American comics: Unparalleled scientific research and evolution into omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Marvel's version of the Buddha Fire Lotus

Ability to turn back time around you.

This ability to defy the sky can only come from the Time Gem.

Imagine Avengers III, a certain vision was tortured to death and alive.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuan silently took two steps back and silently began to be on guard.

The Chaos Magic spread out even more, walking around him, ready to use the Chaos Magic to prevent the invasion of the Time Gem.

Mind Gems, there is no way to resist the power of Time Gems.

Only Chaos Magic can hold on.


Just as Fang Yuan was setting up the Chaos Magic Defense, a sound suddenly sounded right in front of Fang Yuan.

A circular blade outlined by energy flashed away.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuan clearly felt that the defense he had set up with chaos magic was constantly being hit, and the crackling sound was constantly sounding in his ears.

After this whole set, Fang Yuan was immediately speechless.


Just now, Fang Yuan experienced the rogue play of the portal with his own eyes.

However, now Gu Yi, the supreme mage's playing style, once again refreshed Fang Yuan's lower limit of cognition.

First, a set of stealth.

Then, before Fang Yuan could react, he directly came to a set of knotty exercises without lower limit combos.

There is also a steady stream of energy provided by the Soul Gem, so that Fang Yuan's spiritual power will not be cut off.


It is estimated that Fang Yuan will not be able to cast chaos magic now.

Although the power of this blade attack is not too great.

However, the frequency of this attack is really frighteningly high.

If it weren't for the 25-hour uninterrupted charging treasure of the Soul Gem, Fang Yuan estimated that it would be directly gone.

At this moment, Fang Yuan couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart.

Gu Yi of this strength actually hung up?!

Actually hung up before Avengers 3?!

Don't say anything for the takeover of Doctor Strange, choose to pounce on the street.

If this is the case, then there must be a situation in all universes.

All Supreme Mages will only be Doctor Strange.

Instead of a variety of possibilities like the multiple metaverses.

With the strength that Gu Yi showed at the moment, he could also synchronize the situation of other universes.

One doubt after another flashed in Fang Yuan's heart.

However, Fang Yuan quickly broke free from the doubts in his heart.


While Fang Yuan was thinking about these things.

Fang Yuan already felt that the outermost layer of chaos magic had begun to be eaten away by the ability of the Time Gem.

A little bit of defense is dissipated little by little under the mighty power of the Time Gem.


This is special yarn!

The ability of the six infinity stones, all without interference, all involvement, independent action.

That's right!

All without interference!

The mighty power of the Time Gem can act independently.

And what about your own mind gem?

Engage in the Buddha Fury Fire Lotus of the Fighting Horse Continent once?

Chaos magic, which essentially destroys all the Infinity Stones.


He is also boundless inclusive.

It can be compatible with various forces and make all kinds of forces submit.

This was also the specific idea of the big sword in Fang Yuan's hand.


Operations similar to the Buddha's Fire Lotus are not impossible.

It's nothing more than something like the Infinity Gauntlet.

Using Chaos Magic as a base, use it as an infinity glove, and fuse various powers to burst it instantly.

Just do what you say!

As for what are the consequences of operating the Mind Gem like this.


What's not crazy!

Failure, nothing more than a break for a while.

If you succeed, you will have one more killer app.

The next moment, Fang Yuan's eyes bloomed with a strange look, stretched out his hand and gently pressed his eyebrows, grinning.

"Ancient One Mage! The next thing, I can't control it! "

"You're going on!"


After a short while.

Gu Yi rubbed his eyebrows and sat next to Fang Yuan full of discomfort.

"You have mastered Chaos magic, but you are much more terrifying than Wanda."

The Marvel version of the Buddha Fire Lotus just now really made Gu Yidu suffer a loss.

Portals, time gems, do not have much effect in the face of this force.

Even a time gem!

It was too late to revoke this terrifying fire lotus.

This burst of energy even almost collapsed the mirror space.

This forced the ancient one to use the Eye of Agomo to quickly avoid this wave of outbreaks.

In addition, he also used the portal to quickly leave.


Even so!

The explosion of the Soul Gem still affected Gu Yi's spirit.

Even as a Supreme Mage, she now felt a bit of a headache.

In this regard, Fang Yuan also grinned.

"It's just that the idea is different, Ancient Mage, don't talk nonsense, I'm very rule-abiding."

"Obey the rules?"

Gu Yi glanced at Fang Yuan a little speechlessly, and pointed to the mirror space that was slowly being repaired around him.

"Look, this is a rule-abiding person can make it?"

"Your Chaos Magic is not deeply mastered, just like this, if you are allowed to master it completely, won't you want to destroy multiple universes at once?"

This trick is also bombarded in the mirror space.


As long as this whereabouts fall in the real world.

Whether successful or not, it will directly cause the collapse of the real world.

If it falls in a city with many people, it will cause the collapse of the entire spiritual world.


It will also affect other universes through this gem ability.

No matter which one, it is a huge crisis for the earth guarded by the ancient one.

In this regard, Fang Yuan smiled awkwardly.

"Ahem, mistake miss."

"By the way, Ancient Mage, I also want to practice some spells, can I?"

Hearing this, Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Fang Yuan with some surprise.

"You? Do you want to learn spells too? "

"With your control of Chaos Magic, you shouldn't need it, right?"

In this regard, Fang Yuan shook his head a little helplessly.

"Skills don't weigh down! I learn, and if something goes wrong with Wanda, I can control it. "

Gu Yi glanced at Fang Yuan with some doubt, and smiled.

"I hope you really think so!"

Saying that, Gu Yi casually threw a hanging ring to Fang Yuan.

"You, yourself and the king, and a few mages of the Holy of Holies say hello."

"So that in the future, if you come by yourself, no one will stop you."

Catching the suspension ring, Fang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned.

He had thought that he could learn spells, and he had also thought that Gu Yi would not refuse.

After all......

This reason for himself can be said to be high-sounding.

It is estimated that the great earth will not be able to find a third person who has mastered chaos magic.

In this case, Wanda's reference is naturally only himself.

It's just that......

Fang Yuan didn't expect that Gu Yi would agree to himself so easily, and actually gave himself a hanging ring.

The thing of the suspension ring is basically the ultimate killing weapon of the secret mage's vein.

This thing is not something that can be given casually.

It's just that Gu Yi gave it, and Fang Yuan naturally wouldn't be polite.

Fang Yuan took the suspension ring, put it on his hand, and looked at it immediately.

"This suspense ring, it's quite beautiful,"


(End of chapter)

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