All Human Beings Want To Deceive Me About The Cultivation Method Of Immortality Created By Me

Chapter 65

Chapter 065: All Surrender

Back in the valley.

Qi Xuelan really gave Li Feng a surprise.

Among the remaining two captives, the dark night bat finally chose to surrender because he couldn’t bear to keep his eyes fixed on the sun.

In the end, there was only one golden eagle left, still gritting his teeth.

And the violent giant ape that was just captured.

Because the violent giant ape is extremely powerful, Li Feng personally went into battle, first trapping its hands and feet tightly, and then tying it to a large rock.

Make it unable to move an inch, and nowhere to use force.

After being tossed like this, the scarred and violent giant ape Yunyou woke up.

“Give you one more chance, to surrender or not to surrender?”

Li Feng asked.

The violent giant ape struggled for a while, and after finding that he couldn’t move at all, he closed his eyes.

“Are you sure you won’t surrender?”

Li Feng still hopes to conquer this violent giant ape as soon as possible, and let the violent giant ape fight the whole mountain for him.

He pondered: “If you surrender, I will let you lead the team to fight in the Quartet. All the alien beasts and intelligent alien beasts who refuse to surrender will make you full by cooking and barbecue. If you encounter those that you can’t beat, I will solve them.”

“If you don’t surrender, I will cook and grill all kinds of delicacies in front of you, making you salivating!”

The violent giant ape opened his eyes and looked at Li Feng.

It just knows what’s going on with roasting.

This is the way of eating it invented, and it is very proud.

What are the ways of steaming, boiling and roasting?

Seeing it like this, Li Feng was refreshed.

This approach seems to work.

He smiled and said: “I won’t talk about steaming, boiling, and burning for the time being, let’s just talk about roasting exotic animal meat. Have you ever tried to collect some flowers and plants with special flavors, grind them into powder, and then roast them on the exotic animal meat, so that the exotic animal meat can be roasted together? Does the meat taste more delicious?”


The violent giant ape couldn’t help swallowing.

The sound was as loud as thunder.

“The last chance, the next time I want to surrender, it will be ten days later!”

Li Feng gave an ultimatum.

The violent giant ape’s eyes widened.

Do you mean to starve yourself for ten days?

Still in front of yourself, cooking and grilling?

Li Feng turned around.

One step, two steps, three steps!

“I surrender!”

Behind him, there was the compromise of the violent giant ape.

Li Feng was overjoyed.

He turned around and motioned for the violent giant ape to spit out the energy crystal core.

Rampage Giant Ape can only do so.

Bleeding successfully.

The feeling of clear ears, clear thoughts, and soaring talent flooded Li Feng’s body again.

There is no doubt that the system has been upgraded.

He swings his sword.

A sword energy cut off all the vines on the violent giant ape.

Li Feng walked towards the night bat that was willing to surrender.

“I surrender too…”

Not far away, the voice of Jin Lingying suddenly came.

Li Feng looked at it in surprise.

“The violent giant ape has surrendered. It is the most powerful alien beast in this mountain.”

Jin Lingying was helpless.

Even the most powerful violent giant ape has surrendered, and it seems that there is no shame in surrendering by himself.

Li Feng was surprised.

Six intelligent alien beasts, all willing to surrender.

Moreover, the meaning of Jin Lingying’s words undoubtedly means that the violent giant ape can sweep the entire mountain without him needing to fight in person.

He began to let the golden eagle and the night bat spit out energy nuclei.

Drop the blood infused with spiritual power into it.

Success and these two intelligent beasts have established a faint telepathy.

This time, except for the fact that it was a little longer.

In Li Feng’s view, it is perfect.

“Xue Lan, you’ve worked hard for you. Next, I’m afraid you have to manage them. Whoever disobeys your orders and fights with each other, let me know.”

“In addition, I promised the raging giant ape to let it know what cooking and barbecue is and what seasonings are, so I have to trouble you.”

Li Feng looked at Qi Xuelan and wanted to leave all these messes to her for help.

“Anyway, I have nothing to do. If you trust me, I will try to help you.”

Qi Xuelan did not refuse.

“Okay, then I’ll leave it to you.”

Li Feng showed joy and continued: “And the injury of the violent giant ape, it should be better tomorrow. I will explain it later, and tomorrow I will go out to fight the entire mountain.”

“You look at arranging the Thunder Tigers and the others. Who will go to fight with the violent giant ape, who will go to find spiritual materials, and who will collect spiritual ore.”


Qi Xuelan nodded.

Li Feng turned to the violent giant ape again and informed it that he would start leading the team out to fight the entire mountain tomorrow.

Ordinary alien beasts, he doesn’t care.

But intelligent alien beasts can be subdued as much as possible.

Only if they still refuse to surrender for more than three days, can the raging giant ape be roasted for everyone to eat.

The intelligent alien beasts that surrendered, let Qi Xuelan arrange for them to be the subordinates of the poisonous needle queen bee.

Whoever takes it as a subordinate will drop the blood essence into the energy crystal nucleus of the other party.

Li Feng no longer intends to personally control other intelligent alien beasts.

Because he personally controls too many intelligent alien beasts, as his realm of strength improves, his telepathy becomes stronger and stronger, which can easily distract him.

Moreover, he did not have the time and energy to cultivate more intelligent alien beasts.

Ten will suffice.

Of course, what’s more important is that as long as those intelligent alien beasts who have surrendered, recognize his dominance, they belong to the intelligent beings he rules.

It doesn’t matter if there is a drop of blood or not.

After explaining all the intelligent alien beasts, they must obey Qi Xuelan’s arrangement in the future, and then everything is finally completed.

There is a great butler with excellent ability, and the intelligent alien beasts under him have finally reached a certain scale.

Li Feng now only needs to be a hands-off shopkeeper and be responsible for some big things.

Then wait for the ruling intelligent life to increase, and all kinds of spiritual materials and spiritual mines will be delivered to the door.

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