Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 436: Skips and Breaks

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Monumental milestones it sure were.

But it was not the first nor the last. As there are still others to follow in due time.

And in due time... time also skipped...

Especially for the throuple stuck in their three-way deadlock.

Unfortunately, as all throuples eventually do... they broke up.

With all the bickering and shameless caressing from a certain someone, the dynamic just wasn't that stable... 

While the positions they've put themselves in were just taxing in the long run.

So, the breakup was bound to happen.

The girls were especially reluctant with the parting while Alexander was a bit relieved since his laps had become as numb as his expressions.

After all, time may seem to have skipped... in that one hour... but the after-effects could still be felt. Like chafed lips from all the kisses and spoon-feeding.

A stomach ache, from all the cereal and milk, almost included.

Hence, the need to break it up.

Of course, it also had to do with the fact that Saturday was still a working day.

There's work to do and get to.

Ultimately, as consolation, even though they were 'on a break', it didn't mean that everything was over.

Even Ross and Rachel can attest... that "on-a-breaks" can be unpaused and continued at a later time...


Consequently, time skipped again... and this one actually has actual space displacement involved.

With all those affected arriving at CREED HQ from the Creed residence's living room couch... somewhat just skipping through the preparations and routine drive to get here.

The details of those events were irrelevant but it was mentally taken note of by the suppressed talker of a snitch... that was Mr. Driver, who had gotten back from his mysterious leave.

In any case, it's time to get to work. And it's not just Mr. Driver, Miss Consigliere, and Alexander that had something to do.

Milla had her set of agendas also.

Because, at this point, she's pretty much at the helm of wherever Creed Music is headed.

While here, she really makes use of her little madam privileges to the max. Bossing around other people... or probably the madam version of it.

Not that she's abusing it or anything. She's just become somewhat haughty as she tried to emulate her boyfriend's cold methods.

All in all, she's actually just enjoying the whole experience of lording over things, even when she's just a kid.

On that note, they're actually fine-tuning the kinks of 'I'm Just a Kid'. The whole Marshmello and S'mores element of it all, despite the busyness of the one kid playing them... and the music video that was set as an accompaniment.


Which segways through to the other music videos and musical themes that Creed Music was in charge of.

Like the likes of JoJo's bizarre theme song. Some of the new tunes for Dragonball and TMNT season 2.

And then there's those that are outsourced by the new subordinate animation studios. Especially that special one for Cybertronian Chronicles, which is apparently transforming soon enough.

Of course, as important as these were, Milla knew her responsibilities to not overstep.

It also helped that her mother was present to oversee everything she did around in this music center of a venture.

Probably one of the handful of instances that they have mother-and-daughter moments now.

Milla's almost full-time in being a live-in girlfriend, after all.

Which sounds bad but wasn't actually. If anything, it fits well with Galina's ever-so-subtle agendas.

So... in a way, some fusion of agendas was happening when these mother-daughter Jovoviches were around.


Around the area, a Drew Barrymore was hanging around as well.

She didn't want to be left behind and she was one that is sure to be involved... somehow...


Clinging is how she's gotten herself in this Creed clique anyway. And she wasn't that troubled by it, she was even living it up with the little mistress title.

The bonus was that it annoyed Jovo-bitch out. Since it messes up with her whole little madam schtick.

Fortunately, or rather weirdly, the employees were sort of okay with this whole setup.

Even if they weren't, they must have figured that their overlord-ing little boss was too quirky to be in some typical romance.

Then there's the fact that he's too rich that he's paying all their salaries. With that, what's there to not be okay about?

As shrewd of a shrew that Drew realizes herself to be, how could she not realize this?

In any case, she's hanging around for the fun and freedom of it.

Doing things like checking up on Creed Games for any other potential secret video games about herself.

Or helping out with Creed Animations. Not in the technical or voice acting stuff, but on some secret party... to celebrate their recent success.

Obviously, Drew was no party pooper. More than anything, she was a party girl and in turn... a party planner. 

Other than that, she can also be seen playing around with some costumes and toys of those Creed businesses. And those yet-to-finalized clothes, too.

Of course, as she made the rounds, she eventually fumbled into the more highly-regarded Creed Pictures.

As somewhat of a movie star, this one was truly of high regard to her.

When around this place, she even gets uncharacteristically serious. How could she not?

All the planning and preparation here were seriously much more important and next level compared to the silly party planning she did earlier.

It also showed her a different look into film production and the like.

Despite being stigmatized as having grown up on movie sets, she never really set her attention on most of the goings-on behind the scenes.

Sure, she knows some stuff but it's mostly customary learning or those that piqued her curiosity... but nothing beyond that.

The corporate, logistic, and legal considerations that this entire floor is dedicated to... was the complex backbones that she was now trying to learn from.

Prince charming was even nudging her in this direction.

Who knows? She might even transition from actress to producer someday. Leveling up from party planner to production planner.

That would really be something, wouldn't it?

She even found that vision to be more fun and freeing. Much more so than now. Now that her mother wasn't that interfering with her life as much anymore.

Quite unlike the tag team that Jovo-bitch and her mom were making use of, Drew had enough of that with hers.

Which really made her re-think that whole emancipation option that she heard circulating around the talent brokerage circle.

It was more on studios being able to take advantage of child star employment loopholes... but maybe she could take advantage of that too?


Of course, the time of this Saturday day continued to skip away...

So, inevitably, lunch break arrived.

And it just so happens that two-thirds of the 'on-a-break' throuple actually converged.

Only two out of three but Drew and Milla were already used to it.

It is what is since a certain someone remained busy in his little boss office.

That wouldn't stop them. In fact, it only encouraged them to do one of their rare collaborative meetings.

Which only begs the question on just what were the little madam and little mistress even plotting during this little lunch break of theirs.

Whatever it is... perhaps only time will tell and even skip to the impending aftermath...

A lot of people told me that this story has a much needed time skip, so here it is. Hihi!

Also, apparently, throuple relationships are way more common than they used to be. A fact that was really highlighted when I was looking into whether the 'throuple' word even exists.

Just sharing cause I found it odd, even as a fictional harem writer.

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