America In Another World

Chapter 60 – Defense of Hawaii Part 1

All times in this chapter follow this pattern

Washington DC Time

Hawaii Time

0714 April 15th, 2020 CE (Washington DC Time)

0114 April 15th, 2020 CE (Hawaii Time)

Near Hawaii

Two F/A-18 Super Hornets launched from the USS John C. Stennis into the night sky. In a mere 30 seconds, another two were launched. 


Washington D.C.

“Seems to be some sort of... show of force?”
It was clear from the satellite imagery that seemingly all the elven submarines of the fleet that was currently heading towards Hawaii have surfaced. President Hayes scratched his head at Cralson’s words. 

“Show of force? Show of force to who? They shouldn’t know that we can see their ships.”

“Maybe it's to boost their own morale.”

“I fail to see how having all your submarines surface would boost morale. It seems like a stupid thing to do.”

“Then I don’t know what they are doing.”

Vice President Wogs got their attention. 

“People, people, this isn’t important. The Super Hornets will be in missile range soon.”


0735 April 15th, 2020 CE 

0135 April 15th, 2020 CE 

Somewhere in the “Pacific”

Four Super Hornet squadrons flew in formation. 

<<<“Targets in range. Let’s waste these fuckers!”>>>

They each had a full load of Harpoon missiles. From the 44 aircraft, 176 Harpoons were fired. They broke formation and began their return to the USS John C. Stennis.


Washington D.C.

“All missiles have been launched.” 

President Hayes leaned back on his chair as he watched the screen that broadcasted the positions of the Elven fleet, the US fleet, and the Super Hornet squadrons. 

“We are going to need to procure a lot of new missiles or we are going to have a massive shortage soon.”


A few minutes later

Elven Fleet

The sound of explosions echoed. Admiral Vaynore grimly opened his eyes and looked at the metal ceiling of his room. 

“So it has begun.” 


A massive explosion occurred on the bottom left side of a small aircraft carrier as a Harpoon missile struck it. Smoke billowed out before a massive explosion seemingly ruptured the aircraft carrier. The Harpoon had struck its magazine compartments that had been filled with bombs and torpedoes. 

Another Harpoon hit right on the bow of a massive battleship. It caused much less damage but there was a gaping hole where the Harpoon hit.

The Elven fleet did not stop advancing as one missile after another hit. 

Smoke billowed out of the superstructure of a cruiser where the missile hit. 

A destroyer, ripped in two by the explosion of a Harpoon hitting it, started slowly descending into its watery grave. Its surviving elves jumping overboard. 

More and more ships were hit with each passing second. The night was lit with explosions and the fires coming from the ships. 



“Dive! Dive! Dive!”

The sound of explosions reverberated in the submarine. They were more willing to risk the threat of the torpedo attacking them than be obliterated by air attacks. 

“The NN Victory has been sunk!”

“The NN Zumlar is taking on water! The crew says that they can keep it afloat.”

“There was a minor magazine explosion on the NN Ilyana! Crews are working to take out the fire.”

“The S-29 is gone!”

Reports of the damage came flooding in. In the end, 25 destroyers, 2 submarines, 1 light aircraft carrier, and 3 cruisers were sunk. Much more ships were damaged to varying degrees. 


Admiral Vaynore viewed the damage from the bridge of his ship. Black smoke billowed into the sky as ships engulfed in fire sunk. Elves waved their arms and floated around the sinking wreckage. 

“Rescue them as quickly as possible. We don’t have time to idle.”


Before the officer could leave. Admiral Vaynore stopped and turned around. 

“Wait. Don’t get me wrong. We are saving all of them. NO ONE will be left behind. We just need to do it fast.”


Even amidst all this destruction by and without them knowing, they were still a bit lucky. Not all Harpoon missiles reached their targets. Some of them just missed by chance while others accidentally targeted the submarines. Most of the submarines dived away just as the Harpoons were about to hit.


Washington D.C.

President Hayes stared at the screen as reports came in that the missiles had hit. The Elven Fleet showed no change in direction. 

“They are just recklessly charging us at this point.”

Although reports say that they have suffered high damage from the Harpoon attacks, the Elven fleet seemed to show no signs of retreating or even a change of tactics. Albeit with fewer ships, the elves continued steaming forward. Cralson nodded.

“They are probably on a suicide mission. It's almost as if their commander gave up already. We are preparing for the second strike. Their ships should be moving into the missile range of our ships.” 

“They are getting awfully close to Hawaii.”

“We have multiple Air National Guard fighter squadrons on standby there. They are ready to take to the air at a moment’s notice.”

“Why weren’t they launched already to attack the Elven fleet?”

“Most of the aircraft there are better suited to be or are just air superiority fighters. Some of them could be used for anti-ship purposes but we will only do that under dire circumstances."


0753 April 15th, 2020 CE 

0153 April 15th, 2020 CE 

Elven Fleet

Inside the officer’s meeting room. The officers of the NN Conqueror gathered. 

“Our scout planes have been out searching for the enemy fleet but we haven’t found them yet.”

“Admiral, shouldn’t we try to redirect our course? We will be destroyed before we even reach our target!”

Admiral Vaynore shook his head 

“Even if we did, we would still suffer the same amount of casualties. The Americans can reach us even if we split up into groups."

“Can’t we employ the strategy we had used in our last battle?”

“We were the ones defending while the Americans were the ones attacking. Now it's the opposite.”

“Is there anything we can do, Admiral?”

Vaynore pondered for a bit. Although he had already given up, his subordinates hadn't. At this moment, he decided to accompany them all the way.

“We will send the submarines ahead.”

“But what about the torpedo that attacked yesterday?"

“Our submarines have submerged and have yet to be attacked. I have no clear idea on how American weaponry really works but I believe that the Americans will attack when they can. The submarines should be safe for now.”


A few minutes later 

Everyone left the room after the strategy meeting concluded. Vaynore sighed. Surrender was unthinkable to quite a lot of the officers. Especially the younger ones. Vaynore expected a full mutiny if he dared to entertain the idea of surrender. 


US Fleet

The Super Hornets started taking off once again. This time, Harpoon missiles were being launched by the ships besides the USS John C. Stennis. White smoke trailed behind each missile as they headed for the sky. The trails of white smoke filled the sky as they curved towards their target.  


Missiles were being fired from Arleigh Burke destroyers, Ticonderoga cruisers, and Zumwalt destroyers.  


Washington D.C.

A report on a different situation came from Cralson. 

“Seems like the Green Berets have found quite a few important locations.” Cralson placed down a satellite map of Afvalin on the table. Marked in red “x”s were important civil and military buildings. “They will all be targets in our first strike.” 

President Hayes rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn. He had woken up early so he could be there when the naval battle started. Now it has started to affect him. 

“I guess it’s a good time to call a meeting soon on finalizing the plans for D-Day II.”


0834 April 15th, 2020 CE 

0234 April 15th, 2020 CE 

Elven Fleet

More explosions started occurring. The NN Zumlar had already taken 5 hits to various places. Although with a limp, it was still moving. Even his own ship, the NN Conqueror was hit. It was by sheer luck that the explosion didn’t reach any of the bombs or torpedoes that were stored. 1 battleship, 1 fleet carrier, 1 light carrier, 3 cruisers, and 20 destroyers were destroyed in this second attack. 


A magiradio operator came up to Admiral Vaynore

“One of the scout planes has a report! We haven’t found their fleet but we have found land! This could be their home base or maybe even their homeland.”

Admiral Vaynore nodded. 

“Launch all aircraft to attack! We can’t let this opportunity slip away.” 

One of the officers protested the decision. 

“But Admiral, we will leave our ships without air cover.”

“The enemy can attack us without even getting near us, our air cover is useless. We will just worthlessly waste our aircraft as the carriers get sunk one by one.” 

Admiral Vaynore was being extremely stern in his reply. The officer who had objected hung his head down.

“Understood, Admiral.”


All aircraft carriers of the fleet prepared to launch their aircraft. Pilots got into their planes. Bombs and torpedoes were quickly loaded on. On one of the light carriers, the NN Undefeatable, the propellers of their planes spun to life as the ground crew prepared them. Lights from the aircraft carrier lit the runway. A flag was waved and the blocks on the wheels of the aircraft were removed. The flag was then waved down and the first plane went down the runway. 


As the aircraft continued to launch. Three explosions rocked the NN Zumlar. 

“Report! The battleship NN Zumlar has been struck by an enemy attack again and is heavily damaged!” 

The sounds of explosions reverberated in Vaynore’s room.

“Launch all aircraft as quickly as possible! Speed it up!”


Although it took some time, it wasn’t long before 147 Ea-192N (naval-modified) fighters, 162 Ra-189N (naval-modified) dive bombers, and 135 Ra-1 torpedo bombers took to the sky in groups of large v formations. 


Deep in the sea, the submarines started passing the surface ships.  Although they were told to advance ahead, the submarines weren’t that fast so they were still right next to the Elven main fleet. 


Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Honolulu, Hawaii

The alarms on the base rang loud and clear. Men quickly scattered onto the runway. 

14 F-22 Raptors of the 199th Fighter Squadron, part of the Hawaii Air National Guard, taxied down the runway. 70 F-16A/Bs and F-16C/Ds of the 152nd Fighter Wing from the Arizona Air National Guard followed right behind. F-15C/Ds of the 114th Fighter Squadron from the Oregon Air National Guard were idling on the parking spaces.  Aircraft from many other fighter squadrons were also there. Although they were intended only for emergency use only against the Elven ships, when the Navy couldn’t keep the elves at bay, they were now being launched in response to the approaching elven aircraft. 


Elven Air Fleet 

The designated commander of the assemblage of planes got onto his magiradio. 

<<<“Target should not be far away. The scout aircraft spotted multiple buildings and ships. Our mission is to destroy all of them. Dive bombers will approach in three waves. Torpedoes bombers will sink any and all ships that they come across. Fighters will provide cover in all circumstances.”>>>


0845 April 15th, 2020 CE 

0245 April 15th, 2020 CE 

199th Fighter Squadron

<<<“Bandit acquired. We got a horde of them. Weapons free!”>>>

The bay doors in the center belly of the F-22 Raptors opened up. The other 13 F-22 Raptors followed suit. 

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