Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 669

However, there was no response to Nuoqigao’s shouts. The pink-haired boy holding his head and trembling all over curled up in the jungle on the other side, and on the ground next to him was throwing the rifle assigned to him at the beginning. . Obviously, the fear caused by Keya’s mutation is enough to make timid people stay away, it is a completely blood-stained ghost breath.

The pink-haired boy holding his head is undoubtedly a person who has sufficient viewing experience of that kind of power. Since he was still working as a handyman on the ship of Al Rita, he has seen the kind of power that can be easily manipulated. The terrifying power of the pirate blood of a whole pirate group spilling on the deck was his initial nightmare, and it was also the evil authority that he was completely unable to summon the courage to compete with.

“…impossible…that’s Her Majesty’s power…”

“How is it possible… someone can compete with it…”

(PS1: Ah~~ After eight hours of bumpy rides today, I went from Luoyang, Henan to Wuyi Mountain, Fujian… As an otaku who feels uneasy even going out, this trip is the best I can do so far. ..I don’t ask for anything, I just ask for a clear conscience, I have worked hard… I have proved that I have the courage to change and give, and the rest is up to God’s will.)

(PS2: Sorry for the long absence and the inexplicable ending. Thank you for your support all the time. I will try to do as much as possible… Thank you.)

Demon ability

There is no doubt that Devil Fruits are given the title ‘Demon’ for no reason, because they represent not pure power, but more of a unique ‘law’, and if not restricted, Their power within this law often leads to extremely dire consequences.

The mutation on Keya’s body has clearly demonstrated this point, even if Nami’s original intention was only to use her own blood to treat her lung disease, she had no intention of harming Keya at all, but her own strength was not at all. will take into account her true intentions. This Devil Fruit ability, which is within the flesh and blood, is only a thoughtless instinct that gradually transforms and even controls Keya’s body, urging her body to evolve in the direction of biological instinct, as if not applying the brakes. The heavy truck of the 1980s slid all the way down the steep top of the slope, and didn’t mind the abyss called ‘monster’ on both sides.

“What… what should we do, North? We can’t deal with such a monster at all!”

Jindrila, who found that her attack had failed, panicked almost immediately. As an ordinary woman who is greedy and vain, of course she could not have any warrior qualities. When she realized that she was powerless, she had lost the will to fight.

“We must catch her, this is our mission.”

Answering Jindrella’s question lightly, North didn’t mean to back down at all, but seemed to see through Jindrella’s cowardice, and the faceless little nun also added coldly: “If you run away, You are dead.”

Before Jindrila could react to such stern words, Keya on the opposite side had already started a new movement. Unlike Nami’s limitation of her own abilities, the blond girl, who had been completely controlled by her blood instinct at this moment, raised her head and roared sharply. And the red blood shadow behind her is facing the sky, and countless red blood lines like tentacles spurted out of her mouth, and then flew away in all directions of the island.

First of all, a pterosaur that swept across the sky was accidentally attacked, and a blood line directly entangled its claws, and when it lowered its head in surprise, several other blood lines swarmed like tarsus maggots. , entangled its neck, wings, and other parts, and before this poor pterosaur’s tragic hiss had completely dissipated in the sky, its body was instantly shriveled and charred like a sucked-up beverage bag. , and the red blood shadow behind Keya on the ground bowed slightly, and a pair of blood-colored wings exactly like the pterosaur stretched out from behind! It turned out that while sucking blood, it also plundered the most beneficial biological elements of this pterosaur.

Originally, the blood and blood fruit’s ability range already covered the area including all creatures. That is to say, if Nami wants to, she can also absorb the blood of other creatures to obtain the beneficial elements of these creatures, that is, Wings, claws, fangs, and other biological advantages.

It’s just because Nami herself never thought to go beyond the scope of human beings. She didn’t even want the biological characteristics of a demi-human like a murloc. blood from other creatures.

But this part comes from the blood in her body, but there is obviously no such restriction. At this moment, with the blood of the giant red ghost Broki as the biggest source of nutrition, the blood that controls Koya’s body almost instinctively begins to collect More biological characteristics, fortunately, they have not yet been fully integrated with Keya’s body, so these acquired biological characteristics cannot immediately affect Keya’s body.

And now that the first victim has appeared, the surrounding forest is naturally no longer safe. The continuous screams of animals come and go from the nearby forests affected by the blood line, and the body of the blood shadow behind Na Keya is also changing rapidly. , sharp claws like razors, curved and slender teeth like saber-toothed tigers, and even a spindle-shaped tail with dense bone spurs. This island itself is an island that has continued from the ancient times to the present, and the richness of species that exists is simply impossible. calculation, and the biological properties that can be provided are naturally countless.

Although these creatures are ferocious and sturdy beasts, under the power of Devil Fruits, they can only be food without resistance. However, the strange thing is that except for the first pair of wings, the other changes are fleeting on the body of the blood shadow. Obviously, these ordinary beast blood is not strong enough to be able to compete with Na The body tempered by Mei itself is comparable to that, except that the flying ability is something that Nami does not possess and cannot match, and other fangs, claws and even tails cannot be recorded as things that can cover the advantages of the original limbs, so it is also It cannot be judged as the part that can be changed.

“Damn…still can’t move…”

Nuoqigao, who was pressed under the tree trunk, looked at a meandering blood line in despair. Creatures will naturally be included in the scope of collection.


Fortunately, just at the critical moment, a boulder flying over from the slanting thorn accurately blocked the advancing route of this blood line, smashing it into a pool of rotten flesh, and from the jungle. Sanji, who leaped out, was clearly the initiator of this attack.

“Are you okay, Miss Nuoqigao!”

One kick kicked the tree trunk on Nuo Qigao’s calf into the air, and Sanji also raised the former from the ground with concern, and shook his head, Nuo Qigao did not care about his own safety at all: “That’s right! Thorpe and Kirby! Quick, go save them!”

On the other side, Jindrila and North, who were the first to bear the brunt, were undoubtedly besieged by more bloodlines, but because they were both powerful, these bloodlines could never be approached.

“Damn! What are these disgusting things! North, since you don’t want to retreat, you’d better come up with a solution quickly!”

In a hurry, she created air darts to cut off the incoming red blood lines, and Jindrila’s face became pale. Even if she was stupid, she already understood the consequences of being entangled in those blood lines. It would definitely turn into a mummy. Without second words.


North still kept the silence of Sanwu, and the new long-skilled man suddenly raised his hand after looking around for a while, and four earth and stone pillars rose beside the unconscious Usopp, as if A box generally protects it in it, so that several foraging blood lines can no longer enter it.

It can be seen that although these blood lines have almost no solution to the lethality of living organisms, they have almost nothing to do with non-biological substances, and North’s behavior of rescuing Usopp also avoids being sucked into it. The doom of mummies.

“Huh? What are you doing, you have the skills to save that garbage, why don’t you think about what we should do!”

Looking angrily at North, who was still calm, Jindrila obviously couldn’t understand it, and at this moment, a voice rang beside him, it was Sanji with a stinky face and Kebi in one hand, saving Ke. After that, Sanji himself was too late to rescue Usopp, but fortunately there was North’s help, which would not end Usopp.

“Because this venerable nun is very clear, now that there is one more victim, the power of this guy in front of him will be stronger.”

Putting down Kebi, the frowning Sanji has clearly understood the general situation. There is no doubt that these two women are the culprits of this incident, but the main enemy in front of them is not them now, but It was Keya, or the red blood shadow wrapped around Keya’s body.

“That’s it… Although the previous things cannot be explained, the most important task now is the goal, pirates, I think it is best for us to cooperate.”

Looking at Sanji lightly, North’s tone still could not hear any emotion, and this made Sanji shrug slightly, not to mention that this is the case now, and… In all fairness, the faceless little nun in front of me It really suits her.

“No way~ I’ll be happy to help.”

Turning his eyes to the blood shadow in front of him, Sanji also spoke again, but this time the object of his speech was Kebi next to him. Although he was rescued, the little dwarf who knew he was a deserter was half ashamed and half ashamed. He held his head in fear and looked pitifully ready to be beaten.

“I’m sorry… Mr. Sanji… I…”

Sobbing and muttering, Kirby undoubtedly still has his own conscience, but shaking his head slightly, Sanji did not blame the other party, after all, she also knew very well that the other party was just an ordinary person: “There is no need to say superfluous words, it is a personal matter. You’ll be scared, but…you’re a man, aren’t you? Then show some of your masculinity.”

Abandoning Kirby, who had no self-confidence, Sanji also cautiously approached the blood shadow in front of him. At this time, he could also see the continuous blood lines coming out of his body and then retracting, but the blood coagulated figure was also clearly aware of the mountain. As Sanji approached, its shape was almost solid at this moment, and even vague facial features could be seen. At least Sanji, who was approaching, had obviously had a strange feeling of being ‘watched’.

“Tsk…Fortunately, I can’t treat this thing as a beautiful lady…”

Looking up and down the appearance of the blood shadow, Sanji could not help but heave a sigh of relief. Obviously, this lascivious cook still has a very strict aesthetic when it comes to treating women. Although it is a uniform practice not to shoot women, but women However, her appearance also strictly divides her enthusiasm level.

Fortunately, the **** figure in front of him is bloody. First, he can’t be regarded as a good-looking person, and secondly, he can’t be regarded as a real lady. Naturally, it is not within the range that Sanji can’t attack.

‘Gluck cluck cluck~’

A series of strange hoarse voices came out from the **** throat. It sounded like the sound of bones rubbing against each other, but from the tone, it made Sanji feel like he was counting down the hairs. , because the sound is nothing but ‘laughing’.

“Uncomfortable guy… Get me out of Miss Koya’s body now!”

He crushed the toe of his right foot on the ground, Sanji decided not to wait any longer, as long as he kicked this thing into powder, no matter how disgusting the opponent was, he could ignore it.

However, just as Sanji was about to attack, she stopped in shock, because the blood shadow in front of her made a terrifying change, and its right hand suddenly swelled and deformed, as if it had become The reproductive organs of a certain creature were ordinary, and a body that was also covered in blood and flesh struggled to climb out of it, and then fell to the ground in front of Sanji.

This strange enough scene to make people lose SAN is obviously not simply disgusting, because as the body slowly stands up, its appearance also changes rapidly, like a biomimetic discoloration, its body surface rapidly changes In order to be as black as clothing, and the hair at the back of the head is turned into gold, as if to restore an image to the maximum extent, when he completely raised his head and looked at Sanji, the curly eyebrow chef did not realize it. Di opened his mouth wide, and even the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

The reason is very simple, because this image is not someone else, but the attitude of Sanji himself! In addition to the lack of pupil focus in the eyes, even the curly eyebrows on the forehead are reproduced vividly. Moreover, Sanji clearly felt the same aura as himself from it, an attacking aura that only comes when he possesses superb kicking skills. In other words, this thing is not similar on the surface at all, but wraps the inside.

And Sanji, who was stunned for a few seconds, determined that he was not dreaming, could not help but spit out a heartfelt sigh.

“This… this fucking…”

(PS1: Call ~ The power of blood can do whatever you want in the biological area.jpg)

(PS2: I’m proud of the update so I crossed my waist.jpg)

moment of courage

There is no doubt that the situation is extremely bad. As one of the victims of the blood and blood fruit ability, Sanji will never think that the situation in front of him is so childish as a hallucination. Although the red blood shadow floating behind Keya is definitely not as good as Nami’s body. , but its advantage is that it does not need to think about any rationality at all, and only needs to fight the enemy according to the instinct, which also makes it truly limitless in the application of its own abilities.

And the reason why it can reach such a level is obviously inseparable from Luffy and his party. When Koya just stimulated this power in Belmer, it was only barely able to distort the surrounding flesh and blood creatures. The basic level, but with the growth in Keya’s body, especially the Straw Hat Pirates, the whole group continuously supplies Keya with blood, which is like directly feeding the power in Keya’s body.

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