Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 419: Alex the Kid IV

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

It's an identity he's long been stuck in and will be stuck in for a long while.

It's a matter wherein he didn't have much choice but he can still make the best of it.

Like a casual plunder every now and then. 

In this instance, it's about a song where adults act out teenagers acting out as kids that have yet to grow up.

It just so happens that a plunder such as this was not so casual to everyone else.

Including and especially Milla.

Who noted how Alex had probably just scribbled in this paper by his computer workstation.

It didn't even take that long for him to do so.

And it's most likely another chart-topping hit, hopefully.

As for her contribution, probably just to push for it to be an "us" project with two of them all together again.

Since she just wanted S'mores some more.

Nevertheless, these lines lined up like some poem in this piece of paper had plenty of significance for her... and she cherished what she got.

Even with that little of an effort and thought into it, every little thing from Alex just gets very far in her opinion.

Even Drew, who just got out of the shower, was a bit green-eyed from what she saw. "Lucky you, Jovo-bitch."

Of course, this new song and that pervading jealousy got Milica happy, however, she still can't help but say. "Alex, thank you for this and all but it's still your birthday, remember? We should be the ones giving you gifts."

"So?" Alexander shrugged. "What's that got to do with anything?"

He had something to hand out and that's that. It shouldn't be so complicated, even with some birthday etiquette to look out for.

Even Drew had something to add, only that it's actually in support of her rival. "I think what she's trying to say has to do with the fact that there are still things to be done with you, the birthday boy."

"Haven't you had enough with that Sega showcase already?" At least, that's what he assumed.

To which, Milla explained. "Well, we figured the whole Alex Kidd thing is more of a joke, so we decided for an even better one this time around."

"You're also a person very hard to give to. From Christmas and now." Drew found that to be true. When it came to a rich and cool boy with a closed-off personality that's very hard to gauge. "Also, I kind of have to follow up on what my mom gave to you."

"Then again, what's that got to do with anything?" Alexander was still confused... as he got everything from earlier and it's all fine in his book.

"Well... I'm the greatest gift she can give away." Drew smirked as she pointed to her freshly-showered and towel-wrapped form. "That's got to be something, right?"

"Oh..." Now, that got him enlightened... and interested all the same.

Doubly so, as the two continued with their dialogue.

"See. I told you that you didn't need to tidy up the bed." Drew chided when she saw the glint in prince charming's eyes. "It's bound to get messy anyways?"

"I'm nervous, so I had to do some stuff." Milla defended.

"Are you still not used to this?" Drew genuinely inquired. "We almost always do this on the nightly, remember?"

"I remember. Even that shrew-y body you have." Milla pouted as she blushed. "I just have a feeling that Alex will take things further this time around."

"Hehe! I think so too." Drew was way ahead of her... as she fiddled with her towel and claimed. "Which is why I'm not even wearing anything underneath this thing."

"What?!" Milica was shocked and unwittingly looked into the fully pajama-d form she was in, muttering. "I think I'm a bit overdressed for the occasion then."

"It doesn't matter." Drew seldomly appeased. "If not you or me, a certain someone is bound to undress all of that anyways. To finally see that bitchy body of yours."

That certain someone, on the other hand, had to hand it to them. For getting this good at playing around.

Perhaps forgetting who they're playing with.

Alexander didn't really have to think any further as he just rolled with it.

Since as of now, 'he's just a kid'.

A 12-year-old one with poor impulse control, so... he can't really help it, he just had to make the best of it.

By rolling and rolling along as they rocked the bed.

As it happens, 'I'm Just a Kid' is sort of rock and roll, isn't it?

Sort of.


In a way, Alex the Kid was reinstated... as it suits him.

Not that what he's doing was akin to punch-fighting stones or punch-breaking stones. Neither was it terrorizing the old West like some outlaw Billy.

It's just that after rustling around, he settled Milica, ready to do what he wanted to do... and what she wanted him to.

Pecking her lips, pecking her chin, and making his way down on peculiar spots of her favorite moo-print pajamas.

He really went down on her. Down on her as pulled down her pants... leaving her in her matching cartoony cow panties... exposing her legs for what it is.

Youthful, enticing, and belonging to the VH1's future queen of kick-butt.

All the more egging him to caress those thighs... slightly raising the rest... as he kneaded her cute toes while doing so.

He didn't have that fetish but he may as well have one.

Inevitably, he got to tickling her ankles... a body part that was scandalous for some point in history.

Yet that pink blush she wore under the nightlight really tells tales as to why.

All the more making Drew illicit a sigh, complaining. "I'm only in a towel here, which makes me a present that's much easier to unwrap, you know."

"I do know." Alexander noticed. "It's just that 'Take My Breathe Away' is nominated for the Golden Globes, so we'll have to be economical with Milla being invited to go."

"Yeah!" Milla echoed a complaint of her own. "It's tomorrow, so me first and you wait your turn..." 

Drew scoffed. "Talking so smug when you're thighs look that juicy. It doesn't belong to a chicken but I know what to do with it."

And do it, she did. By taking a bite... for the joke and for spite.

Making Milla yelp. "Ouch!! You shrew!!!"

But that's not all as again, she yelped. "Ouch!!"

Milica wanted to air more grievances but when she saw that it was actually Alex that bit the second time... she took it in more comfortably.

And she just left it at that as the bites escalated from there. From them taking turns consecutively, to simultaneously, with kisses and licks in between.

They were tagteaming her... again... and she knew it. Only that this time around, her legs became a sensual meal...

It was quite the experience that left one huffing and moaning...

Draining her to exhaustion and into sleep.

Leaving her legs printed with bite marks meanwhile drenching the cow print in her panties wet.


It was quite the sight but Alexander already moved on to the next.

With him lunging his tongue into Drew's and Drew's lunging into his.

Comparing the taste they individually flavored, melding it into one.

Of course, that wasn't enough as he parted, only for his tongue to savor something else.

Through tracing the curvature of the famous Barrymore's neck.

Which in turn, led him into that towel-wrapped figure.

A wrapped gift that failed to hide the surprise it was meant to conceal.

Without further adieu, he tugged into it and what it revealed was still a surprise all along.

It was actually Drew not naked. With a panty and that baby brassiere to conceal what needed to be.

"Disappointed?" The girl teasingly smirked. For her earlier claims of wearing nothing was really misleading.

"Relieved, actually." After saying so, Alexander just had his way with all that was exposed. Tracing the clothe that he really wanted to take out.

Had everything been bared, he wouldn't have been able to stop himself.

And he would've crossed over the line he set and truly be disappointed. Disappointed in himself.

Nevertheless, it just prompted the flushed and currently-being-used Drew to ask. "You know you can take things further than this, right?"

"I know..." Alexander confirmed the obvious. "...but like before, I just won't."

Drew just sighed at that. This is the nth time she wondered this but the mystery really hadn't budged an inch.

Well... whatever's stopping him, she can wait.

Just as she waited and presented herself to her prince even more. Huffing and moaning as Jovo-bitch did.

Letting the birthday boy enjoy her for the self-appointed gift that she is.

And towards the end of their climactic activities, her state wasn't anything less.

Almost all over was she riddled with prints, not just on her legs. With that wet print along her panties as well.

Granted, with that combo, she eventually dozed off into cloud nine.


Of course, with both his girlfriends satisfied, Alexander couldn't really say that he was.

Still, he should settle down soon especially with him being sandwiched in between them.

Despite their deep sleep, they eventually did tumble their way into snuggling with him.

A force of habit, perhaps.

And while in that state, the also-drowsy Alexander can't help but contemplate...

Contemplate what he had just done.

Excusing it with the excuse that 'he's just a kid'... doing stupid things that a kid would do with fellow kids.

Which in turn, groggily reminded him about that 1995 controversial movie called Kids.

So disturbing that it opens up to a scene where a 12-year-old's first time is taken. 

It was rough, painful, and dastardly with the rest of the movie showcasing how much worse kids can be.

At the very least, he could still excuse himself as the lesser evil when compared to all that was portrayed in that.

Easing him into dreamland, where he ruminated further about what a second twelfth birthday this has been.

What happened? Absolutely nothing happened. Then again, it's pretty much what happens on the sus chapters I breeze through.

Also, it's just me getting bored of all the arduous land-faring and sea-faring that I had to go through to reach some island called Bohol.

With the seasickness and the retching feeling from being inebriated with alcohol, I had the urge to puke up a chapter and this was it.

A fluffy chapter that really just ticks up the word count.

And do look up Kids(1995) if your into disturbing film recommendations.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.