Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 618

If I had to talk about the loss, it should be the trampling accident that might be caused when the people in front of me, like frightened quails, were fleeing in all directions. Even the guards who originally wanted to catch Usopp were involved in these irrational crowds and could no longer perform their duties.

Keya covered her mouth with her hands and looked at the scene in front of her. There was no doubt that she felt instinctive fear of the chaos in front of her, but there was also a different kind of firmness in her eyes. Obviously, she has been given the courage to resist again.

“Your Majesty… Now, we…”

Al Rita on the side also undoubtedly showed an uneasy look. Although she had long thought that Nami might want to take advantage of this ceremony to do something, the current situation made her feel that her optimism seemed to be a bit wrong, although Nami was still so calm that she wasn’t even angry, but this time, even Arrita, who thought she knew the queen, didn’t dare to say that this was what the other party expected.

“Take Keya back to the room and pay attention to guarding. You must not take it lightly during this kind of chaos.”

She gave her order calmly, and Nami raised her hand slightly indifferently. The two maids on one side quickly moved a chair over. Although it could be seen that their fingers were trembling, Nami did not care. The fearful gesture undoubtedly gave them the courage to continue standing here.

She casually crossed her legs and sat down on the chair, Nami also lifted the cloak in her hand, and her tone was still cold: “Cloville, what are you doing? Go and bring that long nose over, pay attention. , I want to keep him alive.”

“Follow your orders! I’ll go now, my servant!”

Clovel, whose name was called, trembled, and then instinctively knelt down on one knee in front of Nami. From the performance of Nami’s willingness to give her orders, Clovel’s heart couldn’t help but float. A bit of luck, if Nami’s order can be fulfilled, maybe she can still have some room for recovery. At least, the death penalty is no longer possible. And as long as she can live, Cloveler believes in her ability and can still continue to stand in this country.

Gritting her teeth, she ripped off her cumbersome dress, revealing her waistcoat and shorts, and Clovel jumped directly from the railing of the platform. In this chaotic situation, she personally caught that abominable long nose, and the pirates of the original Black Cat Pirates that she had collected were the time to use it.

On the other side, with two tall guards, Arrita also took Keya’s arm and took her away from this area. No matter what, even if today’s wedding was ruined, as long as Bell Mel is also one of the richest countries in the East China Sea, so he does not have to worry about marrying this eventful little princess.

Usopp ran away desperately. He knew how much trouble he had caused this time, and after experiencing such a change just now, everyone in this country has become his enemy. Now, the only chance for the long-nosed boy to survive is on a small boat prepared by the coast. There is also an appointment with Sanji. As long as Sanji brings Keya, he will take Keya to sea and escape this terrible country.

This is the plan of the two of them. There is no doubt that it is full of risks and even death threats. After all, Usopp is just an ordinary person, and a buckshot can take his life. The crowd was chaotic, and the guards were temporarily unable to find him, but it was only a matter of time.

Moreover, as the main player who caused this chaos, as long as he is caught, it means a great achievement. Those who are greedy and greedy, who want to go to the sky, obviously don’t mind taking his head as the treasure they are pursuing at the moment.

However, a sharp wind whistled suddenly from the rear, and then fell heavily on Usopp’s back, hit by the force full of resentment and anger, Usopp felt like he was It was like being hit directly by a sledgehammer, and before it even had time to scream, it slammed out with the force, and then rolled heavily on the ground for a long distance, and the rough ground was very easy. His forehead and clothes were cut, and blood flowed all over his face in an instant.


Feeling that his internal organs seemed to be torn apart by this blow, Usopp felt his lungs work again after a half-smothered suffocation. At the same time, it suddenly struck, causing the eyes of the long-nosed boy to burst into tears of pain instinctively. In all fairness, this was undoubtedly the heaviest blow he had ever suffered since he was a child.

Cloveler appeared behind Usopp. As an agile master who is good at high-speed movement, her speed and eyesight are obviously beyond the reach of ordinary people, so she will find it in less than ten minutes. And caught up with Usopp, and the blow just now also came from the opponent’s kick full of anger and resentment.

“A trash like you… how dare you…”

The words of venom were like the venom of a scorpion spilling out of Clovira’s mouth. Her hands were already covered with the usual ten-blade cat’s claws. At this moment, these sharp blades subconsciously chirped, as if speaking The owner’s furious inner emotions.

Walking slowly to Usopp’s side, Clovira suddenly raised her left hand, and along with the cold light flashing in the air, a **** light suddenly appeared on Usopp’s back. Thorpe screamed uncontrollably, and Clovel cut off a piece of flesh on his back! This kind of pain of being cut alive is obviously not something that human beings can bear.

“Your Majesty asked me to take you alive… Of course, how could I let you die so happily?”

Looking at the screaming Usopp, Clovir’s tone did not hide her cruelty and darkness: “Even if she doesn’t tell me so, I won’t kill you. I want to raise you well, And every day, a piece of flesh will be cut from you! Only in this way can I be able to relieve my hatred!”

Lifting the soles of her high-heeled shoes, Clovir stomped on the fresh wound on Usopp’s back fiercely, and then savagely and repeatedly crushed the soles of her feet, the brutal force of the heels acting on the fresh wound The intense pain that followed, made Usopp’s screams rise three degrees. Under Clovir’s power far surpassing him, he obviously couldn’t even struggle, let alone resist.

“Hahahaha~! Scream louder! You **** maggot! It’s all because of you, I’ve lost all face today!”

There is absolutely no reserve and nobility in front of people, Clovir’s eyes are filled with extreme resentment and distortion. Blood is red, if there is still a ray of reason, she will definitely put this **** here. Half of the flesh on Long Nose’s body was cut off. The venue she worked hard to prepare and the future she worked so hard to plan were all because of this **** rubbish, and now it’s falling apart and crumbling, even if Nami’s decision this time is a little more brutal, That Clovis simply didn’t dare to think about her own fate.

And all of this, the reason why he fell from heaven to hell, is because of this **** long-nosed maggot under his feet at the moment!

The situation is really serious now. The destruction of a ceremony not only affected the ceremony that was supposed to be Bermel’s cut-off show, but also brought a lot of follow-up troubles.

Not to mention the nobles of other countries who came to participate in this ceremony with great enthusiasm, even the citizens of the country, I am afraid that they will begin to doubt the stability of this country. The terrifying impact of this is the investment of other businessmen in this country first and foremost. After all, a country that was hit by a terrorist bomb on the day of an important national ceremony does not look like a safe area for business activities.

It was all because of the little princess’ old lover that led to this situation.

Looking sideways at Keya with her head lowered beside her, Al Rita also tried her best to resist the urge to scold or even scold the princess. After all, this is of no use anymore. The princess who caused these troubles was well shut in her room, and then waited for Her Majesty to be released.

Al Rita, who was thinking of this, suddenly heard a crisp sound above her head. The skylight of the corridor she was walking on suddenly cracked and shattered, and a vigorous black figure also floated down from above, and then fell lightly. On the floor of the corridor in front of her.


Arrita, who was alert for a moment, spoke loudly, but her figure had cunningly pulled Keya back and started to retreat. Obviously, Arrita now has no idea of ​​charging herself, and according to her eyesight Judging, this guy who fell from a height is probably not something she can deal with.

“Oh~ I’m sorry, the beautiful headmaster. However, I came this time to free Princess Koya, so please don’t interfere with me.”

Wearing a prom mask that covers his entire face, the person standing here is undoubtedly Sanji. After all, his plan is to bring Keya to Usopp, and then let this pair of hard-fed couples fly away. So this time obviously can not reveal their true face.

“Huh? You…”

The slightly surprised Keya subconsciously wanted to speak up, but Al Rita on the side sneered and said arrogantly: “It’s ridiculous, what do you think this place is? Guards! You’re welcome, let him Shred!”

Following Arrita’s order, the two fully-armed knights in armor who had followed behind her also stepped forward silently. Compared with ordinary people, these two were at least two meters five in height. The armored knights on the left and right give people an unusually strong sense of pressure, and judging from the texture of their armor, they are definitely thick and even reach a level that cannot be carried by human beings. Generally speaking, this armor is the ability of heavy cavalry to charge on horseback However, the two armored knights holding giant axes seemed not to care at all, pressing down on Sanji in front of him with a feeling like a metal wall.

(PS1: Ah~~ Although it’s a bit long-winded, but I really want to write a delicate feeling as if reading a comic~ Or should I be a little rougher and speed up?)

(PS2: Alas~ the leg of the chair I was sitting on was broken the day before yesterday, and I bought a thousand-dollar authentic gaming chair in installments. It arrived today… I really found it worth throwing away when I saw it… completely It’s not of the same level, it really is worth every penny, this world is full of copper stench~~ A little jealous of the world~)

Sanji’s battle

“Queen’s Guard! Show your worth!”

With such a low drink, Al Rita also grabbed Keya who was at a loss beside her, and then stepped back to the wall in the corridor next to her, while pressing her back against the wall, she slyly blocked Keya In front of you, this way, not only can you prevent being attacked from behind, but you will not be in a dilemma because of your frontal attack.

Of course, in this way, Keya will undoubtedly become her human shield. As a former pirate captain whose primary goal is to survive, Arrita’s cunning and ruthlessness are undoubtedly on full display in this series of actions. Judging from Sanji’s ability to intercept her in the middle, it is likely that some ulterior motives The enemy of her has already broken into the palace at this juncture, and most of the target is the vase princess in her hand.

Although the order she received was to bring Keya back to the room safely, it would undoubtedly be quite irrational to leave the two queen guards who are the main protection forces now. Who knows if there are other enemies on the way, if you leave your guard rashly, this is simply suicide.

And it is not advisable to let one of the Queen’s guards stay and fight, and the other guard to continue walking, because this is undoubtedly the most stupid way of idiots to disperse the fighting power at hand. What is really correct is to concentrate forces to solve the enemy who is blocking the road in front of you, and then continue to move forward steadily.

Of course, the main reason is that Arrita does not feel that she will use her precious life to protect the vase princess in her hands. If it comes to a critical moment, she is sure that she will not hesitate to take the vase princess’ life. Protect yourself. After all, her relationship with Nami is extraordinary, and even if Nami gets angry again, it won’t do anything to her.

Not to mention these thoughts that belong to really ruthless women, Sanji undoubtedly felt a great sense of difficulty. Although he is not a professional fighter, he is still a strong man far beyond ordinary people, and naturally he can roughly judge from the momentum. The opponents in front of them, and these two queen guards who are slowly approaching, are undoubtedly an extremely dangerous feeling.

However, if there are no powerful guys, it is abnormal. Moreover, now that the unfathomable Her Majesty has not appeared, this is already fortunate, and there is no room for further delays.

After thinking for a while in his mind, Sanji stopped talking nonsense, but simply buried his head and rushed to the two queen guards in front of him, and found that the enemy had sent him forward, and the queen guard on the left The big axe in his hand was chopped down quite neatly, giving the impression that it was like a metal wall crashing down! It seems to be very slow, but only Sanji, who is charging head-on, can appreciate the ferocity and speed of this blow. It is a feeling that his scalp is aching faintly from the sound of the axe falling.

“Shoulder meat!!”

Dodging the violent blow with a nimble dodge, Sanji jumped up high, and then suddenly turned his body upside down with the explosive force of the jump, and a sturdy whip kicked the queen’s guard on the left. On the shoulders, this is the basic move he uses to break the balance of the enemy. After all, there are more than one enemy now, and they are all wearing heavy armor. It is quite difficult to solve the problem quickly. This kind of move that makes the opponent lose balance and fall to the ground is not only It can interrupt the opponent’s rhythm, and can also hinder another enemy’s attack by knocking down the enemy’s body.

Although it is a basic move, Sanji is sure that he has already used 80% of his strength in this move. Even if it is pure iron, it will leave some traces under this blow, not to mention the one that Sanji chose. The position is extremely ingenious. It is the position of the human shoulder joint. As a physical weakness that cannot be overcome by humans, if this area is strongly impacted, it is natural to lose balance.

However, the texture coming from his feet surprised Sanji. He didn’t feel any real hitting feeling at all. Instead, he felt a strange softness and elasticity, as if the armor with the cold metal light was not steel at all, but a Thick layers of raw rubber in general!

Oops! !

This thought flashed through his mind, and Sanji knew the dilemma he might encounter next. Originally, his attack was to make the opponent unbalanced, but this kind of metal armor with strong toughness and elasticity like raw rubber undoubtedly broke his abacus perfectly. Sanji could even see that the soles of his feet were somewhat caught in the opponent’s metal armor, but these strengths were completely ineffective, and these strengths were directly reacted to his own feet by the elastic armor. Pocket!

Even if he retracted his legs immediately, Sanji still felt a huge force grabbing his soles suddenly, causing him to hover in the air involuntarily. These should be his own leg strength, but now But ruthlessly became the accomplice of the enemy.

Not only that, but Sanji, who was trying his best to maintain his own balance, could see out of the corner of his eyes that the queen guard on the right had calmly raised the giant axe in his hand, and then aimed at Sanji, who was unable to dodge freely at the moment. A neatly swept and whistled!

Bang~! !

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