
Chapter 2: Bad News

Zuno hesitantly opened his front door, revealing the two military members who knocked on his door entirely. They were both quite tall, towering over his short stature.

The man in front seemed to be in his late 40s, with a dark gray stripe prominently displayed in his black slicked-back hair. He was the one with the clipboard and paper that had multiple checks and names beside the check marks.

'Is that real paper?'

Zuno thought as he quickly glanced at the man's clipboard. He had never seen a real piece of paper, only synthetic. It looked much less thick than the paper he used to and was also whiter.

After briefly looking at the clipboard, Zunos's eyes shot back toward the two men in front of him.

The older man's nose was scrunched, and another drop of sweat dripped down Zunos's face as he looked at him with a slight glare of suspicion. "I smell blood," he said.

The man's voice was raspy and stern but furthermore intimidating, quite fitting for his looks.

Zuno started to sweat profusely after the statement before he cleared his throat and began to defend himself. "Well, I can explain…. I had a break-in while I was gone; it looked like the intruder got cut up pretty badly while they were invading my house. I'm pretty sure they gave up after since nothing of mine is missing… not like there is much to take."

Zuno explained this while pointing his finger at his bathroom, where the broken window was. He didn't know if this man suspected him of a serious crime or something because here… that's punishable by death.

"Micheal." The man's head turned to his companion behind him, who then looked up at the older man. The older man then tilted his head towards Zunos bathroom, quietly telling him to check it out; Micheal replied to this order with a nod.

Micheal walked towards Zuno before stopping right in front of him. It felt like Micheal was staring into his soul.

Micheal had dark silver eyes, somewhat similar to Hematite; his hair was dirty blonde, and he seemed to be in his mid-twenties. He was handsome, but the most prominent feature was a long scar starting from his hawked nose and stopping on the bottom of his right cheek. It wasn't that deep, but it was visible.

"Move," Micheal commanded in a severe but gentle voice.

With this demand, Zuno immediately sidestepped to the right, letting Micheal pass him and walk to the bathroom. After this occurrence, Zuno glanced back at the older man. He was glaring at Zuno with a heavy and suspicious gaze.

Most likely, making sure Zuno didn't escape "IF" he did commit something, but with the closing of a door, the tension faded.

"All Clear, Sir! It's just a broken window! " Michael exclaimed as he walked back past Zuno and stopped behind the older man. He retained his previous position, his eyes landing on the older man beside him, seeming to be waiting for him to speak.

"Is that all?" Zuno asked the two men nicely, awkwardly smiling. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on the government, but he had to ask since he didn't know why they appeared at his house.

The older man looked at Zuno for a second before glimpsing down at his clipboard, then up at Zuno again, and then back to his clipboard before letting out a small sigh. "I am speaking to Zuno Kucax, Correct?"

Zuno hated his last name; it was connected to some powerful bastard he didn't know, so people always assumed he was related to him. With a bit of annoyance, Zuno just nodded and answered the man.

"Alright, Mr.Kucax. My name is Xavier Zenix. My Lieutenant and I are here at your residence to inform you that you've been chosen for a selected draft by the COH." Xavier looked down at his clipboard and checked something off before looking back up at Zuno.

"This will require you to appear at the main hall by 1200 tomorrow. If you decide not to show up, it will be considered treason, which will result in incarceration. That is all. We wish you a great night and luck on the frontlines!" After this declaration, Xaiver and Micheal saluted before walking off, leaving Zuno shocked by the sudden news.

"What kind of luck is that.." Zuno muttered shakingly; it seemed like this news had just shat all over his already shit day.

His mind started to buzz while his eyes glanced toward the orange sky.

It seemed like the sun was close to finally setting; Zuno could already see the moon beaming in the sky; it was beautiful.

Too bad it seemed like this would be the last time he saw this beauty. He thought this while his right hand started to head for the door handle, gripping it before twisting the handle and heading inside, shutting the door as he did so.

Zuno walked towards his bedroom, his mind skimming his memories of his knowledge about the front lines. When he reached the door of his bedroom, he realized all he knew about it was how bad it was.

This sent chills down his spine. Is he getting forced to go through that? The stories about the war were awful, and the things people did to survive on the front lines were cruel.

Zuno sighed as he opened his bedroom door, closed it, and entered his room. It had a twin-sized bed in the middle and a desk under a mirror right beside his door. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

As Zuno started to lie down on his bed, he would once again recall today's events; there was so much, and he dreaded what he would have to go through tomorrow and the days after.

These thoughts consumed his mind, so he closed his eyes and got under his comforter. After only a few minutes, he was asleep.

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