Chapter 97: Chapter 94
Korean news channel where Bharat peoples are watching the television through their smart phone
The man is in Metro
Terror Master는 슈퍼 히어로를 얼마나 압도하고 슈퍼 히어로도 그를 쓰러 뜨리기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
(Terror Master is some how overpowering the superheros then too superheros are trying the best to take him down )
The Korean anchor tells that
놀랍게도 이 사진에서는 Ajay가 보이지 않습니다.
(and shockingly in this picture we can't see Ajay )
A Korean friends ask his Bhartiya friend who is dusky and put a white tilak on his head
" Its true we need Ajay " the Korean friend tells to him he rest his back on the metro set
" I know have a same question too " Bhartiya tells to that Korean man
" before their was very less powerful superheros espically Karul after Ojaswan people left half the hope but seeing this new superhero people has got new hope you see people here though they don't express the gratitude but they thankful from protecting them that Monster " Korean man tells him
" Yes , I know how it feel when he saved my country..... My family members leave their
I would have been dead by now ...yes"
Bharat man tells his emotions
" Ah we are about to reach the station "
Both the boys coming out of the station and they see the huge crowd gather to one place
"모두를 위한 라이브 쇼"
( A live show for all ) a Korean man ( whose nose are big ) shouts
A Bhartiya men – why is it people gathered their
Come with me
They both go their both by pushing some people and see that In the smart T.V of E Tuber the Pimpri War live shoot is showcased where it is been shown by Ajay's fans which in their t- shirt and head band is written in Korean
" നമ്മുടെ സൂപ്പർ ഹീറോ എന്ന് വിളിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന അജയ് ഒരു കരടിയുമായി യുദ്ധം ചെയ്യുന്നത് ഒരു പാവപ്പെട്ട കാര്യമാണ് അവനിൽ ഒരു റൗഡിസം നിന്നേക്കുറിച്ച് ലജ്ജതോന്നുന്നു
" our so called superhero Ajay is fighting with a bear a poor thing just lost bis home town and show
a rowdiesm in him
Shame on you "
"우리의 영웅 우리 군인이 인도에서 악당과 싸우고 있습니다 라이브 쇼"
(our hero our soldier is fighting with a villan in India
live show )
A Korean man shout
A old aunt look towards a Man and say
"왜 저 소년이 소란을 피우는 게 TV에 나오는 게 확실해"
(why all those ruckus for that boy it definitely shown on T.V ) the aunt after getting irritated says those words
"아니요, 어떤 국제 뉴스 채널에서도 이 문제를 보도하지 않았습니다."
( No, international news channels has ignord it )
A Bhartiya man " oh these people തെറ്റായ വാർത്തകൾ കാണിക്കുന്നു
( showcasing wrong news )
A man come in front of them and is very angry
" 야 너희들 부끄럽지 않니?"
(Hey , don't you people have any shame )
Ajay's fans looking at the man who is green in colour and has big eyes
"너네 젊은이들은 경제를 잘 돌봐야 해 인플레이션이 많이 올랐어"
(You youngsteer should look after the economy so much inflation has raised )
"우리는 당신을 멈추지 않습니다 당신은 당신의 일로 돌아갈 수 있습니다"
( We don't stop you you can go back to your work )
"당신들은 그런 초보를 지지하는 뻔뻔한 사람들입니다 당신은 모르죠 이 정치인들은 자기 이익을 위해 그런 일을 합니다"
( you are shameless people to support such a novice you don't know these political people do it for self gains )
"병원에 가서 검진을 받아야 한다는 거 아시죠"
(You know you must go to doctor check up )
The green man looks to ither direction where a Bhartiya man is telleng to Korean man
"너의 가짜 문장은 비어있어"
(your fake sentences are empty )
The green man nearing
"아 물론 인디언 맞죠 그런데 어떻게 감히 우리 나라에 있는 그런 문장을 말할 수 있나요?"
(oh ,for sure an Indian right
but how dare you to talk those sentences standing in my country )
아 정말 당신의 나라군요. 왜냐하면 그 문장을 사용하는 동안 나는 당신이 당신의 의제를 홍보하는 것에 대해 당신 자신의 국민을 존중한다는 느낌을 받지 못했기 때문입니다
(oh really its your country because while using those sentences I didn't feel that you respect your own people feeling for prapogating your agenda)
The green man tries to hit but the Bhartiya man kick on the stomach and falls on the ground
" 이 개자식"
( you bastard)
The Korean friend kicks on his face and blood spits of
"그 사람은 우리 모두를 모욕했습니다. 우리는 그에게 교훈을 가르쳐야 합니다."
(he insulted us all we should teach him lesson )
The fan tells to his people the people around outraged hits him
After some time
"충분해, 그는 교훈을 얻었어"
(enough , he got his lesson )
All the people leaves him and sees Ajay's news
"내가 도와줄게 그들은 우리를 오해하고 있어 제대로 보여주지 못해서"
(I will help you here they are misleading us
not showcasing properly )
The Korean man sees the Bhartiya man
"나는 너희 종족에게 복수할 것이다"
(I will avenge on your kind ) be continued