American: Native Empire

Chapter 164: World Union (4)

“Wow. How many ships are there?”

“It’s really amazing.”

As the ship carrying the Joseon delegation approached the port, Lee Ho exclaimed in admiration at the sight of the numerous ships coming and going.

The giant iron ships moored at the port were a magnificent sight.

A smile formed on the face of Swift Rope.

“Of course. This is one of the most important ports in this huge Wakan Tanka continent.”

“Even so, it’s really impressive.”

He had not even set foot on the imperial land, but he could already feel the power of the empire.

“I’m sorry I can’t accompany you until the end.”

“Haha. It’s fine. Rather, I’m really grateful that you became my companion in this busy time.”

“It was a meaningful time for me too. I hope you have a good time then.”

Swift Rope was very interested in Joseon, especially Lee Ho, the king of Joseon.

He wanted to accompany him until the moment he reached the capital.

But he was really busy.

After he left, Lee Ho and the Joseon delegation got off the passenger ship.

The place where the delegation arrived was the California region in the original history.

“I heard stories, but this place is really bustling too.”

“Well, it’s because it’s the center of the western sea of Wakan Tanka continent, and there are gold mines nearby. It’s not for nothing that it’s one of the major cities of the empire.”

At Lee Yi’s words, Lee Ho nodded his head.

“Hoo. I wish Joseon had such a big city soon too.”

“…It won’t take that long.”

Lee Ho didn’t even hope for that much.

He just wished that the current Hanyang would be as good as a decent city in the empire.

“Can I look around the port for a while before I go?”

“Do as you please.”

The leader of the escort team for this Joseon delegation, White Storm, readily agreed.

There was plenty of time left until the International Conference.

The delegations from each country, including Joseon, were supposed to set foot on Wakan Tanka continent at least a month before.

Kim Ki-woo arranged for them to visit various places in the empire during their free time.

He intended to let them witness the prosperous state of the empire with their own eyes.

Of course, he also provided large escort teams for each delegation to prevent any accidents.

‘There are more Asians than I thought.’

He hadn’t looked around the port much, but typical Asian features caught his eye.

He had heard that Asians lived a lot in the western sea of the empire, but they seemed to be much more than that.

Lee Ho knew why to some extent.

‘It’s because of the war.’

For a long time, wars of various sizes broke out all over Asia.

War took away countless lives and destroyed people’s homes.

As this situation continued for a long time, people’s lives became miserable.

As a result, many people left for the empire in search of peace.

Fortunately, there was a shortage of labor in the western sea of the empire at that time.

The imperial citizens did not want to leave their homes and go west.

In the end, both sides’ interests matched and a large amount of labor was supplied from Asia.

Especially recently, due to China’s turmoil, even Chinese people settled in large numbers in the western part of the empire.

But Joseon people were not very visible.

‘I don’t know if this is good or bad.’

Lee Ho felt a subtle feeling.

There was no reason for Joseon people to migrate en masse like them.

After Lee Yeok joined hands with the empire, people’s lives became much more stable.

But on the other hand, he felt sorry.

It wouldn’t hurt to have more Joseon-born people in the empire.

‘What a useless thought.’

Lee Ho shook his head.

He didn’t have enough people anyway after expanding his land greatly.

This kind of thought could wait until his population increased enough.



The car carrying Lee Ho smoothly sped along the paved road.

Lee Ho stared blankly at the outside passing by in an instant through the window.

‘It’s breathtaking.’

He had no more strength to be surprised.

The car that ran very fast and stable without a word, and the high-rise buildings that crowded around the road.

It was a sight that he could not easily adapt to, having lived his whole life in Joseon.

“It’s more amazing than I heard. What do you think, Minister of Foreign Affairs?”

“It seems to have developed more than when Your Majesty came.”

“Is that so…”

Lee Ho nodded his head.

The cars that were quite common on the road were also the first time he saw them.

Of course, he had heard and seen pictures of cars, but he didn’t expect them to be so popularized like this.

After that, the delegation toured around the empire.

The transcontinental railroad had been completed for a long time.

Based on this, the railroad spread like a spider web to the surroundings.

The delegation visited major cities by using the railroad.

And they explored the city for a short day or a long four days.

And as he walked around the city, Lee Ho felt how much the imperial people loved the emperor.

There was always a topic related to Kim Ki-woo wherever he went.

Statues, photos, paintings, plays, music, souvenirs, and so on.

“I’m really envious. I want to be such a being to my people.”

“The people of Joseon also respect Your Majesty very much. So please don’t worry too much.”


Lee Ho shrugged his shoulders.

He knew it too.

The fact that the people praised him as a holy lord.

But the love of the Wakan Tanka Empire’s people for the emperor was different.

No, this was beyond love and worship itself.

‘It makes sense. He started from a small tribe and built such a brilliant empire.’

Lee Ho consoled himself and shook off his thoughts.

It was only pathetic to compare himself with the emperor of the Wakan Tanka Empire.

Time passed like that, and Lee Ho, who led the Joseon delegation, arrived at the capital.


“Your Majesty, all the participants who attended this international conference have arrived.”

“Any problems?”

“Fortunately, there were no major issues.”

“Is that so? The guards have worked really hard. But remember not to relax until the end.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The booming voice of Blue Earth, the Minister of Defense, echoed in the conference hall.

Kim Ki-woo nodded his head and turned his gaze.

“Minister of Foreign Affairs. How did the coordination between the countries go?”

“Fortunately, most of them are finished. But there are still some who are not smooth in negotiations.”

“Tsk. I warned them that I would reduce support, didn’t I?”

“I tried to tell them repeatedly, but they are so stubborn…”

“Then there’s nothing we can do. Send them an ultimatum. If they don’t agree amicably within a week, I’ll impose a penalty as promised.”

“I will proceed as such.”

Kim Ki-woo had the knife edge that supported each country anyway.

He had given them plenty of time, but he had no intention of taking care of those who didn’t listen to him.

After discussing several agendas, Kim Ki-woo uttered his last words.

“Now there are only ten days left until the international conference. So I hope you all prepare faithfully in your respective positions until the end.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

It was a word from his heart, but Kim Ki-woo didn’t worry too much.

All preparations for the international conference were already over.

They started building an area that would be the base of the international conference and the future world union several years before the international conference was held.

And by now all buildings were completed.

All agendas to be discussed at the international conference were also decided long ago, and most of the coordination between prospective member countries was already completed in advance.

Unless a natural disaster occurred, it seemed unlikely that the international conference would fail.

And finally, ten days passed and it was the day of the international conference.

“Your Majesty, you have arrived. All the major figures who have participated in the International Conference are already seated.”

“Is that so?”

The protagonist usually arrives late.

The main character of this International Conference was naturally Kim Kiwoo.

“His Majesty the Emperor has arrived!”


With the loud voice of the chamberlain, the huge front door of the International Conference Hall slowly opened.

Then, the rather noisy inside of the International Conference Hall became quiet in an instant.

Thud, thud.

There were already countless people of different races filling up the International Conference Hall.

Kim Kiwoo walked towards his seat, receiving all their gazes.

‘That man is the emperor of the Wakan Tanka Empire…’

‘He looks exactly like in the picture. He looks very young.’


The kings and regents from various countries looked at Kim Kiwoo and thought of various things in their heads.

But one thing they had in common was admiration for Kim Kiwoo’s appearance that did not age at all.

While they were feeling different things about Kim Kiwoo, he naturally arrived at his seat.

‘Quite refreshing.’

It was a familiar situation to have all eyes on him.

But it was his first experience to have such different races focus on him.

Kim Kiwoo looked around the participants and opened his mouth.

“First of all, thank you for coming a long way to participate in this International Conference. Various agendas will be discussed at this International Conference. I hope that the conference will go well, and that everyone will gain a lot from it.”

As Kim Kiwoo finished speaking, the participants nodded their heads.

There was no complaint about why the International Conference was held.

They had no choice.

They had already seen the current state of the empire with their own eyes as they traveled around various cities of the empire for more than a month.

It was a situation that was embarrassing to compare with their own countries.

Therefore, regardless of the country, most of the participants had a desire for modernization of their own countries.

“Then, I will start the International Conference.”

With Kim Kiwoo’s declaration, the historic conference finally began.


Of course, the International Conference had more agendas than it could end in a day.

Among them, the first discussion that took place was none other than the agenda of establishing a world union.

The International Conference itself was held to establish a world union.

“As science and technology advance, the world is getting closer quickly. In the future, not only the countries of Wakan Tanka continent, but also the countries of other continents will succeed in modernization. Therefore, we need a world union. Now all countries on Earth must prepare for a new era.”

The foreign minister came out as a representative and recited the necessity of a world union.

“You must have passed through various cities of the empire. The Wakan Tanka Empire will do its best to support modernization for joining countries as a founding country of the world union. Thus, ultimately, joining countries will also achieve prosperity like Wakan Tanka Empire.”


This was what the participating countries wanted to hear most.

Thanks to this, the atmosphere of the International Conference quickly heated up.

“Of course, there are many obligations that must be observed as joining countries of the world union. And if you violate them several times, you will be sanctioned, and in severe cases, you may be expelled from joining countries.”

If rights are given, you must abide by your corresponding obligations.

They did not need countries that only wanted to eat sweet fruits.

Kim Kiwoo thought from behind as he listened to the foreign minister’s remarks.

‘We are putting a lot of effort into establishing a world union, so we should get something too.’

He had no intention of losing anything.

The Wakan Tanka Empire also planned to take many fruits from this world union.

This would ensure that Wakan Tanka Empire’s system would continue for a long time.

Kim Kiwoo smiled slightly as he imagined the brilliant future of his empire.

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