Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 39: Fairview Islands (Part 4)

Back on the surface right after the Leviathans took on the larger wyrms. The fleet was busy fighting against wyrms that burst forth from the water after Ophelia had pelted them with exploding lances made of blue magical energy. When one of those wyrms surfaced, they were blasted to hell thanks to cannon fire. It went on like this for a few minutes before the coral people who swam up finally reached their targets. 

"All hands not manning the magi-cannons! To arms! Repel the boarders!" Dorchets shouted as she unsheathed her saber and Amelia unsheated her dual daggers. 

Climbing along the sides of the HNS Amelia were the Coral soldiers, some of them tried to skewer and attack the sailors through the gun ports but were met with fury fired upon the wyrms, causing them to avoid attacking the gunports altogether. When the coral soldiers made it onto the deck, the gun crews manning the top deck guns quickly drew out their weapons and began defending their ship. 


The coral soldiers let out high-pitched war cries as they attacked the sailors, their spiked coral clubs and spears landing upon the sailors who were dressed in loose white-colored shirts and black trousers. Although the coral soldiers were able to land seemingly fatal blows, the blessing Blessing of the Saintess kept these sailors alive despite their fatal injuries, making them fight even harder. 

"Throw these bastards back into the sea!" Dorchets shouted as she dodged a club strike from a towering coral soldier and then replied with her own sword slash that cut the coral soldier in half, spewing out blue blood as the corpse collapsed onto the deck. 

The fighting around the vessel was intense as the sailors threw back the coral soldiers hellbent on their deaths, such as an arachnia sailor wielding 4 sabers at once, cutting down several coral soldiers trying to impale her with spears while another sailor, a dragonkin, ripped another coral soldier in half after dodging a coral spike club. Another sailor, an elf, was impaled three times by a trio of coral soldiers, with the tips of the spears impaling both of his shoulders and then one to his right knee, the pain was excruciating but the elven sailor let out a cry of defiance as he slashed the three spears and then cut down the coral soldiers before him, once he was done other sailors who had just finished their own fights helped pull out the remnants of the spears still on him. 

As the fighting only intensified, the chaos on the seas was equal to that on the ships. Like when Amelia was busy fighting against five coral soldiers after she had just finished killing another one. Dodging the first club strike and replying with her own slashes that split the coral soldier into three before charging the remaining four opponents. She dodged by shifting her body to the left to avoid a spear thrust and then leaned back from another thrust, quickly twisting her body as she fell back onto the floor and quickly rolled back to her feet before charging at them, stabbing the coral soldier on the right through the knee before using it as a stepping stone as she planted her feet on the soldier to gain some height and then slashed at the coral soldier to the left, decapitating the coral soldier in one swift slash before stabbing the head of the soldier she was standing upon. She quickly stepped off the soldier as the last two coral soldiers charged her, She dodged a thrust from the right and countered with her own thrust that punched through the hardened chest of the coral soldier, quickly moving the corpse to block the spiked coral club smash from the left and then quickly ending the remaining soldier as she pulled her daggers out and then stabbed the last one through the chest and face. 

Then there was Dorchets who was busy defending the helm from the coral soldiers, striking down two of the bastards before being knocked onto the portside railing by a spiked club bash from a coral soldier who had snuck up behind her in the chaos. When she smashed onto the railing, she saw a wyrm burst forth from the water, she then looked a the magi-cannon next to her and saw that it was primed, pulling the firing cord and swatching as the shell ripped the head off the wyrm. Turning her gaze back to the coral soldier approaching her, she wiped off some blood from her mouth and rose up to fight the damn thing that dared to strike her. Roaring in anger, she rushed forward, sliding under and past the coral soldier as it let loose another swing but missing her entirely. Once she was behind the coral soldier, she stabbed the back of its knee, causing it to kneel and presenting an opening she took as she skewered her saber through the head of the coral soldier.

The same thing was going on in the ships across the fleet as they continued shooting at the wyrms that burst forth from the water while also dealing with the coral soldiers who tried to kill them. The cannon fire was still unabated despite the best efforts of the coral soldiers, such as when the HNS Spring, one of the Enterprise Class Brigs, despite the coral soldiers on the top deck trying to disrupt the cannon fire from the ship, when a wyrm burst forth from the water and then quickly looked at the Spring and let loose a blast of acid breath that harmlessly crashed onto the defensive barrier of the ship, the brig replied with a full broadside that ripped the wyrm apart and sent the massive sea serpent back to the depths without a head. Or when the HNS Felice, despite the crew repelling the boarders on the top deck of the vessel, was able to unleash a full broadside on a wyrm that burst forth from the water with a roar before locking onto the ship of the line and then deciding to charge it down. The broadside unleashed by the Felice rendered the sea serpent into nothing more than a floating corpse that quickly sank beneath the waves. 

After the last of the waves of coral soldiers died, which was after fifteen to twenty minutes, there was a brief respite and a lull in the engagement that allowed the sailors to go back to priming and firing away their magi-cannons at the remaining wyrms who were still on the surface. 

"Haaa...Your Majesty...are we almost through the storm?" Dorchets asked as she downed another coral soldier by running her saber through the chest of the beast 

"I do not know, but I think we are almost out of it" Amelia replied to her as she pulled out her daggers from another coral corpse 

On that note, Amelia closed her eyes and tapped into her telepathic link with her beloved 

{Ophie} She called out 

[Almost through my darling. The last of the wyrms are now running and the remaining coral soldiers are nearing the islands, Amadine will handle them, some please bear it a bit more] Ophelia told her, with Amelia letting out a sign before nodding 

{Ok Ophie, I trust you} Amelia told her with a loving smile on her end 

[Thank you Amelia] Ophelia replied with a smile of her own visible to only herself 


"Right, now that we have whittled down their numbers to a more reasonable figure. Are you ready to show us your power Miss Amadine?" Ophelia asked as she retracted her magical lances and then turned to the siren chief 

"I am Your Majesty" Amadine stated as she opened her eyes and an enchantment circle made of blue markings appeared around her 

"Good" Ophelia nodded as she turned her gaze back to the ships sailing in the distance 

[Amelia, order all of the ships and the Leviathans to sail southward, I want everyone to get clear] The raven-haired empress stated 

{Got it Ophie} Amelia replied 

The sight of flares going up made Ophelia smile as they followed her orders, reforming the formation from the start of the fight and then sailing southward. Once they were out of the range of Amadine's attack, she turned to the siren chief who gave her a nod 


With a small thought entering her mind, Amadine's spell took form above the ocean. It was an array of circles within circles, each one with mystical carvings and runes that turned from black to a bright blue as the spell charged up. 

(Azure Judgement) Amadine thought in her mind as she unleashed her spell 


The magical circles suddenly let loose a full barrage of bright blue pillars of light all at once that penetrated through the water and struck the coral soldiers still on the seabed and those who were sailing upward to the islands. The beams of light continued for a few moments in rapid succession, the sounds of the beams being fired and hitting the water filling the air with its devastating chorus. By the end of the barrage, the coral soldiers who were left were now no more. Annihilated to the last. 

"That is impressive" Ophelia commented as she turned back to look at the siren chief, quickly leaping and catching her in her arms as she could see Amadine faint 

"You did well Miss did well" Ophelia stated with a respectful smile as she lifted her up and placed her back inside the Main Hall on the island before returning to the cliffside. 

Standing on the cliff face, she looked out to the fleet that was now still as the ships had doused canvas and let down their anchors. She then shifted her gaze over to the horizon to the south and her eyes widened as she saw a ship come into view far beyond what was the normal range of a norma person. 

"Bloody hell" She cursed 

Quickly teleporting onto the HNS Amelia to the surprise of everyone there, it only took a brief glance at her beloved to tell her that there was something else going on, she then looked at Dorchets who locked eyes with her and immediately nodded as she turned to her crew. 

"All hands! Unfurl the sails and raise the anchor!" The elven captain shouted, with the crew frantically moving to do as ordered 

"What did you see or sense Ophie?" Amelia asked as the ship came to life with the crew running around

"There is a Dukedom Galleon right ahead of us, seven kilometers ahead to be exact. The ship is wrecked all to hell but it seems that they are hellbent on making their way here" Ophelia told her, with the mentioning of the Dukedom making Amelia's eyes widen 


The Amelia lurched forward and skipped a bit as the propulsion monster magic crystals came to life, with the crew being given a little shove forward as the ship was now underway. The magi-cannons were run out and the crews were all at battle stations as the ship was nearing the Dukedom Galleon. 

"Do we fire once we are amidships?" Dorchets asked as the were nearing the ship 

" not think that is necessary captain" Amelia stated as the galleon was now in clearer sight 

"But do keep everyone at the ready to blow it to hell" Ophelia added as her eyes, like the rest, were locked on the Dukedom Galleon, the Amelia  then stopped amidships, perfectly aligned with the galleon 


[A/N: Reference for what the ship looks like but in a different color lmao] 

The ship had the same design as the ships used by the Kingdom of Amma, but the Dukedom ships had a blue and gold colored hull with each of the sails emblazoned with the flag of the dukedom. The ship they were sailing close to had its mizen mast collapsed and bent backward over the aft of the ship while the main mast had collapsed, barely hanging on by the starboard side opposite of the HNS Amelia, the foremast was also destroyed as it had collapsed and was in the water, hanging on the bow of the ship. The once pristine gold and blue paint of the ship was now marked with scratches or had been peeled off by something, there were also chunks of the top deck missing in the formation of bite marks which didn't leave much in the air of what attacked the ship. 

"Orders Your Majesties?" Dorchets asked as she turned to her monarchs

Amelia and Ophelia looked at one another before nodding in understanding as they knew what they wanted to do, the Dukedom of Abernath had long been attacking their people before Ophelia or Amelia had arrived, they only stopped once their slavers who were sent northward died in droves and failed to report back. To them and the people of the empire, it already seemed that they were in a state of war, a war against an evil that both of them abhorred, there was no more second-guessing now and both of them agreed on that. 

"Open fire" Amelia commanded, with the elven captain nodding 


A few moments later, the full portside broadside was brought to bear on the Dukedom Galleon. The booming roars of the 42-pounder magi-cannons and the accompanying explosions filled the air for a brief moment as the dual monarchs watched as the Galleon turned from barely floating to non-existent as the shells that exploded along its hull disintegrated everything, with splinters flying into the air due to the explosions, some shells missed as they went through already blown away parts and exploded behind the ship, creating massive plumes of water. By the end of the bombardment, there was nothing left of the Dukedom Galleon. 


A few moments later, the dual monarchs saw a small white rowboat with a single person waving a white flag far off into the distance. They had not noticed the rowboat as all eyes were focused on the Galleon and its destruction. The Amelia slowed down as it moved toward the white rowboat, a ladder was lowered on the portside for the single occupant of the rowboat to climb up on and the dual monarchs were surprised but still very cautious as the man who boarded their ship was a handsome young man with half of his face covered with a white mask, his hair was short and spiky with a nice color of hazelnut brown. He was also tall at 5'8, and he looked a bit nervous as he looked around and saw that a majority of the crew were non-human, something that did not escape the dual monarchs. 

"Your name?" Ophelia asked as she and Amelia walked towards the young man 

"Ummm...Uhhh...ahEM, I am Lucas" The young man replied 

"Lucas?" Ophelia asked with a raised eyebrow 

"Lucas.....Paderborn" Lucas replied as he shifted his stance slightly 

"Mhmm...where are you from Mister Paderborn?" Amelia asked as she took a step forward, seeing Lucas take a small step back 



Before Lucas could answer her, he let out a pained shout as he grasped his head in pain, with small crackles of lightning dancing around his fingers and forehead as he collapsed onto his knees on the deck. The dual monarchs walked closer and before Lucas could even react, Ophelia ripped off his mask and then gripped the side of his face tightly 

"You're mind is mine!" She shouted as she began to read through his mind without any resistance, a scowl forming on her face as she finished the mind reading and then threw Lucas who was now unconscious, onto the deck. 

"Is it what we assumed Ophie?" Amelia asked 

"Mhmmm...even worse, he's the son of the Duke of that bloody dukedom" Ophelia answered 

Hearing those words, all eyes were on the unconscious man on the deck, with these eyes looking not of curiosity or even pity, but pure and unfiltered rage. 

A/N: And here we go! The end of the Fairview Islands Arc. The next chapter will have a bit of what happened after this so don't worry! I hope you all enjoyed reading this and if you got any questions or comments, leave em below for me to see! And as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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