All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 25 - Zhou Xiaobai

Shen Long knew that if Li Kuiyong was not Zhong Yuemin’s friend, Zhou Xiaobai would not control him, but after all, the graciousness was graciousness, and he would find ways to return it.

Zhong Yuemin did not know that Li Kuiyong had changed a person in his body. These days he remembered his friendship with Li Kuiyong when he was a child, and wondered why he wanted to fight everywhere. He thought these were boring. He held Shen Long ’s hand and said, “Kui Yong, we are still friends, right? “

Shen Long nodded. Zhong Yuemin and Li Yuanchao were still different. No matter whether he was rich or poor, he had not forgotten Li Kuiyong in the past, and it was also worth acknowledging this friend.

Zhong Yuemin and others accompanied him to say a few words and left. Li Kuiyong just woke up and was not suitable to say too much, and they should now consider their own future.

Zhou Xiaobai ’s father, Zhou Zhennan, was not affected like Zhong Shanyue, and still remained in a high position. Zhou Xiaobai was unexpectedly qualified to join the army. This is the best way for young people in this era. Zhong Yuemin, Yuan Jun and others are going to join the team in northern Shaanxi. However, Li Kuiyong is naturally not eligible to join the army, and he can only become an educated youth when he is well.

On this day, Zhou Xiaobai, Luo Yun, Zhong Yuemin, Yuan Jun, and Zheng Tong went to Fangshan Yunshui Cave for exploration; when night fell, the big guy set up a bonfire at the entrance of the cave to warm up and cook, during which Zhong Yuemin sang a parting song, Zhou Xiaobai remembered Immediately separated from Zhong Yuemin, he felt a little sad.

This sentiment continued until the next day, and she came out of the house and planned to find Luo Yun to go to Zhong Yuemin. Before they were separated, she could not wait to be with Zhong Yuemin every minute.

Just a few steps away from the compound, I saw a sturdy and sturdy young man standing on the side of the road, with a bandage on his face, who was still bandaged and was waving to her.

“Are you … Li Kuiyong?” After watching for a while, Zhou Xiaobai recognized that this person was Zhong Yuemin’s friend. “Why did you run out of the hospital, Yuemin know?” Zhong Yuemin would be worried if he knew.

“The hospital was a little bored, so I ran out of the way, don’t tell Yuemin, I’ll go back in a circle.” Shen Long used the massage method learned from Guixian people these days, and his injuries recovered more than expected Be quick, “Oh, what are they doing recently, Yuemin?”

Speaking of Zhong Yuemin, Zhou Xiaobai immediately forgot to ask, “They are not very good and want to be soldiers, but because of the problems of their parents, they have not passed the political trial. It is estimated that they will go to northern Shaanxi to join the team after a while. Yesterday, I went to Fangshan Yunshui Cave with them to relax, and Yuemin was better. “

“It’s better to go to northern Shaanxi. Many of Yuemin’s dad’s old men are in northern Shaanxi. It’s better to handle soldiers from northern Shaanxi than Beijing.” Shen Long looked around and pointed to the front. A small park at the place said, “Go sit there and talk about Yuemin’s latest things.”

“Okay.” Zhou Xiaobai is also a child of the goalkeeper. When Shen Long said this, she felt that it was not impossible. After hesitating, she walked with Shen Long. If Zhong Yuemin could really become a soldier, that would be a good thing. Learn more, sit down on the chair in the park, Zhou Xiaobai can’t wait to ask about it, “How do you know that Yuemin’s father has an old man in northern Shaanxi? Can he really help him as a soldier?”

“I heard Yue Min bragging before that his father had an old guard in northern Shaanxi; the guard, even if he was transferred to another place, could speak with the recruiting office. If he was recruited, he would be sent to his father’s staff The army is not difficult. Northern Shaanxi is no better than Beijing, and some things are much easier to handle. “Zhong Yuemin did not say anything about this. Shen Long knew from the original.

“That’s good, that’s good, I’ll go to Yuemin’s house to remind him later, lest he forget.” Zhou Xiaobai turned to worry.

“Don’t, you don’t have to. If you don’t remind you, it’s okay to remind Zhong Yuemin that he will avoid this person. You don’t know if he is a person who looks bigger than anything. “Shen Long quickly stopped it.” You’ll leave it to me. I’m going to join the team in northern Shaanxi. After I get in touch with it, I will help Yuemin to do it. “

In fact, without the help of Shen Long, Ma Guiping, the former guard of Zhong Shanyue, is now the director of the educated youth office in the county where Zhong Yuemin is going to jump in. With such a noisy temperament, Zhong Yuemin will meet him sooner or later.

“Kuiyong, thank you.” Zhou Xiaobai didn’t know this, and she sincerely thanked Li Kuiyong.

“It’s just out of sight to say this, I know Yuemin earlier than you.” Shen Long waved his hand carelessly, his mouth opened, and he looked like he kept talking. “Last time I heard from Yuemin, you were His girlfriend? Some words I do n’t know if it ’s appropriate to tell you. “

“It’s okay, let’s talk, I’m listening.” Zhou Xiaobai thought he would tell Zhong Yuemin about himself.

“Although I haven’t seen you a few times, but the impression of these times ~ ~ I can probably see who you are, you Zhou Xiaobai is a good girl, but it is not suitable for Zhong Yuemin, also tied He can’t live with him. “Zhou Xiaobai saved himself, and Shen Long didn’t want to see her suffer for so long.

“Don’t intervene first, listen to me.” Shen Long raised his hand to stop Zhou Xiaobai’s words, “Look, I just told you that Yuemin’s dad was in northern Shaanxi, so you hurried to find Yuemin, I wanted him to find this person to serve as a soldier, but I never thought that Yuemin would accept it; it would definitely go to ordinary people immediately, but Yuemin is different! “

“One time he was unwilling to ask for help, and the other two he was reluctant to leave Zheng Tong and these good friends to be soldiers alone.” Remember that in the novel, Zhong Yuemin had to go after Ma Guiping became angry. Shen Long looked back at Zhou Xiaobai, “These Have you thought about it? “

“I …” Zhou Xiaobai stopped talking.

“It’s not that you are not good, it’s just that the two of you are too far apart. What you yearn for is a stable life where the two are together, but Zhong Yuemin is very tired of a constant life. This guy likes to travel far and wide. , Can you accept such a person? Can you prepare him with a sword and gun as soon as he says he wants to go to the front line to fight, and prepare a car compass for him when he says he wants to go on a desert adventure? Can you stay with him? Did she not get a marriage certificate? “Gao Yue did exactly that in the future, and because of this, she was able to accompany Zhong Yuemin to the end.

“I … I am willing to change myself for Yuemin.” At this time, Zhou Xiaobai was still immersed in beautiful love. She felt that she could do everything for Zhong Yuemin.

“Well, I recommend you to read a book, internal reference, which is not found by most people, but your home is definitely okay. It is called” On the Road “, written by American writer Kerouac. I think Yuemin and this book The hero of the book is very similar. “Shen Long said.

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