Alien Queen

Chapter 51 - breakthrough

The people on the Summoner’s side all went out to practice under the leadership of Gru. They are not like warriors. The summoner and the magician have special signs and magic spells, but Gru can’t be as idle as Slambi.

  Li Junshan returned to the stone room full of hope and sat down calmly to carry his grudge.

   “One circle, two circles…” Li Junshan counted silently in his heart, transported his grudge quickly and circulated in his body.

   “Two hundred and forty… two hundred and fifty-five…” I only realized that the internal qi was almost uncontrolled, and there were signs of rampage. Li Junshan clenched his teeth and tried to enter meditation.

   For junior fighters who have just condensed their qi, this is very dangerous. Although it will not hurt their lives, it may be that the newly condensed qi will not be able to withstand the rapid loss and dissipate.

   continued to run to the 323rd time, but still unsuccessful.

  While controlling the fighting spirit to continue to circulate, Li Junshan’s heart was a little helpless.

   “Boom…” Buzzing in his mind, Li Junshan only felt that he was out of control, and instantly ran into the body like a river bursting into the wall.

  At this moment, he did not have any thoughts in his heart, and successfully entered meditation, the soul was out of the way, as if the body was not himself, let the fighting spirit wreak havoc in it.

   For a while, suddenly a sudden pain came from the whole body, Li Junshan could no longer calmly meditate, his body arched like a prawn, his face twisted, his forehead was sweating.

   The muscles all over him seemed to be torn apart by great force. The bones seemed to have shifted from the top of the head to the center of the feet. The kind of indescribable and painful pain that almost made Li Junshan faint on the spot.

   There was a dull, painful cry in the throat, and Li Junshan’s tooth roots all bit out blood, and his body twisted strangely on the stone bed, just like a live fish struggling from the water. After a while, I almost lost control of my brain.

   The pain deep into the bone marrow continued, and there was a loud noise in Li Junshan’s mind that he could no longer bear, and he passed out.

  I don’t know how long it took, Li Junshan was awakened by the sound of people returning from outside training, only to feel that his body was wet, but he was sweating all over.

   sat up slowly, Li Junshan suddenly froze, his eyes bulging out, his mouth like a yawning hippo, a look of incredible and ecstasy.


  Like a real teenager, Li Junshan stood up and waved his fist, his face full of excitement and joy.

   He clearly felt that a large number of alien eggs in the spiritual space sent him a spiritual request to hatch.

   “That’s how many!” Li Junshan closed his eyes happily and “looked” at the count.

   Thirty alien eggs, a full of thirty, Li Junshan was ecstatic.

  Concentrated and stretched out his fingers, the summoner’s astrological gestures were drawn out like clouds and water, but they were all completed in a very short time.

  Feeling that the mental strength was only a little loss, Li Junshan laughed happily and looked at the door.

“The person coming is very heavy, about a hundred meters away. There are a few people behind him, who are talking.” Li Junshan’s mind floated with this information, and he felt that his senses and feelings were much more sensitive than before .

   “Why? Is there any breakthrough in mental power?” Guri appeared outside the door soon and asked Li Junshan with a smile.

  Li Junshan smiled and said, “It’s not that easy, just remembering a ridiculous thing.”

  Guri sun said: “You are really in a mood.”

“Sit down, Brother Guli.” Li Junshan greeted him warmly and sat down, took out two bottles of **** Anya, and the two were drinking. Li Junshan asked, “Brother Guli, I bought a Warcraft fur when I first came. The stall owner said he hunted it by himself. Where did he hunt it from?”

Guri drank a glass of wine, and after hearing this, he looked a little dignified and said: “Small hills and narrow valleys have an exit to the east. There is a large forest there. They belong to the inside of the Scarlet Valley where people hunt for warcraft and pick herbs. You’d better do not go.”

   “Why?” Li Junshan didn’t understand.

Guri looked nervous, and said, “It’s full of crisis, but it’s not because Mr. Donald keeps many Warcraft for us to hunt, but the people inside the Scarlet Valley. Mr. Donald’s management of the place is a bit lax, and people are often fighting in it. Things, dead people are common things. People who can go in are not the kind of good guys who have never sinned others, or some people who rely on them, such as smart people or golden badges.”

   “Golden badge?” Li Junshan twisted a Sichuan word between his eyebrows and asked, “Is it like the guard in the black clothes in the valley.”

“Um.” Guri nodded and said, “Mr. Donald is particularly powerful. If someone kills a person wearing a golden badge, he will be found out by then. When the time comes…” Speaking of this, Guri couldn’t help fighting a cold war. A look of horror.

   “It’s not so powerful, it is estimated that the golden badge is a little weird, it is impossible that he still has heavenly eyes.” Li Junshan thought about it, and did not say it.

  The alien egg is moving, Li Junshan is eager to hatch, and he also wants to do an experiment, using humans as the alien host experiment.

   has been coming to this different world for almost a year. Li Junshan has been unconsciously a lot colder than before in a series of **** fights. Like in Fenghuo Town, he absolutely could not bear to use humans as alien hosts, but now it is different.

“Will the possessed magician’s alien form have more magic? Will the possessed warrior’s alien body strength be stronger? Can the possessed assassin be more weird?” These questions have been circling in his mind, just There is only one special-shaped egg to spare, and he is afraid that he will not have any special-shaped egg when he encounters a better host, so he has never tried it with humans.

   “Small hill, listen to me, don’t go, you will have no money when you first come?” Guli said with wide eyes: “You haven’t paid for boarding, how come you have no money?”

   “Suqian?” Li Junshan wondered: “What is Suqian?”

“You don’t know yet, oh, it must have been Mr. Gru who forgot to tell you.” Guri said: “The newcomers after entering the Scarlet Valley will have to pay five million gold coins after staying for a month. Is the accommodation fee.”

   “Five million!” Li Junshan gasped, but fortunately, he robbed a lot of money along the way, otherwise, when he came by himself, Oderrich only gave him more than 5 million magic crystal cards.

   “If there is no money to pay?” Li Junshan asked.

“There is no money to pay and no one rushes you, but you have to pay it back slowly, and you can’t carry any money on your body. Let the black guards discover that it is a big deal. The things here are so expensive. Every month in the valley If you want to go out to shop in some black escorts, the price can be thousands of times back. If you don’t have money, you may be able to solve it by eating, but you always need to buy some daily utensils. Although everyone can get some money at the street occupation registration at the beginning of each month, But what is that ten thousand gold coins enough to do.” Guri said, his face a little uneasily.

  Guri still wanted to speak, only to hear a wind behind him, and when he looked back, he stood up respectfully.

   “Hello Mr. Slambi.”

   Slambi waved his hand towards Guri, turned his back and turned Li Junshan a few times, and asked, “How is it? Is there any progress?”

  Li Junshan shook and said, “How can it be so easy, the grudge is running, how can you meditate, it is too difficult.”

  Slambiden hummed and said, “You also believe that old thing, and look at yourself, trying to take drugs and drugs will soon become undead.”

  Li Junshan smiled bitterly. Slambi naturally didn’t care about him. He was very clear about what happened.

   “Mr. Slambi, please chat with Mr. Gru first. I will go to the street restaurant to borrow a kitchen to cook for you, and then I will deliver it.”

   “Go around, have something to talk about with the old thing.” Then, regardless of Li Junshan’s willingness, Slambi pulled him away.

   Guli looked at this scene dumbly and didn’t know what was going on. He wanted to ask, looking at Slambi’s impatient appearance, swallowing a spit, wisely not speaking.

“Mr. Slambi, why is the price so expensive here? And I heard people saying that the newcomer will have to pay for another month’s accommodation, but it will cost five million yuan.” Li Junshan and he walked down the street and asked softly .

   Slambi took a slight pause and continued to walk forward.

“It all started thirty years ago.” Slambi sighed heavily and said, “This fart place has money for a fart, and every year a new person brings in some money, and it just flows around. This place. Prices are high, but Mr. Donald’s monthly living expenses are still a little bit. The one who challenges the victory can enjoy all the other items. Thirty years ago, for money, I don’t know how many people died. Your newcomers are better, but the longest stay here has been for hundreds of years. Who would care about money, but now…” Then, Slambi shook his head and closed his mouth.

   “Is it just to make this place even more chaotic!” Li Junshan thought to himself, only to feel a little weird, and he became more and more unsure of the mysterious sanctuary magician.

Slambe followed, and Li Junshan didn’t spend money on borrowing the restaurant kitchen. This time, he didn’t make spicy chicken. He cut a large piece of meat from the wild boar and pig, and randomly found some green vegetables. Seasoning, the taste is not very authentic out of the pot.

   Even so, the fat but not greasy spicy and delicious twice-eaten flesh-eating Slambi smiled and almost swallowed his tongue.

  Taking advantage of the time he Li Junshan made another copy for Gru, how to say that he is also his own mentor, can not be neglected. Saying goodbye to the slumpy Slamby, Li Junshan walked back.

   “It smells so good.” As soon as Li Junshan entered the Grushi room, the latter immediately smelled it, looking at the plate covered with veil in his hand, his eyes brightened.

   “This is what I used to learn from others outside. I just prepared it for Mr. Slambi, and I will bring it back to you.” Li Junshan said, and put the twice-cooked pork on the stone table.

  Gru is also polite, walking a few steps, Li Junshan smiled and passed the prepared fork.

   “Okay, okay, okay!” Grew nibbled at the slice of meat, his eyes lit up, and he called three times.

Looking at Gru’s satisfied expression, Li Junshan said: “For my spiritual cultivation, Mr. Slambi did not make it clear, but I want to pester him for a few days. There is also the pharmacist Mr. Onina, I I would also like to ask if I can solve my problem in terms of drugs.”

   saw Gru’s narrowed eyes and nodded his head in agreement, Li Junshan was determined, and thoughtfully took out a bottle of red wine from the space ring to fill Gru’s glass and retired.

  After spending the night in excitement, Li Junshan hardly closed his eyes. When Gru and they left early in the morning, they packed up properly and set off in the direction they had been asked for.

  It didn’t take long for him to find the exit to the east of the narrow valley, and walked along the trail for a while, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a forest appeared.

   couldn’t conceal his excitement, Li Junshan plunged in.

   His back had just disappeared. A dark shadow slipped silently from the top of the tree by the forest and quietly followed.

  [Bookid=1434471,bookname=”Ask to the Immortal Road of Rebirth”]


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