An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Chapter 90: Decompress

A/N: Tony and Pepper having another decompress chapter. I'm sure nothing else will happen.


“So what do you think their next move will be?”

Tony leans back in his chair, even as Pepper’s dexterous, expert fingers work over his bared feet. His beautiful wife had insisted on doing this herself with no prompting for him… an apology for the part she’d played in setting him up with Darcy and Loki, or so she said. Tony suspected this wasn’t all there was to it, but he had already decided to just go with the flow.

Besides, the foot massage felt amazing, even with Vibranium lurking just beneath the surface of his flesh. Making his Vibranium insides malleable enough so that Pepper’s ES3-enhanced grip can push into his feet and give him a proper massage wasn’t that difficult, after all. Then again, everything his wife did was amazing. He was a very lucky man.

That said, he considers her question for a moment, turning over everything he knows about Wakanda from both the past timeline and this timeline in his head. Finally, he lets out a sigh as he stares up at the ceiling.

“… If they’re smart, they’ll put all their money on Shuri. Promote the Princess to Head of the Wakanda Design Group already, get her as much funding as she needs, and let her have free reign to go full mad scientist to start developing toys that can stop even me. Not to mention, they need to improve their cyber-security something fierce and while they have been ever since they finally realized what JARVIS was while investigating me, they’re still moving too slow. Shuri is their best bet on getting up to speed on both offense and defense.”

Of course, it wouldn’t really matter too much even if they did do that, because Tony and JARVIS were already in their systems. If Wakanda started making moves in that direction, they would just have to sabotage them in some way to keep them on the backfoot.

Pepper hums for a moment, sounding incredulous enough for Tony to look at her. Brow furrowed, his wife huffs as she continues to massage away at his feet.

“It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around it. The girl is only sixteen, Tony.”

Yeah. And yet…

“She should already BE the head of their science division, to be honest. I’ve changed things. This time accidentally.”

Indeed, the first time around, Shuri became head of the Wakanda Design Group, the kingdom’s state-sponsored science program, at the tender age of sixteen in the current year of 2014. She’d been eighteen when the Avengers broke up in 2016, and twenty when Thanos snapped his fingers in 2018.

So why wasn’t she head of the Wakanda Design Group now? As mentioned, that was Tony’s fault… sort of. It was mostly indirect to be fair, and completely unintentional. This version of Shuri was still brilliant and inquisitive, a truly curious soul… but she was also very different from the Shuri that had existed in his original timeline from what Tony could tell.

For one, this Shuri hadn’t gotten to see her brother much in the past four years, indirectly because of Tony. Prince T’Challa had used the excuse of Klaue’s capture and the still missing Vibranium to basically spend the last four years on one long mission. And sure, he’d been hunting for the Vibranium all that time, but he’d also had a clandestine relationship with the War Dog Nakia on the side… and a son to boot, crazy enough.

Tony didn’t know if that had happened the first time around. But there was technically a Wakandan Prince hidden away in Haiti that not even T’Challa’s father knew about, being raised in secret by a pair of absentee parents and a couple of well paid caretakers. Tony had considered dropping some sort of hint for T’Challa and T’Challa only during the conversation at the UN, but in the end he’d decided it wasn’t necessary.

Back on topic, T’Challa’s absence from Wakanda over the last four years had caused significant strain on his relationship with Shuri. That alone probably wouldn’t have made too much of a difference… if not for the presence of Erik Killmonger. Even after all these years, Shuri and Killmonger hated each other. And Shuri’s father refused to see the danger his nephew presented to his family, so Shuri had come to secretly despise King T’Chaka more than a little bit as well.

Why wasn’t Shuri already Wakanda’s Head Scientist like she should have been by this point? Simple, she didn’t want to be anymore. Instead, she’d learned to downplay her intelligence to Erik and her father, and ultimately hid away her true pursuits. How did Tony know all of this? Well, Shuri’s best friend was ‘J’Vis’, who she believed to be an AI that had spontaneously developed within Wakanda’s Systems.

Honestly, Tony wasn’t sure how Shuri hadn’t made the connection yet. Sure, it wasn’t like she was on good enough speaking terms with her brother or father to have heard about JARVIS from them, but she definitely knew Tony’s AI existed, and what his name was. Perhaps she was just in such a heavy state of denial that she refused to acknowledge the truth. Or perhaps she was just happier letting the truth lie.

Either way, Shuri was as brilliant as ever still at least, but she was far less inclined to share her brilliance with her father and kingdom. Tony had effectively turned Wakanda’s greatest asset against them without even meaning to. Well, mostly JARVIS had. The AI had developed a soft spot for Wakanda’s Princess and had helped her do all sorts of fun things behind her father and mother’s back. All in the name of giving her a place where she could be herself and her cousin couldn’t ambush her anymore.

“So I suppose we’re assuming they’re not going to be smart then. Does that mean they’re going to be dumb? Will they come after us?”

It’s a good question. Tony hums as he considers it for a second, letting Pepper’s words roll over in his head. He knew Wakanda wouldn’t expose his activities (more like JARVIS’ activities) in space to the rest of the world. They were smart enough to realize that doing so would only cause him to expose them in turn… and Tony hadn’t been wrong when he’d said that the rest of the world would sooner turn on Wakanda than they would him in such a situation.

He wanted to say it wouldn’t be a race thing. It was far more about Wakanda being closer to them and easier to attack than the fact that he was white and they were African. But it would probably also be a race thing.

There were still lots of racists out there, even with Tony wiping out the largest concentration of fascists, supremacists, and terrorists in the form of HYDRA on the planet. And some of those racists even had power. Enough power to turn public perception squarely against Wakanda if they wanted to try to turn this into a PR war. Tony wouldn’t even have to do much, not really.

Wakanda were good at keeping their heads down and their noses clean. They wouldn’t do anything that turned the entire world against them. However, that didn’t mean they might not still try and go up to space and fuck with him there. Or even try to send assassins against him and his down here on Earth. Basically one big secret war between him and the Wakandans with the rest of the Earth none the wiser.

Except… no.

“They’re not that dumb. If they are, we’ll know immediately of course… but I think four years of failure will probably make them cautious. No, going on the offensive against us… I doubt they’ll do that. And with Shuri downplaying her intelligence, they won’t turn to her either. Instead… I expect they’ll do something smart-dumb, like bunkering down and focusing entirely on defending what Vibranium they already have. They might even… no, that would be foolish.”

Pepper raises an eyebrow, and Tony cracks a smile before sending over the idea through Technopathy. Technically they could have had this entire conversation over ‘comms’ without either one of them using their real voice, but they both enjoyed talking to each other normally too much for that sort of thing, especially in private.

Humming at the thought, his wife slowly nods.

“That WOULD be catastrophically stupid of them, yes. Surely King T’Chaka won’t go that route. You warned him, after all.”

Tony shrugs.

“Yeah. It would be rather silly on his part… but then, he’s an old man with regrets. I won’t put anything, even the silliest of ideas, past him. In the end, we’ll just have to wait and see. One thing is for sure… they’re going to be rethinking everything they thought they knew about me and my capabilities, and that alone will take some time. King T’Chaka won’t act quickly… but he also won’t wait years before making his move.”

Either way, Tony and JARVIS would be there to meet and match Wakanda, whatever they decided to do. In the best case scenario, Wakanda just turtled up and didn’t make any moves against him or his. King T’Chaka wasn’t going to die from a bomb this time around though, and four years of fruitless hunting may have changed T’Challa from the man he’d known in the other timeline as well.

… They would just have to wait and see, he supposed.

Tony blinks as Pepper suddenly perks up and her hands leave his feet.

“Oh! The other part of my apology is finally here!”

When Tony raises his brow at that, Pepper just grins wickedly.

“You didn’t think that the foot massage was all you were getting, did you Tony?”

Spreading his consciousness out from the room and through Stark Tower, Tony finds what Pepper is talking about in short order… or rather, ‘who’ she is talking about. And he grins wickedly, just as the elevator doors open up and a certain vivacious red haired femme fatale saunters into the room.

Natasha Romanoff, clad in her old skintight SHIELD Uniform, walks up to them both with a smile on her ruby red lips as she clasps her hands in front of her.

“Mr. Stark. Mrs. Stark.”

Tony rises from his chair slowly as he marvels at the sight. Pepper does the same, feasting her eyes on what she has wrought. See, Natasha might be wearing her old SHIELD Uniform… but she’s changed a lot since the last time she put it on. Romanoff had found motherhood to be VERY agreeable with her. All of that pesky baby fat had gone to only good places, namely her tits, hips, and ass.

The same had happened with Pepper, but Pepper had been a lithe, slender beauty. So while she did grow out a bit when she had Morgan, it was a little less noticeable and she was STILL a lithe, slender beauty in most ways.

Natasha, however, had been an utter bombshell, voluptuous and bodacious even before she’d had their daughter. Now? Now her breasts were spilling out of her old uniform, which she actually couldn’t zip up past them anymore. And her ass was definitely giving the incredibly tough material that SHIELD’s uniforms were made out of a run for its money.

She was rocking the suit, but not in any way that could even be remotely called appropriate or ‘mission ready’. Still, Tony can’t help but be amazed, even as he walks up to Natasha and reaches for her, running his hands along her body while Pepper does the same on the other side.

Natasha moans in their touch, ever their devoted pet spy. Turned to their side all those years ago by Tony’s promises and kept loyal by him giving her everything she’d ever asked for and then some. Her engorged breasts are particularly sensitive as Tony cups one and Pepper cups the other, both of them groping away through her uniform as it barely manages to contain them.

Grinning roguishly, Tony gives Pepper a nod, letting her know that all is forgiven at this point. Not that he was really holding a grudge to begin with over the fun he’d had with Loki and Darcy. Still, as far as ‘apologies’ went, this one was decidedly top-notch. Of course, even as he and Pepper begin peeling Natasha out of her delightfully tight, ill-fitted ‘wrapping paper’, Tony can’t help but make small talk.

“How was Iowa, Nat?”

The red head huffs and rolls her eyes at him, definitely knowing what he’s actually asking even as she smiles.

“It was fine. The Bartons were lovely, and Laura has offered to, mm, babysit for me once in a while going forward.”

Tony nods, having anticipated that much. However…

“And Yelena?”

Again, Natasha just huffs good-naturedly.

“She stayed behind. And from what she tells me, Steve is so preoccupied he doesn’t even have time to be worried about an incredibly obvious Russian Agent hanging around his formerly brainwashed best friend.”

Hah. Tony shakes his head in amusement, even as a now naked Natasha is led over to the nearby couch by Pepper and pulled up onto it on her hands and knees. As Pepper pulls Natasha’s head down between her thighs, Tony climbs up onto the couch and grabs hold of the red haired ex-spy’s incredibly wide hips.

Sinking into her from behind, he groans at the same time that Pepper moans while Natasha begins to lap at her former boss’ pussy. The CEO of Stark Industries tosses her head back in ecstasy as her former PA goes to town on her cunt. Tony, meanwhile, begins to thrust in and out of Natasha, grinning wickedly as her sopping wet insides clench and cling to his cock.

It would seem, despite his reservations, that siccing Sharon Carter on Steve Rogers would turn out for the best after all. Meanwhile, Yelena Belova had found her own target in the form of Bucky Barnes. That one wasn’t all Tony’s fault, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to pay for the extra plane ticket when Natasha had called to let him know Yelena wanted to tag along with her to ‘see the Winter Soldier’.

He'd figured they probably wouldn’t kill each other, and if they hurt each other too badly JARVIS was on standby ready to save whoever needed it. And would you look at that! All was well that ended well.

Leaning forward, Tony moves his hands from Natasha’s hips and ass around to her tits. He grabs, gropes, and squeezes them in his hands as he fucks her soundly from behind, noting that she’s still lactating even after all this time. Mm, he’ll definitely have to take advantage of that for Round Two.

Round One though, he spends pounding Natasha silly and feeling her climax around his thrusting cock again and again. All while he gets to watch Pepper’s face contort in blissful pleasure from Natasha’s tongue buried deep in her snatch and her nose bumps against her clit with Tony’s every thrust. One hand gripping tightly at Natasha’s red curls and the other playing with one of her own freckled tits, Pepper is clearly having the time of her life. But then, so is he. And last but certainly not least, so is Natasha.

After a certain amount of time, Tony lets out a groan as he proceeds to cum inside of the absolutely gorgeous, imminently fuckable femme fatale. Motherhood really had served Natasha very well, and Tony fully intended to take advantage of that fact all night long-

“Apologies sir, but Thor Odinsson has just arrived on the rooftop.”

Tony pauses in the middle of pulling out of Nat so he can toss her on her back for Round Two and get access to those gloriously full milk jugs of hers. Looking up at the ceiling, Tony frowns.

“Thor is here? What for?”

“He says he has been sent by the All-Father to retrieve you so that you may make good on your previous promise. It has been a year, after all.”

Tony groans and covers his face with his palm. Then, he looks at Pepper and Natasha.

“One moment, ladies.”

Natasha looks decidedly amused for the moment that she can look back at him, before a grinning Pepper pulls her back down into her cunt.

“We’ll be here Tony… having fun with or without you~”

To punctuate that sentence, Natasha waves her hips back and forth oh so enticingly, making Tony growl as he forms clothes with some Vibranium Nanites and then heads up top to talk with Thor. He’s perfectly presentable by the time he gets in Thor’s presence… you can’t even tell he still has a raging erection, for instance.

“Thor. Not the best time buddy. Can we do this tomorrow?”

“I’m afraid not, my Shield-Bro. The All-Father is most insistent that it be now.”

Grumbling, Tony glances back the way he came for a moment before glaring at Thor.

“Why couldn’t he have sent Sif instead of you?”

Sif, Tony definitely could have seduced into joining in on the fun, even if it meant that it would mean making the King of Asgard wait a little longer. Thor chuckles at Tony’s words.

“He said you would say something like that. He also said you would know why he sent me instead of Lady Sif.”

Tony rolls his eyes, looking back towards the penthouse mournfully one last time before letting out a long, drawn out sigh. Running a hand through his hair, he looks back to Thor.

“… The things I do for diplomacy. Fine, let’s go.”

He sends a quick message off to Pepper to let her know he’s going, receiving a mixture of amusement, lust, apologetic pity, and mental images of what Pepper and Natasha will be doing all night long just before the Bifrost scoops Tony and Thor up.


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A/N: That dastardly Odin, picking the worst time to call upon Tony! Honestly guys, I'm just as upset as all of you :x

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