Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 179 The Northern Plains Are in Chaos

Wilcox looked at the knights in the village, he was very curious about these soldiers from Winter Town.

The Lord Baron Glamorgan has already left, and the kingdom ceremonial officer named Elias Parker has also left, but it does not mean that people in Iron Water Village can pretend that the other party has never been here and continue to live in this place. place to live.

Because the knight named Gareth Stanton stayed behind with his soldiers, monitoring and urging the villagers of Iron Water Village to move.

Some people expressed dissatisfaction in private, thinking that the people in Cold Winter Town were too domineering, but no one dared to tell those soldiers face to face.

No matter how much they complain in private, everyone is packing their bags and preparing to leave early tomorrow morning.

Fortunately, these soldiers in Cold Winter Town did not confiscate everyone's private property. Enough travel expenses.

Coupled with the large-scale development of the northern plains, there are many villages in this area. Even if you go in the wrong direction and miss a village, there is a high probability that you will find another village soon.

They don't have to worry about losing their way on the northern plains. If they can't, they can use the iron tree forest as a reference. As long as they keep a sufficient distance from the iron tree forest, they don't have to worry about the elves in the forest coming out to attack them.

It's just that these people have different ideas about where to go.

Some people want to go to other villages to see the situation, at least get through this winter first, otherwise they have worked so hard to go to the northern plains, and the food they get is not enough to support them to go back to Iron Tree Fort, and then live in peace all winter.

Some want to go back to Iron Tree Fort directly. These people are basically contract farmers of the Barnett family. They don't have to worry about being unable to survive the winter. They will continue to serve the Barnett family after returning.

The last small group of people want to go to the town of cold winter.

These people were free farmers outside Iron Tree Fort, that is, the group of people who had learned about Cold Winter Town from the kingdom's propaganda and came to the north hoping to change their lives.

It's just that I stopped in Tieshui Village halfway, wasting more than half a year of time and energy in vain.

Early the next morning, the villagers of Tieshui Village had brought all their belongings and divided into two teams.

One of them has animals pulling carts, and there are also carts that can load a lot of supplies. They are heading towards Iron Tree Fort, and they will pass through several villages on the way. If there are people who want to try their luck in the surrounding villages, they can also go with them.

The other team has a small number of people, and most of them only resist one bag, which is all their belongings.

These people only brought a small part of the food, and 'sold' the rest of the food in their hands to other people in the village, and planned to use the money to go to Rindong Town to start again.

To everyone's surprise, Wilcox is also standing in this team. It seems that he is also planning to go to Cold Winter Town.

Floyd glanced at Wilcox, and then glanced at the people in the other team, and found that these people didn't pay the slightest attention to Wilcox, the former interim manager of Iron Water Village, and just Knowing that this guy's popularity in Iron Water Village may not be very good.

Mr. Wilcox, aren't you planning to go back and report the situation here to the Barnett family?

Of course other people will report to the Barnett family about the situation in Iron Water Village, and the nobles of the Barnett family will not talk to me.

He gained the right to speak in Iron Water Village by holding Amamantis' thigh. Now that Amamantis is dead, he loses everything.

When he returned to Iron Tree Fort, he had no way to start from scratch. At that time, his situation was not much better than those begging on the street.

Instead of this, it is better to go to Cold Winter Town, maybe there will be a better way out.

Just like now, didn't I have a conversation with a knight master? Through a few exchanges, Wilcox already knew that this knight lord named Floyd was one of the guard knights of Baron Glamorgan, the lord of Winter Town.

If I can build a good relationship with this Floyd knight master, maybe I can still get a good job?

For example, running errands for Master Floyd Knight?

With his own calculations in mind, Wilcox followed the heavily armed soldiers towards the town of Winter.

There was no attack along the way, and the terrain was flat, and it hadn't rained recently, and the road conditions were good, so even if they walked a little slower, they arrived in Cold Winter Town soon.

Looking at the wooden house that appeared in the distance, everyone in the company was a little disappointed; but when they saw the 'tall' palace that had been built, they felt that this cold winter town was not that bad.

Especially when passing through a large area of ​​farmland, the eyes of these farmers are shining.

These farmers have lived on the northern plains for more than half a year, have experienced at least one round of planting, and know what the crops in Tieshui Village are like.

It is incomparable with the situation in the farmland of Rinwinter Town, it is not like a farmland on a piece of land.

This...why do the crops here grow so well?

Has Cold Winter Town taken over the most fertile land on the northern plain?

No wonder there is such an outrageous border line. It must be that Lord Baron knows how rich this land is, and how barren the land in other places is.

Hey, to be honest, if I knew about this situation, I would have drawn a line early on to avoid being known about my family's situation.

The surrounding farmers had everything to say, but their tone became much more relaxed.

Obviously, the situation of the farmland in Lindong Town gave these farmers hope for the future, and they felt that they had made the right choice.


Wilcox noticed another thing: There are not many people in Winter Town.

Everyone didn't feel much when they only focused on the farmland, but after walking forward for a while, they noticed the busy construction site in the distance, where many people were busy.

In addition, what shocked everyone the most were the green metal giants - I saw them from a distance just now, but didn't pay much attention to them, thinking they were just strange buildings or plants, and everyone just looked at the farmland.

Looking back, I found that those metal giants were also busy on the construction site. In addition to the giants, there were also things of the same color but strange looking things (mixer trucks).

While looking at it with a face full of shock, they discussed in a low voice what it was?

Wilcox was also thinking about what it was, but instead of staring at the giant, he began to look at other places in Winter Town.

Very ordinary wooden houses, except for the huge palace, Rinwinter Town looks not much different from the Iron Water Village they built.

But he noticed that stone pavements had been laid around the palace, and judging from the signs, these stone pavements would spread out for a long distance and cover a large area.

He realized that Cold Winter Town was undergoing infrastructure construction, and the palace was built first, probably because it belonged to Lord Glamorgan's residence.

While Wilcox was looking around, he soon saw a tall blond woman walking towards him and others.

This is Eva McKenna, the clerk of Cold Winter Town, and the clerk will register for you next...

Wilcox really wanted to chat with Floyd a little more, but after the knight finished speaking, he rode away...

Floyd is going to report the situation to David. The main reason is that this trip brought back 17 free farmers from Iron Water Village. They are currently being registered by Eva McKenna, and David will get them from Eva later. more detailed reports.

Where is Iron Water Village?

According to your lord's instructions, after making sure everyone has moved to a safe distance, please ask Ms. Arcie to completely destroy it.

Although Floyd didn't understand David's order a little bit, he still carried it out firmly.

In fact, in his opinion, they can completely transform Tieshui Village into a sentry post. Anyway, it is not far from the original southern sentry post, so it can be regarded as the expansion of Cold Winter Town to the south.

Don't be distressed, compared to the influence brought about by letting Arcee destroy a new village in front of countless people, a few broken houses are nothing at all.

Freud didn't expect Lord Glamorgan to explain it to himself. This seems to mean that the Lord's trust in him has increased?

At the same time, he also thought of the shocked expression on the other group of people who hadn't gone far when they saw Arcee falling from the sky and using missiles and machine guns to completely destroy a village in the blink of an eye.

These people will definitely spread what they saw and heard today to other villages.

Maybe it won't be long before the rumors of 'The Baron of Glamorgan of Cold Winter Village owns a terrifying pink flying dragon' will spread throughout the northern plains, right?

Floyd's guess was still conservative. What he didn't know was that Vanessa Van Cleef, who was outside to listen to the surrounding situation, received a new task: to spread the news of the terrifying flying dragon in Cold Winter Town.

In order to help Vanessa better complete this task, Arcee will increase the number and distance of patrols recently, and occasionally fly over the surrounding villages and towns at low altitude.

The main purpose of David doing this is of course to intimidate;

The secondary purpose is to see if it can cause panic in the surrounding villages and towns, and even directly ignite the powder kegs in some villages and towns that are on the verge of eruption.

He didn't wait too long, and after only three days, Vanessa sent back the news: Sean Forrest had attacked the villages and towns located in the southeast of Frost Chill Town.

And Sean Forrester's attack on neighboring villages and towns seemed to send some kind of signal.

Many villages and towns on the northern plains have fallen into a state of melee. The villages and towns that used to be An Anxin to farm independently have started to plunder.

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