Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 7: The escape

I ran as fast as i could.

I did my best to ignore the corpses of everyone i knew, although i wanted to at least bury them, i knew it was not the time to do that.

I could hear the angry noises of some goblins that noticed me, probably they were already pursuing me.

However, i was fast enough to lose all of them 

I was already reaching the hole in the wall.

But it was then...

I saw their corpses.

My parents corpses.

They were embracing each other on the ground, covered in a pool of blood.

I wanted to cry beside them.

I wanted to at least spend some last moments with them, even if they were already dead.

I spent my life with them for 12 years...

They took the place of the family i lost when i reincarnated.

But i forced my legs to keep running.

I felt some tears run down my face.

My throat hurt because of me trying to contain my sobs.

That was when i heard a voice.

"Well, seems like we have one survivor..."

A goblin was standing above the wall.


What is this shitty luck...!

It was a Goblin sorcerer.

"I thought i couldn't need to intervene in this... It looks they're more incompetent of what i thought. It seems like i will need to take care of this matter by myself"

He casted a Chaos ball in his hand, and then threw it towards me.

I quickly swung my sword towards the spell in order to cut it in half.


It immediately detonated at the contact with my sword and i was sent flying by the explosion

However, it didn't deal damage to me.

Despite the speed i was launched, i managed to land on my two feet.

"What an interesting weapon you have there, it actually absorbed the energy of that explosion..."

I ignored him and continued running towards the hole in the wall.

"But how much energy can it take without breaking?"

He started firing a lot of fireballs and Chaos balls at me.

I dodged most of them, and i cut the ones i couldn't dodge.

But my stamina was depleting quickly, at this rate i wouldn't be able to escape.

I took out my bow and fired an arrow towards him.

More specifically to his eye.

However, he blocked the arrow with a Chaos ball.

"Where did you take that bow from? Are you perhaps a human mage? kekekeke what an interesting magic, i'm really going to enjoy breaking all your limbs until you tell me your secrets"

"Like hell i'm letting you capture me..." i said 

He made an error.

Although my purpose was to hit his eye, it also had another purpose in case it didn't work...

It was to distract him for a bit, so that i could reach the hole of the wall while he blocked those arrows.

And it worked.

I finally reached the exit of the village.

However, i couldn't help but glance once again at the corpses of my parents.

My hands trembled and my face was twisted in anger and sadness.

I wanted to save everyone.

But even with all my preparations i couldn't.

I lost it all.


"Well, well, isn't a bit early to end this"

The voice of the Goblin sorcerer stopped my thoughts, and i realized the reality of my situation right now...

When i got out of the village, there were at least dozens of Goblin archers pointing their bows at me.

I was trapped.

"Don't kill him, i need him for my investigation..."

The Goblin sorcerer was approaching me from behind.

I couldn't escape.

There was no Plot armor to save me, i was not a protagonist...

The only one that can save me now it's myself.

I needed to think of something before he could reach me.

Even if he was a Goblin sorcerer, he was still physically stronger than human a like me.

If he reached me, i couldn't be able to escape from his grasp.

I checked my inventory

-Wood: 3.26

- Stone: 56.64 

-Sand: 15.46

-Dirt: 29.2

-Tomatoes x107

-Bread: x39

-Work Bench.

-Deadly wooden sword.

-Wood helmet. [Equipped]

-Wood breastplate. [Equipped]

-Wooden hammer.

-Frenzying wooden bow.

-Imperfect wooden bow.

-Imperfect iron shortsword.


-Mushrooms x7

-Daybloom x5

-Arrow x46

I know!

I rapidly ran towards the wall behind me and began placing blocks of dirt like a stair to climb the wall rapidly.

"Immobilize him" The goblin sorcerer said.

The archer aimed at my legs, ready to cripple me...

However, i blocked all the arrows with stone blocks until i finally reached the top of the wall.

"Tsk, useless"

While i started running above the wall, he quickly started firing spells towards me again.

However, that was what i wanted.

I swung my sword towards a nearby Chaos ball and detonated it.


I was sent flying off the wall because of the force of the explosion.

While in the air i twisted my body and fired an arrow towards him.

Thanks to the thick cloud of smoke after that explosion, he couldn't see the arrow being fired, and after a few seconds the arrow landed exactly where i wanted.

His eye.



You have dealt 33 damage 

Goblin sorcerer  HP:


He quickly kneeled, and started screaming like a little b*tch.

"Did that hurt, you f*cker?" I yelled at him while grinning.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore... KILL HIM!!!" He yelled with his face twitching from anger and pain.

I was currently more than 20 meters above the ground.

A fall from this height could probably injure me gravely.

However, i calculated the direction the explosion could send me to.

I was going to land on a tree.

That could stop me from suffering a lot of damage.

However, before i could even notice an arrow pierced my leg



I was going to land on the tree, however with my leg injured i couldn't land safely anymore.

So before i could fall past the tree...I used my hands to grab on to the trunk.


My nails were probably broken by now.

However, i managed to stop the fall.

I slowly landed on the ground with my uninjured foot.

Ahead of me there was a dense forest.

Trees and bushes everywhere, it was the perfect place to hide.

I started running as fast as i could, but with my injured leg i couldn't run as fast as before.

After running for some minutes i began to hear the voices of the goblins archers.

I Probably left a trail of blood while running...


I was wondering what could i do to lose them, when i saw the entrance to a cave on the ground.

I quickly entered the cave, and then covered the entrance with dirt blocks.


My body fell to the ground, gravely injured, and mentally tired.

I couldn't continue anymore.

I crawled through the floor, and i put my back on the wall of the cave.

*Huff puff*

My breathing was rough and heavy.

All the adrenaline that suppressed the pain my body was feeling went away...

I was currently suffering a lot of pain.

However, i endured it, i didn't want to make any sound so that they couldn't hear that i was inside the cave.

I glanced at my HP...

-Aspen (Aeron) [Infant]

[Human: 99,999%] [Divine being: 0,001%]

Age: 12+(19)



[Bleeding (Can't auto-regenerate HP): 44 minutes left]

[Hp: 17/125] [Mana: 40/40]


I exhaled tired.

My mind couldn't endure the pain and exhaustion anymore.

I quickly felt my consciousness leaving my body.

I just...

Wanted to sleep...


My mind shut down and i fell asleep.

Now, that was a really hard chapter to make, as i'm not used to writing action and battle moments.

I could appreciate if you tell me your opinion about this chapter in the comments.

Also, i'm currently making a new cover, this time drawn by me, althought it won't be as good as the current one, i don't think it will be a bad one.


Anyway here is the current draft of the cover.


Just the draft though, i will change somethings later.


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