Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 429: Wonder Drew V

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Regardless, one thing was already leading to another.

Alexander was already on top of Drew... and he took in what he could take in from the view.

It's a sight to see, he can say that much.

After all, it has only been almost a month or so since his own birthday... to Drew's own.

A gap that's not near enough to forget.

Making it so that that whole towel-wrapped gift was still very fresh and still very visual in his hyper-enhanced mind.

Coupled with all the risque stuff they've done in between, along with the true exposure from earlier... his mental image of Drew's figure could not be any more stacked as it is.

Much more so, when it was all captured and preserved in his Mind Mansion.

Really making that figure that much easier to hypervisualize.

Despite the achievement that he had when it came to 'Drew in a Blanket'... the reality is that it never really stopped him from "seeing" what he didn't want to see.

That burrito wrapping of bedsheets wasn't just to stop Drew, it worked to stop himself as well.

Still, nothing could replace the sensational sight that he's seeing now.

It's not doctor-ed by his Chaos-imprinted mind, it's raw and real as can be.

Although it's not the best that he's viewed up on... especially with all his implied connotations like W1der Drew associating to wider and replacing the "pig" in 'pig in a blanket'... her body is actually really proportional as is.

It's surprisingly aesthetically pleasing and attractive, to say the least.

And there's really a lot to say.

Not that his excitable hormones want him to go through it all.

His true instincts, this time around, just screamed at him to go ahead with it!

Even that happy smile that Drew was beaming towards him was greenlighting enough to allow him to rev his engines through her!

Fortunately, hesitation got the better of him.

And instead of speeding through this dangerous road that he was taking, he decided to take it slow...

Now not in a hurry, Alexander pecked the lips of the gracious birthday girl who graciously presented herself to him.

Enjoying its sweetness... and the softness of the happy hum she unconsciously let out.

In a steady escalation, he darted his way to the side of her neck, bit on it, and listened on as she struggled to suppress her yelp.

That yelp and the hum is of equal satisfaction to him. All the more making him wonder what other sounds was Drew going to make next.

Just what waves of pleasantness were they going to bring to him?

He actually knew the answer to most of this already, but it didn't hurt to have a refresher course.

It'll only mostly hurt on her part, of course.

And perhaps it's time to find out the mysteries of those spots hidden by the baby brassieres and panties from before.

For a bit of fun and intrigue, he even pressed and pinched the pink burgeoning buttons now exposed by her chest.

Which all the more got him curious about those regions he's yet to explore.

In any case, from this moment on, Alexander was about to find out the wonders that made up Drew... and just how wonderful everything about her truly is!

But, before anything could proceed, there was an inkling of doubt that plagued Alexander.

He had some guesses as to what it was, yet it is still guesses and not anywhere conclusive.

So, he asked. "Out of curiosity, just how do you know the stuff you know exactly?"

The huffing but gleeful Drew actually looked shifty here as she deflected. "Erm... the same way you know the stuff that you know..."

"So, your grandfather also worked on adult video production and your string of babysitters are the very and mostly G-string-ed gals that are on them?" The doubt in his tone was pretty obvious.

Also, that wasn't exactly how Alexander knew "stuff" but that paltry excuse of his was enough to tell him that she was making a paltry excuse as well.

No way was he going to believe that she was the same as him. Re-living life anew with an old experienced soul stuck in heyday youth.

"What is it really, Drew?" He urged.

"Erm..." Drew's shiftiness magnified. She even looked uncomfortable as she murmured. "I don't want to talk about it."

Alexander let out a rare sigh at this.

It's not really in his character to probe any further, especially with the encounters of his partners. Yet something already tells him that Drew, despite how young she was, had her encounters and partners already.

A non-issue for him since he's not some chastity hog... but it gets uncomfortable, given how uncomfortable she is of it.

A cold sprinkle of cruel reality doused him, even more effectively than any cold shower could.

Leading him to just kiss her on her forehead... and not be in the same league as those that she was with.

No shot were they the same as him as well. Re-living life anew with an old experienced soul stuck in their heyday youth.

They're most probably old and experienced in Hollywood, trying to relive their heyday youth.

Not that he was any better but he had the better judgment to tell that Drew has been through enough.


Before long, the state of the two got into a lull of silence and awkwardness...

But not long after that, Drew actually opened up to a lot of things.

Albeit surprised at the sudden openness, it was actually more in line with how open she is now in terms of clothlessness.

Kidding aside, the more Alexander listened, the more he understood.

Of what made Drew Barrymore the Drew Barrymore that she is.

Like how she started young. Very, very young.

Eleven months old, already starring in a puppy food commercial.

At 3, she suddenly knew love, from starring in a film called 'Suddenly Love'.

As someone with the Barrymore name and somewhat part of the Barrymore acting dynasty, she had such perks.

She also came to realize that this was the best way to gain her mother's attention and adoration.

This is critical for someone who has already known that she was abandoned by her father when she was still in the womb.

As she got older, she was more than willing to play into the demands of the industry and earn her mother's praise.

She was destined to be an actress, whether she wanted it or not.

She was not shy, and would happily engage in conversation, and answer any questions that executives and casting agents had with glee.

Making the acquaintance of plenty of strangers...

After a handful of TV commercials and movie roles, she was cast in another movie.

At the age of 5, she learned of body horror as Margaret Jessup in "Altered States".

At the age of 6, appeared in a Rice Krispies commercial, serenaded by cartoon men in suits.

And around 7, after appearing in a Pillsbury cookie dough commercial, and after failing a part in Poltergeist to Heather O'Rourke... she was finally cast in her still-revered role as Gertie in E.T.

Getting attached to the "Extraterrestrial" itself and evidently getting a huge crush on one of the very first father figures of his life.

And yes, apparently, she had a crush on Steven Spielberg, who would come to be her godfather.

Which is an interesting factoid but besides the point as her life sort of went uphill from there.

Like meeting Prince Charles and Princess Diana at the England premiere. Or meeting with President Ronald Reagan for the formation of the Young Astronauts Program. And being the youngest person ever to host SNL.

Even having another "Steve" father figure in the form of renowned author Stephen King, for the collaborations that they would have.

At such a speeding career and wealth of experience, growing up so fast wasn't so out of place.

She even already had a clever wit about her.

Allowing her to be able to hold her own among adults so early on, yet proving to be both a gift and a curse.

As she was cognizant enough to detect, evade, and counter flirtatious banter from men of all ages.

By the time she turned 9, and at the finalization of her parent's divorce, she had already grown well beyond her years and was already the breadwinner of her family.

Spending a majority of her time with unfamiliar adults. Being so comfortable and charismatic around influential strangers, especially older men.

She admits to having modeled herself after that book and Kubrick movie called Lolita.

Not really the worst of what's to come as her first drink was specifically remembered to be on March 17, 1984.

Coerced into chugging two glasses of champagne, by a couple of men in a wrap party.

She passed out or blacked out, shortly after.

She wasn't too clear on this... but it is strange enough. And the drinking has yet to stop.

Her next "voluntary drink" was then on Rob Lowe's 20th birthday party. Parties where the youngest were just members of the Brat Pack, who were really twice her age.

In another wrap party, specifically for Firestarter, it held at the beach home of producer, Dino De Laurentiis.

Where she had been coaxed again into drinking too much champagne.




Thus, chronicles the Drew that drank alcohol at 9... smoked dope at 10... would come to be a drug addict at 12... to be rehabbed at 13... and emancipated herself at around 14.

In any case, most of what she'd babbled already told him of what's what. Why this came to be the case...

Like why De Laurentiis was antagonistic to Creed for some reason.

And the rest of the who, what, when, where, other whys, and how it all came to be...

Her precociousness and knowing what she knows...

And the role she unknowingly inserted him into... as the prince charming that she sees him as.

In such a tumultuous life and industry that she's in, he bumped into her.

Not that it really answered the guesses and doubts he had, it more or less just confirmed them.

Clearly, Drew's wonderful Hollywood life that everyone envies wasn't that wonderful at all.

Granted, Alexander didn't really know where to go from here... but he did help her get dressed again and treated her as gently as he could.

Just in time, as a heavy knock knocked on the door, with someone yelling. "OPEN UP!!!"

Fortunately, the duo inside has already settled themselves.

And even more fortunately, the knocker wasn't the FBI. It was just the anxious Milla.

All the more easing their tension and even making them give out a chuckle or two...

Well, that should be about enough of self-destruction and social suicide from me. An awkward topic overall and an answer to why Drew's character is the way she is, and some dark implications on what really happened to her. The Dark Hollywood documentary series is my source to these stuff.

And, next chapter should be some irregularly scheduled plundering and stuff. Hopefully...

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