Ant King In MHA

Chapter 205: A King’s Will and Intent

The alien heard Beru's laughter the second he arrived on the battlefield.

It had a mocking undertone that made the alien's body burn with anger. And, in a fit of rage, it slammed its half recovered limbs into the ground.


A shout reverberated throughout the battlefield as the power of that hit sent everyone around it flying in all directions.

Everyone at the scene recoiled a bit, even those with the strongest of wills. The only one completely unaffected was Beru himself.

Even with serious injuries, the being they were fighting was at the very least on par with Beru. And Beru still remained an unreachable figure in their eyes.

Even though Beru's current injured state gave everyone the feeling that he wasn't quite as invincible as they were led to believe, his feats still remained and the flame in his eyes never once dwindled.

"Heh, to think we were so stressed about this weakling..." Bakugo said while looking at the Alien from a distance.

"To be fair, Beru did do most of the job for us..." A green flash appeared to his side as Izuku spoke in a calm voice.

"Don't downplay yourselves~ You heroes are still plenty strong~" Beru walked up from behind them and put his hands on their shoulders.

The alien was clearly even more irked about the fact that it wasn't being taken seriously anymore.


The alien had completely given up on recovering its limbs at this point, so it put its energy into something else.

A tail sprouted out of its back as it quickly went for the person closest to him. The tail had a sharpened end and was ready to just pierce through whatever resistance is met.

"No you don't!"

A red-haired young man jumped in front of the attack at the last second. His body hardened instantly making him look like a human diamond.

It was none other than Kirishima, he and a few other tanky heroes took the task of taking the Alien's hits directly.

He had his arms crossed in front of him right at the point of contact.

The tail seemed to slightly pierce through Kirishima's arms at first, but the tail was quickly stopped as it got stuck into the hardened muscles of his second arm.

But pain was no stranger to the pro heroes of this generation.

Kirishima didn't even release a grunt as his arm was pierced and blood poured out of his wound. Instead, he prepared to pull the tail more towards himself.

But then he, as well as everyone around him, noticed something was off.

Kirishima's awakened quirk seemed to turn off slowly, his muscles seemed to be getting less and less resistant every second.

The red-haired young man felt the tail go through his second arm just then, his eyes widened as he realised that, he was likely done for...

In that instant, with a movement so quick that no one could even see it. Beru appeared right beside Kirishima, his sharpened claws cut through the tail, seeing that, Kirishima jumped backwards, weakened and injured.

"We just went over this~ Don't let him touch you~ He can steal quirks~" Beru said as he stared at Kirishima who was currently behind him.

Kirishima let out a tired smile as he felt the gaze of his teacher on him.

Beru was once a figure that he hoped to overcome. He had trained his quirk to exhaustion, to the point of awakening. Yet he couldn't even take the hit of Beru's injured replica... It hurt his pride a little.

He was about to open his mouth and thank his teacher, but his thoughts were interrupted by something...

"You... This is all your fault!" The alien seemed to be growing madder by the second. It released a killing intent that sent chills down the spine of anyone nearby...

Well not anyone. Three people among the heroes present had already witnessed something much, much worse.

Iida(Ingenium), Shoto and Izuku could only raise a brow at the killing intent that the alien was releasing reminded them of a certain event...

The time when they all felt it was directed at the Hero Killer Stain, many years back.

It was similar to that of Beru... But it had a strange, almost infantile feeling. As if, instead of an angry and bloodthirsty predator, they were just watching a child throwing a tantrum.

Even the heroes around them weren't scared of it, they were just startled a bit.

If one were to make a proper comparison. It was like comparing the aura of a cub, to that of a fully grown lion. A true king of the jungle, as one would say.

"If it weren't for you, none of these weaklings would have even survived until now! I would've been done with this country and continued without any issue!"

Beru tilted his head, contemplating whether or not to entertain the Alien's ravings with a response.

With a sigh, he opened his mouth.

"Big words from someone copying my strength~ Izuku would've likely crushed you by now if I was out of the picture, he is worthy of carrying All Might's mantle, after all, ~ You are only an issue because you copied my strength first~"

Beru's words were meant to both make the alien angrier and to raise the morale of his fellow heroes. And they worked perfectly, especially for the green-haired young man that was looking at the situation from a distance.

The alien released another screech, it quickly started growing more and more tails, trying to steal the quirks of all of the heroes around him.

But every tail that he grew was quickly intertwined with one of Beru's, as the insectoid decided to intervene a bit, to prevent too many casualties from occurring.

Suddenly though, the alien seemed to gain a bit of an epiphany.

"... It seems you truly won't relent. But it makes no difference. Currently, you can barely match even one of me. Soon all of my brothers will converge in this place, to assist me after they are done with their areas."

Beru quickly understood what the alien was getting at. It was trying to demoralize the heroes a bit. It didn't work though.

"Yea~ Take a fat shit and eat it~ You really think we're the only heroes this world has?"

Beru's words made quite a few of the heroes present laugh, turning a serious situation into a joke was one of Beru's specialities after all.

"You are the only one that can pose an issue to us. Even if my other brothers don't have your powers, they will be able to quickly gather enough from the people they come across."

"By the time they arrive here, they will have already collected the seeds of power from everyone in this world."

Beru grew another tail and whipped the alien into silence. As more of its body cracked and the shockwave made most of the heroes present skid/fly back a few dozen meters.

"Sure dude~ You are forgetting just a tiny little thing here~ But I guess you can't recall my memories all that well~" Beru paused as his tails strangled and broke all of the ones that the alien produced before.

"Do you remember Yori and Don? The two people that I worked with every day for a few years?"

At this point, most of the people present, including the alien, seemed to gain a look of recognition.

It wasn't exactly an unknown fact that Beru worked together with several people to prevent Quirk singularity, it was just another respectable aspect of Beru that they could appreciate.

But the people he worked with were also not just nobodies.

"That's right... There's no way the two of them would just sleep this through." Nemuri had a worried look when the alien gloated about there being more of its kind on earth. But she quickly relaxed after remembering those two.

"Yori... He fled the scene right when everything started~ Do you really think he's the type to just abandon his life's work and run away?~ At this moment~ The most likely probability is that both Don and Yori are hunting down the rest of your ilk while you are here, squirming on the ground~"

Beru's words cut deeply into the rapidly declining psyche of his enemy.

The alien released another otherworldly screech as it tried to release air cannons all over the place with its tails.

But just as the air was about to burst out everywhere, Beru's tails once again grasped and strangled those of the alien.

Beru did that while chuckling a bit.

"You are oddly weak~ I guess I shouldn't expect much from a little pretender that barely has any knowledge of how to use my powers~," Beru said as he started taking steps towards the alien.

"Don't think that you've won this war... You, humans, are far from being able to kill us. Even if that scientist and your clone are present, I'm sure plenty of humans have already lost their powers." The alien also slowly got up, healing its own legs in the process.

"No matter how much damage you deal, I won't ever die! I am the original one, I will merely return to my dormant state, one day I will still manage to take the power from everyone in this world..."

Beru raised a rhetorical brow at that claim. 'Clearly, there's plenty about this invasive species that we don't know about...'

Now, they were standing face to face. Staring down at each other, one repressing anger with a scowl on his face while the other had a calm look, blinking slowly as if the opponent posed no danger to him at all.

Most of the heroes nearby took steps back, they knew that the following exchange was likely going to be the final one.

Nemuri just clenched her fists as she also took a few steps back, her worry didn't really die down at all though. She didn't really want to see Beru rejoin the fight, but even she knew that there was simply no choice for him but to do so.

In truth, none of them could even keep up with the Alien's speed even a bit. Toga (In Beru form) was the fastest amongst them, but even she couldn't keep up with the tail that almost pierced through Kirishima.

There were plenty of injuries amongst them just from the shockwaves that the Alien released out of anger.

The only reason they had been able to keep it down was that the alien was seemingly inexperienced in fighting. They were able to constantly stagger it and overwhelm it with continuous attacks.

But they would've tired at some point, and they were well aware of it.

The only ones that were actually able to do damage to the Alien were Izuku, Bakugo and Toga.

But the three of them really had no way to get close to the fight that was about to happen, so even they took a few steps back.

Toga looked at Beru's back with a worrying gaze, but she ended up just gritting her teeth and releasing a smile.

"I guess we're about to see why he's the teacher here..." She said, gaining a few smiles from the young heroes around her, and a scoff from Bakugo, but he doesn't count.


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