All my toys

Phase two (part 3)

  I spend a lazy morning in the office.  Basically, everything is set, I only need to convince Tina to do the interview.

  I leave the office to go pick up Ella.  On purpose I arrive a bit earlier.  As I had hoped, Tina is already there.  I greet her and we chat a bit.  Time to throw the bait.

"Say, Tina", I say, "I was thinking about our earlier discussion.  An old friend's father owns a small publishing house.  I helped him buy a building for his first branch office here in town last year.  I am not completely sure, but I seem to recall him saying that he wanted to expand with a religious section but had issues finding suitable personnel.  My friend is very devout so he will not accept just anybody.  If you wish I can give him a call".  There, now let's hope she doesn't get spooked.

Tina looks at me for a few seconds, then she asks

"Coleman publishing"?

"to be honest I don't remember, let me ask him".

I fish out my phone and call my special.

"Hey bud, it's Carl.  Listen, what's the name of your publishing house?  I see.  Tell me, are you still looking for personnel for the religious section?  Yes, I do have somebody in mind, she is my daughter's best friend's sister.  Yes, she is a proper lady, you know That I wouldn't call you otherwise. No, I don't want any favors. If she is interested, I will tell her to contact your company for an interview.  That way your decision will be impartial.  Ok, see you bud".  I hang up the phone while laughing on my mind.  The poor guy didn't know whether he was on a speakerphone so he had to act the part without knowing what I had already told her.  He was completely flustered.  I guess he earned a bonus.  I turn to Tina.

"So, the publishing house is Ellis International but they are a branch of Coleman publishing.  How did you know the name?  you already applied"?  I ask ingenuously.

"No, I saw an ad.  I was not sure if it was real or a scam".

"Well, probably the ad was run under the name of the father company.  According to my friend they still have some positions left open, mostly editors.  It seems it is hard to find editors about Christian texts.  If you decide to give it a try you can call them and set an interview".  As I say so I take out my business card and copy from my phone the office number before giving it to her.

  Tina looks conflicted, but after a few seconds takes the card and puts it in her pocket and thanks me.  I think she just didn't want to offend me, but that's alright, the seed is planted.

The bell rings and the school gate open.  The girls arrive so we say goodbye and go home.

  The next two days pass without anything happening.  I am still waiting for Tina to call.  The time I have to implement my plans is diminishing rapidly and I am starting to get worried.  It is the first time I stress so much over some pussy.  Even conquering the bitch was not so stressful. 

  Thursday morning, I am in my office thinking that I will have to scrap the plan when my cellphone rings.  My Special tells me that Tina took the bait and has an interview in the afternoon.  Finally!

  I repeat my instructions for the interview three times to make sure that there are no mistakes, and tell my guy that he has a big bonus coming.  He was getting annoyed while I repeated my instructions but now, he sounds much happier.  I also tell him to arrange a high definition hidden camera with audio in the interview room and to send me a streaming link.  This way I can follow the interview.

  At four in the afternoon, I am in my office.  I told my secretary that I must not be disturbed no matter the reason and sit in my chair with a tablet in hand.  On it I can see the interview room.

  My guy set up two cameras, one behind the interviewer so I can see Tina's face and one on the side.  My tablet shows both feeds side by side. At the moment the office is still empty but after a couple of minutes the interviewer enters.  My special's brother is a short fat guy, impeccably dressed and with kind eyes. I think I'll call him fatty bro. He sits behind his desk and a minute later there is a knock on the door.

  I hear him saying "Come in".  The sound comes through crisp and clear.

The doors open and Tina walks in.

"Hello, miss…"? says fatty bro.

"Birdwell, Tina Birdwell sir".  I can see that Tina is blushing.

"Please take a sit Miss Birdwell".  Says fatty bro.

  The interview is real, with fatty bro asking about her studies, her work experience and so on.  Tina is flustered when she says that she has no work experience. 

They keep talking for twenty minutes, mostly fatty bro asking questions and Tina answering, then fatty bro starts explaining the job to her.

Due to her inexperience she can not become an editor immediately, but fatty bro says that he has a good feel about her and believes that she can do the job with some training. 

Tina, who was dejected as soon as she heard that she would not get the job jerks upright when she hears that not everything is lost yet.


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