Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 32 strategy meeting


[Liana POV]


Moving through the narrow street Echo and I arrived at a tall building somewhere in the city...
Echo tries to open the door but it seems that it was shut tight from inside...
Echo then tries barging into the door but it still won't open at all...

"Kid got something you can use to open it?"(Echo)

Well, I can use my magic but...
I look at the distance where the big street is...


There's a lot of Droids patrolling the place...
Good thing they are only patrolling the big street and not the narrow ones...
I look around the building and saw an opened window above I may be able to get up there with Echo's help...
I pulled Echo's clothes and Echo looks at me, I quickly pointed my hand up towards the window that I saw...
Echo looks there saw the window, he looked at me again and nodded...
He then grabs me and pulls me up to his shoulder...
I put my feet on Echo's shoulder and stretch my hand to the opened window and manage to grab the ledge of the window...
I then started climbing up while Echo help pushes me up from below...
I then remembered something...
I look at Echo...
And he is looking away from me...
I am wearing a skirt...
I'm a little embarrassed because he can see my underwear but I kept climbing up and manage to get inside the place...
I then started looking around for the door...
I look around the building and red crystals are forming around the place I tried touching one of the crystals with my hand out of curiosity...



But my hand was repelled by the red color electricity that was shooting out from the crystal...
It seems that it's not a fire crystal but it doesn't seem to be thunder as well?..
No, if I think about it this one looks kinda darker...
The glow is even more faded than the regular fire crystal and it's also quite darker...
Also, it seems like I can feel a sudden breeze when I got close to it...
By the way, I also never used my appraisal on it too...
I might as well try using it now...

[ Unknown crystal ]

Eh? I have never seen system pronouncing an unknown in a material before...

[ Unable to scan substance ]


Seems like I can't do anything about it...
I then started walking to where the front door was...
The room I was in only has 1 door and broken furniture in it...
I opened the door and saw what seems to be the main hall or something below?...
The entire place is wrecked and there is a big red crystal forming in the middle of the place...
I can also see a strange red aura circling the crystal...
But I can't think of that now...
Were seems to be on the second floor of the place I also saw stairs going down to the first floor so I take the stairs...
As I walked down to the first floor I can feel something, it seems pretty weird I looked at the big crystal that was in the middle...


I can feel small wind circling on it, I also saw that the top of the buildings has a couple of holes on it and so some of the sunshine was hitting the crystal from above...
I ignore it for now and moved to where Echo might be waiting...
Echo should be waiting on the left exit door he said...
So I moved to the left and saw that there was a fallen metal closet blocking the door in front of me, it's pretty big and there's no way I can move it or...

"Maybe I can use a magnet to move it?..."(Liana)

I then stretch my arm at the metal closet...
Think of a magnetic field...
And try pulling it in...



Electricity started shooting out from my hand and hit the metal closet then it started to move slowly with small electricity coiling around it...
I then moved my hand up slowly...
And the metal closet started floating up from the ground I then walked back from the place and the metal closet follows me and then I slowly put the metal closet down somewhere on the left side of the place...


It made a small sound but that should do the trick...
I then moved to where the door was and tried opening it...


I opened the door and look around...
I saw Echo looking around with his gun aiming left and right...

"Psss.... Echo"(Liana)

Echo heard my sound and saw me opening the door he moves slowly to where I was and he came into the building and then he slowly closed the door...

"Fuf...good thing nothing happen yet"(Echo)

Echo then walks slowly to the main hall...
He looks at me for a second and puts his hand on top of my head and rubs it a little...

"Good job"(Echo)

After that, he pulled his hand from my head and start walking...
I nodded at him while holding my head a little and then followed him from behind...
It took a while but we manage to make a small base here near the big crystal, Echo grabbed a table from somewhere and put it on an open spot in the main hall...
He then took out his map and laid it down on the table...
I look at the map and then saw Echo grabbing a red marker from somewhere...
He then started to draw a lot of X and then a -> then an O at the three big buildings on the map and a bigger one on a place away from here...
Oh seems like the three-building is the skyscrapers...

"I can say one thing... And that is that the extraction helicopter will arrive at one of these skyscrapers but I think they might just land here..."(Echo)

He then made a small X mark in the middle of the three skyscrapers...

"Why is that?"(Liana)

I ask a question isn't it better if it's at the very top of the place?...

"Well, there is a reason why... Mainly to take cover from long-distance attacks... The skyscrapers are pretty strong so it may be able to be used as a shield for the helicopter from enemy fire by hiding behind the three skyscrapers"(Echo)

Okay, that might be good...
I nodded at Echo's words...
Then he pointed at a big X mark the big X mark is inside the big circle...
And then I saw his hand moving to the -> sign he made...

"This big X mark is the target... The armored vehicle we saw... But it seems that we can't call it that anymore... Might as well call it a Goliath Tank... It's, even more, bigger than before, I can tell that they might add a few modifications on this thing along the way here..."(Echo)

Yeap that tank is armored up to the bones...
Can my weapon even penetrate its armor I wonder?...

"Well I can't say it for certain, we have to know what we are dealing with first..."(Echo)

Echo then started making a lot of O around the big X...

"First things first"(Echo)

He pointed his hand around the big circle...

"This is where we might be at, we don't know where our position is but because of the director of the skyscrapers and ours... We should be around here"(echo)

He then made a rectangular sign on the right side of the big O...

"We should be around this place... We're pretty near the Tank and we should take advantage of our surroundings... I say we make a trap here..."(Echo)

He then pointed at the -> mark...
It sounds good but...

"I can see it from your face kid... First, we need to take out its surrounding... That Tank was guarded by a lot of those droids and not just regular ones... But also armored ones..."(Echo)

I then remembered the armor droids that I saw in the park...


I looked at Echo...

"It's risky but we don't have a choice here... Can I count on you to deal with some of them?"(Echo)

I was a little shocked by what he said...
I then pointed my finger to myself...


"Yes, you... Even if you're small... You are pretty fast and good at dodging... I have to go to a place somewhere to get some tools to make a trap for the Tank... While I'm doing that I want you to lower the defenses around the Tank a little bit..."(Echo)

Okay so that your plan?...

"Also note to never go near or even get close to that Tank you hear me?... That thing can end you in a second with its gigantic turret"(Echo)

I nodded at his words...
Of course, I won't even dare to get close to it...
But it's also pretty risky...
I look at the map...
Maybe the little circles around it are where the droids are? There's a lot of them...

"Don't worry you will attack when the Tank stop moving and the droids were patrolling... I can tell that that Tank needs a lot of fuel to keep moving like that... I think it will always stop to refill every hour... So you should wait a bit, make as many noises as you can the droids seems to be attached by noises so feel free to shoot your weapons out to destroy a lot of them but it's also pretty good if you can go sneaking in and silently kill them all will be easier to deal with them..."(Echo)

How do you know this if I can say?...
But I think I can only trust Echo right now...
We don't have a lot of options right now anyway...

"While your busy beating the droids down I will move here..."(Echo)

Echo then makes a small O mark somewhere then he makes another one in the middle of the -> sign...

"I need to grab the necessary tools here and then I will start laying traps here... When that Tank hits the trap we will move in and destroyed it while it can't move and was unguarded"(Echo)

I nodded at Echo's words...
Echo looks up...
Then he looks at me...

"Were the only ones that can do this crazy mission, failure is not an option in this mission"(Echo)

Echo said that with a deep voice...
I can tell that he is being serious about this...

"The operation starts in one hour after this, get ready"(Echo)

I nodded...
One hour until the operation started...

"This operation will be called Fallen Goliath the two of us have to take that thing down before it reaches the extraction point at any cost! time is crucial in this operation get ready..."(Echo)

Echo them stop talking and I started getting ready for the operation...

I opened my status and look at my skills and stats to see if I am ready...

Name: Liana
Gender: female (wolfkin)
Age: 5
Job class: MagicGunner
Lvl: 292
HP: 29500/29500
MP: 14600/14600
Atk : 1460(+100)
Def : 295
Mag : 1460(+630)(+up)
Dex : 2950
Int : 2950(+100)
Luck : 1460
Skill :
Fire magic lvl 10(+up)
Earth magic lvl 7
Wind magic lvl 7(+up)
Water magic lvl 9
Lightning magic lvl 14(+up)
Gun mastery lvl 3
Magic bullets mastery lvl 2
Buff magic lvl 7
Debuff magic lvl 7
Mechanic lvl 5
Passive skill :
Hyper evade low
Enhanced hearing 
Enhanced smell
Enhanced eyes
Senses danger
Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1
Void magic lvl 4
Dark magic lvl 2(lock)
Light magic lvl 2(lock)
Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)
Corpse drain
Mineral drain
Hide status lvl max(active)
Titles :
Lone wolf
System helper
Machine Breaker
Gun Knowledge
Memory link

I wonder how my skill level up?...
I didn't absorb anything yet...
I look at the big red crystal...
Then look at my hand...


No, I'm thinking too much now...
I shake my head and look up through a big hole on the roof of the building...
I can see the sky is still sunny but a little cloudy...

"Well better get ready..."(Liana)

I started sorting my inventory out while Echo was looking at the map...
Little did we know that the big red crystal behind us started to glow a little before the glow fades away...


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