All-round Athlete

v2 Chapter 29 - Lead!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

The starter signaled that the athletes were ready to start, and the venue fell into a quiet moment. The audience held their breaths and waited for the moment when the gun shot.

The starter raised the gun, and the athlete focused all his ears, waiting for the sound of the gun to sound.

At this level of competition, starting is quite critical. World-class athletes will naturally not start too badly. It is basically impossible for each other to get an advantage through starting, but if there is a mistake in starting, the disadvantage is certain. It’s just like sailing against the current, not going backwards.


Starting gunshots sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the referee blew a whistle to suspend the game and someone ran away!

“Morris-Green! Morris-Green actually ran away!” The host’s voice sounded on the TV.

“I don’t think this is unexpected!” Eriksson next to the host continued: “Green has consumed too much physical energy in the semi-finals, so he chose to use the pressure gun to run to gain an advantage. It seems that Green Still did not give up the fight for the championship!”

Morris Green slowly walked back to the starting line. As Eriksson said, the main reason he used the pressure gun to run was because he consumed too much physical energy in the semi-finals, but he eventually failed.

After another minute of preparation, the athlete stepped on the starting block again.

Morris Green closed his eyes, and he carefully recalled the situation when he first started.

Gatlin glanced at Green secretly, and he could feel that Green had become very focused at this time. Green just succeeded in the race just now, which also showed that Green was extremely focused.

“Set…” The starter raised the gun again, then pulled the trigger.

The gunshots sounded and the athletes started!


Morris Green’s starting was very good. He was the first to start. Then the starting reaction time showed that Morris-Green’s starting reaction time was 0.127 seconds, a starting reaction time of less than 0.13 seconds, obviously a pressure gun run!

“It’s worthy of Morris Green, who dared to use a pressure gun to run both starts! And the second time was successful, so strong psychological quality!” Audiences thought of it.

Among the remaining athletes, Powell’s starting is very poor, but other athletes also start to be more conservative. It can be said that the biggest profiter this time is Green. But the start is only part of the game, the real contest has just begun.

“The start of the game, Zhang Guan’s start is very good!” Yang electrolytic spokesman said. In fact, in his mental state of being tired into a dog, he didn’t see the athlete’s starting situation at all, but he just felt that Zhang Guan was not behind, so he casually said, “The starting is very good.”

The paces of the first three athletes are almost the same, basically on the same plane, and a few meters later, the Portuguese Obic Viru clearly has a little advantage, and the Jamaican flying man Powell has caught up. As for the three American athletes , But did not rush to the front.

This very short distance acceleration seems to be not very good for the three American athletes, but everyone knows that the advantage of the first thirty meters is not an advantage at all. The reason why the American is strong is because of his follow-up ability. After ten meters, the American advantage will be reflected.

“Zhang Guan cheer, keep the momentum!” Seeing Zhang Guan did not fall behind, the voice of the commentator was also a little higher.

At thirty meters, the American Gatlin has already caught up with Portuguese athlete Obik Viru. ​​From a speed perspective, Gatling is obviously faster than Obik Viru.

At the same time, Powell slowed down and was surpassed by Morris Green next to him.

The crown next to Morris-Green was slightly more than half of Green’s position and almost kept pace with Gatling.

Gatlin has clearly passed Obick Viru, and another American player, Crawford, has also caught up with Obick Viru and is keeping pace with him.

However, the leader was not Gatling, but a red figure on the outermost track. That’s Zhang Guan!

At forty meters, Ariza, the Ghanaian player, may have reached the foot, or may have a sudden cramp. He slowed his pace and apparently was ready to retire. However, this is a harmless situation. Ariza is already in the bottom position. The athletes running ahead do not know that Ariza has retired.

At this time, the dominant period of the US team finally came.

Gatlin is already ahead of Crawford by about half a meter, and Crawford is still in the same position as Obike Viru. ​​As for Morris Green, it is obviously affected by the semi-finals and speed. influences.

Morris-Green clearly felt that he was unable to do so. He had tried his best and hoped to be faster, but the body told him that he had reached the limit of speed.

“Damn, the semi-finals cost too much! Now the speed is not coming.” Morris Green thought, but the next moment, he found that the crown on his right had already led him by one meter.

“Why is this Chinese so fast? He must have consumed more in the semi-finals than me, but why does his physical strength appear so ample now? Is he recovering his physical strength within two hours? No, he is faster than in the semi-finals. “!” Morris Green looked at Zhang Guan with a shocked expression. He was the closest to Zhang Guan. He could clearly feel that Zhang Guan’s speed was much faster than in the semifinals.

“Beyond! Zhang Guan took the lead, he took the lead! Zhang Guan! Zhang Guan!” The commentator began to growl, even though Zhang Guan at this time was only vaguely playing with Gatling, but it was enough to stimulate the commentator’s emotions .

After another ten meters, Zhang Guan and Maurice Green not only did not shrink, but pulled bigger and bigger, and had to surpass the first-ranked Gatling.

At this moment, Zhang Guan is in a clear leading position.

“It’s over! Go ahead! Come on! Come on!” Yu Gui suddenly roared. At this moment, Yu Gui suddenly smelled a taste of the Olympic champion. He suddenly raised an inexplicable sense of tension in his heart, and then spread it all over his body instantly.

Gatling was on the third lane. His vision was always obscured by the Portuguese Obic Viru on the fifth lane. When he gradually took the lead, he found the eighth lane on the fringe. The position seems to be slightly ahead of yourself.

“How is it possible! It is the Chinese who is ahead of me! Why can he run so fast! How can he recover his physical fitness so quickly?” Gatlin was surprised, he was not surprised by Zhang Guan’s speed, after all, before Zhang Guan also ran out of the world’s top speed, which surprised Gatling’s physical fitness.

“Two hours ago, the fierce semi-final even affected Green. The Chinese should obviously be affected more. He must have expended a lot of physical energy. Why is he performing so well now? How does it feel? His physical fitness is better than it was in the semi-finals? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible! No one can fully recover to the peak physical state in just two hours after such intense consumption. This is human. Physiological restrictions!” Gatlin seemed to have suddenly caught a life-saving straw. He continued to comfort himself: “To believe in science, although the Chinese are now very fast, he must be the end of a crossbow, and the second half will definitely be slow. Come down! And for me, the second half is when you really start to work hard.”

Thinking of this, Gatling became instantly confident. The most powerful American sprinter is not the acceleration in the first half, but the sustained explosive ability in the second half. This is a technical characteristic of American players. So in the game, the Americans may not lead in the first half, but in the second half, the Americans will definitely surpass the other players and get the first place.

In the 100-meter sprint race, maintaining a high speed and high explosive power in the second half of the race has a professional term called “speed endurance” in kinematics. For world-class coaches, athletes’ starting response, running skills, explosive power, etc. can all be improved through targeted training, but speed endurance alone is the biggest problem for sprint coaches in various countries. Only Americans can conduct extremely effective training on speed endurance.

“Zhang Guan has taken the lead!” Morris-Green’s eyes flashed an incredible look. In the semi-finals not long ago, he and Zhang Guan struggled to the end. As a party, he can most feel the energy in the semi-finals. Consumption, the consumption of that level is impossible to recover in just two hours, not to mention Zhang Guan seems to go further than in the semifinals.

At the same time, Morris Green felt tired.

In the second half of the game, the problem of Green’s excessive energy consumption finally appeared gradually.

“No! I want to hold on! A Chinese can do it, and I can do it! I am the world’s first! I am the world’s first Morris-Green! I want the champion!” At this moment, Green is proud His self-esteem turned into a belief in victory, and his body seemed to be self-hypnotic, and he began to show a powerful explosive force!

Fast enough!

Very simple fast!

No fancy fast!

This is now Zhang Guan.

He is fast, he is already in a leading position.

But he is even faster!

He wanted more than the gold medal of the Olympic champion.

He also wants a world record!


The first chapter is delivered, first of all, thank my horse for feeding the sheep 10,000 points for reward. Ask for a recommendation ticket!

This morning, I mainly explained the passage of the previous chapter. The passes in my plot are based on the actual passes of the athletes in the Athens Olympics. Because Zhang Guan replaced Collins, 128 tracks have changed, 34,567 tracks are the same as the actual Olympic Games.

Then some readers said that they should follow the rules. The first interpretation of the rule is that the results of the semi-finals are also sorted. The four people with good results are in 3456, and the first in the semi-finals should be in the fourth. I applied this statement to the actual passes of the Athens Olympics before writing this paragraph, and found that the passes of Green, Powell, Crawford, Gatlin, and Collins did not conform to the above statement. Powell’s reality semifinal score was first. But in the final 6th, Green and Collins ranked second and fourth in the semifinals, and then ranked 7th and 1st. Crawford and Gatlin finished fifth and sixth in the semifinals, and the final was fourth. , 3 courses. Therefore, the interpretation of this rule is inconsistent with the reality.

Yesterday, some readers gave me another explanation of the popular science rules. He said that instead of ranking according to the semi-final results, he ranked according to the best results of all the semi-finals in the semi-finals of the preliminary rounds. The top four are also at 3456. Named on the fourth track, so the actual Crawford will be on the fourth track. I applied this statement to reality again, and found that Green and Gatling did not meet this rule. In reality, Green’s best performance ranking is still second. According to the above statement, the final should be in 5, and at least one of 3456. , But actually on track 7; Gatling’s best score is fifth, which should be 1278 according to the above statement, but he is on track 3. This explanation is inconsistent with reality.

When I wrote this paragraph, I considered the pass, but in the actual pass of the Athens Olympics, I couldn’t get it, so I simply wrote it according to the actual pass. You don’t have to struggle with this, and you don’t have to argue about the rules. Just read what I wrote, and you should just watch the scene.

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