Chapter 36 victory and explosion?
[Liana POV]
Running through the smoke I can see the mech close to me...
The smoke is really hot and I am sweating like crazy...
I was a little out of breath because of the heat but I'm still okay...
My body seems to be very strong even know it's very small...
I started moving again until the end of the sign...
I then saw a straight line to the left side from the sign that leads towards where the Mech seems like the sign looks like a 7 from here but that's a good way to get there now...
I slowly take a deep breath then run as fast at I could through the smoke to the left of where the sign end is...
As the smoke started to clear I can see the Mech aiming its gun up front aiming at Echo exposing its broken back to me...
I smiled and it's right at the end of the sign as well so all I need to do is to jump towards the Mech...
I started running towards the end and jump...
"Got you!"(Liana)
I grabbed hold of the Mech backside as the Mech was too late to notice me, it then started to move around its body to make me fall...
Well, not happening...
I keep holding on to it as it keeps trying to force me down...
The Mech roar as it turns its body left and right like a Maniac while shooting its gun around the place...
I'm getting dizzy from this shaking...
I then let go of my right hand from grabbing its back and then electricity started to form on my right hand...
"Here goes nothing!"(Liana)
I shoved my hand inside the gap on the mech back...
My hand started to light up with yellow lightning then it started to turn into blue lightning and the lightning started to gather on the center of my hand making my right-hand glow inside the Mech and electricity started to pour out of my hand that was inside the back of the mech...
Image of big energy of electricity forming into one spot and then bursting it all out...
Electricity started running down inside the Mech and smoke started to form inside the armor...
The Mech then stop moving and falls to the ground as the electricity started to fade...
Seems like I did it...
I then got my hand out and relax my body...
But suddenly the eye of the mech light up...
And its body started moving again!...
The Mech suddenly got up from the ground and its left arm moves to the back and manage to grab me while I was trying to regain balance...
The Mech the trow me to the front and I was smashed into the metal ground of the tank...
I can feel something break inside my body...
And then the pain started rushing through and It feels like I was being crushed by something heavy...
I then saw a screen pop up...
LVL : 292
HP : 1500/29500
MP : 14600/14600
A lot of damage...
I look up and can see the Mech swinging its arm right at me...
I closed my eyes but...
Then I can hear something from the distance...
A missile hit the Mech arm that was about to swing its giant arm at me...
The missile didn't explode but its thrusters were still working and were stuck in its arm, the thruster was pushing the Mech's arm back and the Mech was unable to swing its arm at me...
the missile then suddenly exploded and trows the Mech arm right into the air and the arm landed on my right...
I slowly got up and look at where the missile came from and saw Echo doing a crouching stand with a missile pod on his shoulder...
I look behind me and I can see the Mech started moving and aims its other arm with the gun at me...
Lucky Echo shoots a missile and it hit the arm right in the joint of the Mech's arm...
Just like before the missile didn't explode but it still keeps moving while it was stuck on the Mech arm...
The Mech is still shooting its gun even know it can even aim at me...
I then use this as my chance to attack...
I grabbed my handgun from my inventory and aim at the Mech...
My vision is still blurry but I was still close to it...
"Change bullet type reload....."(Liana)
My vision started to correct itself self and I can slowly see the robot...
" bullet...."(Liana)
My gun started to light up and flame started to form into a circle at the front of the barrel of the gun and I can slowly feel the heat from my arm as my gun started to glow...
I slowly got up into a crouching position stretching my arm to the front with the glowing gun...
The Mech looks at me with its glowing red eye...
The missile in its hand stop working but still didn't explode and so the Mech started moving its only hands with the gun at me...
Sadly it was too slow...
I look at the Mech....
Gun pointing at blank range in the middle of its body...
my gun fired a long ray of light covered in fire...
After the shoot, my ears went deaf for a moment because of the noise it made it's so much louder than the lightning bullet one! I think it almost made my ear bleed...
The only thing I can see as I look in front is that the bullet hit the Mech body...
Goes right through it and hits the ring of the Tank behind the Mech and made a huge explosion...
The recoil was also very big...
That I was sent flying from the top of the Tank and started rolling towards the bottom of the tank...
I can feel the shock and the pain from what happened as I was rolling down from the Tank which makes it even more hurtful...
I can see a bit of the Mech still moving even after having a gigantic hole in its friggin body!...
as my hearing started to go normal I can see Echo in the distance as I rolled down from the tank...
I can hear him saying something while aiming the missile pod at the Mech...
"Not today you Tin Can!"(Echo)
The missile shoot from the pod...
And fly towards the Mech...
And splendidly hit it Right In Its Eye! Breaking it into peaches!...
Then I can see the missile started to expand the other one as well and then...
The missile explodes...
I can't see what's happening as I was still going down but I hear a big explosion as I finally land on the ground...
[Level up]
I then saw a screen show up right in front of my face as I was not moving on the ground...
Really I'm tired right now...
I slowly closed my eyes and fade into the dark...
[Echo POV]
"Oi Kid!"(Echo)
As I saw the kid falls to the ground I let go of the missile pod and run to her...
I look up to the top of the tank and saw explosions and flames start pouring out from there...
Oh God no...
I run as fast as I can to the kid...
Grab her...
And get the hell out of here!...
I can feel the shock wave on my back and there's no way I can outrun it I lay on the ground while the kid is still in my hand and covering here below me as the shock from the explosion behind us came...
I can see the main turret of the Tank flight up high in the sky and falling right beside us before rolling toward a random building on the front and hitting it! Dead on!...
Grumble! grumble! CRASH!.....
It hit it and the building falls with it to the ground...
I can see smoke and dust flying all around the place...
And I keep hearing a lot of explosions from behind us...
Not good we have to get out of here...
I slowly got up when the shock wave started to fade a little and move out of the place with the kid in my hand...
Good Lord that was intense...
Never expected her power to be that big...
I slowly look behind as I saw the remains of the Tank blowing up into peaches as smoke started flying to the sky and scrap of metals flying everywhere...
Good thing non of it hit us and hit the building around us as we get out of there...
Might as well say mission complete...
I look towards the distance where the skyscrapers are...
"Now... All that's left is to get out of this place..."(Echo)
I then move toward the skyscrapers while also finding a place to rest...
I look at the kid who was now sleeping on my hand...
I can see brushes and maybe burn marks on her hand and leg...
I sighed...
"Well better find a place and fix her up..."(Echo)