American comics: Kill people and you become stronger

Chapter 25

Natasha left.

Bi Xiao was not uncomfortable without this beautiful woman. At most, he was a little reluctant to give up at first. It should be regarded as a boy's instinctive emotion towards beautiful women.

But that sentiment was quickly dispelled.

Bi Xiao has never considered himself to be a person without desires, especially when it comes to women. If possible, he doesn't mind releasing his impulses at all.

He is no ascetic either, he knows what he desires.

He wants mansions, manors, and women.

But Bi Xiao's biggest desire now is still power.

Feeling yourself become stronger, the growth of power, the beauty is not inferior to these desires in the slightest, and even exceeds these desires.

What's more, with enough power, those things will follow.

At present, his strong desire overwhelms everything else. When this emotion stabilizes later, he may consider other things.

Otherwise, he wouldn't still be living in that small shabby house in Queens. With his current ability, would it be difficult to build a luxurious manor and have countless women open bank accounts?

In the future, Bishop plans to pursue growth while also improving his quality of life.

This is the royal way.

It is impossible to expand....

Xavier Academy for Young Mutants in New York City, as a car drove by, stopped on the wide platform inside the academy.

The X-Men members and the Asian young man named Li walked down

"Come with me, I believe you will like life here."

Qin led the young man towards the dormitory.

As for the others, they went to the principal's office.

They met many mutant children and students on the way, and these students greeted the teachers warmly.

"Hey, good morning, Mr. Scott, Mr. Ororo, Mr. Logan."

"good morning."

The white-haired Ororo and several other teachers also responded one after another. Only the strong man with a deep face remained cool enough and just nodded without responding.

The students were also used to this cool macho man and didn't take it seriously.

However , These students were more discussing what tasks the teachers had performed this time

"Just now I thought I saw Teacher Qin leading someone to the dormitory building"

"Another fellow mutant? Don't know what his abilities are"

"Maybe, hopefully his powers will be cool"

"Aha, John, your ability is pretty cool, except that you accidentally burn off other people’s eyebrows."

"Shut up, Poppy, I wasn't careful last time"

"That's impossible to say."

These students, big and small, were chattering and discussing, and they were also fighting from time to time. It was peaceful and lively.

In the principal's office, several teachers knocked on the door and walked in. They saw a bald old man with a gentle face sitting there. In a specially made metal wheelchair, he was flipping through a book in front of the window. When he saw Ororo and others walking in, he also put the book on Hungry's lap.


"So, what happened to that brat?"Scott spoke first, and Professor Charles said gently:"Wait for Qin."

Qin didn't keep everyone waiting. She came to the office a few minutes later.

Others will take over the subsequent arrangements for the Asian Li. After all, this school at Nottingham University always hires some people to help.

See Everyone gathered together. Professor Charles pondered for a moment before slowly speaking.

"That woman, from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency"

"What department is this? I don't think I've ever heard of it."

Scott said in surprise.

The same goes for the rest of the people.

"This is a very special, hidden and huge special institution. Its history should be traced back to the Second World War, but I don’t know some of the details. I just noticed another thing at the time, but you can just pay more attention to this institution."

"Is that woman an agent? asked Scott

"Her mission is to contact and observe the boy named John Shaw."

Professor Charles nodded.

"So, what is special about him? To be expected to be contacted and observed by a female agent sent by such a mysterious organization."Qin asked curiously.

Professor Charles sighed:"Have you heard that a cruel butcher appeared in Queens recently?"

"Are you talking about the butcher who slaughtered five hundred people in recent months?"

Scott said in shock.

The expressions of the others changed slightly. A huge murderer appeared in Queens. This news has been very sensational in the past month. The details disclosed by major news media have aroused widespread discussion among people across the United States.

This The Butcher massacred more than 500 people in four consecutive months. These people were either leaf sellers or gangsters, but they were also gang members. Among them was a man named Hermann Oud who massacred more than 200 gunmen inside the gang base..

This kind of record is amazing.

The target of the massacre, the single combat ability displayed by this butcher, and the fact that he did not leave any flaws in the crime are enough to arouse people's controversy. Disputes between supporters and supporters. If one thing causes controversy across the United States, it is enough to prove its influence.

Although they live in the academy, such news is naturally clear to the students in the academy. There are also many admirers

"Professor, are you saying that the butcher is that kid?"

Logan said in surprise.

The professor nodded:"From the memory of the female agent, the identity should have been determined."

"Wow, I thought my feeling was wrong. It seems that he is really a real butcher."

Logan said"Wow!"

"What do you feel? Logan?"Ao Luoluo looked at Logan

"Never before when I saw that kid for the first time, my whole body was shaking, and my steel claws even stretched out uncontrollably. At that time, a kind of wildness almost swallowed me up. At that time, I only wanted to do one thing, Tear him apart."Logan took out a cigar from his arms, lit it slowly, held it in his mouth, blew out a puff of smoke and said

"At that time, I was sure that there was a ferocious beast hidden under that kid's skin. Such a person vaguely reminded me of a person in my memory, but I couldn't think of who it was, but there was no doubt that he was very Danger."

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