Another Kind of Genius

13. Star Dou Great Forest – Part 2

Ru Shenqi nodded. "A year ago, I entered Slaughter City. A few days ago, I, Hell's Little Empress, emerged from the Hell Road with the Death God Domain."

"Unbelievable! Who showed you to Slaughter City? Surely only Death Gods themselves could lead you there."

She nodded again. "The Spirit Empire Holy Maiden and Slaughter City's Hell Emissary, Hu Liena."

Shock registered in Flender's eyes, jaw dropping. "S- say what?!"

"She helped me get my third spirit ring and showed me to Slaughter City."

"She didn't try to recruit you to Spirit Empire?"

"She tried, but I turned it down. I knew I wanted to find Shrek Academy when she had finished helping me."

Flender stared at her in disbelief. Even Zhao Wuji was shocked.

"I can't believe Hu Liena would let you go so easily. I wonder what her future motives are," Flender muttered to himself.

"Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, Suyin is waking up."

Everyone focus their attention on the other girl as her eyelids flickered before opening. Zhao Wuji stepped forward.

"Suyin, you're officially a Spirit Grandmaster now. Quickly, show us your second spirit skill."

She nodded and said, "Second spirit skill, Tarantula Fury!"

Soon, her Jade Poison Tarantula spirit released. Her speed, precision, and all attributes had gotten a five percent boost.

"Amazing!" Flender praised. "Suyin, how long does this skill last?"

"Five minutes, Dean Flender!"

"Outstanding, truly outstanding."

"Flender, don't forget, we're here to get spirit rings for Fang Youyou1方优游 - given name meaning "Carefree" and Ming Yong2明勇 - given name meaning "Courageous" as well."

The others nodded and set out. They were too close to the center of Star Dou Great Forest, so they headed out towards the perimeter. Eventually, it was Ming Yong's spirit beast that the group came across first.

The boy with light brown hair stepped forward. "Dean Flender, let me have this Twisted Tree. The strength of the whole thing should help me."

"You're right, Yong. This spirit beast is still at the hundred year level, so it's quite suitable for you."

"I'll slow time, so the spirit beast's attacks are slowed as well. Ming Yong-ge, you just focus on killing it."

He nodded, so Ru Shenqi called, "Fourth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Time!"

Her eyes flashed, spirit releasing, as her fourth spirit ring glowed at her feet. Their perception of time slowed, so they could see the Twisted Tree's attacks clearly. Therefore, it was only too easy for Yong Ming to stab and kill the spirit beast. A yellow hundred year spirit ring appeared, and he reached out to absorb it. Once it floated around him, he sat down to meditate.

"Mei mei3妹妹 - younger sister, a form of address," Liao Suyin began. "You're really lucky to level up so quickly. This jie jie4姐姐 - older sister, a form of address is jealous of you."

"It's really not that great," she admitted. "I wasn't able to show my spirit or spirit rings to the other kids at my primary academy. Headmaster Bing and Teacher Cang were worried word might get out, so I was laughed at and bullied instead. The others believed I wasn't worthy of being a Spirit Master."

"A body spirit is very rare," Flender cut in. "I can see your teachers made a wise choice. Xiao Shen, which Primary Academy did you come from?"

"Vast Sea City Primary Academy."

"Good, good. Well, at Shrek Academy, your genius won't go overlooked nor bullied. We're all monsters, so don't you worry about a thing anymore."

"Thank you, Dean Flender." Gratefulness shone in Ru Shenqi's eyes.

He nodded. "Once Yong has woken, we need to keep a look out for any ponds or lakes. There, we'll be able to find a suitable spirit beast for Youyou."

Curious, Ru Shenqi turned to the platinum haired, amber eyed boy. "Fang Youyou, what is your spirit?"

"I have a plant spirit: Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus. I'm an Auxiliary System Spirit Master."

"Ahh. So we'll be looking for plants, right? A lotus is preferable, yes?"

He nodded. "Ru Shenqi, thank you."

"Of course, my eyesight is second only to Dean Flender, thanks to my Body Spirit."

Just then, they heard a rustling behind them. Ming Yong had stood up. "Dean Flender, Teacher Zhao Wuji, I'm a Spirit Grandmaster now."

"What's your second skill, Yong?" Flender asked.

He grinned and replied, "Second spirit skill, Dragon Qin Twist."

His ebony black tool spirit, Seven String Dragon Qin, appeared in front of him. He played a few hypnotic notes; and soon, Liao Suyin and Fang Youyou couldn't move. As Ming Yong continued to play his qin, they moved according to his intent. Flender and Zhao Wuji stared in shock.

"This child's skill is really too scary!" Flender cried. "To be able to control others' movements at will, like puppets, is not heard of on Douluo Continent. Only hypnotic spirits could possibly have this chance, definitely not a Spirit System Spirit Master!"

Ming Yong grinned. "Didn't you say earlier, Dean Flender, that we're all monsters? Is this not monstrous then?"

Zhao Wuji chuckled, "Yong has you there, Flender."

As the Dragon Qin Twist's effects began to wear off, the other children all clapped excitedly. Instead of being angry, as expected, they were intrigued. Fang Youyou's face brightened with anticipation.

"I hope my next spirit skill is just as awesome!"

Pride filled Flender. "You four children really are this generation's geniuses. Shenqi, you are a genius among geniuses. Follow Shrek Academy and your future prospects will be bright."

She bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Dean Flender."

"Come on, children," Zhao Wuji said. "Let's go find a sprit beast for Youyou."

They nodded and walked in a formation. Flender took to the skies while the others made a condensed pentagram shape. Ru Shenqi took the front point, since her eyesight was the best out of those on the ground. Liao Suyin flanked her right side, while Ming Yong flanked the left. In the back left was Zhao Wuji, keeping an eye on Fang Youyou, next to him. As the group's auxiliary spirit master, Fang Youyou's contribution was great. But since he was weaker in physique and stamina than the others, Zhao Wuji stayed close to be able to protect him if the need arose.

Flender and Ru Shenqi both noticed the pond up ahead at the same time. He flew down and landed by Ming Yong. The group stopped walking, and Fang Youyou piped up.

"Dean Flender, have you found something?"

He nodded. Ru Shenqi added, "It's right up ahead."

They headed to the pond where, in the middle, resting on the water, was a lotus flower. Flender pointed at it, addressing Fang Youyou, "This Ever-Blooming Lotus is perfect for you. I can fly you over there. All you have to do is pluck it. Once the flower itself separates from the roots, it will be considered killed, and the spirit ring will appear. Take it, and then I'll fly you back to land so you can absorb it."


Flender picked up Fang Youyou and spread his owl wings. He flew over to the flower and slowly lowered them both until Fang Youyou's hand dipped into the water. He fumbled around a bit before finding the Ever-Blooming Lotus' stem. Elation lit on his face when he finally grabbed it.

"Dean Flender! I've got it!"

"Good, now pluck it."

Nodding, Fang Youyou did so. Soon, a yellow hundred year spirit ring appeared. Once he had collected it, Flender soared over to the others and landed. Fan Youyou sat down in the lotus position, beginning his meditation to absorb the spirit ring.

Zhao Wuji nodded. "Good. This trip was quite successful. Suyin, Youyou, and Yong have each gotten their second soul ring, while Shrek Academy has gained a new student. Truly, Shrek Academy has profited this time."

Flender hummed in agreement. "Wuji, you've hit it spot-on. Indeed, this has been a very beneficial hunt."

They waited. A quarter of a shichen later, Fang Youyou opened his eyes. With Ming Yong's hand, he stood up.

"Dean Flender, Teacher Zhao Wuji, I'm a Spirit Grandmaster now."

"Good, good. When we come to Heaven Dou City, we'll go to a Spirit Hall so all four of you can register your new ranks," Zhao Wuji said. "Then we'll return to Shrek Academy from there."

"Youyou," Flender began. "What's your second spirit ability?"

Fang Youyou blinked at him before saying, "I won't demonstrate it, since it uses up too much spirit power, so I'll explain instead."

Flender nodded in agreement. "Alright."

"Thanks to the Ever-Blooming Lotus, my second spirit skill, Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus Eternity can fully heal up to ten spirit masters, which includes healing all bodily injuries and renewing spirit power. The only downfall is that it drains too much of my spirit power. I can only use it once within five days."

Every face went slack. Joy lit in Flender's eye.

He cried, "That's still great though! That's really great! I can see you four becoming a really powerful team in the future. If you all can good relations between you and trust each other, then there's nothing you won't be able to do. Perhaps you can even be the next Shrek Seven Devils!"

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