Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 12: The improvement


*Knock, knock, knock*


*Knock, knock, knock*


*Knock, knock, knock*


The sound of someone calling at my door woke me up.

I slowly opened my eyes and then glanced at the ceiling while thinking about many trivial things.

'What should I have for break fast today?'

'I hope I can find more herbs at the market today'

'What should I train today?'

Those kind of thoughts.

It took me a while to realize that I had to open the door and receive whoever was knocking my door.


*Knock, knock, knock*

"I already heard you... goddammit..."

After stretching my limbs I walked towards the door and opened it.

The person that was currently waiting outside the door was a messenger from the Alchemist guild. He had a fearful expression on his face, and he was avoiding eye contact with me at all times.

He was wearing the usual uniform from the guild. A red cap with the Alchemist's Logo on the center of it, an orange jacket on top of a white shirt, and a black pant with stylish white stripes at the sides of it.

"S-sir Aspen, I've come to inform you that you've been invited to a meeting between all the representatives of the guild"

Sigh... Again?

"When is it?" I asked while massaging my temples.

"Today at 3:00 pm"

That's in two more hours...

"I see..., you can go now" i said while motioning to him with my hand to leave. 

"Yes sir!" The messenger said happily before leaving at full speed.

When I cameback into my house the first thing I did was to go to the bathroom to clean my face after waking up.

I took some water from the hand washer and cleaned my self with it.

When I looked in the mirror in front of me, I saw my already matured face.

Although I don't exactly remember how did I look when I was twelve, I can still notice some small changes that I didn't pay attention to before.

My face has become more simmetrical and my jaw has also become more chisseled than before. I had bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep and an unshaven beard was starting to appear on my shin.

My Auburn hair has gone wild and comparatively longer than when I was 12 years old, now almost reaching my neck.

It has been a while since I had a haircut, right?


It has already been 6 years and a half since i came to this city and joined the alchemist guild.

I was currently 19 years old.

A lot has happened during this time.

After joining the guild, I became incredibly famous due to my speed at making potions.

A normal alchemist needed at least a few hours to make any potion. And the more ingredients the potion had, the more time it took to complete it.

Of course, I was the exception.

Mostly because I just needed to collect the materials and some water bottles. After getting those items crafting any potion could take just mere seconds

However, after my debut as the fastest alchemist in the city ocurred, Another thing happened that made me even more famous in the guild.

What may have happened, You ask?

Well, it seemed that the potions my crafting ability made, were topnotch. They were a lot better than the potions the best alchemists in this city made. 

For example, I remember that some years ago, the best alchemist in the guild wanted to compare the effects of our potions. After some minutes he created an ironskin potion, and when he showed it to me it actually gave [+4 defense]...

Mine gave [+8 defense]...

So, after sometime, I ended being named the best alchemist of the city.

Of course, this didn't come without problems.

Some of my competitors at potion-making tried to assassinate me because I was being a problem for them. Not that they succeeded, but it was still annoying.

In the end they gave up with the assassination attempts, Probably because any assassin they sent to kill me never came back alive. After that they started pestering me to show them my techniques at potion making.

They started bullshiting me that it was my moral obligation to teach them all my secrets so that they could make more potions and help humanity survive the war.

When I tried to explain them that I was the only one able to produce potions in such a way, they immediately branded me as a traitor and a selfish person that didn't care about humanity at all.

The rumors started spreading at a fast pace, and soon reached the whole city.

In the end, the people started viewing me in such a way too...

Not that I did much to prove them that they were wrong.

I tried to be like those protagonists that easily ignored everything the people around them say about them.

But in the end, although I tried to ignore all the hostility in the people's gazes, it was actually harder than what I thought it could be...

Luckily, after some years I got somewhat used to it while working in this industry.

At some point, the people stopped buying my potions, probably due to the rumors about me. However, I could still sell my potions to the militia without problems. Not that they actually cared about my reputation in the first place

Leaving all bad things aside, i actually got quite the harvest during these 6 years of working non-stop.

I accumulated a lot of money, and of course, resources.


-Work Bench.





-Deadly wooden sword.

-Dangerous Silver broadsword

-Sighted iron bow.

-Imperfect iron shortsword.

-Wooden yoyo



-Wooden hammer.

-Light silver pickaxe.

-Sharp iron axe.

-Wood fishing pole.



-Bottle x30 (Max)

-Bottled water x30 (Max)

-Lesser healing potion x30 (Max)

-Lesser healing potion x30 (Max)

-Ironskin potion x30 (Max)

-Ironskin potion x30 (Max)

-Hunter potion x10

-Dangersense potion x16

-Night owl potion x28

-Regeneration potion x30 (Max)

-Regeneration potion x30 (Max)

-Swiftness potion x13



-Silver helmet. [Equipped]

-Silver chainmail. [Equipped]

-Silver greaves. [Equipped]

-Familiar wig. [Vanity equipped]

-Familiar shirt [Vanity equipped]

-Familiar pants [Vanity equipped]



-Torches x999 (Max)

-Wood: 792.26

-Stone: 999 (Max)

-Sand: 300.46

-Dirt: 453.2

-Tomatoes x67

-Bread: x94

-Platinum bar x5

-Iron bar x52

-Copper bar x92

-Dried meat x323

-Shiverthorn x30

-Blinkroot x50

-Gel x999 (Max)


-Daybloom x50

-Arrow x999 (Max)


Available slots: 3

You ask how did i manage to get so many potions?

It's actually pretty simple.

Actually, the alchemist guild, provides every one of us with an Alchemy table.

To every alchemist, this table is considered essential when making potions, if it's done in any other place, then the potion is destined to fail.

However, in my case, all i need to make potions is to place an empty bottle next to me.

The alchemist table however, gives me a small chance of not spending materials when making potions.

So when the military gave me materials for one hundred lesser healing potions, i actually made more than one hundred, and kept the extra potions for myself.

Although, the probability of getting potions without spending materials seems a lot smaller than in the game.

This also applies to my current vanity armor.

The [familiar set] should be only available at the clothier shop, however, here it seems like any clothes that i wear is considered as the familiar set.

This makes me wonder if there will be any NPC from the game.


Luckily, this saves me from wearing a silver armor all the f*cking day.

It still gives me its defense though.

Even if it looks and feels like i'm just wearing thin clothes.

In reality i'm equipped with a very resistant silver armor.

All thanks to my [familiar set].

I also managed to get a few new abilities.

-Aspen (Aeron) 

[Human: 99,999%] [Divine being: 0,001%]

Age: 19+(19)



[Hp:200/200] [Mana: 40/40]


Strength: 20 [Max]


Stamina: 20 [Max]


Resistance: 20 [Max]


Defense: 13 [Full silver armor set equipped]


Comprehension: 21


Mental stability: 24


Mental power: 23


-Abilities (Passive)


[Order's blessing: Supreme body]

[Order's blessing: Supreme mind]

[The player]

[Swordsmanship: Master]

[Bow mastery: Expert]

[Martial arts: Expert]

[Alchemy: Expert]

-This skill represents your current knowledge and mastery on the traditional art of alchemy.

[Mana manipulation: Mid-level]

-This skill represents your current mastery at manipulating the mana inside your body to affect your environment.

[Mana control: Mid-level]

-This skill represents your current mastery at controlling the mana inside your body.

[Fire control: Mid-level]

-This skill represents your current mastery at controlling the Fire by using your mana.

[Water control: Mid-level]

-This skill represents your current mastery at controlling the Water by using your mana.

[Nature control: Novice]

-This skill represents your current mastery at controlling the nature around you by using your mana.


So yeah, it seems like there's magic in this world.

In contrast with the game, here you can control your mana at will, giving it infinite possibilities to what you can do with magic, however, it's also a very complicated art to master.

That's why even if there's magic, humans are still losing this war, our mana reserves are pretty small, so there aren't many people that study magic.

Even with my [supreme mind] skill, that gives me twice the mana of a normal person, it drains pretty quickly when using magic.

It also seems like my body reached its growth limit.

The normal physical limit should be 10, however thanks to my [supreme body] skill, my limit increased to 20.

And after rigorous training all these years, i managed to reach the limit of my body.

Though, my intellectual stats doesn't seem to have a limit.

I mean... they surpassed the 20's by a lot. 

While i was still lost on my thoughts, glancing at my reflection on the mirror, a sudden growl came from my stomach, yelling at me to feed it.

I think i became lost on my handsomeness while glancing at the mirror.


Who am i kidding...?

After i stopped talking to myself, i shaved my beard and then took a bath.

Then i went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast

I was really starving...

I started preparing fried eggs, using a small frying pan i had under the dishwasher.

Luckily this world was technologically and hygienically enough for me to live comfortably.

Though there were no electronics.

I looked towards the clock on my wall

1:24 pm

I better enjoy my last moments at home, because later i'll have to go to that horrible meeting.

Maybe they will try to assassinate me again...? Or maybe they will try to frame me for something i didn't do...? Honestly, i can already expect anything from those guys.


Whatever, if that's really the case, i might as well start breaking some jaws and bones today...

Blood is going to cover these fists...

Oh, look! A double yolk egg!


That's all for today guys.

Once again, i could have uploaded earlier, but we had to build a small house for the puppies and her mother, so it took longer than expected.

I feel this chapter was a bit boring, as there was almost no action apart from the time skip.

Tell me what you think below in the comments.









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