An Abandoned Noble in a Reverse World

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Busy

"Of course, my favorite Aunt!" Victoria enthusiastically exclaimed before ending the call. The facade of eagerness ending with it. She had called to give her report on Theodora, a call she had dreaded for the past week. Her intel on her cousin's situation after being disowned and the wards in her care was practically nonexistent. 

The entire call, she had been internally cursing her thoughtless cousin. The only thing she had been able to tell "Teddy's" mother is that her illegitimate daughter cared a great deal for the seven toys she had gained. As little as Victoria had been able to discover about her cousin through the years, she did know that the absence of any information was an admission of care.

Her cousin loved the doll with black curly hair? Then you would never see her play with it. Chocolate was a constant craving of hers? Then you would never see her snacking on it.

It was a carry-over from her childhood and her womanly training. Caring meant a clear weakness, a big no-no as a woman in high society. As her mother's precious daughter, Victoria had never been subject to such tedious torture.

As for why Teddy cared so much, it wasn't hard to guess. Why would a young woman who had shown no interest in men throughout the years suddenly be so protective of hers? There was no reason for such censorship. 

Victoria snorted, so much for her "Holier than Thou" attitude. Her cousin must have truly depraved and condemnable interests if she didn't even let her meet them. Sure they weren't friends, but to some extent Teddy cared for her. Why else would she still talk with her? Why not just block her calls? 

An unspoken rule of the younger generation was to let other women in your age bracket have some "fun" with the newest additions of the household - a hazing of sorts. It should have been her right. After all, she had sent a letter of invitation to Teddy when Victoria had gained her wards. It was only fair. 

Victoria grinned in a daze as she thought about the upcoming party. Although her cousin had always excelled in school, she was not socially adept, her intelligence was limited to just books. But Victoria? She was smart when it comes to people, the type of intelligence that truly matters. 

If she didn't see her cousin burst into tears or hear her screams of outrage, she wouldn't be satisfied. She missed the good old days when they were younger. It was a pity that the bastard daughter had matured so quickly. 

Wanting to shake off the melancholy, she started to check her private messages. This plan had been in the making since she found out that Theodora was no longer a "Raine".

Victoria was hardly the only one eager to spectate her cousin's descent into the dregs of society. It was almost poetic that a low-born daughter was finally being returned to her rightful place in society. The knowledge of Theodora's disgraceful birth had been whispered into circulation since the baby's first breath. 

Lips curled in disgust, Victoria shivered at the thought of having such filth circulating in her veins. Truly this planned social execution would be a mercy, and with everyone pitching in just a little it would be a resounding success. 

She was getting quite bored of her wards, they had already been with her for four years. It would be only proper in the absence of her cousin's ability to care for the men for her to take on the responsibility. And the pleasure. 

Of course, if she didn't want a revolt on her hands from the other women, she would have to share a little. A necessary sacrifice. 

Victoria let out a yawn, not bothering to stifle it. All of this planning was exhausting, weeks and weeks of work. She hadn't worked this hard since her mother had threatened to dock her monthly allowance to $5,000 if she didn't pass all of her classes in grade school. That was of course before she figured out the proper channels to cheat.

She hoped others appreciated her sacrifice, she had barely gotten ten hours of sleep last night! Still she persevered, making some last minute preparations for tomorrow. Then her eyes lit up, a truly diabolical plan forming in her mind. It was surprising that she hadn't thought of this before.

She could practically see Theodora's ugly visage covered in snot and tears at the humiliation. It wasn't complicated either, no need to wait on supplies to arrive from overseas or commission elaborate machinery. Simply calling her butler to inform him of the plan would suffice. 

With Theodora's fallen status, it would be quite normal for her "father" to make an appearance. 

Seeing the middle-aged man appear in front of her at her summons, she began to scrutinize him. The resemblance wasn't there but nothing a doctored DNA test couldn't fix. Plus Theodora took after her mother.

He was quite plain looking, wrinkles plainly seen and white streaks running through his hair. Maybe a make-up artist could add a couple "scars".

Now she just had to find a place for this event in the schedule. Maybe if she cut into the time at the beginning of the party when she lulled her into a false sense of safety, she could shuffle things enough to make room. Yeah, that might work.

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