Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 635

After taking a few deep breaths, the anger on Bucky’s face also subsided. After all, pirates are so-called opportunists in the final analysis. Whether it is robbery, escape or trading, they all need a certain amount of luck and even chance. Now that Luffy and the others have got this set of keys, no matter how lucky the other party is or what, this is all a matter of luck. It is impossible to change the situation. Moreover, there is no chance to compete now, it can only be negotiated.

“Huh? Are you going to leave here? What’s going on? Has something happened to this country?”

Sanji on the side frowned. Obviously, she is undoubtedly the one who cares most about the current domestic situation in Belmer. After all, her identity has been discovered in the palace before, although she has been punished by Nami after being caught. But it’s hard to say whether Bharati, the offshore restaurant that recently moored off the coast of Belle Mere for business, has been affected.

“Hmph~ It’s okay to tell you, this country is no longer suitable for making money, because the Navy Headquarters actually dispatched a real lieutenant general to be stationed here, and that level of combat effectiveness is simply not something we can compete with. So, I want to return to the great route, although it is very unpleasant to see you newcomers, but as long as you are obedient, this captain may not be able to take you on a journey.”

Turning his eyes, Bucky obviously still admires the level of force of Zoro and others. After all, he is going to return to the great route this time, and how dangerous it is. He has already experienced it when he followed Roger. , of course, will not have any contempt for this legendary route. However, from the original book, his ship can actually enter the waters of the New World through the Red Earth Continent, which shows that he is indeed quite familiar and clear with this route. Otherwise, the pirates on his ship Their average strength, if they want to use normal risk-taking methods like others, I am afraid that if they encounter a bigger Sea King, they will all be reimbursed.

“How? Promise, that’s how pirates exist. With me, the captain who has traveled the great route, your adventure goals can be achieved more smoothly.”

(PS1: Honey. Juice has become a harmonious word… What did the other big touches write to make this happen…)

(PS2: Ah~~ Damn May Sickness… I hate this feeling of powerlessness…)


Carrying simple luggage, Nuo Qigao was undoubtedly full of emotion. After all, she did leave Coco Yaxi Village in a determined mood before, but now she is back here again, although the whole village There has been a significant change from more than a year ago, but when she saw the lush orange orchard as always, her mood subconsciously calmed down.

“I’ve been worried since you joined the Navy for more than a year. After all, your mother Belmer used to be a strong female navy, otherwise… Forget it, how long do you plan to stay here this time?”

Ah Jian, who was walking in the front, obviously disapproved of Nuo Qigao’s joining the navy. As the bailiff of this village, he had witnessed the fact that the branch navy and the Evil Dragon gang colluded with each other, even if Nuo Qigao joined the navy. The navy of the headquarters in Rogge Town looks very good, but this is not the reason to reassure Ah Jian.

“…Ah, actually…I applied for discharge…”

Looking at the orange orchard in front of her, Nuo Qigao’s answer also brought a sense of absent-mindedness, which made Ah Jian in front of her turn his head slightly in shock, and after confirming the expression on the girl’s face, the man who seemed to be The middle-aged man like a foster father also sighed, and then nodded lightly: “That’s fine… After all… As far as my personal feeling is concerned, she may be no different from Nami… Or maybe , It was the experiences of those years that made Nami choose to become her appearance…”

“Okay, Ah Jian, I’m very tired, so I’ll go back to my room to rest first.”

Interrupting Ah Jian’s words of exhortation, Nuo Qigao also pushed open the door in front of him. It could be seen that Ah Jian did not forget to clean the place when she and Nami both left, so the interior of the house was still spotless. , And shaking his head, Ah Jian didn’t say anything more, but left directly. He also knew very well that Nuo Qigao in front of him had undoubtedly made his own decision and gave up certain things.

And casually throwing the luggage to the corner of the room, Nuoqi Gao, who was lying on the bed, pondered silently. Of course she understood what Ah Jian said, and over the years, Ah Jian has been getting money by mail from some inexplicable existence. , she can also guess who would do such a thing.

Not to mention the favor that Coco Yaxi Village received, this is enough to represent that everything that his sister Nami values, is also valued in the eyes of the current one. Those who value these friendships and existences like their relatives, what else can they be other than their relatives?

It is true that Nuoqigao joined the navy for revenge, but her gentle and rational nature made it impossible for her to deny what she saw with her eyes, so even if she was dismissed from the navy on the grounds of ‘absolutely not winning’ Regardless of whether she was discharged from the army, she knew instinctively that her revenge might not be completed.

But at this moment, a panicked voice suddenly came from the village, and this made Nuoqigao sit up abruptly. After all, the training in the naval barracks worked, and he listened for a few seconds. Afterwards, her face suddenly became particularly ugly, because from those exclamations, she had determined something.

Pirates are here!

As the only way to the great route, Rogge Town is the last stop, and Rare Beast Island is undoubtedly before Cocoyashi Village, and Belmer, who chose Rare Beast Island as the basis for the founding of the country, is naturally geographically located. It is indeed closer to the interior of the East China Sea than Cocoa West Village.

Therefore, after a whole night and half a day of nervous escape, the Bucky Pirates finally left that nightmarish country behind. Of course, after experiencing the baptism of that country, their bodies and life perspectives It has been changed forever, and it is estimated that it will never be changed again. Naturally, it is impossible for them to have the courage to find the queen who is so powerful that she has left a shadow on them forever.

“Captain, in front of you is Cocoyashi Village, a very famous village in the East China Sea. It is said that this village has been doing business in recent years, so it is very rich.”

The vice-captain Mochi, who had barely recovered, stared greedily at the village that appeared on the sea level ahead. After being locked up in Belmer for so long, the former pirates urgently needed a successful raid to boost their morale. , after all, inflicting one’s own pain on others is one of the inferiority of human beings, and as the garbage pirates among human beings, there is no need to hesitate to use this rule.

“Hmm~! Very good! Follow the waterway until the great waterway, and loot as many villages as possible!”

Bucky, who was sitting in the captain’s seat on the deck, also regained his high-spirited demeanor. After all, for him, although it was a little different from the original plan, there was no mistake on the whole. Now the first one has accumulated enough wealth, and the second one has obtained more manpower support, although… except for him and a certain straw hat boy, there are only women left on this boat, but this Overall it should be… innocuous.

“Okay! The captain has spoken! Little ones! There are newcomers, it’s time for you to prepare!”

Chief of Staff Kabaji also cheered up, and then licked the blade in his hand quite bloodthirsty. As a despicable pirate, although their appearance has now been turned into a beautiful and beautiful woman, but the nature in the bones is Obviously not much has changed.

And the rest of the original pirates who had been held back for a long time responded with the same excitement. Even though they are now women, this does not prevent the impulse to loot and bloodthirsty from showing in them. They didn’t mind the origin of the small village in front of them, they only knew that it happened to have no defenses, and it happened to have quite a lot of oil and water, which was enough.

Of course, not all on this ship at the moment agreed with the robbery, such as the four ‘passengers’ who were not very gregarious.

“Cut~ Pirates are indeed pirates.”

Sanji, who was leaning against the side of the boat, frowned. She had absolutely no chance of agreeing with this kind of looting, but now that she was under the eaves, she obviously didn’t have much confidence to oppose it.

“Of course, that’s what they do, otherwise what can they do?”

Zoro, who was sitting cross-legged on one side, poured a bucket of beer indifferently, but although her tone sounded cold, the looming disgust in it could not be concealed.

“But, do we just look at it like this? That’s a village…”

The most unbearable is undoubtedly the uneasy Usopp. She does not have the strength of Sanji and Zoro, but strictly speaking, she does not lose to these two in terms of willpower. At this moment, I see a group of pirates sharpening their knives. Huo Huo Di was about to break into the small village in front of him and loot. The unbearable unbearableness was beyond words, and perhaps there was also a bit of targeted anger.

The matter is very clear here, yes, Zoro and others obviously accepted Bucky’s proposal, temporarily boarded the other party’s ship and left Belmer with him. After all, they knew very well that it was impossible to defeat Nami at this time, so they needed to find a place to escape from the opponent’s sight first, and then save up their strength to find a way back.

“Hey, Usopp, I advise you, if you don’t have the consciousness to defeat those people, you’d better not make a fool of yourself.”

Glancing at Usopp next to him lightly, Sauron was obviously doing his duty as the deputy captain. Now everyone’s situation and situation are not optimistic. Not to mention being transformed, Nami is definitely not an enemy that can be easily dismissed, and from the current observation, she is not the type that is easy to give up, plus the opponent’s strange and hard to prevent fruit ability, it is best to be Don’t make too much noise to show the other party the way.

“But! Do you have to watch…”

Subconsciously clenching the slingshot in the palm of her hand, Usopp naturally knew that she could not defeat the red-eyed pirates in front of her, but asking her to watch these pirates ravage the small village in front of her would undoubtedly conflicted with her heart.

“You are also planning to be a pirate, so why don’t you take a good look now, this is the way to be a pirate.”

Shaking his head indifferently, Zoro was obviously not moved by Usopp’s indignation. After all, she was more aware of the ruthlessness and rationalization of the world, and it would be beneficial for Usopp to learn to do what he could. Although it can be considered that they have been together for a while, Zoro does not think that Usopp and Sanji will join her little pirate group, and this is not something she wants to consider. After all, she’s positioned herself as a co-captain, not a captain.

Bucky, who was sitting in the captain’s chair, undoubtedly noticed the situation here, but after thinking about it, the red-nosed clown shook his head and dismissed the idea of ​​commanding these three people. Although he did have many shortcomings, he was very concerned about the captain and the sea. The cognition of the two identities of the thief is still very clear. To put it bluntly: the other party is not his person, and naturally he does not need to participate in this good opportunity to make money and loot.

At this moment, a sleepy figure also came out of the cabin. The body like a ball can obviously only be one person, that is, Luffy, who is a rubber man, so he can eat himself out of shape with confidence.

“Shhhh~~ um~ it’s so noisy~”

With a big yawn, Luffy’s heartless words made the pirates around him feel ashamed. As a celebration of the rest of their lives, it was completely reasonable for the pirates to hold a banquet, but. ..because of this rubber boy, the food consumption on the ship is obviously a lot different than originally planned.

“Yo~ I woke up, Luffy~”

Looking at Luffy, who was smacking his lips, Zoro’s tone also contained a hint of malicious temptation: “Captain Bucky is preparing to loot the small village in front of us, do we want to join in?”

“Our Straw Hat Pirates, Captain~~”

(PS1: Ah~~ I hate May disease…)

(PS2: The song of sweetbox is really good~~)

parted ways

“I’m really sorry! This is our common mistake! Please, Your Majesty, give us a chance to make up for it!”

Kneeling down on one knee, the flying squirrel’s voice was somewhat embarrassing and uneasy, and the reason was very simple…

About this morning, the personnel responsible for supplying the Baki Circus found that the camp was already empty, leaving only the empty camp facilities. The jailer also reported at the same time, saying that a group of prisoners in the cell had also disappeared. After a little investigation, the feedback came out as follows: Baki Circus escaped collectively last night, and it seems that they also robbed the prisoners by the way. Four key prisoners inside the cell.

And last night, it was also when the flying squirrel accepted the Clovelly Dust Banquet, although no matter what the matter was, the flying squirrel could not be blamed for this, after all, he was first here, and secondly, he accepted the banquet like an official business. After washing the dust, once again, the Baki Circus itself is regarded as an insider of Belmer, and it is almost impossible to be noticed in advance if they want to escape. But as a real navy man, the old lieutenant general never thought of shirk his responsibilities.

Naturally, his attitude is also obvious, no matter how he is punished, he will accept it, but as a way to wash away the shame, he also decided to personally lead the army to chase down the escaped circus, and then recapture them and bring them to justice.

And Nami, who was sitting on the throne, frowned slightly. To be honest, she did not expect Luffy and his party to escape in this way, and why did Baki Circus help them? It was obvious that all the monkey jugglers had been turned into women by her and lost their motivation to be pirates. It was impossible to have the motivation to escape at such a time. Moreover, even if they run away, there is no reason to bring the Straw Hats they have never seen before.

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