Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 683

Seeing Nami getting off the trolley, the Baroque staff stationed here quickly stopped their work, and then bowed to the current BOSS, and the leading spy even rushed out to report the affairs, and The pause at the end of his words did not cause Nami to be too strange.

After all, any business needs to pay the temptation of interest, especially for these people stationed several kilometers underground. Even if the fortifications are laid to prevent collapse, the pressure is not comparable on the ground, so Nami also doesn’t mind giving the staff here some better treatment.

“What difficulties did you encounter, in terms of materials or wages?”

Looking at the gate of Hades at the end of the tunnel, Nami couldn’t help but feel a little emotional. The military knowledge in this world is still quite strange. On the other hand, there are still many things in this world that are almost impossible to develop in other worlds. For example, the flying airship of Anilu is enough to attract people’s imagination. The ability to fly is already scary enough in itself, and where such advanced technology comes from is still worthy of awe.

Not to mention, the Pluto, which has reached 100 meters just by logging in to the gate, seems to be buried several kilometers underground, but Nami feels that if it can really be activated, it may only be possible for this thing to get out of trouble. easy.

“No… Actually, someone told us that it’s not good to continue digging.”

The head of the foreman still spoke respectfully, even with a hint of fear. Obviously, for these grassroots spies, Nami was still a boss who needed to be recognized and obeyed, but such an answer undoubtedly made Nami’s eyes widen. shrink suddenly.

It needs to be explained here. First of all, the agents who dig here are all personally selected and assigned by Robin. As a deputy who has worked under Crocodile for several years, it can be said that the entire Baroque Work Society was built and integrated by Robin, and Crocodile just provided support of materials and channels.

Naturally, the personnel chosen by Robin, who has a sufficient understanding of the darkness of human nature, cannot be said to be loyal, but they are definitely smart enough to not kill at will. There will be no rebellion at a critical moment. Because the smarter people are, the more they understand their own positioning. These spies know that they are by no means the kind of heroes who can respond directly to the top at critical moments, so it is impossible to risk the threat of death without a corpse to be careful.

Under this kind of self-knowledge, the agents obeyed Nami’s orders quite well. Whether it was the harsh environment of eating sand here or the psychological pressure that could be buried at any time, they were all carried away by them. Backed by their paychecks, these villains have plenty of resilience to overcome circumstances.

So think about it now, after such a group of vicious, self-aware, and resilient villains, softly uttering the words “Someone told us, this is not good” in the tone of a frightened child, this situation is normal. ?

“Oh? Who told you that? Can you let me see it?”

The corners of Nami’s mouth were slightly raised, and she made a standard commercial smile. She was not too surprised, because for her, any mistakes were forgivable, because the world and even human beings themselves were Unstable and probabilistic aggregates.


The agents didn’t speak any more, but they were obedient and silently separated a path. Not only the foreman, but Nami even saw a strange look in the eyes of these nearly 100 people. That is something that is absolutely inappropriate in the eyes of this group of villains, and that is [religion].

Three points of respect, three points of sincerity, and… four points of fear.

This is the interpretation of the word “piety” in Nami’s eyes. Speechless, the queen in black slowly walked towards the gate of Hades, because at this time she was able to see clearly the person standing in front of the gate. a figure.

“It really surprised me that after so long, someone really found it here.”

The very soft and calm female voice can even be heard full of kindness and helplessness, while the tall figure and the same black nun dress have the same first feeling as Nami’s shirt, but look a few more times. If so, you can strongly taste the difference between the two similar tones.

“…Looks like I’m being rude and rude, I should have thought of that. How could there be no heir to such a precious legacy.”

Although she was still smiling on the surface, Nami’s nerves were completely tensed: Yes, she was indeed a little rash. Something as important as Pluto is like a precious treasure in a game. If it is not guarded by a bunch of elite monsters, it will be abnormal.

“Huh… It’s also because we didn’t think about it carefully. Before, we only thought that the thickness of the Alabasta desert was enough to prevent the world from finding Hades. But now, it seems that I just hope that I, the gatekeeper, are not too late.”

Turning around slowly, the figure dressed as a nun finally exposed her appearance to Nami, with long gray hair and a delicate face that could not be judged of age, and the figure that seemed to be held on her chest because of her piety. cross.

“One of the guardians of Hades’ Gate, the cross-wielder Hya Lego, greets you.”

Guardian (2)

“You’re very kind, I am the Queen of Belmer of the East Sea Kingdom, and the second-generation president of the current Baroque Work Club, a blood-powered person, Nami.”

Observing the black-clothed nun in front of her, Nami finally reported her name and other information in the same gentle way. In fact, if she was more rational, she should be disguising her identity or ability at this time, but since the other party has already Report your position, name and ability truthfully. Then responding with the same sincerity is the final confirmation of Nami’s inner restraint and confidence.

Judging from the information currently observed, Haiya in front of her is obviously not malicious, or in her eyes, the stupid Baroque staff around are not worth killing. From the abnormal reactions of those villains, it is not difficult to see that this nun who claims to have the ability of the cross must have some kind of ability that can affect the spirit, so she can make those villains who are addicted to money like a frightened rabbit. Report to Nami.


Hai Ya’s eyes narrowed slightly, even if she had a high grasp of her own expressions, her eyes would never be so easy to disguise. In Nami’s eyes, there is no doubt that there is only one such look: her message caused the nun’s consternation, and her intuition told her that the source of the other’s consternation was probably not the title of the previous king or president. .

“Blood-blood capable… I’m really lucky, the prophecy is indeed correct.”

She seemed to understand that her feelings were leaked, and the nun did not hide any more, but simply showed her attitude, slightly raised the cross on her chest, and the nun’s words were still soft: “The rest of the children, please temporarily Get out of here, you don’t have a heart that can listen to the next secret.”

The surrounding Baroque agents, who seemed to be no different from the usual ones, nodded and saluted in an unusually obedient manner. Then, as if ignoring the boss Nami, they left the underground area neatly and without hesitation. The cable car ascended far away, and the entire underground space that was excavated once again returned to the palpitating tranquility.

Nami patiently watched the scene in front of her. Originally, she didn’t expect the Baroque agents around her to do anything, and the performance of these people confirmed her speculation about the mysterious person in front of her. The other party really had manipulation or influence. The ability of the human spirit, and the catalyst that activates it, may be the pendant on its chest.

“Then, what advice do you have? Do you want me to give up and continue to dig the Pluto in front of me?”

Remaining polite, Nami did not intend to remain silent. Ever since she began to artificially change the world, she had already prepared the idea that she would be blocked or attacked, and this person with the ability who did not appear in the original book was only part of the expected situation.

“No, please don’t get me wrong, we are indeed guardians, but what we have to do is not to let the great ancient weapons continue to sleep, but to wait for a suitable time and a suitable successor.”

Haiya shook her head slightly, but as the ordinary people around her left, the look in her eyes was no longer the harmless look she had before, but an extra sharp look, with an undisguised self-confidence. , there is also a clear oppression: “Before this, our responsibility is not so much to cover it up, but to make this secret not be forgotten by the world.”

“Huo oh~ So, no matter how strictly the world government blocks it, the facts and news of the existence of Hades are still spreading in this world, right?”

Hearing Haiya’s explanation in front of her, the doubts in Nami’s heart were instantly resolved: That’s right, that’s why Crocodile knew the existence of Hades, and that’s why there are still many legends about ancient weapons in this world. The stories, from the obscure fables to the dark and dense archives, all have traces of these ancient weapons.

If it is considered that there is a force behind it that is constantly promoting these news, so that the world will always remember these secrets, then it is not surprising that the world government failed to block these news, the only strange thing is…

“Why do you do this? If it’s just to preserve ancient weapons and wait for the so-called successor to arrive, you can secretly observe and select the right person. I don’t think it’s necessary to spread information about weapons with incredible combat power in this world. It’s a sensible thing to do.”

Cautiously raised all her sense of vigilance, Nami believed in her own vision. Haiya in front of her seemed to be a gentle and harmless nun, but the sense of danger that was fed back to her was completely identifiable. She is indeed quite familiar with the role of the vicious smiling tiger.

And just as she asked, as a super weapon that can affect the world, Pluto should be properly sealed and protected no matter what, as a weapon hundreds of years ago, I want to make its legends from the world completely Weaning is also easy. After all, human beings are creatures that are good at forgetting. At the fastest time, it only takes two generations of separation to completely bury a secret in the soil forever.

But this is not the case. First of all, the pirates on the entire great route almost know the secrets of the existence of ancient weapons. Before the era of great voyages, the golden lion who competed with Roger for maritime supremacy directly pointed out the fact that Roger had ancient weapons. , so he wanted to use all his powers to win over Roger, because as long as there are the ancient weapons provided by Roger, and the power of the golden lion itself, ruling this world is indeed no longer just on paper, but just around the corner.

Then there is Crocodile. Compared with Roger and the Golden Lion, this hero who became one of the seven seas even has the secret details of Hades’ location in Alabasta, so this is very interesting: who told him this secret? And why did the hero completely believe this secret?

The disclosure of the secrets of ancient weapons not only caused some heroic intentions, but also gave these people the ambition and grasp of overturning the world, and this ambition created the turmoil in this world. To put it simply, if Crocodile didn’t know the whereabouts of Hades, then he probably wouldn’t be Shichibukai, and naturally he wouldn’t have calculated that the entire Alabasta would fall into the flames of war.

“Deliberately revealing the secrets of ancient weapons to these pirates… It seems that your beliefs and practices do not really consider innocent lives… nun.”

Bending her eyes down, Nami had already figured out the joints of the matter, and just as she said, the nun in black who was standing opposite the queen smiled slightly. The cold light of the teeth is like a beast.

“Of course~ Remember the glory of the previous generation, inherit the will of the ancient king, select qualified sacrifices… For these, fighting is the melting pot of selection.”

Guardian (3)

There is no need to say more, Nami has fully understood the meaning of the black nun in front of her: this world is like a pot for refining Gu to her and the forces behind her, whether it is to choose inheritance Or for the so-called glory of the ancestors, their primary goal is to hope that the world will be turbulent.

And the incense bait that attracts those strong poisonous insects to grow faster is the secret of ancient weapons, or in other words, an opportunity that is enough to subvert the world and even rule it.

Crocodile is the best example. In order to master the ancient weapon Pluto, the hero who drank hatred on the sea gave up his self-respect as a big pirate, and was willing to become a lackey under the world government, spending his precious time on God. Pakistan is close to ten years. And its purpose is to get Pluto, and then conquer the whole world.

He was indeed successful, because he did what he wished to destroy the original peace and tranquility of the country, and even found the tomb where the Pluto stele was stored in Alabasta.

But he was indeed a complete defeat, not only because the war he incited ended up in the capital, but he also lost to a rookie pirate who completely looked down on him.

In any case, the chaos and turmoil that his actions have brought to Alabasta and even the world is undeniable. The human world often affects the whole because of the parts. If Crocodile is not prevented, then his successful usurpation will definitely cause countless people to follow suit. These people may be pirates like him, or they may be other nobles who were originally peaceful, and the chaos and turmoil that may be caused is no longer necessary.

Not to mention the extent to which Crocodile, who really found the location of Hades, would spread the chaos and turmoil if Robin didn’t have that kindness.

“Originally, I thought it would be Crocodile who succeeded, but it seems that the decision of fate is unimaginable for ordinary people. You who appear in front of me now proves this.”

Haiya raised her head slightly, the black nun’s eyes reflected a metallic cold light in the dim light around her, and her words also explained another mystery: the person who revealed the information of Hades to Crocodile might be the one she.

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