now is not the time to think about whether your soul has problems! You must take the time to get rid of the female vine!

Since the summoned beast can’t help, then rely on yourself, even if you climb to climb, this short five or sixty meters is nothing!

Shaking his head heavily, breathing a few deep breaths, temporarily dispelling the more and more obvious dizziness in his mind, Li Jiayu struggling to take the fractured right foot.

The ice pill has already frozen in a pool of stagnant water, chilling in the cold, reflecting the deadly cold light in the silent night.

“Cang -”

Li Jiayu used the only intact left hand to pick up the ice round pill from the ice water. The rain washed the sword and quickly formed a crystal ice drop. The cold air was transmitted to Li Jiayu, let him fight straight, and the wet and cold face said no. Out of the pale.

“Do you know… I haven’t had much ambition since I was born again. What kind of chaos is the end of the world? Even if two or three outbreaks of insects break out every day, even if there are countless people buried in the stomach, even if the technology system completely collapses… …how about? Turn off my ass!”

Li Jiayu walked swayingly, step by step and step down, stepping on the battlefield of the potholes, splashing a blossoming flower, he gasped, the light of the soul emerging from his body became dim, but he still said Self-speaking:

“The war between the human race and the Zerg… I can’t take it if I can…”

“I just want to live a good life, filial dad, take care of my sister, and then take a few good-looking wives, just find a safe place, just for a lifetime…”

“But… thanks to what you have given, these extravagant hopes are all ruined!”

Li Jiayu licked his mouth and looked calm. His eyes were very incomparable. Inadvertently, Li Jiayu had a severe pain in his chest, forcing him to squat on the ground for a long while. He spent more than a minute before and after. It was difficult to get close to the female Luo Teng body!


The sharp blade of the ice wheel broke into the pale eye of the female vine, the cold invaded the body of the female vine, destroying its internal organization, its eyes white, green juice, blood all frozen, accompanied by its upcoming flower buds Icing in a moment, cut off all vitality!

at last–

Finally, the female Luo Teng was killed, not to sacrifice this sacrifice!

In this case… Xiao Xiu Qing is temporarily safe, will not be made by female vines?

Li Jiayu’s mouth evoked a trace of cruel ridicule.


There was a bug in the sky!

Li Jiayu instantly numbs his scalp, his body is cold, and his blood is solidified!


There are bugs coming!

Actually, I ran a bug at this time!

Why are you always stunned!

The familiar screams are not red-top beetles, nor sulphate worms, but dragons that make the last army stunned!

It is a kind of flying insects that are specially looking for the smell of smoke. Their favorite thing to do is to shoot at the shooting, shelling the scene, breathing the tempting smell of smoke, and by the way, the guns and the gunners are killed to death!

In later generations, the most serious occurrences of military heavy grounds, military bases, gunpowders, and hot weapons battlefields are the worms. However, they also have a “heart-to-heart”, which can predict simple dangers and build protective covers. The killing of the firearms is the most troublesome bug of the military!

Second-level low-order, flying dragon!

A horrible giant that is more powerful than the red-headed beetle!

In the blink of an eye, Feilongyu has already flown from the far side of the night. Under the dim light, Li Jiayu can faintly see its gray-white carapace, and the three pairs of insect wings behind the wind!

Although the dragon is bigger than the red-top beetle and the body is heavy, but under the blessing of the three pairs of insect wings, the speed is faster than the Swift, and it has already flown to the top of the stadium for a moment, the bloodthirsty blue The color compound eyes are locked in Li Jiayu!

“Is it for me? It turns out that the last psychic storm of the female Routine is not an attack, but a call to the dragon to help out, but there is a smell of clay bombs here, so it It’s really coming…”

Li Jiayu’s heart was filled with despair, and they all tried their best to fight to the end. However, they did not get the best results… It’s really, not reconciled, even if you pay such a heavy price, can’t you win?

It’s really a confession. People are not as good as days. Do you have to wait to be eaten, and then you will live in **** for a lifetime… How can you do this, even if you fight, you have to fight for the last time!

“The insect crystal doesn’t matter what it is… How much is burning? Random summoning, this may be the last random summoning in my life! Anyway, please don’t let me down! Never let me down! ”

Li Jiayu’s electric shock generally took out the last seven insect crystals from his arms, and his brain was thrown at his feet. At the same time, he was glaring and roaring in resentment. The depth of his mind was not dizzy, but a sense of collapse. However, he felt that his whole mind had to be nuclear explosion and chaos, but he still remained absolutely awake, and finished the spell at the fastest speed!

For a moment, Fu Ruxin arrived, there is an unspeakable feeling of fiery in the heart, between the electric and the Flint, Li Jiayu opened his eyes, regardless of the fracture of the legs and wrists, forcibly bent over and squatted to the ground, one hand pressed to the ground, angered :

“Thank you for coming! I will remember your glory forever! Come out, **** fire!”

Li Jiayu’s voice just fell, and the dragon flying in the top of the stadium’s roof was impatient. He suddenly flapped his wings and rushed down from the air. Its front paws were like two Hummer swords, shining in the cold night. Cold light!

Nearly, near, I will soon be able to cut Li Jiayu from the head to the armpit. The most favorite thing for Feilong虱 is to cut it, cutting people into left and right halves, just like cutting watermelon!

Li Jiayu looked up at the ghostly knife, and the pupil tightened!

This is the speed of time!

Please! Please hurry up!

Even if it is 0:01, I will be buried in the belly!

It seems that I heard Li Jiayu’s prayer. A sly magical array quickly lit up. The edge of the magical array burned red flame lines in the rain. At the same time, there was a fiery red figure in the magical array of the six-pointed star!


The dragon slammed into the red figure, like a bump on the iron block, and made a painful scream, even the proud fore paw was also slightly dislocated!

The dragon settled in the gods, but saw that there was a three-story flame Tauren in front of him. The volume was terrible, burning with flaming flames, and the muscles of a piece were like the magma that the magma had just solidified. Stone, exudes amazing heat and hell, even if the rain hits it, it will evaporate in a flash!


When Feilong saw such a huge enemy, he immediately realized that he had encountered a hard battle. It was not stupid. He wanted to turn around and leave, but it could not escape!

The **** fire roar snarled, like a thunder, a circle of sound waves blowing Li Jiayu’s hair flew up, and then the **** fire cow stretched his hand, and the dragon in the air was kneaded in his hand, a little hard, “squeaky” At one click, the dragon scorpion was smashed and even cooked!

Feilong 虱 This product has not yet had the power of Converse, it was immediately killed by Hellfire!


It was a muffled sound, and the Hellfire Bulls disappeared. It was too strong. Even if the spirit of Li Jiayu was overdrawn, it was only enough to maintain it in this world for a second!

With the disappearance of the Hellfire Bull, Li Jiayu also persisted, like a wooden pile, fell to the ground, letting the dirty rain wet his white hair, he could not move!

Already… there is no strength at all… All the gods of spirits are all hollowed out, and the head is empty, except for the sting, nothing left…

“Li Jiayu!”

A shout, followed by a bunch of people rushed over, is Chu Xiang! He took a group of boys and risked being attacked by insects in the dark night, rushing to find out!

“Li Jiayu, you are fine, stick to it, I will take you to the 13th floor, where there is a school doctor!”

Chu Xiang was anxiously screaming, and the dozens of boys accompanying him were like the ants on the pot. They were so anxious that the idiot could see that Li Jiayu’s situation was very wrong. If he had three long and two short, it would be terrible. !

“I don’t come late late… How do these dragons always arrive when everything is over…”

This is the last sentence that Li Jiayu flashed in his heart. The next moment, he quietly closed his eyes and fell into the boundless darkness!

Chu Xiang saw Li Jiayu close his eyes, his face changed, and quickly reached out and touched his chest!

One second, two seconds, three seconds, a long wait, so that Chu Xiang face more and more embarrassing, the ugly lizard face looks like a ghost!

“No… no heartbeat! No heartbeat!”

Chu Xiang trembles, the tone is cold!

“Impossible! You are nonsense! Li Jiayu will not have anything! He is a prophet! It is a group of heavenly dragons! There is nothing to stump him! He will not fall so easily!”

At this time, several men and women came over from behind with an umbrella. Sun Weiwei was talking. She didn’t have an umbrella, she was soaked, and her long, straight hair was dripping on her shoulders. The water on her face was mixed with rain and tears. She covered her mouth and ran to Li Jiayu. She pushed Chu Xiang away, but she looked at Li Jiayu’s cold body without knowing what to do. What?

For a long while, she trembled and leaned her head down, and put her side face on Li Jiayu’s chest, but her red lips quickly trembled, and her guilty fear was like a bird of surprise. For the first time in her life, she felt so sharp and bitter!

“He…he…he really…”

Sun Weiwei licked her lips, tears fell silently, saw her reaction, and everyone in the place knew…

Li Jiayu is dead!


A deafening thunder, the heavens and the earth are bright and shining like dazzling lightning, and the sound of rain in the blink of an eye is a roar. The sky is cracked with countless passages, and the rain falls into heavy rain, pouring down into the earth!

Everyone was silent. The smell of tree vines and the **** smell of the body were faintly hidden in the heavy rain. A depressed atmosphere of grief was spreading.

Li Jiayu is dead… Is such a powerful prophet actually dead? Even if he is dead, can other ordinary people survive in the last days?

Many boys who admire Li Jiayu have a sense of powerlessness and disillusionment!

Without the protection of Li Jiayu, how should students deal with the endless bugs…

The torrential rain is mixed with the cold wind, hitting the body, the cold bones that can’t be said!

“Wait… I still have time to rescue! Maybe there is another way? Isn’t it possible to simulate a pacemaker? We can stimulate Li Jiayu’s heart! Or artificial respiration! Even if there is a chance, save it. he!”

Han Xiaoyu, a girl who grew up with Li Jiayu from a young age, although she did not have the feelings of men and women for Li Jiayu, she regarded Li Jiayu as the best male friend. Now she sees Li Jiayu suffocating, and her grief can be imagined.

“Yes, there are no medical students! Fast, this time depends on you!” Chu Xiang yelled at the students.

A dozen men and women face each other, you see me, I see you, all of them are shaking their heads, so many people do not even have a medical doctor!

Why is this happening… At this juncture, why is there no student who will be in first aid?

“It’s too late! I can’t let Li Jiayu go on any more… I must find a way. Even if I don’t have a classmate who studies medicine, we can also take the right thing, use mouth-to-mouth ventilation, the simplest artificial respiration everyone knows!” Chu Xiang Road.

“Who helped Li Jiayu to do artificial respiration?”

When it comes to artificial respiration, several girls present are inexplicable. Whether they are saving people or other reasons, they are willing to do it, but they just want to talk, but the dark octopus that is not far away is here. When I wake up from a coma, it whisperes:

“Don’t… don’t waste time… the ordinary method is useless… you go to tear the flowers of the female vines… peel off the nucleus of life, let the owner eat it… maybe hang the master’s life…”

If Li Jiayu is still awake, he will be very surprised, because his spiritual fluctuations have long since ceased. According to the law of the summoning world, if the owner dies, the alien creatures will return to the original plane, but why the dark octopus can still be in Li Jiayu. Staying around?

This completely violates the common sense of the magic world!

But at this time, no one would care about common sense and not common sense. Chu Xiang heard the words and immediately ran to the frozen corpse of the female Luo Teng, angered and reached out with both hands, and caught the frozen flower buds at both ends. Like tearing clothes, it tears the frozen meat of the flower buds.

Inside is a group of blue transparent female carcass that is about to be formed, but it is no longer nourished by the source of life. It begins to return to chaos and turns into a viscous liquid. Its center is a glowing gem.

Chu Xiang can be too lazy to pity the jade, once again reach out, and suddenly inserted into the heart of the female body, the glowing gemstones are pulled out, he feels that the gem exudes a warm energy, just as comfortable as the spring breeze!

The second-order, semi-spiritual half-life nucleus!

Heavy rain is falling wildly from the sky, and the dark days are like falling down.

Next, it was the deep darkness. Li Jiayu, who swallowed the nucleus, still did not resurrect. The cold body was sent back to the 13th floor. Chu Xiang and others also rescued the unconscious Xiao Qingqing from the ballroom. Eighty-eight women, of course, they also found 56 male corpses that were sucked up by blood!

This evening, it will be the longest night of the survivors on the 13th floor. The storm is like a whip smashing in the ruined glass, making a harsh horror sound, not knowing how many people are scared from the nightmare. I don’t know how many people are scared to sleep for a night!

[Thanks to many book friends for their rewards, and Zhou Jishuyou’s 20 10,000-word update tickets, although they have not eaten… probably waiting for tomorrow’s breakthrough of 5,000 collections, they will start to form q groups, and then they will be levied. Everyone’s opinion, after all, Xiaoye novices are on the road, and many of the techniques for writing novels are still very raw, and the world view of this book has not been completely perfected. 】. . . .

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