All Stat Slayer

Chapter 31: (1): Season 1: Preparation

The item Hyun-seok possessed, ‘Sea Support,’ is of normal grade. It seems to be a growth-type item, but the important thing for now is that its current grade is normal. Furthermore, Cyclops’ enraged strike has the ability to nullify all special skills below the normal grade. At least when it comes to defense.

Seong-hyeong shouted, “Watch out!”

However, the alert sound came too late, making it almost impossible to dodge.

Moreover, even though they might not know it, the enraged strike is definitely stronger than a regular attack. Hyun-seok’s remaining H/P is about one-third. Originally, his total HP was around 100,000, so there are currently about 30,000 left. Even this amount is an enormous value, nearly ten times that of regular slayers, but it seemed difficult to withstand the enraged strike.

If they were going to fight while avoiding attacks, they should have fought like that from the beginning. However, there are slayers specialized in offense and slayers specialized in defense, and since defending Cyclops requires slayers with low attack power and attacking slayers have low defense, they had no choice but to divide roles and fight like this.

It would be best if they could attack while avoiding, but mastering both evasion and offense was a challenging task. Not everyone, like Hyun-seok, was an all-stats slayer. The front-line team must focus on defense, while the back-line team must focus on offense. That’s the essence of slaying. Furthermore, the slayers were ordinary slayers, but the monster was not normal mode monster.

Hyun-seok gritted his teeth. “Damn it!”

He thought to himself that it would have been much easier to defeat Cyclops alone. Why did those specialized in defense come forward for defense? If someone asked, the answer would be to protect the attacking slayers and the supporting and healing slayers. That’s why they came forward for defense.

But what if there was no specific opponent they needed to defend against, in other words, if they had enough means and power to attack the monster themselves? Then the situation would change. It meant that solo slaying was not necessarily a bad thing when there was a significant gap in skill levels. In other words, if Hyun-seok fought Cyclops alone from the beginning, he could have slain it much more easily. It was a saying that being cautious wouldn’t hurt, and it’s generally true that it’s better to have more teammates, but this situation was not ordinary.

In any case, the die was cast. If he wanted to avoid it, he could avoid it. If Hyun-seok dodged, the five members of the front-line team and the second team would definitely die. After that, aggro would scatter, and there would inevitably be casualties. They didn’t know how many would die. Without Hyun-seok, even a brush against Cyclops’ attack would turn them into corpses.

However, if Hyun-seok blocked it, such a situation would not occur. However, his current H/P was precarious. If he made even a slight mistake, he could die. In those brief seconds, the conflict repeated dozens of times.

Cyclops’ H/P was also almost zero. The club flew close.

Whooong! With a massive crashing sound,

“Ratio Heal!”

The club collided with the shields of Hyun-seok and the front-line team almost simultaneously, causing Hyun-seok’s H/P to rapidly decrease. Someone urgently shouted. Hyun-seok instantly felt his H/P increasing. Until now, no matter how much healing he received from other healers, it was useless. Even high-level healing couldn’t have an impact on Hyun-seok’s enormous HP. And as far as Hyun-seok knew, there was only one person who had learned the inefficient high-level skill, Ratio Heal. Healing most slayers prefer the high-level heal over Ratio Heal due to issues with stat distribution and skill efficiency, but that person is an exception.

Before the damage fully hit, Cyclops’ body started tilting. It was a success.

[You have hunted Cyclops.]

[You have achieved an accomplishment by defeating a monster that exceeds the normal mode specifications.]

[You have achieved an impossible accomplishment.]

[You will receive a bonus stat +30.]

[Due to the penalty for exceeding the normal mode specifications, it will be reduced by 50 percent.]

The alert sound rang. The 80 slayers who participated in the slaying with their lives on the line shouted in unison. They had hunted a monster that even missiles couldn’t defeat, using the power of humans. And that monster was recognized as a monster exceeding the normal mode specifications, achieving an impossible accomplishment. They received a bonus stat of 30. It was tremendous. For Jong-won, it was an opportunity to surpass a strength stat of 100.

Everyone rejoiced, feeling satisfaction and achievement for slaying an impossible monster, as well as relief for having survived and the joy of receiving an extraordinary reward they had never experienced before.

Hyun-seok collapsed to the floor.

Before his H/P completely bottomed out, someone used healing on him. It was probably Ratio Heal. And as far as Hyun-seok knew, there was only one healer who could use Ratio Heal. (Ratio Heal is an advanced skill that appears after healing, and most healing slayers choose advanced healing over Ratio Heal due to stat allocation and skill efficiency issues. The details will be explained later.)


Kang Pyeong-hwa ran over and knelt beside Hyun-seok, crying uncontrollably. The way she cried so sorrowfully, anyone who saw her would think she was a portrait. People were concerned about Hyun-seok’s H/P as they watched, but luckily, it wasn’t completely zero. It was close to zero, but not quite.

“Why are you crying so sadly? You worked so hard on your makeup, and now it’s all ruined.”


“No, I told you not to cry. I’m not dead. How did you get here?”

Pyeong-hwa couldn’t answer Hyun-seok’s question and continued to sob, unable to catch her breath properly. She couldn’t string her words together properly, just mumbling “Oppa, Oppa.” Hyun-seok smirked and raised his hand to pat Pyeong-hwa’s cheek gently. Seeing her sobbing like that was somehow cute.

“Don’t worry, you’re beautiful in my eyes.”

If it were a typical work comment, it would have been a work comment, but at this moment, it was sincere. It’s not a bad thing to have someone cry for oneself. Especially when it feels like Pyeong-hwa’s sincerity is coming through in her sorrowful crying. How should I put it? It feels like he’s feeling the excitement that he had forgotten.

It was good until this point. However, until Min-seo joined them.

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