Alien Queen

Chapter 89 - Miserable troubadour

If you have to choose one of the most romantic careers in Atlanta 6 that best appeals to the hearts of civilian girls or aristocratic women, then it is estimated that 80% of people will choose nomads without hesitation.

Bohemian, elegant and noble, wearing a ragged cloth and carrying a worn harp, even if they do not trim the unkemptness when performing at the noble banquet or the palace of the king, in the eyes of most women, they are the most romantic and artistic people.

From the poor to the sour civilians, to the noble kings, the troubadours are all respected and loved. Heroic deeds and epic legends have been adapted into poetry by troubadours, and they sing along with their footsteps.

“Nile River Poetry Collection”, the 6 most famous poetry collections in the history of Atlanta, is a collection of troubadours for hundreds of years. It is also one of the necessary books for the noble study. This collection of poems is widely circulated.

Li Junshan didn’t expect that the old man with a fold and a weak body in front of his eyes, who looked a little insignificant in his eyes, turned out to be a troubadour.

Isidola Kuni is the name of this old man. In his words, a long time ago, he also went to the Palace of Auston City and played an impromptu work for you, My Root. I do not know how many aristocratic women’s hearts were captured, and the love letter received can almost fill the Baishi Avenue.

Li Junshan feels that there is a lot of water in his sentence.

Isidola is one hundred and three years old this year. Compared with other senior high-level professionals, this age is nothing. After all, with the improvement of the ranks, people who have lived for hundreds of years exist. . However, as far as the profession of bard poets is concerned, he has lived long enough, because the bards have no other skill except for a stomachache, a lark-like singing voice and a good harp.

It’s not that troubadours can’t learn magic and grudge, but they don’t bother to waste time in endless practice. In fact, they stubbornly believe that in addition to poetry and song art, it is the body of a woman, even a civilian or a lady, that can be worth the waste or devotion.

Isidola appeared in the desert of the extreme south, which was purely accidental and extremely weird. Bizarre, Isidola was pretending to be angry and helpless when he said it, but Li Junshan still doubted it.

Like other troubadours, Isidola’s ambition is to carry the harp and sing throughout Atlanta 6 with his beautiful and gentle voice. Seventy years ago or eighty years ago, Isidola couldn’t remember himself. When he was about to go to the Baolong Empire to tour and perform, he was ugly when he was singing while walking and singing at the edge of the Luoyue Mountains. Goblin was kidnapped.

Despite the arrogant and narcissistic elf family, no matter whether humans or orcs, even the sporadic Aboriginal family scattered across Atlanta 6, regard the goblins as the most despicable and cheapest race. They are numerous in number, ranging from the Bukhari desert in the 6 pole north of Atlanta to the desert in the south pole. They are everywhere. Despicable and dirty are synonymous with them. Theft and robbery do nothing, and even after the cold winter comes, they will fill their stomachs with their companions when they can’t find food.

Li Junshan has never seen a goblin. I have only seen pictures in the book. Indeed, the appearance of this creature has no sense of joy, just like the combination of various organs of Warcraft, it is ugly and weird.

The goblin in Isidola’s mouth subverted Li Junshan’s previous understanding of the goblin. After abducting Isidola, those goblins, together with several other humans, were packed into a giant bird-like thing made of wood and Warcraft with skeletons and fur, and flew deep into the Moon Mountains. .

According to Isidola’s words at that time, after the ugly goblin activated a formation similar to the magic tuple inside the giant bird, a dozen magic crystals lit up, and the huge strange bird flew into the sky, at that moment , He was stunned.

“Compared to the hot air balloon researched by human alchemists, the giant bird monster is like a thunder-winged leopard.” Isidola said.

“Aircraft? Warcraft crystal nucleus provides energy? The goblin technology is so brilliant!” Hearing this paragraph, Li Junshan was horrified, although the Goblin family in the big 6 epic records has a brilliant alchemy, but this is too exaggerated! And in the epic records, there is no such thing as an “airplane” on Big 6.

The giant bird contains a large number of human books and literature, from poetry to war history, from flowers to cavalry outlines. In addition to the unlucky Isidola, there are three humans. Two of them, in their own words, are the top alchemists in the Big Six. Isidorah said nothing, but was skeptical. The other is an artist like Isidola, an artist who can casually glance at the most complicated terrain or objects, and then can accurately describe it.

Troubadours have talents and hobbies in the language direction, and the simple goblin language Isidola has also been involved in it. During the months-long flight, from the conversation of the elves, Isidola knew that he and the other three would be sent to the orc empire as slaves.

Those goblins, the real slave traders, were the first to arrest slaves in the human kingdom, and Isidola could hear this giant bird-like thing for the first time.

The other three thought about it, but Isidola was puzzled. He was a troubadour, and bluntly, he was a sing-song. The goblins sent themselves to the orc empire. ? It is impossible to wear a green robe that has not been washed in years, holding a tattered harp, and sing songs to those brutal orcs with their hips and **** raised! When did the orcs have artistic cells?

The goblins are very clever. The route they choose is the Luoyue Mountain Range, without passing through the airspace of any empire. Some people in the Moon Moon Mountains saw it and it was estimated to be a flying Warcraft.

I don’t know how long it took to fly. Isidor had some curiosity when he pulled it in the air. After a long time, he hated the empty feeling. In a few days, an abrupt tempest storm met Isidola’s desire to be down to earth. The goblin apparently made a mistake in estimating this heavy rain, perhaps because it took a long time to fly, hurrying for the road, and did not find the mountain to stop to shelter from the wind and shelter from the rain. When it was now, it was too late. The storm storm ripped the fur of World of Warcraft covering the giant bird. In their panic-stricken eyes, a flash of lightning that struck the sky hit the giant bird instantly. Before Isidola et al. responded, they planted with the giant bird.

A towering giant tree saved the lives of Isidola and two other alchemists. The other people fell out and fell into meat, or stabbed to death by branches, and the giant bird fell to pieces.

The three surviving men walked in the Moon Mountains for a few days. One alchemist died of hungry food and ate poisonous fruits. The rest of Isidola and the other alchemist were given away by a few wolves without leaving for a few days. Blocked.

In an instant, the alchemist who wanted to escape was torn to pieces by the blast wolf, and Isidola closed his eyes and waited to die. At a critical moment, a group of indigenous savages who rushed out ran away the blast wolf and saved him.

At first I thought I would be grilled or cooked by the savages on the campfire. I didn’t expect to live in the savages tribe for a few days. The savages not only didn’t do it, but they were very friendly to him. After a few days of being confused, Isidola almost wanted to commit suicide after the truth was revealed.

The daughter of the tribal leader, the savage who was like a gorilla and had two hills in front of her chest, fell in love with Isidola. The head was sharply drawn on the bones of Warcraft for a long time, and Isidola finally gave up the idea of ​​trying to hit him dead, and had to accept the marriage that he could not refuse at all.

For his marriage, romantic and passionate Isidola had longed for many times.

Who is the one you love? Innocent civilian girl? *Miss noble lady? A graceful and princess…

On the wedding night, Isidola, who was pressed against the stone bed by the savage girl, shrieked with tears in his face under the gleam of a thunderous thunder outside the window.

Of course, the above scene was imagined by Li Junshan himself. Looking at the savage woman next to him who had embraced Isidola and had white hair like an orangutan in gray hair, Li Junshan couldn’t help but wipe a cold sweat.

Life continued day by day, and Isidola also learned the language of the “Shari tribe”. After asking and thinking, he realized that he was staying in the desert of the 6th extreme south of Atlanta.

To the north, there is an elven garden of elves. For humans, they have no good feelings. Even if they can walk safely through the elven garden, the dangerous Isidola of the Moon Moon Mountains has already seen it.

To the south, it is an endless desert. It is very hot during the day and cold at night. With the constitution of Isidola, even if there is no Warcraft, it will become a fertilizer for thorn grass in a few days.

From the east to the endless Macedonian waters, to the west is the orc empire, and the ruthless status quo shattered Isidola’s desire to escape.

Perhaps it would be better to live in the orc empire. After all, the few goblins who caught Isidola were also going to sell them there, but the indigenous savages all over the desert let him dispel this idea.

Time lapse It was sixty or seventy years later, during which the old chief died, and he undoubtedly passed the position of chieftain to his son-in-law Isidola. In many cases, a smart mind is more important than a strong body. Isidola has lived here for more than ten years, and the living standard of the Xiali tribe has made great progress. Naturally, his dozen or so uncles have no objections.

Isidola sighed, Li Junshan couldn’t help sympathizing with the old man, his eyes flicked over him, and he saw a strong savage standing behind Isidola, looking at himself curiously.

Obviously, this savage has a blood relationship with Isidola. His hair is not as thick as other savages, and his face is sparse, like a human with a very bearded beard.

Looking at the snot bubbles blowing in his nostrils, Li Junshan felt a cold, touched the space ring, took out a bottle of fruit wine and passed it to him, asking Isidola, “Is he your son?”

Isidola greedily glanced at the space ring on Li Junshan’s finger and saw that the wine was shining with both eyes.

“That’s my grandson. The name translates into Big 6 GM. It’s a violent bear.” Isidola slapped his grandson’s hand out, took Li Junshan’s fruit wine, and opened his tongue.

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