All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 39 - Run away

Thinking of this, Fang Yun’s gaze at the little monkey also became scrutinized.

But hesitated in his heart.

Monkeys are very flexible. Especially when staying on a tree, if they chase each other, it is almost impossible to chase this group of monkeys, so they can only quietly approach the monkey group and then come to a sudden attack.

While his mind was pondering, the system’s prompt sound also sounded in his mind.

“Targeting, young black langurs, mammals, primates, can provide 120 points of biological energy.”

Paused, Fang Yun’s body began to wriggle.

“Wait until the next time I accumulate points, I must add the skill of” color change camouflage “.”

Crawling, Fang Yun said with some resentment.

Although his body is somewhat similar to the surrounding environment, but his current size is too large, it is still very obvious.

And the description of this “color change camouflage” skill is that you can change the color of your body according to the surrounding environment, so that your own color becomes exactly the same as the surrounding environment.

If he possesses this ability, he does not need to be so worried at the moment.

When he thought this way, his body came under the persimmon tree where the little monkey was.

This little monkey is at the edge of the monkey group, two hands holding a persimmon and eating.

‘S gaze keeps gazing at the persimmons hanging on the tree, typically eating in a bowl and looking at the pot.

No matter whether it was this little monkey or other monkeys in the monkey group, Fang Yun was not found at this time, which made Fang Yun who had reached the tree breath out a breath, then raised his head and wrapped his body around the trunk Go up and climb towards the tree.

His speed is not fast, and he is afraid to get something to attract the attention of the monkeys.

Even so, when Fang Yun came to the little monkey almost five meters away, an adult male monkey opposite the little monkey who was nibbling an unknown red fruit suddenly discovered Fang Yun, then immediately The hair burst suddenly.

“叽叽! 叽叽!”

Issued a sharp and harsh sound from his mouth. The sound was very short and appeared very hurried. After such a sound, all the other monkeys in the monkey group looked at the place they were facing.

At this moment, the little monkey locked in Fang Yun also looked towards his back.

Under this look, it immediately saw the three-meter-long python not far behind him!


Suddenly saw such a behemoth, this little monkey jumped up in fright, and almost fell unsteady when it fell, falling from the tree.

In a panic, the little monkey grabbed a branch with both hands and hung it on the tree.

And Fang Yun at the back of him saw that he was found at this moment, the fierce color flashed in his eyes, his muscles tightened, and his body suddenly ejected from the next moment.

“Foo”, Fang Yun’s body was also very fast, flew out two meters in the blink of an eye, and the distance with the little monkey quickly drew closer.

The little monkey was frightened and ran forward in a panic, but because of his nervousness, the pace under his feet seemed to stagger, and he almost fell off the tree several times.

Like their monkeys, they basically stay in the tree to move. Even if they usually encounter snakes, they are also the kind of smaller snakes, at most about one meter.

However, Fang Yun, who is chasing him at the moment, is three meters long.

This is a real monster.

Looking at the little monkey running ahead, Fang Yun felt a little helpless. If he was closer to this little monkey, a wave of shock could finally solve the battle within two or three seconds.

Unfortunately, it was finally discovered.

But nothing was found. At this moment, the distance between him and the little monkey is getting closer and closer, sooner, sooner, Fang Yun calculated the distance in his heart, ready to take a quick blow.

Seeing Fang Yun starting to chase the little monkey at this moment, the other members of the monkey group screamed loudly, trying to scare Fang Yun in this way.

Those monkeys with many experiences are very confused.

They recognized that Fang Yun belonged to a snake.

First, they have never seen such a large snake. Second, from their experience, the current snake should start to stop its activity.

However, at the moment Fang Yun is still walking vigorously.

“It’s now!”

Fang Yun, who was chasing, flashed a crystal in his eyes, and then his muscles were tight, ready to sprint, but at this time, a stream of shadow suddenly flew towards him.

“Boom” sound.

The stream of shadows hit the branch in front of Fang Yun, and at the same time he made a heavy noise, letting Fang Yun’s body in a gallop suddenly.

“what happened?”

Fang Yunchao looked at the stream of shadows that had fallen toward the ground. Only at this time, that stream of shadow had already fallen to the ground, and at this moment, Fang Yun saw the true appearance of that stream of shadows.

A persimmon.

Had almost hit Fang Yun before, it was a persimmon.

Suddenly, Fang Yun seemed to react. He raised his head and looked at the opposite side. Only at this time, the adult male monkey that had previously discovered him, at this moment, he also raised a premature persimmon, no trace at all. Hesitating, he directly smashed him.

“The persimmon was smashed by this monkey before?”

At the same time that Fang Yun’s thoughts came out, the persimmon currently thrown by the adult male monkey hit Fang Yun’s body heavily.

“Bang”, Fang Yun’s body shuddered violently, then he couldn’t help grinning his teeth.

The unripe persimmon is particularly hard, which is not much different from apples and pears.

If other snakes are smashed like this, the body must be retracted with pain, or even roll over with pain, and then fall off the branch.

However, because Fang Yun had strong scale armor protection, he canceled out a lot of strength. UU reading made his pain less intense, and he still lay on the tree motionlessly.

He looked up at the male monkey.

Although it didn’t hurt, the beast still angered him.

For example, if you are bitten by a mosquito, would you want to shoot it to death?

Fang Yun is such a feeling at the moment.

And it was precisely because of this male monkey’s previous move that the little monkey escaped directly.

Looked at this adult male monkey, Fang Yun’s eyes became fierce.

This time, he changed his hunting target from the previous little monkey to this adult male monkey.

“Target lock, black leaf monkey, mammals, primates, can provide 200 points of biological energy.”

The sound of the system in his mind sounded again, but Fang Yun didn’t pay much attention. At this moment, his attention was all on the adult male monkey opposite.

At the same time, his body quickly crawled away, approaching the male monkey opposite.

Didn’t intend to hunt adult monkeys.

But this adult male monkey dared to provoke himself, then no wonder he.

Fang Yun sneered in his heart, but it was at this moment that his sneer dissipated instantly, and he suddenly stunned.

At this time, his galloping body stopped again, and then looked up at the opposite side.

Opposite a few fruit trees, the other monkeys in the group of monkeys have lifted a fruit in their hands.


Fang Yun wanted to utter a national curse, but before he finished talking about it, his thoughts stopped suddenly.

Fruits flew directly towards it.

Bang Bang Bang!

After a dull sound, Fang Yun turned his head and fled.

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