Aka Amy

62. Looking Ahead (Tess)

I reached over to pick up my wine glass, then discovered it was already empty. I let out a little sigh, then smirked and concentrated. A moment later my glass filled with swirling gold light, which faded to reveal it was once again full of crisp cold Riesling.

A small happy giggle escaped my lips before I had a sip, then as I set the glass back down I made a mental note to talk to Amy about that. It was too cool a trick to be limited to once a day.

For now I tried to focus again on the book I was supposed to be studying. I'd planned to get through at least another five chapters tonight, but I couldn't get myself into the right mindset. It was frustrating because I really needed to catch up, I'd missed too much time while mom was here.

I had another sip of wine as my mind wandered off in that direction.

It was about a quarter to ten Sunday night, me and Amy took mom to the airport late this afternoon. Mom would probably be getting home right about now, I expected a text or email from her letting me know she was safe and how her flight went.

And while I was still unhappy that she made it a surprise visit and didn't try coordinating with us or even checking with me that I'd be available, on the whole things turned out all right. She finally acknowledged that I'm gay, and she apologized for how she acted towards me in the past. She even seemed to be coming around and accepting that her mom was gay as well.

I wasn't so sure how to feel about mom knowing Amy's secrets, but as long as she didn't spread them around it was probably ok. She definitely had some strange feelings of her own, about my girlfriend and fiancée being the reincarnation of the woman who helped raise her. For that matter I did too, but Amy was careful to keep that past life separate.

She was Amy Price, but she could be Amy Sullivan now and then. I knew she did that for my mom, when the two of them spent an afternoon together. In addition to being a pair of Amys she was also the Goddess Amethyst when she needed to be, but for the most part she kept that separate too.

I had another sip of wine as I reflected on that. In a way it was like my girlfriend was three different people. She was my Amy most of the time, then she was Amethyst when she had to do Goddess stuff, and she was Ms. Sullivan when she was visiting with my mom.

That thought left me wondering how she experienced those personas. I was curious if it was like an act, like was she acting like Ms. Sullivan for my mom and acting like Amethyst the Goddess for me and April? Or was it more like she was channelling actual separate personalities?

I thought about asking her, but she was still out. She'd vanished in a swirl of magic about forty-five minutes earlier, to go visit her friend on the west coast.

With a sigh I realized my glass was empty again, and this time I'd have to go refill it the hard way. I was debating if I was thirsty enough to get up and pour myself another glass when Amy suddenly re-appeared in the middle of the living-room in a swirl of golden sparkles.

"Welcome back," I grinned. Then I held up my empty glass and asked, "Since you're already up, could you...?"

She rolled her eyes but took the glass and went over to the kitchen. A minute later she was back with two full glasses. She handed one to me then took a seat next to me on the sofa.

I thanked her for the wine, then asked "So how did it go? What did they decide to do?"

"She decided she wants to keep the changes of course," Amy smiled. "Which is exactly what I expected. It's what she really wanted, I didn't think she'd be able to give it up after trying it out for a couple days."

"She?" I asked as I arched one eyebrow. "I thought you said they used they/them pronouns?"

My girlfriend had a sip of wine before responding, "They're trying out she/her pronouns. They said she'll probably stick with they/them but she found they didn't mind people using she/her when they were out yesterday? When you've hated being sir'ed all your life, there's a lot of euphoria in being ma'am'ed or miss'ed."

She added with a grin, "Krissy did a lot of shopping, basically bought a whole new wardrobe. Tonight they were wearing a little crop-top tee with a pride flag across the front, and a tiny pair of cut-off shorts. You don't dress like that if you're not comfortable with your body, right?"

I agreed, "Probably not. So they're happy then? What did they decide to do about friends and family?"

"They came out to their daughter via email," Amy replied. "Krissy was always very secretive about RL stuff so I had no idea, but apparently she's divorced and has just the one kid. Her daughter's sixteen now, and they only see each other twice a month. They said their daughter seemed ok with it over text, but it'll be a hurdle when they meet in person. Krissy doesn't care if their ex accepts them or not. And they said they don't have many friends, but if people don't accept them then they're not the right people for her."

She added, "Krissy was worried about work, they said their boss has spoken out against LGBT folks in the past so they're probably just going to quit via email and find work elsewhere. I already updated their ID and everything, and from the sound of it they're going to be ok. The important thing is they're happy and comfortable."

"That's great," I replied with a smile. "So they're another believer now? Amethyst's getting out there and making some waves lately."

Amy grimaced, "I don't know about making waves, I don't want to cause any trouble. But yeah, I guess Krissy's on 'team Amethyst' now. Same as Leah and April."

"And me, Hailey, Alex, maybe even my mom?" I reminded her. "That's six, maybe seven people already. Not bad considering it's only been a couple weeks since you decided to do this."

She cringed slightly, "Yeah. And we'll be seeing April's friend next week too. I hope we're not moving too fast? I'll have to check with Raven."

The two of us already had our plans for next weekend figured out, though it wouldn't be as busy as this weekend or the last one were. Next Friday would be the quiet evening, me and Amy were going to stay home and order in like usual. Then she'd be meeting her online friends and playing her game while I focused on my studies.

Saturday me and Amy were going to meet April and her girlfriend somewhere for dinner. Then the four of us would head back to April's place, and depending how things went I might be performing my first miracle in Amethyst's name. I'd have supervision in that case, Amy or Amethyst would be there to make sure everything went right. I was excited though, I was probably looking forward to it almost as much as April and Ada were.

And finally next Sunday evening me and my girlfriend would be doing full moon stuff. And I was definitely looking forward to that again. I still hadn't forgot what it felt like to be with the Goddess, and I couldn't wait to feel that again.

I finally replied, "Right, I don't want you getting in any kind of trouble either. Maybe we should get Raven more involved when you're doing miracles for people?"

That put a smile on my girlfriend's face. "I know I said I wanted to see you two get along, but I didn't think you'd be that eager for her to join us. Should I summon her when we're at your friend's place? That would probably impress April's girlfriend."

"I'm just trying to look out for you," I mumbled as my cheeks heated up.

Amy's smile shifted from amused to loving as she reminded me, "I'm in love with you Tess, nobody else in the world comes close. I like Raven as a friend, nothing more. Trust me, my heart belongs to you and you alone."

I couldn't help smiling as her words left a flutter in my chest. "Thanks Amy."

She pulled me into a side hug as she replied, "You're welcome love."

I slipped my arm around her as well, and the two of us cuddled as we relaxed and enjoyed our wine.

After a minute or so she changed the subject completely, "Are you going to start working full-time as soon as you graduate? Or will you have some time off first? Or maybe some time off later in the summer?"

"I'll have to double-check with Bev," I replied. "I assume she wants me to start right away though. Why?"

Amy shrugged, "I was hoping we could get some vacation time this summer? I thought it might be fun to go see where your family's originally from, over in Ireland?"

That caught me by surprise and my eyebrows went up. "Huh, I hadn't thought about it before but I'd certainly be interested in seeing where granny's from. I don't know if there's enough to make that a whole trip though? It was just a small village, it might be the sort of thing we could see in an afternoon."

"Maybe," she agreed. "We could see other stuff too though, there's lots of history over there. We could also catch a ferry across St. George's Channel and visit my ancestral origins too. The Price family were originally from Deheubarth. That's south-west Wales."

That made me frown, "You know I never really thought about it before, but you basically have two different sets of history. Amethyst is from the same place as my family, a little village in County Wexford. But you've also got your heritage as a Price."

Amy pointed out, "I think they're both sort of Celtic if you go back far enough? Who knows, maybe we even have some common ancestors if you go back enough generations."

I thought about that for a bit, but decided it didn't really matter either way.

Focusing instead on the question of international travel I pointed out, "We'll need to get passports, and we'll have to figure out flights and accommodations. But first I definitely need to talk to Bev and see if she'll give me some time off. I think two weeks should be enough? If we assume a day of travel each way, that leaves us twelve days to do touristy things."

Amy smirked as she suggested, "Or we could just teleport there and back? We should probably get passports anyways just in case, but abusing magic would be much nicer than wasting a day dealing with planes and airports and customs and all that boring stuff."

"That feels like cheating," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm not ruling it out, but I'll need to think about it."

She smiled and leaned in for a kiss, "Ok love. Think about it, talk to Bev, and see if we can plan something. If not, maybe we can take a long weekend anyways. Teleport over Friday evening, teleport back Monday night. That's better than nothing."

"We'll see," I grinned.

That seemed to be the end of that conversation, and the two of us were both quiet for a while as we just relaxed and enjoyed each other's presence.

When we both finished our wine the glasses ended up on the coffee table and we got a little more serious about our cuddling. Before long my petite girlfriend took advantage of her small size and ended up sitting sideways across my lap with her arm around my shoulders.

I slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, and the two of us shared a long passionate kiss. After our lips parted she rested her head on my shoulder as we continued cuddling.

We were both quiet for a bit, until I commented sadly "There's one thing I'm going to miss, now that I'm your cleric and you've got more in touch with your inner Goddess."

Amy glanced up at me and asked, "What's that?"

I made a show of pouting as I replied, "I'm sure it won't be long before you decide to restore your divine stature. In ancient art the Gods and Goddesses were always portrayed as being bigger than anyone else, to illustrate their importance? Even granny wrote about Amethyst as the tall statuesque beauty, remember. It's just a matter of time before you're six feet tall and both me and Raven have to look up at you."

With a mock sigh I added, "I suppose I'll just have to adjust. I'll miss being able to tease my tiny Goddess though."

She rolled her eyes at my little drama act, "Believe me, I'm not going to make myself bigger. Been there, done that. Five-foot-two is as tall as I'm going to get."

"So if that's as big as you'll get, does that mean you could get smaller?" I asked in an innocent voice.

Instead of replying Amy made a show of snuggling up closer against me. At the same time she repositioned herself slightly so her head was resting against my chest instead of my shoulder. It took another second or two for me to realize she'd just done some of her sneaky magic and made herself five or six inches smaller for me.

"Much better," I grinned as I pulled her onto my lap and hugged her tighter. "Why don't you just stay this size, make it permanent?"

"Too small to work as an EMT," she mumbled into my chest. "I'd even have trouble working in a clinic, if I couldn't reach shelves and things."

I couldn't hide my smile as I teased, "But you're so cute when you have to ask for help or climb up on chairs to reach things."

She rolled her eyes again then asked, "Just promise you won't tease me when I'm doing important goddess stuff, ok? Amethyst has a reputation to uphold, you know?"

"Ok cutie," I replied with a smile. "C'mon, I want to take you to bed so I can properly take advantage of you."

Her smile was just as wide as my own, as I stood up and princess-carried my tiny Goddess girlfriend into the bedroom.

~ End of Book 2 ~

Amy & Tess are taking another break, but we expect to see them back again in Book 3 sooner or later. Thanks for reading!

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