All my toys

Thank you Grandfather-in-law!


Hello, my dear readers.

Just a quick heads up notice.  I am rewriting a good chunk of the plot starting from this point, so my stockpile will probably end in the trashcan, if partially.  That being said, do not worry if you do not see an update for the next 2-3 days, I will just release the missing chapters all at once after I am done.



After what feels like an eternity, Laura’s voice is heard feebly from inside the room.

“You can come in now, Carl.”

I enter the room looking at the floor and sit down again, only then raising my gaze to meet hers.  Tears are flowing freely from her reddened eyes as she silently cries, her fingers white from squeezing the tablet with all her strength.

“Oh, Carl, I had no idea… how could this happen?  How could they do this?”

I move next to her and hug her, and she explodes in sobs against my chest…



I hold her in my arms without talking until she manages to calm down a bit, while at the same time my mind works in overdrive to make sense of the whole situation.

So, incest is a tradition in Laura’s family, with well defined limits and responsibilities.  Jack ignored the aforementioned limits when he kept having sex with his daughter after her marriage to me, which, in Laura’s mind, is abhorrent.  Hmm… This is actually a point in my favor, since she will not be against me being with Ella.

  Well… until I decide to take her virginity, that is… 

However, if her family has such a tradition, there is a high chance that they have also encountered cases where the daughter does not want to marry and just stay with her father forever, so perhaps I have a chance there...

Laura also seems to have no idea about the financial agreement that Julia and Jack imposed on me to suck me dry, and I kind of believe her.  I don’t remember the agreement ever being mentioned in her presence, neither by me, who saw no reason to do so, nor from Jack and Julia, which, if Laura was kept in the dark, makes sense.

The fact that Laura knows only about two of Jack’s illegitimate children has been a shock for her, as was the content of her husband’s ‘chat’ during Julia’s gangbang.  Now, however I must calm her down enough to be able to face Jack as if nothing at all happened.  I still have a few things to do before confronting him and my soon to be ex-wife, including making provisions for their fate, so I don't want to give away the game too early.  After all, just taking back what is already mine would not be much of a revenge…

I raise Laura’s chin with a finger and with my thumb swipe away her tears.

“I am so sorry, Laura.  God knows I didn’t want to involve you in any of this, but I had to know!  I refused to believe even for a moment that you knew what was going on, but honestly, I needed to hear it from you.”

I kiss her hair gently.

Laura looks at me in the eyes, still lightly sobbing.

“Carl… please, tell me everything from the beginning…”

And so I did, starting from the day of our marriage, my failed tries to put a TV or a cell phone in the house, Julia locking herself in the bathroom crying.  How a desperate young me, who wanted only for his wife to be happy, was pressured to sign that damned financial agreement.  Then, Ella’s birth, Julia’s change of character, her new abusive personality, the lack of sex.  I hold nothing back, relating everything clearly, including my growing attraction for my daughter, and my creating of a shell company.  How an investigation started just to ensure that I would not have any issues divorcing my wife, brought to light instead all of Jack’s illicit relationhips and his habit of sharing his conquests with other men.  

I tell her of my anger at founding out that my money was used to support his ever growing harem, and how I decided to take his daughters away from him and make them mine as revenge.

I don’t tell her about Tina’s kidnapping and torture of course, but I tell her instead that I recognized her submissive streak and used it to make her mine.  Well, it did happen, if only after the torture…

I tell her how my attraction for my pet turned into genuine love and care, and finally, how, with Tina’s help, I tricked Rose and Ella.

Every word that comes out of my mouth feels like a weight lifting from my stomach.  I honestly don’t know if Laura will accept all this, but at this point, I can’t hold back anymore, and so I tell her about Rose’s and Tina’s wish to be only mine, and my hopes that Ella will feel the same way as well in time.

Laura listens to me without saying a word until I stop talking, and then exhales slowly.

“Oh, Carl, if father was alive, he would really have liked you…”

I look at her, my incredulity visible on my face,

“Really, Laura? I tell you that I wish to trick all your stepdaughters in becoming my sex partners as I have already tricked your granddaughter, and your answer is ‘father would have liked you’?”

The tears on her eyes have not dried, yet she still chuckles at my words.

“Father used to say, ‘family is where you stick it in’.  I always believed that it was an attempt at crude humor, but… tell me Carl, after you trick the girl in becoming yours, what will you do with them?  Will you discard them?  Will you act as Jack did and share them around?”

Fury rises on my face,

“Never!  Once mine, they are mine forever!  Nobody gets to touch them other than me!  I will never discard them!  They will be part of my family!”

Laura smiles gently,

“Well, dear, while your reason for doing so is not so pure, your heart is in the right place.  Now tell me, do you think the girls would be happier with mothers that raise them fully knowing that their father will share them around as he did with them, or with a man that beyond having sex with them would cherish and nurture them and protect them to the best of his abilities?”

I look at her with mouth agape.  I never for once thought that she would adopt this point of view.  ‘Family is where you stick it in’, uh?  

Thank you, grandfather-in-law; you raised one hell of a daughter!

“What about Tina’s and Rose’s wish to become entirely mine?  How do you feel about that?”

“Carl, the rules were made to ensure the children happiness, not to limit it.  Whether you trick them into loving you or they do so by themselves, as long as you love each other then it is fine.  But having sex with your daughter after she married… oh, Jack, what an asshole have you become...”


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