America In Another World

Chapter 64 – Around the World

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0923 April 17th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

It was morning but President Haye still felt a bit worn out because of the constant reports and briefings. 

“The Green Berets have reported that there are multiple human concentration camps scattered across the Elven Nation. We are currently poring through satellite photography in order to try and locate them.”

“What are the chances that we will have a massacre on our hands if we start D-Day II?”

“The military analysts have described it as too much for comfort.”

“Then devise a plan to get them out of there. The invasion will still proceed on the same day.”


0904 April 17th, 2020 CE

0732 Sun 17th 196 AE

Primopolis, Magus Imperium 

“Here are the main stipulations. You will provide your own vessels to transport your invasion force. We do not have enough to accommodate you. However, our navy will protect your transports. You will have independent control of your units but you will have to cooperate with our officers. Our officers will also have the final say on decisions. We expect humane treatment of the elves who surrender. We do not condone the killing of non-combatants. And we expect your soldiers to act civilized. More detailed information would be in the document that I have given to you.” 

Emperor Arstant nodded as he skimmed through the document. 

“I see. Then how will we divide up the land?”

The American ambassador to the Magus Imperium, Jimmy Manning, looked at the Emperor with questioning eyes. 

“It’s a small continent. We suspect that they have a lack of resources because our scientists have noticed that the compositions of their armor are not entirely made of metal. The elves seem to be trying to make up for this lack of resources by using magic.” 

“So what is your country planning to do then once you have defeated the elves?”

“We will just occupy and install a democratic government before leaving.”

“Are you willing to leave some land for us then?”

“Our policy is a period of occupation while reforming their government. If you are invading with intentions of doing a land grab, then we will pull out all support.”

Emperor Arstant seemed to be fuming.

“You are just going to let them go after all they have done! My nation has suffered the most out of this invasion! I would like them to give us some land. Isn’t this how it usually goes? When a nation loses a war it has to cede some of its lands to the victor. Your words are utterly ridiculous! Have you not seen what happened? The towns and cities in the northern regions of my country have been reduced to nothing! My entire navy is nearly gone. Hundreds and thousands of my soldiers and civilians have lost their lives!”

“We understand this. However, taking their land will do you no benefit. There seems to be nothing there that you can exploit. You are allowed to calculate the damage and ask the elves for war reparations. We will see to it that they pay you. However, the US will never condone the annexation of their sovereign territory. We will also not condone any acts of revenge. Do not raze their cities and towns or start massacres.” 

Emperor Arstant had an extremely displeased look on his face. Jimmy stood there for a bit as the Emperor thought in silence. Minutes passed by. 

“I will give you time to consider.”

Jimmy started to walk out. Halfway to the door, he stops and looks back. 

“Remember that without our help, your nation would be at their mercy of the elves right now. Do not consider this a slight. These words are just the mere truth and you know it.”

Jimmy opened the door and got out. 


1055 April 17th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

Cralson sat down in a meeting with Haye. 

“I will get it to you straight. I still don’t like the idea that you are permitting the Magusians to come along. We already have our hands full trying to calm one shrieking baby. We don’t need another baby that is liable to fall face-first onto the ground.”

President Haye chuckled a bit.

“Are you seriously describing countries as babies?” 

“It’s a metaphor. I am seriously exasperated by your decision, you know.” 

President Haye pointed at Cralson. 

“Look Cralson. You have to see it from my point of view. You are a military leader. I’m a civilian one. I know not having the Magus come with us would make the invasion much easier to plan out and execute. But we are a country that is literally alone in this world. We need to form diplomatic relationships. Sure, we have the Bem and Mach but they are just countries under our occupation. Other than that, the countries of the Soane League are quite bound to the Magus Imperium. Their opinion of us and centuries of relations with the Magus won’t change with just a few mercenaries.” 


1100 April 17th, 2020 CE

0830 Sun 17th 196 AE

Magus Imperium 

“Their roads are complete shit. At least the Machians had actual paved roads and metal bridges.” 

An Abrams driver got out of his tank. The tracks of his Abrams were filled with dirt and mud was smudged on all sides of the tank. 

“Well, Command sent us through the boonies. The main paths have paved roads and metal bridges.”

“That can’t even be considered the boonies. We passed through a lot of towns. Even in the Machian forests, they actually have paved roads instead of just muddy dirt roads and metal bridges instead of rickety century-old wooden ones. What the fuck is wrong with this country’s infrastructure.” 

“Seeing that this is a magic country, I guess they didn’t really embrace the Industrial Revolution. Well, their magic is still shit either way. Heard some talk about the ‘magic’ hybrid engines of the Magus to be inferior to the mechanical ones that the Mach have.” 

With the number of American vehicles moving towards the southern tip of the Magus Imperium and the undeveloped infrastructure of the Magus Imperium, a lot of issues have started to pop up.


Afvalin, Elven Nation

Pablo looked at his team who were gathered in his hotel room. 

“Although we were originally going to stay here and keep surveillance until right before the airstrikes started, we have a change of plans. We got orders from the top. We need to search for human concentration camps. Especially those in heavily wooded areas.”

“Hm, well, all the recent newspapers mention human concentration camps but not exactly where they are.”

“Can’t we go to where the slave auctions are being held and follow one of their trucks until it leads us to one?”

“Well, that will only help us locate one. It has been confirmed that the elves have multiple concentration camps. Satellites already found and confirmed two. They are the more visible ones. There are also multiple possible ones. Satellite footage picked up trucks carrying humans into a few different forests. However, the satellites were not able to locate the exact locations of the concentration camps. That’s our job.” 

“Then what is the plan?”

“We will split into teams of two. Six teams. Each team will be assigned to sectors of the forests to comb through. Remember don’t take any actions. We are only here right now to scout them out. Understood.”

“Yes, sir!”


0224 April 18th, 2020 CE

0412 Sun 18th 196 AE

Magus Imperium 

A kid ran out of his house and waved at the American tanks passing by. The commanders, who had their hatches open and their heads out of the tank, waved back. 

“Mom! Mom! Look! Tanks!”

“Arthur get back in here!”

The mother ran out of the house and guided her child back towards the house. She flashed a fake smile towards the Americans and quickly closed the door.


Inside the house, the boy looked down at his shoes as he was scolded. 

“They are foreigners! They aren’t us. Arthur. We can’t trust people who aren’t like us. You don’t know what they could do to you. Ignore them and hide. I don’t want to see you running to them ever again. Do you understand?”

While his eyes were still looking at the ground, he quietly replied.



A lot of the Magusian civilians were quite welcoming of them. They sometimes came out en masse to cheer as American troops and vehicles rolled by. Sometimes, it felt like a parade. They were very thankful for the American help against the elves. But that doesn’t mean they were all like that. Some people have given them the stink eye. There were also a couple of places where the overall air felt unwelcome. This was one of the places. The inhabitants of the village had shut their doors and closed their curtains as the Americans came through.


1124 April 18th, 2020 CE

Nashville, Tennessee

Jack set down his groceries. He peeled open an orange and started snacking on it. He really wanted to eat an apple right now but they weren’t in season. A lot of fruits and vegetables weren’t in season during this time of the year for the US. In the old world, fruits and vegetables were in season year-round because of imports. Steps have been taken by companies to make something similar in this world but it had been disrupted by politic and the recent war. What’s even more annoying to John was the lack of a lot of products. Quite a lot of those products had “Made in China” stuck onto them in the old world. Companies tried to make up for this vacancy by ramping up production. However, this caused a labor shortage. Not everyone wanted to work in a factory. Some companies have already opened up factories in the Mach and Bem. Quite a lot are still waiting for permission to do so. 


1144 April 18th, 2020 CE

0822 Sun 18th 196 AE

Port City of Jahlean, Elven Nation

In the port, civilians murmured in worry amongst themselves. Many had seen the returning military transport vessels and wanted to cheer for the returning soldiers. A crowd had formed right outside of the port. What greeted them wasn’t an army filled with victory but a seemingly exhausted and demoralized one. They speculated about what had happened.

“Were they defeated?”

“No way.”

“Maybe they are just the injured coming back.”

“That seems to make sense.” 


10 days later 

Lorsan Kelfir sat down and drank his morning tea. His eyes skimmed through the newspaper he was holding with his free hand. It detailed another glorious victory that they have had. The last of his doubts washed away as he read it. When he saw so many returning exhausted soldiers in the port, he feared that they had been defeated. Now he believes that the fear was unfounded. 


15 days later

Narman Temporary Air Base, Magus Imperium 

F-15s and F-16s were scattered across the temporary airbase. Inside a hastily erected building, men of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment checked over their equipment. 4 MC-130 aircraft were parked right outside. 


Hasta Air Base, Magus Imperium

B-52s taxied down the runway. B1-Bs prepared to do so as well. 

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