Ant King In MHA

Chapter 168: Future of the Country

___________ POV Narration___________

The days rolled by quickly, so quickly in fact that Beru barely had enough time to contact every single young hero.

The venue for this huge event was the largest building in UA, the auditorium could house thousands of people, and it was now filled to the brim.

Countless faces, both familiar and unfamiliar gathered there, many were curious about what All Might, the number one hero had to say.

No one dared to speculate his retirement, after all, he was basically an idol, believed to be an everlasting icon, a Symbol.

That was the reason Toshinori didn't want to do this at first... But that wasn't a good thing, letting people live with that delusion was simply not a good thing.

All Might was putting all of those expectations on his back and carrying them without any hesitation. In his prime, doing that might've been possible, but now it was not even an option.

So, the most logical conclusion was to give way to the next generations to replace him... To give out the mantle.

Usually, Nezu would've discouraged Toshinori from revealing his true identity, an argument against it would be that villains would grow more brazen with this reveal...

But such worries were a bit strange to have. All Might was a name that put fear in the hearts of villains, that took the wind out of their sails... But Beru, well... That was something else entirely.

The very mention of his name was enough to terrify any villain that lived in Japan and even beyond.

Even if All Might was to reveal his secret, nothing would change. Why? Because Beru was still there.

His feats were a grizzly reminder that not all heroes played nice, and his power was an immense detriment to any villain that had more than a brain cell left.

The rest were simply too stupid to even be considered a threat. And they were usually dealt with swiftly.

Still, All Might was beyond anxious. There he was, wearing his Golden Age Costume and looking at the stage with uncertainty.

He was still in his skinny form, as he was out of sight from the crowd that awaited him. His costume looked to be a few sizes larger for his skinny form.

Toshinori was unsure, moments before heading onto that podium, he was starting to reconsider things.

But a large, brooding figure appeared behind him. An inhuman feeling hand pushed him forwards. Toshinori was forced to take the first step.

Looking back, he could only see a tall shadowy figure looking at him.

"This is important Toshinori~ People have relied on you for far too long~ It's time you give a chance to the next generation too~" Beru's words were softer than usual, his tone less amused and sarcastic.

Toshinori sighed a bit, unknowingly, a smile appeared on his face, as his form grew and stretched out the costume he was wearing.

He rose to a size similar to that of Beru in a second, his smile looking confident and prepared.

"Thank you, Beru!" Toshinori had stopped calling Beru 'young man' for a while now. It just didn't seem to fit with how the insectoid carried himself sometimes.

The Nr.1 Hero stepped onto the stage, the crowd was instantly filled with cheers and applause, many were already starting to take pictures.

Many spoke of his costume, the 'Golden Age Costume', it represented the era when All Might was most active, the era when the public's last worry was villains.

The Hero approached the podium with that same smile on his face.

In the crowd, many of the students he had tutored were present... All of them in fact. Beru didn't joke when saying he would invite the younger generation here, he literally invited every hero that graduated from UA in the last three years.

The students were also present, as they were also part of the new generation.

Everyone seemed to be rather excited to hear what All Might had to say, was he formally announcing that he would become more active once again?

The only person in the crowd without such delusions was Izuku(and the teachers, obviously). The green-haired young man looked at his mentor and teacher with both concern and expectation.

Izuku hoped that his mentor would finally rest, that he would try and spend his last few years in relative peace without having to worry about the public.

In a sense, he already knew what was happening. The embers of One for All were already running out inside All Might, Izuku could easily tell.

"It is a pleasure to see so many people gathered in one place! You all are a direct look at the promising future of our country." All Might said while looking directly at the crowd of young students and heroes.

The reporters were quick to start writing what the Symbol was saying. Praising the younger generation was a good start for what was to come.

"Thanks to all of the people that took some time off their day to come here too." He didn't let the reporters go unnoticed though, they were still people after all, and they were all fans of All Might. Like most people in the country.

"Now, you all may be wondering what brought the sudden need for such a large gathering. Aren't you?" All Might's shining smile had already captivated everyone in the building, but it was time to skip the pleasantries.

"Today is a big day, for today is the day I formally announce..." The hero took a pause as if letting the drums beat, countless hearts beat in anticipation for his upcoming announcement.

"MY HEROIC RETIREMENT!" He quickly raised his arms and did his usual strongman pose, his large arms flexing as his muscles seemed to almost rip through his hero costume.

In an instant, the hall was filled with both shocked exclaims and panicked voices. The cameras flashed as the reporters finally realised that the news they were reporting on was a lot more important than they had initially expected.

Izuku was the only one to heave a sigh of relief when hearing those words, it obviously went unnoticed by everyone, as they were too preoccupied with their questions.

"W-What spurred this sudden decision, All Might?!" One of the reporters at the front managed to recover quickly enough in order to ask the question on everyone's mind.

"Sudden? What might you be talking about dear civilian... This has been a long time coming." All Might said as his smile seemed to look a bit amused now.

"It's obvious to everyone that I'm no longer as active as I once was, I am only growing older and older as the months go by. I simply see no reason to keep up the charade." All Might put his arms back on the stand in front of him and sighed a bit.

"S-Still, there are many heroes older than you that are still active!" The one that spoke this time was one of the students at UA, yet another person that idolized the Symbol of Peace to no end.

"Not that many of them, and most only take up inactive roles, like teaching and other things of that nature, which I will keep doing, by the way!" All Might didn't quite seem to be shocked by the exclamations and questions he was getting, he had already rehearsed everything.

"Besides, there is another, even bigger reason as to why I'm retiring right now!" There it was, the big reveal... Just how would the people that blindly idolized him take it though?


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