An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Chapter 113: Loki’s Breeding

A/N: Loki's demand leaves Tony a little introspective.


Breeding a bunch of women and having a bunch of children had never been Tony Stark’s plan when he came back in time. Admittedly, he had utilized seduction to bring Maya Hansen onboard so he could perfect Extremis with her, knowing that she had a thing for him since the turn of the millennium. He’d also welcomed Helen into their bed with open arms, and enjoyed toying with Natasha, and loved conquering Sif.

At a certain point though, Pepper had definitely taken the wheel when it came to… well, their harem for lack of a better word. Just as he’d left his company in his wife’s capable hands, he’d also basically let her handle the bedroom side of things as well. As for children… well, outside of Natasha and Helen, none of them had been planned.

Nor had Tony really worked very hard to keep pregnancies from happening, however. He didn’t use a rubber, nor did he look into developing any sort of procedure that could have kept him from sowing his oats, so to speak. In the end, he’d left it up to the women themselves to handle things how they wanted them handled and as a result, children had been born.

Not just children, but daughters. Every single child that Tony had so far was a girl. He was definitely paying some sort of karmic debt to some powerful force somewhere, whether for his playboy actions in the past or the time travel specifically.

Regardless, yes Tony and Pepper’s singular bedding of Hela had, somehow, resulted in a pregnancy already. He’d known it was a possibility of course but given it had taken years of regular fucking where Sif was concerned to knock up the Asgardian Warrior, Tony hadn’t expected it to be quite so fast. And no, he hadn’t used the Aether to do it or anything like that. Hela was just that fertile.

When they’d found out that the Asgardian Princess was pregnant, Tony and Pepper had expected Hela to be angry. She didn’t seem like the type who would want a kid, all things considered. She wasn’t exactly a bastion of motherhood or anything like that. But instead of pissed off, the Goddess of Death had been… pleased? And smug. It was kind of weird. No, scratch that, it was very weird.

Just like this was very weird too, as far as Tony was concerned. Loki had barged into his office and demanded, word for word, that he ‘stop holding back and knock her up already’. For a long moment, he just stares at the Goddess of Mischief, a little nonplussed.

“… What’s the game here, Loki? I don’t really understand.”

Loki’s eyes narrow and she hisses as she rears back and suddenly has her daggers in her hands. The same daggers she’d used to stab him and leave him for dead over half a decade ago now. He holds up his hands in surrender, eyebrows raised as she points one of them at his face.

“Do not test me, Stark.”

Yeah… okay. With a flex of his will, Tony’s desk suddenly rises up, the Vibranium Nanites turning into something akin to a mouth and swallowing Loki whole in an instant. At the same time, he reaches out with the Aether and shuts down her magic, causing her to squeak when she tries to slip free a moment later. He could have just gagged her and bound her securely, but he wants her to be able to talk. He also wants her to recognize how outclassed she is.

Rising from his chair and stepping into the spot where his desk used to be, Tony plucks Loki’s daggers out of her immobilized arms and sets them aside. Then, he looks Loki directly in the eye.

“Not trying to test you, Loki. But also not really sure what’s going on here. I haven’t been holding anything back. Nor did I think you really wanted to be a mother either.”

Contrary to popular belief, not every woman he and Pepper had bedded wound up giving him a daughter. Most of them certainly had, but there were some outliers. Maya and Helen for instance, despite being his and Pepper’s earliest ‘conquests’, had gone childless for quite a long time. Helen might have suddenly felt the itch of motherhood overcome her when they’d made Friday together in her Cradle, but Maya had remained completely unenthused by the idea.

Extremis was Maya’s baby and science was her main focus. She still came around all the time to both talk shop and share the bed with him or Pepper or both, but she’d made it clear she didn’t want a child and whatever she’d done to make sure she wouldn’t have one seemed to have worked because she was still childless all these years later.

Loki had been the other outstanding member of his and Pepper’s ‘harem’ that had remained childless all this time, and Tony supposed he’d made the mistake of assuming that was as purposeful as Maya’s choice had been. He could have asked of course, but it hadn’t seemed like the sort of thing to bring up if he was being honest.

Still quite contained by the Vibranium Nanites that had once made up his desk, Loki pouts strongly.

“You expect me to believe that Stark? Everyone else you lay with gets a child, even that bitch, and I’m supposed to believe you weren’t slighting me on purpose?”

… She’s serious. Tony opens his mouth to reply, only to pause and then collapse the nanites. Stepping forward as they flow around him to reform into the desk they were before, now at his back, Tony takes Loki… into his arms, wrapping her up and hugging her. The Goddess of Mischief yelps and struggles for a moment of course, not initially enthused.

“S-Stark! W-What do you think you’re doing?!”

Tony smiles as he continues hugging the Asgardian Princess.

“Hugging you. Because you need it.”

“I… I do n-not! Unhand me this instant!”


“A-Assault! A-Abuse! Hiss!”

Tony pulls back just enough to look Loki in the eye, though not enough for her to extricate herself from his arms.

“… Did you just hiss at me?”

He’d just been thinking to himself for the umpteenth time how much of a ‘cat’ Loki was. And then she’d… she’d hissed at him. Seeing the mirth in his eyes, Loki flushes a deep crimson.

“… N-No…”

With a grunt, Tony spins them around and lifts Loki up by her waist, resting her on the edge of his desk. Instinctively, the Goddess of Mischief spreads her legs as he moves in between them, turning what had been a nice, platonic hug, into something sexual and sensual in moments.

“Y-You… what makes you think I want you to touch me right now, Stark?”

Seriously? Tony looks at Loki deadpan until she finally looks away. But even then, he’s not going to let her off so easily.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you came in here about five minutes ago and told me to stop holding back and knock you up already.”

Loki’s blush only increases, even as Tony focuses on the Aether again… and wills both sets of their clothes away, leaving them both naked. A gasp leaves the Asgardian Princess’ lips as he presses his cockhead against her wet slit, her arousal yet another sign of her excitement for what’s about to come.

“… But it’s never taken before. How can you be sure it will take now?”

Tony sighs, still coming to terms with the honest vulnerability in Loki’s voice. Running his hands over her body, he resists the urge to shake his head in amusement when she arches her back into his touch and even makes a noise in the back of her throat that almost sounds like a purr.

“First, we need to discuss why you want a child so much. Is it because you actually want to be a mother, or simply because you don’t want to feel left out and you’re afraid of being set aside?”

And there it is. Loki freezes up, green eyes going wide as Tony calls her out. It’d taken a little bit of thinking, but he wasn’t an idiot you know? And Loki… he’d gotten to know Loki very, very well in the past few years. She would never admit it, but she liked it here on Earth. Specifically, she liked it with him and Pepper. But not just them. She also liked JARVIS and Darcy and got along well enough with the others as well.

She and Hela weren’t exactly the best of friends, let alone close to acknowledging one another as sisters, but Loki hadn’t had to worry about that, because she was on good terms with pretty much everyone else. The only thing she didn’t have was Tony’s child, but that was okay because Hela didn’t either. Until all of a sudden, Hela was pregnant and Loki found herself afraid that she would be dropping to the bottom of the totem pole.

Letting out a shuddering breath, Loki runs her hands down Tony’s chest.

“I want… I think… I would like to be a mother.”

Tony raises an eyebrow, causing Loki to flush anew and avert her eyes.

“Perhaps… I had ulterior motives initially. But I do not think I would mind being a mother all that much. I… greatly enjoyed learning magic under my own mother growing up. Sitting by her side and learning to touch seidr and experience it in all its glory. I think I would enjoy that from the opposite angle as well, to shape and mold a young daughter into a brilliant sorceress.”

Loki gives him a wry smile.

“It helps to know that you will almost certainly give me a daughter. You know that’s why Hela is happy as well? Your curse is our boon… neither of us likes the idea of a son quite as much.”

Tony frowns. Seriously? They were relying on it that much? To be fair, at this point it had a hundred percent success rate…

Still, that’s not a bad reason. So he goes ahead and thrusts into Loki, making her gasp and moan as he fills her with his cock. The Goddess of Mischief is quick to wind her arms around his neck and wrap her legs around his waist as he begins to fuck her right there on his desk. She leans in closely, pressing her forehead against his as he begins to pound in and out of her.

“What, nngh, makes you s-so certain you can impregnate me, S-Stark? Were you, hah, holding back a-after all?”

Tony scoffs at that, looking Loki right in the eye.

“I was not. I just never made a concerted effort to knock you up before now because you didn’t ask, Loki.”

That gets another pout from the Asgardian Princess, but that pout is soon broken up into a wanton moan as Tony hits a particularly deep spot inside of her with his cock, causing her to buck and shake and cum for him right there in his office.

“As for why it never happened incidentally or accidentally, I assume that’s because you’re not actually Asgardian at all.”

Loki jolts at that, her eyes widening in surprise as Tony gives her a wry smile and even goes so far as to reach up and tweak her nose. She doesn’t like that judging by the way her eyes cross from the maneuver, but Tony doesn’t care.

“I’ve proven I can knock up Asgardians, sure, but Frost Giants might be a step further removed then all of that.”

As he continues to plow Loki senseless, she nevertheless processes what he’s saying, even through the pleasure threatening to overwhelm her and cause a haze to descend over her vision.

“S-So then… it’s not possible…”

She sounds so defeated. Honestly, she’s making this too easy. Chuckling, Tony reaches up and grabs Loki by her dark locks firmly, pulling her head back as he looms over her, looking down at her.

“Did I say that, Loki? Did I say it wasn’t possible?”

Her eyes widen a little bit even as her pussy walls clench around his cock at the way he’s suddenly staring down at her.

“N-No, I-!”

But Tony cuts her off.

“Some people say I have a god complex, you know. They say I like playing at being god, at being above everyone else. What they don’t understand, Loki, is that I’m not playing at being god. All this time… I’ve been playing at being human.”

His eyes shift to Aether Red at that, and Loki’s own eyes widen in understanding as he grins wickedly.

“And Reality… is whatever I make of it.”

He’s not saying all of this nonsense because he believes it or anything. Rather, Tony had noticed that Loki had reacted in a pretty interesting way back during his speech about why he shouldn’t take the Mind Stone. Almost like the thought of him being corrupted by power and conquering everything had been a turn on for her or something.

So he figures he’ll give her a little taste of that now and judging by the way she’s clenching down around his cock while gushing like a fucking water fountain, it’s working.


“Shhh… call me ‘Your Majesty’.”

Loki’s blush intensifies to atomic as Tony fiddles with her biology using the Aether. Just a little bit. Just a teensy, tiny altering of Reality. He’s come a long way since he’d stolen the Aether back during the Convergence. It helped that the liquid form of the Reality Stone liked him. He kept it well fed on a constant diet of Arc Reactor Energy, and in return it had been his loyal companion for years now.

Learning to utilize its abilities had taken time and at some points that was time he didn’t have with how much other bullshit was going on, but in 2015 in particular, Tony had been able to dedicate months of training to getting very, very good with the Aether.

In the end, modifying Loki’s biology so that she was not just compatible with his seed but also almost guaranteed to get pregnant from the load he’s about to deposit in her womb isn’t that difficult at all. It requires some serious fine control of the Aether’s more esoteric and invasive abilities, but that’s something within Tony’s reach now.

“Your… your Majesty… please… fill me… c-cum inside.”

Finally, Tony leans forward and seizes Loki’s mouth in his own, kissing her right there on the spot and causing her to moan against his lips. She climaxes one final time around his pistoning cock, which in turn takes him over the edge as well. He fills and fills her with his seed, pumping a hot, thick load deep inside of her as Loki’s eyes widen and then grow lidded from the sensation.

The moment they’re done, Loki begins to collapse backwards, but Tony is of course there to catch her and hold her up. At which point she curls into him and hums happily, nuzzling into his chest. Just like a fucking cat. One of these days he was going to make the comparison to her face and damn the consequences.

… But not today. Today, Tony lifts Loki in a bridal carry and leaves his office behind to go and find a bathtub for them both to clean off.


Plug: An Iron Resolve is FINISHED over on my Patreon, coming in at 125 chapters long. If you want to sign up to read the rest of the chapters feel free, but know that we're officially in the territory of diminishing returns.
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A/N: Loki gets what she desires. Next time we see Shuri in her new lab... with her new interns~

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