Ant King In MHA

Chapter 191: Regret, Worry and Faith

_________ POV Narration_________

Nemuri had left her apartment soon after Beru disappeared after Izuku's call.

She was definitely a bit irritated when he decided to not take her with him. But she still decided to make her way there since she was smart enough to speculate the reason why Izuku wanted Beru there.

'A disaster is about to happen... Potentially.'

And her worries were soon materialized as a large earthquake was felt throughout the city. Nemuri needed to stop on her way to the hospital in order to see if she could help any trapped civilians.

What she wasn't expecting was the large shadow that soon loomed over the entirety of the city, much like everyone else.

Worry instantly filled her heart and regret filled her mind. 'T-this... Am I really going to die like this?'

Even with her usual cheerful attitude, this thought still rang through her mind. In that second, she looked back on her life, the mess that was her hero career. Fraught with controversy, with a majority of her fans only following her due to her looks.

Sure she didn't mind the attention, but she sure as hell didn't like being known only for that aspect of hers. Being seductive and openly promiscuous was nice and all, but it seemed that fewer and fewer people took her seriously as a hero.

That was why she also decided to become a teacher. It managed to somehow repair some of her reputation, Nezu was also glad to have her since her experience made her a great teacher for the heroics department.

After she pondered over her career, her mind wandered over to her love life. Which could only be described as messy.

She had always been unable to hold a proper relationship since most men she met didn't like her promiscuous hero personality.

In that regard, Beru was a miracle to her. He didn't just care about it, he embraced it and accepted it as part of herself.

Their meeting was odd, he was supposedly a villain when they met, but he acted like anything but one. He was intriguing to her from the start.

Slowly but surely the two of them got closer and closer. Eventually, they decided to go straight.

Those were some of the happiest days of her life. It didn't matter that Beru kept things from her, at least he was there for her, and she liked to think that she was there for him too.

Learning the truth about him did clear up a lot of things for her. But it also made way for new insecurities for her.

Now that she knew everything about him, she was just struggling with issues of morality, of who he was and what he had done.

She could tell that he didn't want to go into much depth, and she didn't want to push for that, but it still gnawed at her mind.

That was one of the reasons she didn't instantly accept Beru's proposal, something that she still regretted to this day, and it was apparently a regret that she was going to take to the grave.

As the meteor entered the atmosphere, Nemuri's knees hit the ground as tears were already coming out of her large eyes.

There were no words to express her regret, no words to express the anguish in her heart as she looked at her approaching doom.

Her sentiment was echoed in many people, many feeling anguish, many feeling despair as the realisation of their doom set in.

But then they saw him. The Number 1 Hero, rapidly flying to intercept the meteor above them.

At that moment, the regret in Nemuri's heart was finally overshadowed by a much more damaging emotion. A sense of absolute worry.

She knew that Beru was strong, incomprehensibly so, but she didn't think he was capable of actually stopping a meteor capable of ruining a continent.

Therefore, her mind was running with worry and grief.

But the reality was very much different from her despairful imagination. The sound that rang throughout Japan shook the city, the storm that Beru created wrecked it in good measure.

Then, when seeing the aftermath, the stopped meteor, the large hole in the middle of it. Beru's rapidly expanding back made Nemuri's heart tremble.

It was obvious now. After seeing her life in front of her eyes, her biggest mistake was rejecting Beru on a whim... She wasn't going to repeat that mistake.

This experience made her, and many others realize just how short life truly was. It made many people change their respective on life.

Mainly the people that could clearly see the scene, from the beginning to the end.

Their trust in Beru also reached astronomical levels(hehe), as instead of panicking due to the other meteors, they instead started cheering Beru on.

And the following scene certainly wasn't going to disappoint...

Beru gained a firmer grasp on the large meteor above him as he sped back upwards. He quickly reached the outer part of the atmosphere, not having enough speed to pierce it, but standing right near it as the rock he was holding up lost all of its heat.

Beru's body also could relax a bit as it cooled down, but that didn't last long. The first meteor to hit made a sound loud enough to deafen any regular person up close.

Even the people below covered their ears in pain as they heard it. The air trembled again as the meteor Beru help up cracked on his shoulder and head.

Beru was instantly pushed downwards a few hundred meters as he quickly put more strength into his wings to restabilize himself.

The meteor above him was now in pieces, large pieces to be exact.

He had managed to stop the second meteor with ease thanks to it, so that was a good thing. The building-sized meteor still managed to completely destroy the city-sized rock in a second though, so that didn't make Beru hopeful for the other two of coming down towards him.

'Izuku and the others can handle the falling rocks~ But I'm not sure how many meteors my hands can take on...'

Beru looked down at his shaking hands, his head was also cracked in many places as he felt the impact of the second meteor on his body too. He had never exerted himself to this extent, not once in his entire lifespan.

There was another issue too, he needed to somehow catch or also crush the other two meteors. Cutting them up wouldn't work at all, it would only create a rock shower to devastate the city anyway.

But he didn't have a lot more time for delegation. The third already made its way down.

Beru ignored the way his hands shook and the exhaustion that numbed his mind. Instead, he momentarily energized himself and expanded his entire body to gigantic proportions.

He needed to tank the other two meteors and then help the city with the falling debris. Even if Izuku and the others could protect most people, he still wanted to make sure.

After all, he had already decided that no one would die on his watch.

Beru didn't extend his arms this time though, instead, he decided to spin around in place. With every turn, he sped up more and more, gradually pulling the air around him with him as he formed a localized tornado around him, attracting the falling rocks towards him.

Beru felt the heat from the approaching third meteorite, gritting his teeth, his giant leg met the meteor head-on.

His leg, hardened with every single quirk he could think of, enhanced with all of the speed he could build up while spinning.

His kick met with the descending rock, due to the momentum he had built it now had a strength similar to that of his fist meeting with the first meteor.

The descending rock stopped instantly as it dug a bit into Beru's calve. But only for a moment as it was quickly pulverised along with it.

The strength that Beru put out through various enhancement quirks crushed the building-sized rock into powder.

Beru's leg wasn't left intact though. Rather the opposite actually. It was mangled beyond belief, much like his still-healing arm was previously.

And Beru didn't have the time to recover at all, the fourth meteor was already close enough that Beru could feel the heat coming off of it.

Beru knew he couldn't stop it with as much ease as the others.

Six large tails quickly sprouted out of his back and coiled around each other as they formed a makeshift drill around Beru's only uninjured arm.

Beru didn't have time to build any momentum now, he could only really on his body to block the rock, but that didn't mean he didn't have any tricks up his sleeve.

His tail drill was met with the meteor. It came down with unbelievable strength, a lot more noticeable now that Beru was quickly being pushed towards the ground along with it.

Many exhaust pipes sprouted on the insectoids back, burning with a deep blue flame as Beru tried to slowly kill off the meteor's momentum.

More tails also came out of his back and started wrapping around the meteor. Beru's lack of footing made things exceedingly difficult.

He made use of every flying quirk he had, of every speed enhancer that he could. Even creating air platforms underneath himself, only to get crushed through them anyway.

Beru released an enraged roar as he reeved up his quirks and his tails started drilling into the rock, using its own momentum against it.

His drill reeved up as his arm expanded to great proportions underneath the meteor. Beru tried to use air cannon, only to be constricted by the lack of air around him, as he was still very high up in the sky.

His lungs still had some air in them though, and Beru knew not to waste it on a useless attack.

He positioned his hand perfectly underneath the spinning drill and released the air cannon right there.

The cannon served to push Beru towards the ground faster, the tails that formed the drill quickly got ripped out of his own body.

But his move did pay off, as the meteor was quickly ground to dust by the boosted tail drill, much like the last one before it...

Beru released a tired sigh as he kept falling towards the ground, the engines on his back quickly killing off his momentum as he crashed into the middle of the street, only harming a few of the buildings nearby with the shockwave of his fall.

The insectoid lay there as he looked at the sky, still filled with rocks that were still falling towards the city.

'Well damn~ I'm sure the others can deal with that...' Beru thought as he just rested his eyes a bit, ignoring the deafening cheers around him.


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