Alien Queen

Chapter 26 - Each mind

(This chapter starts the plot overhaul. Let’s watch it again. I’m sorry everyone, squat to the corner and cry!)

  Crower apparently had no IQ on the conspiracy and conspiracy. Hearing this, he was a little surprised and said, “Will the Imperial Family crow to punish Nicholas? This is obviously York’s wrong, and Nicholas is also impulsive to fight.”

  Li Junshan rolled his eyes helplessly, such a father, really… really cute.

“I don’t know if the emperor will come or not.” Linda smiled slightly and said: “It is estimated that it will not be long before Nicholas is definitely going to the emperor. You haven’t seen it since last year, as long as there are some qualified teenagers in the Harriman family, Didn’t all have been sent to the emperor? Nicholas, would you like to go?”

  Li Junshan nodded, then reacted that she could not see, and said: “Go is definitely going. I still have many questions about the summoning technique. It may be solved by systematic learning.”

  Crower was not stupid, and immediately understood that he could not help smiling, when he heard someone outside came in.

   “Master, is a senior pastor and pharmacist, said that the Earl of Ross sent to treat his wife.” Raymond came in and bowed.

   “Please come in soon.” Crower said excitedly, but Linda was calm, as if she had nothing to do with herself.

At this time, two people came in, a middle-aged man in a white coat with a triangular silver pendant hanging on his chest, and the other in a black robe embroidered with a white cross on his chest, carrying a small bag made of unknown Warcraft fur. .

   “Mr. Crower, I apologize to you for my previous rudeness.” The middle-aged man in white came up with a bow.

   “Mr. Pastor does not have to be polite.” Crower said lightly, knowing that his son would be valued in the family, and the long-lost aristocratic temperament radiated from him again.

   The priest made a few more polite remarks, gave Li Junshan a terrified look, and led the pharmacist to the inner room. Linda was lying on the bench under Tina’s service, and the priest and pharmacist went round and accused her of the crime.

   “How is it?” Li Junshan was anxious to see them discussing for a while while watching them.

   “Master, don’t worry.” The priest said busy: “It’s not a hindrance, it’s just a little bruised and can be recovered.”

With that said, the priest took out a silver rod with a long half-arm, and said something silently in his mouth. For a while, a white light projected from the top of the silver rod and did not enter Linda’s left eye, and then another white light flew out. Her right eye.

   “Close your eyes and rest for a while.” The priest was obviously a little tired, and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead. “It only takes a while.”

   At that time, the pharmacist opened the small bag that he carried with him, and dipped some strange potions with a few fragrances on the wooden sticks wrapped in silk cotton, and rubbed them gently on Linda’s eyelids.

   “This is flamboyant herbal water, which can speed up blood circulation.” The pharmacist saw Crow and Li Junshan’s nervousness and explained with a smile.

  Crawler and Li Junshan also took care of him, and they were led by Raymond to entertain outside. The two of them did not dare to breathe and looked nervously at Linda, who was lying quietly.

   For a long time, Linda’s eyelashes twitched slightly, and slowly opened her eyes. Her smart eyes were clear as water. She sat up and looked at Li Junshan and smiled: “My Nicholas is really different from before.”

  Crawler and Li Junshan were ecstatic and hugged together.


   Earl Rose was very angry. Since returning, he has smashed seven tea sets and three antique vases, including an amethyst screen that he liked before.

   “Asshole.” Just feeling angry, Rose grabbed the fourth antique vase in the house and threw it heavily on the ground, “bang” and shattered into pieces.

   “Dare to dare to be so presumptuous in front of me, no one in Florence has ever dared to treat me like this.” Rose was angry.

   “Master.” Brant whispered on the side: “Actually, you don’t have to be too angry, this is not necessarily a bad thing for you.”

   “How to say?” Rose gasped and looked at his bodyguard.

Brant said respectfully: “A group of thieves hijacked Master Nicholas in the city of Florence. It happened that another teenager passing by was killed by the thieves, so everyone thought that Nicholas was dead. In order to continue the Harlem family knighthood in the city of Florence At the joint request of Viscount Crower and Mr. York, you agreed that Viscount Crower gave the title to Mr. York. Later Nicholas escaped from the thief and saw that York had taken the inheritance Title, so the conflict with Mr. York.

  Youth is bloody, and when you do it, it is inevitable that it is not serious. Later, things got worse. However, under your mediation, York is willing to return the Viscount to Mr. Crower. At the same time, you discovered that Master Nicholas became a summoner, a summoner with an unknown number and very powerful summon beasts, and this summoner easily defeated a warfighter and a big summoner. “

  Rose’s eyes lighted up, stroking his chin to freshen his beard, and said, “You mean to repair a book, and hand over what you said to the old guys in the emperor capital?”

Burant bowed and said, “Master, wise, if you do not step up the time, it is estimated that it will not take long, this matter will be transmitted to the emperor, and then you will be too late to say anything, and you will be pinned everywhere. “

   “Okay.” Rose flicked the table sharply, scared a maid of the maid who had collected the vase fragments next to him, and swept her head down.

   “Will Crow over…” Rose frowned slightly and lowered his head to ponder.

   “You know, Mr. Crower’s temperament, there should be no problem with a little appeasement, just that Nicholas would approve of our statement, I am afraid it will take some effort.”

“What happened in the last six months.” Earl Ross said helplessly, “I have seen Nicholas a year ago, shy and shy, and dare not say a word, it is no different from his father, how about half a year It’s like changing individuals.”

“Tell York, get out of Viscount House before tomorrow afternoon, and find the Imperial Court for the title transfer document. Well, you should also go and see, if anything goes wrong, let Crower move back to Viscount House tomorrow, I will go by then and discuss specific matters with them by the way.”

   “Okay, sir.” Burant bowed and saluted and retreated.


   This night is destined to be an extraordinary night for everyone in the Harriman family in Florence.

  The house of York was dead, and all the servants who had been walking lightened their paces, trying to hold their breath, fearing that they would accidentally call in to kill them.

   Just now, a maid who accidentally knocked over the tea cup was pulled out by York’s life and killed with a stick. The maid was also favored by the master the day before.

   Quietly in the room, York’s fat body was buried in a large chair, with thick bandages wrapped around his legs, and the smell of medicine was diffused.

   Opposite him, sitting Fici, with an indifferent expression, eyes full of hatred.

   “After you return to the imperial capital, tell your brother Brandon about this.” York’s face was twisted with fat and said, “He is only an intermediate magician now, not an opponent of Nicholas, and he must bear it now.”

  Fessie nodded, not speaking.

   “Since last year, Marquis Sweet has selected a large number of qualified and top-notch figures from various fields in his family. Brandon can get his valuables and send them to the First Academy of the Royal Capital. Nicholas must have a chance.”

“This hatred must be reported, but not now, Brandon’s temper has always been surly, not tolerant of others, you must persuade him not to be impulsive.” York said, moving his body a bit, and unexpectedly a sudden pain in his leg, forehead The cold sweat was lingering.

“I don’t know what opportunity Nicholas encountered, and he became a summoner in half a year. UU reading actually defeated the great summoner of Count Ross. What I did, perhaps because of Brandon, does not Will treat us too much and just spend more money.”

   “What is money.” York endured severe pain and said: “I have no other skills in my life, money can’t help me. Fei Si, you remember, this world will always rely on strength to speak.”

   “Tomorrow you will go back to the emperor.” York wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then said: “If Brandon wants to start with Nicholas, you must find a way to stop him.”

  Fessie nodded silently, looking at the thick bandage on York’s leg, her eyes full of anger.


   It was late at night, and the clamor for a day was finally calmed down. Crow’s temporary mansion finally calmed down, and a dozen guarding Minggang secret posts guarded the safety of the mansion.

The large mansion was quiet at this time. In the simple basement of the backyard, a ray of light shed through the cracks in the wood covering the hole.

   “Master is very different from before.” The two guards were walking back and forth above the basement, and one guard said in a low voice: “To be honest, the old man’s temperament is too cowardly. Just like the master now, he is happy.”

“What nonsense.” The other guard glared at him and looked at no one around. Then he smiled and whispered, “I think so too. Don’t tell me, the young master has been missing for half a year. It’s like that. It’s so charming. The man in my family had previously blamed me for not following the old man, and life at home was going to go down. When tomorrow she had to know that I got ten gold coins, and the monthly money rose by two gold coins. It’s euthanasia.”

   “Hey.” The other guard smiled and said, “It’s all the same.”

   During the conversation, the two looked around and went to the front yard again.


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