Agnisotra: Origin Tails

Chapter 2: The Delivery

This was harder than I thought. I needed to make sure the weight balance was correct. For a year I tried to do blacksmithing without relying on my Elgards eyes. It helps out a lot like making me spot the exact temperature, place to hit, weak spots, impurities in the metal, etc. But I feel more satisfaction when I manage to do this without my Elgards eyes.

I graduated without using them so I could say I'm a decent blacksmith. I only use my Elgards eyes now if I want to make really good swords and daggers. We are still planning to escape from here one day. We don't know exactly what is out there in the world but being prepared and armed sounds like a good idea.

We will be fine in the magic department but when magic can’t be used, we might get into trouble, so I'm crafting various weapons.

I made some metal knuckles for Ted, a spear for Raishin, and various daggers and swords for Gregory and me.

Gregory can't really use swords but he can use daggers. He asked me a couple of times to make a bigass hammer for him but… A bigass hammer needs a lot of material, way more than all those other weapons and I'm uh... kinda making these in secret.

It is easy to make some high-quality weapons between some regular ones but bigass hammers are quite uncommon. Ok, that is wrong, bigass hammers don't get commissioned.

I'm offsetting the price of the extra materials I use by making high-quality stuff which gets sold for a lot more than normal so either Philip hasn't noticed or is fine with it as long as it does not cause us to run at a loss.

I also alleviated the material issue by bringing Gregory into the mountains and him digging with me for ores. I don't do well with digging so I'm just there for help. He can also get some stuff that acts like catalysts for his concoctions so it's not like there's nothing in it for him.

As I am about to put the head of the halberd in the forge I got called for dinner. I contemplated whether to finish this part fast or do it after dinner. I left it be and cleaned up and headed toward the living room.

“Did you manage to sell a lot today?” Philip asked me.

I only sold the short sword and the dagger that I made, but the short sword got dirty in a demonstration so I will be cleaning it and delivering it to old man Paul a bit later in the evening.

“Hmm, at least we sold something. That short sword you made is worth almost as much as the rest so I guess it's fine. For how much did you sell it?”

Hmm, I wanted to sell it for 2 gold but the old man insisted on paying 5 gold because he liked my demonstration.

Philip choked, coughed, and spat out his noodles in surprise.

“5 gold?! What kind of godly performance did you pull off to make him want to pay that much?”

“Honey, clean up your mess?” his wife, Hera, said to him while gesturing to me to continue my story.

Uh well, Raishin brought living boars to the market who were rampaging around.

Philip choked, coughed, and spat his noodles out in surprise again.

“There were rampaging boars on the market? That kid Raishin sure is a handful!”

“Are you gonna eat any of the noodles I made for you Philip? Or are you gonna spit all of it out?” Hera said annoyed while gesturing again to me to continue my story.

“So, what was that performance that made Paul pay more than double the price for the sword?” Philip asked while he cleaned up his mess and resumed eating.

Hmm, I'll wait till you finish that.

“No need, go on ahead”, Philip said with a look of curiosity on his face and noodles in his mouth.

Well, a boar dashed at old man Paul and I launched it and skinned it, chopped it, and filled it since Raishin was supposed to sell it to the butchers anyway. Might've earned him some extra coin at it.

I picked up my empty bowl and used it to shield myself because Philip choked, coughed, and spat out his noodles again, which hit my plate shield.

“Wait, you did all that on a launched boar?! I knew you were adept with swords but this is next level! Honey! We should send him with Harold and Ted to participate in tournaments! He might bring back some good prizes!”

“Maybe we should send you to the slums to appreciate good food!” Hera said, pissed off.

“I’m sorry!” Philip said apologetically, he wanted to take another bite but his bowl was empty by now. “Honey, I'm hungry.”

“Make food yourself!” Hera said as she continued eating in silence.

Philip looked at me but I was still hiding behind my empty bowl.

“How did you finish those noodles so fast while talking?”

I swallow my food.

Hera choked, coughed and spat out her noodles, and started laughing.

You two are perfect for each other. I said as I got up.

I'm gonna finish up the halberd and then clean and deliver the sword.

“Wait, what about my food?” Philip panicked.

I'm sorry I'm a blacksmith, I'm not a cook nor your wife, you should talk it out with Hera. I said as I escaped to the workshop.

They looked at each other before I went around the corner. and entered the workshop.

I put the halberd head in the forge and heated it until it was white hot. I went at it with the hammer and tried to get the weight balance right. Since I have a high fire resistance, I could just pick it up, feel if I made a mistake, or inspect it and continue hammering until it cooled off and I needed to reheat it.

After fixing the edges I hardened the metal and quenched the piece of metal. Some grinding and sharpening were needed. afterward, I started the gruelling process of tempering I waited till the metal was straw-colored and put it to cool off.

About 2 hours passed and I went to clean the sword Paul bought and cleaned it. There was probably a traditional way to do this but I just used water magic that was rotating at a high speed to clean the blade. I did this because I could also instantly sharpen the blade by making the water act as a whetstone.

I wrapped the sword up in cloth after putting it back in its scabbard and headed out. I told Philip and Hera that I would be out for a bit and left.

The moon was out and it was cool and dark outside. A soft breeze was blowing and it was quiet outside. The crescent moon was in its waxing phase. It reminded me of Viridian, Hisui, and their family. Their last name meant something like a crescent moon and they always worked in the shadow of our family. Suited for a family of spies and assassins.

I passed the bakery up to the hill and approached the house with the green lanterns.

"Oh, I assume you’re delivering the sword." Old Lady Paula said after opening the door.

I wondered if they got together on purpose since they are a Paul and Paula couple. I handed over the sword and declined any snacks while apologizing for being late.

“That is fine young man, you never stated a time and we old people have a lot of time on our hands. Are you sure you don't want to come in?”

I’m fine, I need to check on my buddies.

"Be careful young lad, the animals have been restless lately." I waved goodbye to old lady Paula and thought about the words that she said.

I recalled the green sewer rats fleeing from something. Is this related? I wanted to investigate when something scared the shit out of me.

“Found you!” Because I was deep in thought I was slow to react and wind magic lifted me and I got hit by magic which was known for its ability to capture animals and people.

Charlize, in a good mood now that she captured me, carried me by levitating me toward her house. Never have I been as afraid as I am now.

We arrived at Charlize's house and she dropped me off in the living room after which she went to the kitchen.

Yoo Greg. I said to the tied-up Gregory who seemingly also got captured.

Shit, they managed to capture you too? I was about to send you a telepathic message requesting an intervention for you to save me. Gregory seemed as if he had been here for a while as he looked relatively comfortable despite being bound.

Yeah, I let my guard down, sorry.

I can't believe they stooped so low to lure me in with food.

Wait what?

Yeah, because I couldn't sell anything, and even worse because I broke everything and had to go without dinner. Gregory said with a downcast expression.

They offered me sweet potato cake.

You sure do love your potatoes…

Potatoes are the best!

Let's agree to disagree. So, you got trapped because of food?

I hate to admit it but yeah.

Charlize and Cecilia came out of the kitchen.

“Aah, I see you two caught up”, Cecilia said while she put a purple cake on the table.

Cecilia was a member of Charlize's former adventure group. She wasn't as strong as Charlize but she was a troublesome opponent.

“Our daughters will arrive soon so make yourselves comfortable.”

I would if you would release these restraints.

Yeah, these ropes are uncomfortable.

“Hmm, I can release Gregory because he isn't super-fast but Agnis should be kept restrained.”

“Are you sure Charlize? What will our daughters think when they find out we restrained them?”

“They will find out, either way, I finally caught Agnis, I'm not gonna ruin this rare chance.”

Yoo, how did she manage to catch you? Were you fast asleep or something?

Hmm kinda, I was distracted. Something seemed amiss and I was deep in thought when she sneak-attacked me.

Hmm, I see. Gregory tried to take a pensive stance but was unable to due to his restraints.

I'm still surprised someone as smart as you got caught in a simple food trap.

Shut up! I was hungry, ok? And back at you! Charlize found you because of some vague ability like intuition? Such nonsense! She probably was looking for disturbances in airflow and currents. Going into stealth or using illusions doesn't erase your physical body, it just hides it!

That! I haven't thought of that…

For someone as smart as you, you got caught by a simple detection skill. Gregory shook his head, it did look like he was mocking me though.

Fine, I guess we're even. So, what is the plan Mr. Smartass?

“Charlize, they are doing it again, they are completely ignoring us.”

“That is fine, they won't be able to escape anyway.”

I assume going tailed beast mode on them is not an option? Can't you just freeze them into an ice cube or something?

Are you crazy? You want me to kill them?

Nono, I mean with normal ice, not ice ice and you need to call it something else it's hard to distinguish what ice you mean.

How about I call ice element, frost element, and regular ice stays ice, so if I talk about ice, it's just normal ice, and when I mention frost you know it is serious?

Works for me, just use ice.

Aight, here we go...

I tried to activate my magic circle but it got blocked

Oh, my magic is blocked…

Hmm, that actually makes a lot of sense.

Yah, I could use this weird energy though.

You don't need magic to move it?

Not really, it doesn't interact with magic, more so it can be used to break through magic-based stuff as if anything magic-related is made out of paper.

But the problem is?... still that voice and it is hard to control.

Yes, I also need to be able to move to use it, which I can't do at the moment. But I can use some simple movements and try to break these restraints. I won't be able to control it well though its power will range from breaking the restraints without anyone noticing to blowing up this house.

Uhh, maybe we should make another plan

“Hmm Agnis what is wrong? You’re moving around a lot. Oh, look! Our daughters are home.”

I was struggling, at least it looked like that, to get in the right movements to move the energy to go through my magic restraints and break them.

Charlize’s and Cecilia’s daughters entered the living room and what they saw were 2 guys tied up trying to break free from their restraints.

Oh great, you girls, can you help us out? Your moms kidnapped us for some obscure reasons!

Yah, we will just go to not disturb your get-together!

“Ooh, you finally caught him, mom!” One of the daughters said.


Oh no.

A girl of about 14 years old approached me and inspected me. She looked… for the lack of better words, plain. I know it is rude to say but she looked like a background character #17. Which was weird because her mother was anything but plain. The same was true for Cecilia’s daughter.

Psst, Greg, this is worse than I thought, these girls seem as crazy as their moms.

I didn't expect this either, but don't you think this is odd? This town has like 6000 inhabitants and we've been living here for about 5 years. How have we never encountered these people?

Gregory seemed as puzzled as I was.

Hmm, I think we might have but since they look like background characters #17 and #18, We might have passed them by but never noticed them.

“You know, we can hear you guys right?” Said the pissed-off background characters #17 and #18.

For some reason, their mothers seemed to be quite angry too. “But that's fiiine because now we will have enough time to get to know each other!”

So how about that idea to blow up the house?

Do it.

I managed to move the energy a bit. But I missed my restraints and hit background character #17.

“Ouch, what was that?”

“What's wrong?” Charlize asked her daughter.

“I don't know if something just hit me!”

But what happened scared the living shit out of me. A crack seemed to appear on her face and they started to spread over her face.

“Kanna! Your makeup! It's cracking!”

Wait what the fuck? Her makeup is cracking? How much is she weari…

At that moment the cracked makeup fell off like porcelain and revealed the most hideous face I’ve ever seen.

It's a troll!

Fear overwhelmed me as I didn't expect a monster to appear so suddenly.

Holy shit! It's a monster!

Gregory and I started to freak out, we did not expect to encounter a mountain troll this abruptly.

“How rude! I’m not a troll or a monster, I'm a normal human being!” The troll said, but Gregory and I weren't listening, we were panicking.

I felt bloodlust as I noticed Charlize giving off killing intent. I was really confused, Charlize was a quite beautiful woman for her age, and I couldn't understand how she could produce such hideous offspring.

Is her husband a troll?

I don't know! But maybe we should not mention any of this, Charlize’s killing intent just spiked.


At that moment something, or more someone, crashed through the window.

Who has come to save the day!

Oh great.

Why do I have the feeling it is only going to get worse now?

“Ooh Raishin, thank you for being a kind boy and telling me that Gregory needed something to eat for dinner and that Agnis was outside all alone in the cold.”

Oh haha, no problem! Raishin patted himself on the chest.

Wait! So, the reason I got bribed with food and Agnis got captured was because of you?!

Of course, these kind ladies offered to help you guys so as a good friend I wanted to make sure you guys would be all right.

Why am I not surprised?

But I noticed you guys were in distress so I will sacrifice myself and hang out with these ladies instead of you guys! Whoa, a troll! You guys need help exterminating this creature?

Raishin got ready for battle.

Aight screw this, no more being careful

I said as I moved the energy by turning my whole body.

Just like the first time when I used this energy it somehow turned all into water and the whole house exploded because of the sheer amount of water that appeared in it. At least it broke my chains.

Ugh more water, please... No more! Gregory said while coughing.

You surely made those ladies wet! Raishin made an annoying face as he moved his eyebrows up and down while spewing that bullshit.

No puns please, Ted isn't here. And let's run!

What about the troll and the ladies?!

Be my guest, I'm running with Agnis! By the way, do you think they will still bake those delicious cakes for us after all this?

Not a chance.

I thought as much.

As Gregory and I ran away, a small tornado appeared around the approximate location where Charlize would have been blown away too. It also started to rain but the sky was clear.

I think we properly pissed them off.

Don't think just run! I said as I laid some ice traps.

Gregory followed suit and laid some earth traps.

Where is Raishin?

Beats me but we don't have the luxury to deal with him now! Here they come!

A strong gale swept us off our feet and launched us into the air. I looked around to see where the threat was coming from.

I grabbed Gregory and dodged the incoming waterspout. The rain started to pour and it was sapping our magic and slowing us down. This is a technique I could steal and use later but not now. I landed and ran toward a small indoor mall.

You run and I handle defense?

Good plan.

I dashed while evading small tornadoes, hail the size of tennis balls, and debris flying around from the strong wind while dragging Gregory around.

Gregory used earth magic to create footholds for me and to block incoming hazards. He used his magic sparingly because he wasn't able to suppress his nausea as well as I could.

We arrived at the small indoor mall. I put some water in the lock and froze it to make a key that could open the lock without destroying it.

Why did this mall use a traditional lock and not a magic lock? Good question! There was no need for security because almost everyone knows almost everyone. So, this normally is just to indicate that the place is closed.

Anyone trying to get in would get in. I thought of locking up the place behind me but decided that it would be a waste of time since as I said, anyone who wants to get in could get in. Now that we were free from the rain, we were confined in a limited space, however.

We need to properly shake them off for a while so we can escape to the sewers.

Is there an escape route that doesn't have any water?

None that I know of, sorry.


This small indoor mall only had about 6 stores so there wasn't a lot of space to hide, it was just a small street with a roof, but we liked to call it an indoor mall. But a roof is all we needed to get away from the rain.

How are we going to do this? We’re not exactly adept at preserving our environment when we fight.

Gregory said as he killed the remaining lights with his shadow magic.

I‘m going to test a sword I finished crafting last week.

I made sure to scan out the area and look for possible escape routes.

Do you think you stand a chance?

Nope, that is why you are going to keep Cecilia busy.

Hmm, and how do you suggest I do that without bringing this whole place down? Unless I do something like that my offensive power is non-existent. Gregory gestured that this area seems to have no unpleasant surprises. I gestured back that I didn't find anything suspicious either.

You know how I fight right?

Of course!

How about you try to stay in the poorly lit side over there and harass her with shadows? As long as it's dark enough she won't really know what is going on. If I lose, just use Shadow Meld and escape.

Are you sure? Who knows what they will do to you!

It is fine, they won't kill me, probably.


Let's go with that plan! Here they come.

A pressure wave busted the glass doors that barred entry to the small mall.

“So, you chose a small enclosed space? I can't say that is a wise decision. You can't use your speed here, can you?”

“Charlize! Gregory is running away!”

“You deal with him Cecilia, I’ll discipline Agnis here.”

I'm just curious, why are you so fixated on us? Why not other guys or Raishin?

“Hmm, regrettably Raishin isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he's way better than all those guys your age who just idle around are disrespectful to anyone and everyone, and even seem to still be weaker than you guys who seem to be busy at all times. There is just no contest.”

How about moving to a city with more options?

“You might not know this since you guys arrived here quite recently but the barrier around this city only allows for the inhabitants to leave and enter in the spring and summer and on top of that only once every 10 years. I can't ruin my daughter's youth by waiting 3 more years!”

Wait what? Ted leaves the barrier all the time.

“That is because they intend to return. Leaving the barrier with the intent of never coming back can only be done once every 10 years and since the area around this town is so dangerous most inhabitants don't even bother attempting to leave since moving through these mountains with a lot of stuff will just end up getting you killed. You would have to go light.”

So why would you move here if that is the case?

“I fell in love!”

I see.

I totally didn't understand what she meant by that but I decided to keep the conversation on track.

Charlize started chucking wind blades at me while I was dodging them. I had my sword out but I didn't see any need to use it yet since I still wanted more information on this barrier. Leaving this town could become a royal pain because of that barrier if what she said was true.

Isn't that barrier a big inconvenience then?

“Not really, people take cargo off the hands of merchants on the foot of the mountain so that is not an issue, and most of the people here don't want to leave or don't think it's worth it. Besides, the barrier protects us from giant bears, flying wolves, and mountain trolls.”

But there is one inside the barrier right now!

A huge wind blade got shot toward me and I barely dodged it.

“You really know how to push someone's buttons, you know?”

Thank you.

Charlize dashed towards me augmented with wind and made wind-based claws appear on her right arm.

“That wasn't a compliment!”

I easily parried the claw dash and jumped back. The amount of power behind that blow was no joke! I should parry only when I have no choice. At this moment she wasn't fast enough that I couldn't react with evasive maneuvers.

So, what about if I wanted to leave and set up a blacksmith shop in a big city like Jubra?

“Haha, I'll never allow you to leave! But you couldn't leave even if you wanted to! You guys will still be stuck here for 5 years and that is enough time for Kanna to seduce you!”

I don't think any amount of time is enough for her to seduce me.

The air pressure increased and I started to feel bloodlust again. Woops maybe I should stop talking.

Charlize lunged at me again and I dodged. She picked up speed and even though we were indoors there was a strong wind. I looked back at where Gregory is supposed to be fighting Cecilia and it seems he was successfully trolling her and avoiding a direct fight.

Guess I should stop messing around. I wonder if I could get away without injuring Charlize but since she is so strong, I should go all out.

I focused and activated my Elgards eyes. I made sure my eye color wouldn't change with a mild illusion. Charlize, who was rushing at me again, noticed that my attitude towards the fight changed and she broke off her rush to stay at a distance.

This didn't make any difference to me; I circulated nature energy towards my feet since I wanted to minimize the usage of magic and slashed her wind claws.

Charlize, who did not see what happened exclaimed in surprise. No breaks for her! More wind slashes got sent toward her. I didn't use any wind magic, just the swing of my sword created a pressure wave. She met that attack with a wind blade of herself and we proceeded to throw wind blades at each other.

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