Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 426: Wonder Drew II

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Of course, Wonder Drew wasn't exactly that much of something for "everyone" to be clamoring about.

Although it truly was a recent thing to be clamored about by "everyone" who owned a handy-dandy Creed Chaos System out there.

It could even be said to have caused a hubbub for every Creed Chaos System owners out there.

Since without fail...

This magical console's automatic update is still magically updating!

Its unavoidable notification still notifying unavoidably!

And Creed Games' enviable marketing promotion still promoted things to the market quite enviably!

How could it be missed when the menu wasn't stuck to just 11 games anymore?

Which could only mean that the 12/12 slot was finally available.

And slotting in was the pixelated and somewhat brown-haired girl in a stylish dress of reddish-pink and blue...

Flashing and flashing in some armor that just obscured how to figure out who...

At the end of this uniquely stylish display, the title still did spell out Wonder Drew!

With all that... it didn't take long for some people to figure out who this new figure was.

Who is none other than Drew Barrymore...

However, they did get stuck on figuring out the what and why.

What was this about? And why Drew Barrymore?

Did she have some special significance to Creed whatsoever? Or was this some early promo to some future project that they'll be working on with this child star?

Questions, questions, questions... yet it didn't really matter as it will all be answered in due time.

All they needed to do was go to the nearest comic book store near them... read the manual that came with the GameKey... and while they're at it, maybe just purchase the whole game to play it!

Slowly but surely, they'll eventually figure out some of this Wonder Drew mystery at one point or another.


None could be any clearer to the truth of the mystery than Drew's mother, however.

Which beckons back to Jaid, who just so happens to know just how fitting everything is for Drew... and why it had to happen around this time of the year...

Around Sunday, on the 22nd of February 1987...

Sunday and 1987 didn't really matter much but the 22nd sort of is of significance, if Jaid's memory serves correct.

It's actually been 12 years since.

Meaning that today's a big day for her and her daughter... and there should be quite a lot to get to.

And with that, Jaid did find herself getting out of her distraction.

There's still an entire 12th birthday for Drew that had to be celebrated, after all.

Which really just brought her attention back to the potential lengths and timings that a certain Creed Games owner went for.

To specifically release the 12th game of their roster at around this date! Which just so happens to be what this whole Wonder Drew is about and for.

Even though she did hash out some of these details with that secretary lady, a few months ago and knew what's what... it's still surreal for it to really be pulled off.

And to think that it was all for Drew!

Even for the other reasons it could be, Jaid really reasoned that that's gotta count.

It counts as being somewhat significant in that cold, complex, and calculative Creed kid's mind, right?


Anyways, for all the hubbub that this was in Mother Barrymore's mind, it was also a mindful hubbub for Drew herself!

Fortunately, for her own peace of mind, she had the privilege of being able to confront the mastermind of it all. 

Granted, she was just happy to be caught up in the excitement and praised. "This has got to be the best birthday gift you've given me, Prince Charming Alexander! No doubt about it!"

"Did you even say that right?" Milla had to interject there. "I don't even remember Alex knowing you on any of your birthdays before this. How could he even birthday gift you anything?"

Drew scoffed. "Sure, he did!"

"There's that one time where a friend of mine gifted me a popular romance comic story about 'A Mysterious Feeling Called Love' for my 10th birthday."

"Then there's that other time for my 11th birthday when my godfather or maybe it was Director Lucas gifted me a Creed Chaos System."

"Then this one, which is the best of them all." How could the formers top a personalized video game personally developed by prince charming himself for her?

"Huh?" Milla fake asked. "It wasn't even Alex that gave you those other things in the first place. Are you del-lusional or what?"

Even the listening-in Alexander was confounded by his supposed gifting... by proxy.

"Hehe! If I'm delusional, then you're just jealous." Regardless, Drew just grinned victoriously. "Instead of your 12th birthday or prince charming's own 12th birthday, he decided to use the 12/12 slot on me. And that's pretty special."

"Pretty special, huh?" Milla had not much to refute... but she did remember that she was playing the game at that moment.

And decided... to let the Drew in the screen get beat up!

At the sight of her health meter plummeting and at her character's consecutively embarrassing damage animation, Drew was fuming. "Hey! Why are you just letting me stand around and die?!"

Milla had a bitter look as she reasoned. "This is how I want to play this game. Why? You got a problem with that?!"

"How are you still jealous when you've got many chart-topping hits from him? And is bound to get praised a lot by a lot of people during the Grammys just days from now?"

"Like Alex, I also don't see anything interesting in awards anymore." The Alex-worshipping Milla had worsened. "Why? You got a problem with that, too?!"

Drew really wanted to pounce and go 'Wonder Drew' on this Jovo-bitch... but she stopped herself.

While Milla was preoccupied with petty revenge by the TV, why not take the chance to straddle herself to his sitting form... and intimately inti-mate away...

"Thank you... Alexander..." She expressed heartfelt-ly as she wrapped her arms by his neck... and bumped her forehead to his.

Truthfully, he liked this. He liked this a lot. Yet, he just had to downplay stuff by saying. "Well, think of it as aside from being a happy and truly personalized present to you, It'll make me money too." 

Drew rolled her eyes at that... and interrogated some more. "Do you like that dress a lot on me? You used it for my character, after all."

"It's your Babes in Toyland attire and just felt relevant." Alexander simply answered.

"Is this also the reason for the game's Panty Kick?" Drew sharpened at this.

Ah... yes... the "Panty Kick." It involves Wonder Momo using a high kick to expose underwear, embarrassing and distracting her enemies in the process.

"That inadvertent panty exposure in that one Santa sleigh scene struck me, so I incorporated it for a bit... of comedy... and fanservice." Alexander somewhat faltered on this one.

Sure, it's risqué but it wasn't even that obvious.

At the very least, he didn't go for the original towel transition stuff. If he did, that would have been linked as well due to some towel plays that Drew did on him on that one occasion.

Not knowing that, Drew continued her line of questioning. "And why is my main attack about kicks? I thought you liked my butt. It's Jovo-bitch's legs that you like."

He couldn't help but cough at that. "You're not some Hip Whip Girl, are you? Besides, Wonder Kicks isn't exactly your main power. It's your Wonder Hoop."

"Hip Whip Girl? Whip reminds me? Why hoops? Do you want me to learn the hula hoop?" Drew pressed on. "Do you alsowant me to tornado hula hoop for some reason?"

"Lots of reasoning for that. Like some Cheese Rings and mascoting plans." He really reached far and wide here. "And the hoop being a combo of Wonder Woman's boomerang crown and attacking lasso. The tornado stuff is just for your wonder transition."

Drew thought about it and lightbulb-ed some more. "Oh yeah... am I set up against Wonder Woman? And why go for that helmet costume, if that is the case?"

Alexander just shrugged. "You got kind of excited as being Samus' "inspiration" and made that wonky Samus costume for Halloween. So, I got "inspired" by that."

The birthday girl turned red from remembering that period in her life. It didn't help that another girl's snickering could be heard.

She didn't pay heed to bitches, so she soldiered on. "You didn't answer the Wonder Woman stuff though."

"Well, it's not a jab at DC per se. I just wanted to sort-of mirror your Drew name, jumbled it, added 1, and got W1der Drew. Like how it is with Xmas with an X, or classm8 with an 8."

"W1der with a 1 looked awkward and implied that you're getting wide, though... so... it eventually evolved to what it is."

At this point, and at this juncture of complexity, Drew found it hard to keep up.

She still had many mysteries to get to...

Like... why are the game levels called Volumes and Acts?

Why all the alien-y and kooky-looking enemies? ET and Babes in Toyland-themed, is it?

And why is it set in a theater house with applauding onlookers who looked at the fights like it's some sort of play?

Why the weird paparazzi guy wandering around and picturing about?

Why oh why... but did that really matter?

All she knew was that, in the manual, it said...

Drew was a typical child star with dreams of becoming even more famous than she currently is, until an alien power suit transformed her into the spectacular Wonder Drew!

Setting aside her vain goals, this buxom new superhero kicks and hula hoops her way through monsters, henchmen, robots, and her most dangerous foe... the dreaded paparazzi!

It's clearly a weird game with a weird mix.

In spite of her growing doubts, Drew's just so happy that her prince charming finally made something for her... and her alone!

That's the true value of this Wonder Drew, in her opinion!




If only she knew... of what Alexander knew.

Like the truth involving Namco's Momoko Momoi.

Momoko was a typical Japanese teenager with dreams of becoming a famous pop idol, until an alien powersuit transformed her into the spectacular Wonder Momo!

This buxom new superhero kicks and hula hoops her way through monsters, henchmen, robots, and her most dangerous foe... the dreaded paparazzi!

The reality is... Wonder Drew is just a very cosmeticized plunder of Wonder Momo all along.

A 16+bit version of the original 1987 game with more stage acts involving... Warudemon, Amazona, Wrestleroid, Dokurokaijin, Kero Kero Ace... and even some elements of Drew's filmography like ET, Charlie the Firestarter, TomCat from Cat's Eye, Barnaby and the Gremlins for Toyland, and so on.

There's even an agent and Mother Jaid in there after Miss Consigliere hashed out some details with them before the development.

So... yeah... that's about it and maybe more.

Whatever the case, Drew was already quite satisfied with what it was now.

Even with her whole birthday celebration party being a not-so-famed affair due to Andy Warhol and his 15-minutes-of-fame dying on the same day.

Unfortunate but she didn't let that get her down.

She just enjoyed turning 12 with Alexander himself by her side.

That's what's wonderful if you ask her.

And that's something since it came from "Wonder Drew" herself.

Well, none of you got it, it's obscure and very not-in-your face, after all. But now that the answer is revealed... it's fitting, right?

At least, I think so. Or, at least tried to.

Do look into Wonder Momo or watch the whole Wonder Momo 1987 playthrough if you want to get the full idea of what I'm getting at though.

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