An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 FAREWELL

The North Industries Research Institute of the NPC

“Do you have a look at the new machine information provided by the Celestial Man, Director Wang.” Professor Min took a sip of tea and asked Director Wang on the opposite side.

“Look, as a general soldier’s car is still good. Our country’s reloading system is too cumbersome to operate. Many soldiers only use artillery and shields in battle. Only ace pilots can use other weapons. Therefore, special We have to spend more snacks on installing the machine.

However, the mass-produced machine designed by Ianna’s old boy feels more in line with the current MS driving habits of our country, dual-wielding weapons, dual-wielding shields. Unfortunately, mass production will take some time. They can only use the body called gn-x provided by the gods. “Director Wang also took a sip of tea, regretting the progress of the development of the new machine.

“But our gndrive development plan is a bit wasteful…”

“Professor Everman, your thoughts are very dangerous. We can never place our hopes on the gifts of the enemy.” Director Wang pointed out the problem in Everman’s words with a smile.

“Hehe…what about gndrive’s mass production plan?”

“It has been put into production, and the first 10 mass-produced ones will be produced in one month. After the production line is mature, the monthly output will not be less than 100. Of course, the output of the expanded production line will be even higher.” Director Wang put down the teacup. “That is to say, only 30 gndrive equipped machines we can use in this month. Two months later, we can even have a fleet of more than 100 machines. In addition, my country’s space fleet reloading plan has also begun to be carried out simultaneously. Soon, the main guns of our spaceships will be replaced with gn cannons.”

“Our country’s dress-up plan has not been determined yet, the old men of Congress…” Professor Everman smiled bitterly at the thought of being stuck with funds at every turn.


“Should we release the angel and its driver?” Huang looked at Wang Liumei’s face with an ugly face. “Where did the order come from?”

“It’s the Ombudsman organization.” Wang Liumei still has that smiling face. “The Ombudsman organization believes that there should be no fighting between Gundams. This time the action of the first branch of the Celestial Man is excusable, but next time please follow the VEDA Instructions for action.”

“That monitor organization, what is it…” Before the emperor finished asking, Ian hung up the communication. “Ian?”

“It’s a traitor.” Ian said cheerfully. “Squeeze people into the angels, and then let’s leave. They are sacrifices at the beginning of a new era. Although they are pitiful, considering their behavior, they are not worthy of sympathy.”

“Traitor?” The emperor and Tiella were taken aback, “Why…”

“This is human being ” Ian is still cheerful, “If human beings have desire ”

Finally, the constellation angel was left in the current universe, and Ptolemy went to the resource asteroid belt.

The    Angel I was picked up by the transport ship of the Trinity team.

The Trinity team returned to the base in Africa and began to repair the airframe.

“What? This is all. First, it was suppressed by the base firepower and I couldn’t raise my head, then the arm was chopped off by the battle flag, and it was attacked by Gundam again. This time even the RCSF’s base could not be breached.” Na was indignant.

“Without our knowledge, the world has changed. We can only choose to adapt.” John still treated the recent successive failures relatively calmly.

“Really here, Trinity team.”

The gate of the base suddenly opened, and Wang Liumei walked in.

“Who are you?” by John

“You **** want to die? How did you get in?!” By Michelle who took out the knife.

“I am an agent of Heaven and Human, I am here to provide assistance to you.” Wang Liumei’s expression remained unchanged.

“Even so, we were attacked by the Gundam on your side!”

“I have heard about this, but I am not on their side. I am just a person who follows the philosophy of Aeolian, nothing else.”

“Really, when we encounter difficulties, we look forward to your assistance, Wang Liumei.” John smirked again.

A week later, the Trinity team set off again, with the goal of the Guangdong Provincial Base of the People’s Revolutionary League.

Facing the artillery fire on the ground, the three angels kept destroying the attack facilities and ms. When the three angels were happy, a beam of red particles interrupted their shelling.

“Cut, can you be an angel again…” Michelle turned his head and looked in the direction of the beam.

“No… It turned out to be a formation of 13 aircraft? The first 3 aircraft… Gundam ms?” John used the largest optical telescope to see the incoming formation. The first 3 units also have v-shaped antennas on their heads.

Ian on Ptolemy saw the image and called his teacher directly, “Teacher, is it a bit ironic to equip the MS with the same characteristics as the enemy…”

“This is the result of listening to the opinions of the officers and soldiers.” Director Wang was also watching the live broadcast and replied cheerfully. “The design of the gnx machine is a bit villainous at first glance. The appearance of Gundam looks more just. And they think that except for the fat machine, the head of the Gundam is more handsome than the gnx.”

“Handsome…” Ian smashed his mouth, a bit of liver pain, “It’s good if you guys are happy.”

“Dingwu troops began to fight, this is the precious 13 experimental machines, don’t break it, let’s get on.” Sergey ordered loudly.

The first three NPC self-produced fully armed Gundams used two gn cannons on their backpacks to shell while approaching the angels.

“It just looks alike, don’t look down on people! Fang!”

Six gn fangs flicked a shot at the leading Sergey machine. After the Sergey machine was completely avoided, the gn fangs pounced on the Piris machine which was slightly behind. Piris subconsciously used the 2 beam rifles fixed on his arm. Shot, two shots fell two gn fangs, and then rolled to avoid the remaining 4 fangs.

“The body can keep up with my reaction speed. Is this the power of Gundam.” The head Vulcan cannon aimed and fired, and shot down 3 more. The shield blocked a beam, and the gun shot down the last one.

“It’s incredible maneuverability, it really is as high as…excellent!” Sergey felt the body’s excellent performance. Light up the lightsaber and rush towards the angel-shaped “Gundam already, not to be afraid!”

“What do you want!” The angel blocked the lightsaber and tried to shoot with the gun, but was kicked by the Sergei machine with a back spin.

“Michelle, Nina retreat!” John flew away.


“No objection allowed!”

The three angels fired smoke bombs and quickly evacuated.

“Stop!” Piris subconsciously wanted to pursue. But it was stopped by Sergey.

“Just stop here today.” Sergey finally exasperated. “Second lieutenant look down.”

The personnel at the base below saw Gundam being repulsed swiftly and cheered.

“Why did they suffer such a big loss… They still…”

“This is the so-called upgraded wine.”

“The People’s Revolutionary Federation has invested 13 solar furnace equipped machines? There are still 3 Gundam MSs?!” The emperor was shocked when he saw the news. “Is this the so-called third stage… Ian?”

“The solar furnace is not my business, I have mixed up the design of the Gundam body.” Ian crossed the live broadcast of the NPC and connected the emperor’s internal communications. “The decisive battle will end this month. Next month, the production line of the People’s Revolutionary Federation and the People’s Republic of China will be fully put into operation.

“Miss Huang, Uncle Ian, the League of Nations broadcasts major news!” Cristina suddenly appeared on the screen.

“I solemnly declare here that the old UN organization was disintegrated and reorganized into a new unified regime, the Earth Federation. At the same time, the armies of various countries were disintegrated and reorganized into the Earth Federation Army. This decision…” The old United Nations Secretary-General reads the Earth Federation on the screen Was established.

“A global unified regime has been formed, so the meaning of our existence…” Lasse was a little confused for a moment. Then I found that several people behind them all had an expression of “Are you ignorant?”

“Since they are unified, there are people who do not want to be unified.” by Emperor

“The People’s Revolutionary Federation is a unified government, so there are fewer internal conflicts?” by Ian

“Even if it is unified, isn’t Northern Ireland still fighting for independence?” by Neal

“Oh? Oh…” Lasse was speechless.

“…Here, I declare the first order after the establishment of the Earth Federation Army to annihilate the private armed organization that has caused huge casualties in the past three years, Tianren.”

“Fuck… Is it so face-saving…”

At this time, Ian’s quantum communicator sent a message. “The upper-level department decided to eliminate the devas and come back soon.”

“It’s over…” Ian smiled bitterly and showed the emperor the message, and then found that the emperor had also received a similar message.

“Trouble…” The emperor also smiled wryly and shook his head.

“Never mind, prepare for battle. Five of you, come to Ganaku with me and try new equipment.” Ian turned his head and took away the five pilots. “Miss Huang, you can prepare a corresponding plan… I want to fight for it.”

“That’s natural. Does Gundam have more equipment?”

“I can tell you the conclusion after a week.”

Ian and his party arrived at Ian’s equipment development Gunaku.

“You guys try this thing, the brain wave sensing system. There is also a new equipment, gnbit. It is too rigid to control the bit with pure Haro.”

After some testing, Ian found that the theater version is sincere not to deceive me…

Setsuna can control up to 16 blade-shaped bits. Even if there is only one other bit, it will interfere with the operation of Setsuna.

Neil, can operate 6 rifle-type bits and 4 shield bits at the same time.

Lyle, can operate 16 shield type and 16 rifle type at the same time, or 32 compound type bit.

Tielia, up to 2 bits of any model, but even if the bit is changed to unmanned ms. Tielia can also control well… the combat efficiency is higher than the average ace squad.

Areluja, can’t control any kind of regular bit very well, but after Ian took out the scissor-shaped bit in a funny way, Areluja can control 20…

After the test was completed, Ian worked overtime to design the final battle equipment for 5 Gundams. At the same time, it is necessary to take time to carry out material extraction plans. In case of losing the financial support of the monitor after the decisive battle, the Celestial Organization was suspended. Fortunately, Linda took over Ptolemy’s conversion to be operated by Risty nerves. Otherwise, even with the physical fitness of the changer, Ian would not be able to hold it…

However, the days of Ptolemy’s steady development lasted only more than a month, although for the world, this month was not peaceful.

First of all, the Trinity team was hunted and killed by gnx troops from all over the world. If it is in the People’s Revolutionary Federation, there are even Gundam special equipment waiting for it.

One month later, although the angel was not shot down, he lost all his base. The particle generation rate of the pseudo-solar furnace is also declining.

When the angels here were hunted down, the Gundam Messenger once suggested that the Federal Army’s encirclement and suppression of the angels was an act of strife and required armed intervention. However, Ptolemy and Gundam were refitting and could not be dispatched.

What interrupted Ptolemy’s steady development was a message from Li Fengzi, who had not been in contact for more than five years. A sentence sent through VEDA’s Lv8 top-secret archives, “Ali Alu Saches will take the seat of the angel.”

This sentence was even put on top by the old Aeolia facing the Ptolemy members…

Neither the emperor nor anyone else can ignore the news.

“Isn’t Li Fengzi and the monitor both traitors?” Ian was quite confused. “Is it another change from more than 200 years ago?”

“In this case, we can’t ignore them. Setsuna and Ian, you go to support first. After Ptolemy’s supply is over, you will also go to the Earth’s low-Earth orbit.”

“Understand”?? 2

“The battle plan is sent to you on the road. UU reading”

Ten minutes later, the newly modified Neng Angel and the same upgraded support aircraft flew to the earth.

On the other side, the moon’s orbit.

“I don’t think Alessandro-sama needs to come together.” This is Li Fengzi who hasn’t shown up for a long time.

“This is the information you have found hard, I want to see it with my own eyes, and it is also the long-cherished wish of the Kona clan.”

“Master Alessandro, the Kona family started planning to intervene decades ago.”


Li Feng Ziqiang endured the discomfort and complimented Alessandro Kona. “If it wasn’t for planning, I really want to kill him with a shot…”

Thinking of the time I worked with Ian a few years ago, he had outstanding physical ability, outstanding intelligence, outstanding driving skills, comprehensive and outstanding professional knowledge, it is no wonder that he could become the so-called pure species. Although the emotional intelligence is not good, it is said that the girl had a crush on for 5 years before the girl caught up…

On the other hand, this…arrogant, **** and thoughtless, and likes to listen to compliments from others.

Although Ian rarely participated in the operation, under his influence, the intervention of the Heavenly Man on the RCGF has not been smooth. As long as the weapons of the old age are used well, they can still pose a threat to Gundam. Even the news is that the Trinity team dare not attack the first-line base of the National Revolutionary League.

The two entered the secret base of the sky, the man and the moon. Arrived at VEDA’s room.

“This is VEDA, this is Iolia Shouhambeck, not as the central organ of the Celestial Organization plan.” Alessandro Kona stood in the hall, looking at the super large quantum computer below the ground, Quite excited.

Behind him, Li Fengzi did not control the leaking a sneer smile, and quietly let out a sigh. “It can be regarded as sending him here. The fourth phase of action can be carried out.”

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