Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 69: The battle rages on (2)

Lord Woodrath who the Northcour swear fealty towards began forcing the noble houses on the North to join Adrian cause.

Not all of the North swear their fealty towards Alderam especially not Lord Woodrath who is affiliated with many of the Lord that dies in the Bloody Feast.

Many of them were firmly on Alderam's side, but not all; Woodrath knew many nobles whose loved ones had perished at the feast.

On the other hand, Arial in the South encountered some battle with the Blacktons and Whitetree family

Those two houses refuse to bend their knee, so Arial and his army, five thousand of them move to the South marching to either force them to bend the knee or perish under his sword.

Adrian remembered the words Arial had spoken to him the night before he had left for the south.

It had shaken him to hear a boy talk so firmly and resolutely: "They will either bend their knee, or their head will be the price for their defiance."

Adrian had received letters from the south and clearly, Arial was doing just as he had said.

The Whitetree House had tried to intercept Arial's march to their stronghold, but Arial's troops had been ready and with the help of a nearby nobleman who had sworn loyalty to the Vermont's, they had attacked and devastated the Whitetree troops.

The battle of Whorleath, where the Whitetree tries to intercept Arial march to their stronghold South Grove.

From the reports and letter, Arial won.

Arial centralize his force and then attack the Whitetree troops, then a force commanded by Fred Lear, another House that swear fealty towards the Vermont who is near and has been receiving many letters from Arial before the battle intercept the Whitetree and wreck many damage to the troops of the Whitetree.

Their battle in Whorleath is decided from then on. When the Whitetree met the young lord, it was under his term.

Now joined by with House Lear, and also some of the Althea troops who followed the young lord to reach Seaworth they intensify their attack

The Althea is comprised of their lord Helve Althea and the Lady Helia though from what he sees and hear, she looks more like a Knight than Lady.

They, of course can return to their stronghold in Sea Worth if they instead went to the West first, a route that undoubtedly safer for the lord.

But it will take much time and the Lady persists in following her fiancé to battle. Young and smart.

Strong and brave. The new generation seems to be braver and stronger.

Their battle took place on an open ground chosen by Arial himself, to give him full advantage of his superior force and his strong cavalry.

The Whitetree decided to take up a defensive position, dug a trench to their rear and fortified their front lines with sharp stakes.

The lords of the Whitetree goaded and insults the young lord calling him milksop, an embarrassment, a tyrant yet he was calm and letting the Lord mock him.

Arial had maintained his emotion.

He must have sensed that even with his superior number the Whitetree is planning something.

It was at night when the Whitetree stopped their goading an insult, and unprepared, believing that the young lord was scared.

It is at this time that the counterattack began.

The young lord charged first with fire arrows in the night, forcing the Whitetree to charge Arial troops which was followed by an infantry charge by Arial killing many of the Whitetree.

Chaos filled the battlefield, the night lit to fire.

The cavalry stampeded the enemy forces, men become meat paste under the furious and heavy stampeding of the cavalry.

Then Arial charge the Whitetree with his cavalry and a fierce melee ensues.

It was at this that the people in the war was more awed when the young lord charged and killed many of the enemy troops single handedly and it was at this time he killed Lord Brad Whitetree.

The Whitetree demoralized with the losing of their lord, and seeing the massive troops of the Vermont broke their lines and fled.

Arial armies were unstoppable. His cavalry is the perfect killing machine. Arial give pursuit and cut down many of the fleeing Whitetree troops.

Then he marches unchallenged to Whitetree and rest in their castle the South White Hall, while the minor lords that swear their fealty to the Whitetree, now bend their knee to the Vermont's.

The family of the Whitetree is imprisoned until after the war ended. But their prisons are fine, especially since they are noble.

They will be well fed.

Now Arial marches to Blacktons while the Althea march back to Sea Worth to raise their banner for Adrian and probably subjugate the rest of the South.

They most likely will go through Bush Haven and from then on march to Ales, ruled by Hugh Ales, another lord who has already swear fealty to the Crown then they will reach Cape of Blood and from then on, they can march straight to their home.

'The Blacktons, huh. Stubborn lot' Adrian thought to himself.

The Three Brothers, Lord Hugh Ales, Lord John Lonne, Lord Will Trouts will join Arial attack towards Blacktons.

Arial troops is currently resting in the forest near Blacktons and has already constructed a war tent and waited there.

He must want the Blacktons to bend their knee without battle.

'Huuh' Adrian sighed again

Adrian wondered if, with Arial by his side, he could actually win this war. A knocking sound at the door jolted him from his musings.

"Enter," he called, and Sir Baldwin pushed open the door.

"Your Highness, there is a knight who wishes to swear his loyalty."

Adrian was taken by surprise. Any knight who wished to swear his loyalty could easily do so to Sir Baldwin. Adrian glanced at his desk full of battle reports from all over the Kingdom.

"You can handle it," said Adrian, gesturing for him to leave. "I'm occupied."

"No, my liege. This one you must attend yourself. He is a son of a great noble house," Baldwin snorted.

At his words a young knight entered. His blond hair flowed like a lion's mane, his blue eyes glinting.

Adrian guessed he was sixteen in years, and in his armor, he looked every bit a knight as he did an elegant noble son.

"I present to you, Sir West of House Palais," Baldwin said, bowing.

Adrian's mouth fell open. A son of a great noble indeed. He could not hide his shock.

House Palais, one of the biggest enemies of House Vermont and backer of Alderam's campaign. Adrian stared at him coldly.

"And why," he said slowly, "do you wish to swear your loyalty to me? Why not my brother?"

The boy kneeled. "The decisions of my House do not reflect my choices, Your Highness. I do not agree with my father's opinion, nor do I accept his actions."

"Is that so?" said Adrian with a raised eyebrow. "How is it that you have left the Knight Academy? If I am not mistaken, only a Knight Brother can leave the castle grounds."

"The Knight Academy has closed itself, its towers were closed, their city gate barred. They fear that this war will also involve them so they sent many of the trainees back to their land. As you understand, there are a lot of sons of noble, some from distant lands, some are not. The Knight Master fears that any of the forces would use the noble's children as leverage."

"Are you implying my force would do such a thing?" Adrian said, anger creeping into his voice. "Did you hear of the Bloody Feast? Now that is a force you should be wary of!"

"Permission to speak truthfully, Your Highness?" asked West, his voice irritatingly calm.

"Fine, speak it!"

"In times of war, men become beasts. Just because you haven't killed them yet, it doesn't mean you won't. Forgive me if my words offend you."

Adrian was speechless. What West said was true. Who was to say that in an act of desperation Adrian wouldn't do just that?

"Is your loyalty to me real? Or are you a traitor?" Adrian watched the boy closely as he spoke. "Once you give your oath, it is binding."

Adrian is thinking right now while waiting for West answer

He is the son of Palais. The Vermont is their enemy and likewise. What if he accepted him and the Vermont is offended?

West is a son of a great lord, while Arial, is a son of strong lord who have the force of ten thousand strong soldiers which day by day increase.

Lords great and small, old and young offer their sword and fealty to the young lord and the news of his victory against the Whitetree surely spread all over the Kingdom by now which only boots his reputation even more

A young but capable lord. And wealthy.

Surely by now his initial five thousand men is now double of that strength with all the other Houses in the South that swear fealty to him raise their banners and follow his march.

"I swear my loyalty to the true King of Alan," said West.

Adrian's mind worked in a rush. Having the son of the House of Palais in his court could be advantageous.

And it will add to his legitimacy.

Although the Palais family was despised by many of the common folk, lots of nobles had ties with them.

House Vermont may be the strongest, but if to gain the nobles favor it is very good to have a Palais in my court.

Many of the Noble Houses in the North still swear fealty to House Palais. And that is why Henry can raise an army.

Before he couldn't, not when all the lords threatened to fight him, but now all those lords are dead.

Now if he brought a Palais when he wins this war, if he wins, he would install him as the Great Houses in the North and no one will object.

If on the other hand he put Aldrey Woodrath, a Knight turned lord as one of their Great Houses Adrian doubt the Northron lords will be pleased, not to mention he is descended from the South.

House Vermont was undoubtedly the strongest, but with the addition of a Palais they could become solid.

"Your Highness?" Baldwin asked from behind West.

"It seems to me that your intentions are pure," said Adrian finally. "You have chosen the right person to give your loyalty to, and I accept. You will be put under the leadership of Sir Baldwin. Bring victory to our cause."

"I swear it by the God of Light," West nodded.

Then he gestured West and Baldwin to get out of the room. He need to finish reading the document before dark came.

There are many things to read, many things to sign. Adrian hope employing West is not a mistake.

There is also the letter of a marriage from Vangua, Seren and Vern offering their daughter to him, a marriage that would surely give him more allies.

Even Renasia sent an offer. Princess Rhyssa Renasi, the heir to the Kingdom of Renasia.

But Renasia is so far away, what good will it does for him, here in Alan to secure an alliance with them so far away.

Adrian grab a parchment and quill and began writing to Arial. The young lord. Young and capable.

He never let himself forget that.

Young and capable of anger. Young and have a ten thousand strong soldiers behind him. Some young lord can be patronized, ignored, even forgotten

But a young lord that control so large an army and force of military arm? No, that is the kind of young lord you don't want to offend, patronize or forget

That is the kind of young lord you appease.

The light of day was already fading, and his eyelids were growing heavy. He hoped he had not just made a fatal mistake.


Next chapter tomorrow and please if you like it please recommend it and vote for it. Huhuhu. And leave some comments

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